Of The Moon Folk
103 posts
28. UK. She/they. BI. Stranger things and Steddie brain rot. Ofthemoonfolk on twt too.
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ofthemoonfolk · 3 months ago
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Steve running late for Corroded Coffin’s first headline show, manages to get himself to the front row just as Eddie walks out in nothing but skin tight pants, boots and his sweetheart hung around his shoulders. Steve’s in love
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ofthemoonfolk · 10 months ago
What if I said, autistic Steddie stimming after a hard day to regulate?
I’m thinking Eddie rocking to music on the floor and Steve coming to join him cause the music is making his brain tingle in a good way
Steve cooking in the kitchen letting his hands flap and him bouncing in joy when he tastes the food and it’s perfect, Eddie watching him with big doe eyes until Steve gives him a taste and then he joins Steve’s bouncing because his happiness is infectious
Them both sitting watching some show and quietly humming to themselves, then Eddie hears a character make a funny noise so he starts making the noise too and because he made the noise Steve has to make it too
Eddie getting zoomies before they climb into bed which ends in a game of chase around the apartment because he’s been playfully teasing Steve so he gets a reaction out of him until Steve tackles him to the bed and before he can roll to the side so he doesn’t squish Eddie, he tightens his arms around Steve and uses him as a weighted blanket before rolling them over and being a weight for Steve too and that’s how they fall asleep tightly holding each other because it feels good and they are just so happy
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ofthemoonfolk · 1 year ago
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Modern day Steddie
Eddie was missing his baby and wanted to tease him, he just wasn’t expecting Steve to tease him right back
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ofthemoonfolk · 1 year ago
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First time drawing Steddie
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
Bandaids for the Heart
Chapter 9: MEDICINE
Posting this because I really want to get back to normal🩷
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie hears him. He keeps his eyes closed and just listens- to Steve grumbling to himself when his hair doesn’t sit quite right, who starts to hum and whisper some catchy song. Eddie turns his sleepy gaze onto Steve as he shuffles around their room- watching quietly as he slips on his clothes, his shoes, a simple chain with Eddie’s ring around his neck. A warm, affectionate smile breaks across his face. Before he leaves, Steve glances at what he expects to be a sleeping Eddie, but instead, he’s met with a rasped, ‘Hey.’ Eddie sits himself up, stretches his arm across Steve’s side of the bed, and reaches, fingers wiggling. Steve crosses the room to cradle his face.
Their foreheads press, noses bump, and Steve brushes his fingers across scars and dimples.
He breathes a quiet,
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.’
Eddie huffs a tired laugh,
‘You know I never mind.’
Because, yeah.
Every morning Steve tries to stay quiet while he gets ready for work, but Eddie always hears him.
( another one from the poll | WIP )
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
modern au where eddie and robin are roommates and steve is italian <3
eddie has always known that his roommate robin is in the US for college, but grew up in and is from italy. sure, sometimes he forgets, because she somehow has a near-perfect american accent and also speaks two other languages, but he’s always known.
and for the past year and a bit, he’s known how much robin wants her best friend stevie to come visit. she talks about them all the time, and ever since she and eddie moved out of the dorms and into an apartment together for their next year of university a month ago, he’s known stevie is going to come and visit.
he just kind of forgot the exact day stevie would be arriving.
so when he, clad in nothing but his garfield pyjama pants and a metallica t-shirt that’s falling apart, walks into the kitchen one morning and sees someone he doesn’t know at the kitchen counter fiddling with their instant coffee machine, he almost shits himself.
luckily, he doesn’t, because he remembers in that split second that stevie was due to arrive last night. but he still flinches pretty hard at the fright and grabs for the nearest grabbable thing, which turns out to be the doorframe. somehow, he makes a noise loud enough to get the mystery person’s attention, and they turn around.
holy shit. eddie did not know stevie is hot. or that stevie’s actually a guy. he kind of just assumed, with the nickname and all? but the man standing there looks like he could’ve been carved by the gods eddie doesn’t believe in, and- eddie realises he’s been staring at the guy for a few seconds now, and decides to talk like a normal human being. he first adjusts his position so he’s no longer holding onto the archway of the kitchen for support, and smiles at the guy.
“hi, you must be stevie?” he offers, and stevie takes a few seconds to process his words before nodding with a smile.
“my name is steve. robbie just is… hm, silly?”
eddie blinks a couple times, because steve has an accent. a thick one. he should’ve expected that, because- hello? they’re both literally from italy. but it catches him off guard, and adds to steve’s hot factor. why didn’t robin warn him about this.
“yeah, robin is very silly.” he agrees with a chuckle, and then realises steve might not know him, “i’m eddie. robin’s roommate. you probably knew that already though, so now i probably look like an idiot. well- more of an idiot than i already do in these clothes…”
he lets his words trail off as he realises steve is frowning at him in subtle confusion. he’s picked up robin’s rambling-when-nervous habit over their friendship, and hot guys tend to make him pretty nervous. but then he realises maybe steve isn’t as fluent in english as robin is, and even if he is eddie’s a fast talker that doesn’t always pronounce things fully.
“i am sorry,” steve looks embarrassed, “my english is not as good as robin.”
eddie feels so guilty at the pink that’s made itself known on steve’s cheeks, and shakes his head immediately.
“no! you don’t need to be sorry. i just talk a lot when i’m nervous.” he confesses. why did he say that? now steve knows he’s nervous. or does he? maybe he didn’t catch his full sentence.
steve raises one eyebrow at eddie though, and one side of his mouth quirks up into a smile as he turns around to keep trying to make himself a cup of coffee.
“i am making you nervous? why?” steve asks, his back still turned. now eddie’s the one with red cheeks. dammit.
“it’s because eddie here thinks you’re hot, stevie.”
eddie’s flinch at robin’s magical appearance behind him is somehow more spectacular than earlier, and he clutches dramatically at his heart and spins around to glare at robin.
“robin! what the fuck, man!” he yelps when he realises what she’s said. but robin isn’t listening, she’s too busy speaking to steve in italian about who knows what.
probably about how she knows all eddie’s tells for when he finds a guy attractive and how she knows eddie’s type and steve checks every single box. or, eddie squints at the pair as robin tsks at steve and takes over manning the coffee machine, maybe robin’s just telling steve how to make a coffee with the machine?
“you think i am…” steve starts as he spins around to look at eddie, and seems to be searching for a word for a few moments, “attractive?”
eddie’s eyes widen, and then he sighs and fixes a glare on robin. robin just shrugs and makes a very insincere ‘oopsie’ expression, and eddie is about to start denying like his life depends on it, but he looks back at steve.
and steve has that blush back on his face, and a tiny smile, and he’s looking eddie up and down even in his ridiculous outfit.
“um, yes.” eddie practically squeaks, not used to having someone’s eyes on him like this.
steve says something to robin in italian that sounds like it ends with a question mark, and robin rolls her eyes.
“steve wants me to translate a pick up line he wants to use on you, but i literally refuse to do that. google translate is free.”
and with that, she leaves the kitchen.
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
Little Free Library
T (Language/Bullying) no upside down meet cute. Anonymous notes in borrowed books. Steddie.
Every two weeks like clockwork Steve rode his bike to the corner of Main and Second Street. In the parkway across from an adorable pastel painted lady type house was a Little Free Library painted in a similar motif as the house.
These public tiny house looking structures were placed around town in front of homes who volunteered to have them, the concept was simple: take a book, leave a book. A quaint book sharing and community building feature.
His friend group consisted of a gaggle of nerdy high school freshmen and three seniors. A band geek, his ex girlfriend and the guy she left him for, respectively. Since they were all students they adhered to school hours.
Steve, well, he was still figuring things out.
The kids and Nancy were busy leading up to spring break, Steve didn’t really seek out one on one time with Jonathan. Robin he saw on their overlapping Family Video shifts, but outside of that he was bored. Like soul-crushingly bored.
Even in the early days of Tommy and Carol and the entire sporting teams coming to his parties he had still gotten like this-
He tried to avoid the word, lonely. Sometimes in his mind he could admit that one to himself.
Just never out loud.
It made him feel fucking lame.
To the point that he had started reading…for fun. He had picked up some of his mom’s old romance novels and they were awful yet he was hooked. When he told Dustin he had gotten into reading pointedly leaving out the books he started with Dustin was supremely proud of him and suggested a few fantasy series to dive into but once Steve discovered the Little Library system he liked the chance of reading someone else’s donated books.
He knew what people in Hawkins thought of him. Aside from the kids who had the Hell Fire campaign they never shut up about along with other interests keeping them busy and his smattering of age appropriate friends he felt like he lived his day to day routine with a neon sign over his head lighting up with the glowing words, ‘peaked in high school’.
He tried not to let it bother him. He co-managed the Family Video now with Keith. It was a promotion. In a handful of weeks Robin would be working full time to save up before heading off to college come the end of the summer.
Circumstances at Scoops Ahoy had brought them together and had shook Steve out of his asshole jock phase midway through his high school career. Traumatic instances had a way of doing that to people. Being held up during a robbery and putting his wellbeing on the line to keep Robin safe bonded them for life.
His past two summers had been marked with an intense situation the one before he had rescued a tiny Will Byers from a brush with death at the quarry and subsequently adopted a gaggle of pre-teens when he was sixteen.
Bullies holding the small boy underwater and laughing until an upset and frightened El threw a magnificent punch and an actual brawl broke out with Steve overhearing the commotion, running over, and doing CPR on Will until paramedics got there. It had happened so fast he had no chance to process.
Earlier the same year Nancy declared him bullshit and the trajectory of his life changed.
To say the past two summers had changed the course of his life was an understatement. It left him still floundering to what he wanted to do or be. He just was positive he didn’t want to follow in his fathers footsteps.
He had already tried that in high school. Desperately seeking his absent parents approval. he didn’t want to just be some attitude wielding asshole only good for an empty house allowing fun parties  and a decent fuck.
Now he was nineteen, working customer service, hadn’t seen his parents in about… four months and was eyeing the book selections for his upcoming week.
Sure Steve could go to the actual library or even the cute book and gaming store the next town over that the kids were obsessed with, but he had kind of become enamored with the comments someone left in the books they donated.
He had found them tucked in the first book he had grabbed a handful of months ago, then sought them out- all lovingly tucked between the pages of the four books he had chosen from the Little Library set up. He started leaving his own notes in return.
Like he was searching for his fix from this clever and often funny mystery person. His fingers danced along the spines of his selections a lot still standing in the very same spots as they were two weeks ago. His hand paused over a new addition, The Hobbit, Dustin was going to shit himself when Steve told him about his finding.
He pulled the book out as he cracked open the spine to hopefully find what he was looking for and, a ha, it had it.
Tucked between the front cover and the first page was a pale yellow post-it note with the erratic but fully legible handwriting he’d grown to recognize over the past few months,
This is a classic, I keep my original next to my bed, but this copy needs a home: To whomever reads this welcome to a great fantasy/adventure- buckle up this is one of the best your brain will possibly ever take! Led Zeppelin thinks this shit is cool- do you think your opinion is better than Zeppelin?! I think not! But I do think the elves would be stoic but HOT.
Steve chuckled at the words as he ran his fingertips over the piece of paper and smiled to himself. He allowed himself to flip the pages and see there were about five more tucked throughout the book. Little thoughts and annotations the reader had left in his wake. Steve felt a slight rush at knowing what he had to look forward to these next two weeks.
A giddiness buzzed under his skin like the beginnings of childhood crushes and the promise of something new.
He tucked the worn copy under his arm and swung his leg over the second hand red Schwinn he had scored from a garage sale a few weeks ago. He figured with his ever constant carting of the kids and Robin saving some extra money on gas this way would help him keep building up his nest egg to finally be out from under his parents thumb.
He heard the rattle of a massive clunker of a van pass by as he tucked his own book into the newly vacated space, The Matchmakers, it had been a book from his mom’s book club and Steve had actually read it when he couldn’t stare at the TV any longer. He knew she wouldn’t even notice it gone and it deserved to find a new home in the adorable take a book leave a book set up.
It was a romance about a single mom whose kid picks out the right guy for her to date. It had been horribly cheesy, but Steve had devoured it. Even felt like Dustin kind of fit the role of meddling kid the way he always pushed Steve towards Robin. Which would never happen.
He left his own blocky lettered note on a torn out sheet of lined paper tucked between the cover and first page, Cheesy as hell but damn if I don’t find meddling brats endearing. I gotta admit the notion of someone for everyone is a little comforting too.
He felt lame leaving the notes, had an inkling his note person sought his out too and would reference them sometimes in the post-its throughout the book they’d leave behind. He felt less lame when he remembered no one would know it was him. Hell most of the town figured Steve could barely read. He wouldn’t be anyone’s first guess.
He zipped his jacket up to his throat to block some of the still cold spring chill and rode off to finish his ritual: book exchange, bike to get cheese fries at the diner, bike home, start aforementioned book and hopefully fall asleep.
He thought of his old friends away at schools and most likely partying between exams as he rode into the wind. It hit in a bittersweet spot between his ribs. He tried to shake the feeling as the sun peeked out between the clouds and kissed his cheeks with a passing warmth. The note said this would be an adventure and Steve thought he could use some of that right about now.
He couldn’t wait to tell Dustin he was finally reading The Hobbit.
Eddie’s lemon of a van death-rattled past the small intersection of Main and Second street. For a moment he thought he was hallucinating as he saw the unmistakable swoop of bronze hair and shoulders encased in a dark brown bomber jacket, Steve Harrington.
He couldn’t escape him. In fact most of his Hellfire kids wouldn’t shut up about the guy. For a moment Eddie paused, it couldn’t be him.
The books and notes he’d been leaving in the Little Library- there was no way.
The guy could buy a new book every day and never run through his parent’s reserves he scoffed to himself over the thought.
He figured he’d been exchanging words with a lonely housewife or an elderly widower or some shit, not his fucking peer. He watched from his rearview mirror as Steve biked further into town. Eddie wasn’t known for stellar impulse control so in the least graceful way his brakes screeched dramatically as he pulled a U-turn and followed along.
Steve locked his bike up outside the diner. He untucked his new to him book from under his arm and walked in, “Hey Heidi!” He said amicably to the matronly woman who often was running the whole establishment.
“Stevie, honey, you’re like clockwork. Where’s your kiddos?” She asked with a smudge of red lipstick on her front tooth.
Steve shrugged, “Can you believe they’re hard at work on some science project? Guess it’s due right before spring break.”
She walked over to his favorite booth and sat with him as he caught her up on all things kid and Robin related.
“Your parents around?” She brought up. Going for stealthy but Steve saw through it.
Steve clammed up a little, Dustin had divulged one day how his mom made Steve casseroles since he’s alone more often than not, “Uh, not at the moment, business trips.” He turned up the charm with a big smile, “I mean house all to myself? Not so bad.”
She patted his arm, “You got that right sweetie, tell me about your newest book and I’ll get your regular started?” She asked as she slid from the booth.
“You’re an angel Heidi,” Steve grinned, “ This is actually a great find! Dustin has been bitching at-“ He gave her an apologetic look, “uh, I mean hounding me to read this since I’ve known the little geek.”
The bell over the door to the diner rang as a long haired and tattooed guy Steve knew immediately as Eddie Munson waltzed in. All swinging arms and fluid movement with wavy brown hair wind tousled around his face with a fading bruise over his left eye.
Steve had always noticed Eddie Munson.
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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[image description: a digital drawing of eddie munson bridal carrying steve harrington. they're both wearing dark shirts, but eddie's jeans are black and steve's are blue. the hand holdingup steve'slegs isalsoholding his shoes, so you cansee that steve's socks are white with grey accents. eddie's in his battle vest with his hair down, head leaning down slightly like he's saying something. he's smiling withhis mouth open. steve has a red sweater over his head, and is laughing. the background is a very dark red-brown. /end id.]
one of the few pieces of fanart i have an actual title for: secret idenitity
basically i had this idea of corroded coffin becoming a little bit famous, and steve not being wanting to be in the public eye or whatever but still wanting to support his boyfriend so eddie just started throwing random stuff over his face - sometimes he walks on his own and eddie just sorta tugs him along and warns him of obstacles, and other times eddie just carries him bc it’s quicker
this specific scene is probably the first time they did it (there were photographers or something outside so eddie's just stripped steve of his sweater and then chucked over his face and gone "perfect" and then scooped him up, which is why steve can’t stop laughing)
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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Steve gets to listen to Ozzy. Proper musical education is important!
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
Okay I’m having autistic Steve thoughts.
Steve who masks so well that no one realises he’s autistic, especially not himself until one day everything finally gets too much and he has a huge meltdown. Like I’m imagining he’s at family video, the lights are too loud and bright, the music playing over the radio is sending him insane, customers are being rude and some of them keep touching him, he knows they’re meant to be friendly touches but they’re making his skin crawl. The phone keeps ringing, it’s mostly the kids ringing to see when he gets off because they want rides.
After he has his break in the back room, he thinks he’s managed to reign in this weird too much feeling he gets sometimes, he’s pretty confident he can finish his shift and get home before his brain shuts down for the night. He doesn’t expect Eddie and his band to come in, he knows Eddie has only dragged the rest of them there because he wanted to see Steve, but they’re being so loud. He’s trying to ignore the way that Jeff and Gareth’s loud laughing and play fighting is making his skin crawl.
He doesn’t realise that he’s starting to repeatedly tense and relax the muscles in his hands, the way he’s quietly started humming to himself. He knows that he wants to tug on his hair and hit his chest but he also knows if he starts he won’t stop. He doesn’t know why he does it, just knows that when he’s alone at home and he needs to calm down that those things help.
The final straw though is Jeff accidentally stumbling into the shelf that Steve had just recently reorganised at the same time the phone rings (again) and the song on the radio changes for an obnoxiously loud jingle.
Steve doesn’t know it’s going to happen until it does, it’s suddenly like everything is too much, his shirt is uncomfortable, his pants are too tight, too many sounds, too many lights and if he doesn’t get this feeling out of him he might go insane.
Steve letting out and anguished whimper just loud enough for Eddie to hear before he starts screaming. He’s kicking the counter, then suddenly he’s pushed everything off the top of the counter onto the floor and just begins to smack the surface because the sting feels nice on his hands.
Now he’s making low noises in the throat and humming because words aren’t coming to him anymore, that’s when he starts hitting his chest. He eventually drops to the floor with his back against the wall, he pulls his knees up to his chest because he’s starting to really hurt himself this time but he can’t stop.
Another frustrated shout and he’s now banging his head on the wall behind him and rocking back and forth while tears are streaming down his face.
Eddie tries to grab his hands to stop him from pulling at his hair and is accidentally hit in the face because he touched Steve without asking first and he doesn’t want to be touched.
Eddie realised what was happening almost instantly and told his friends to go walk home or take his van, he’ll find a way home and leave him to help Steve.
He had been noticing certain autistic traits in Steve since they had started to get closer but the guy was so good at masking that Eddie thought maybe he was wrong, up until 10 minutes ago when Steve started to have a meltdown.
He knows he shouldn’t have touched Steve when he obviously doesn’t want to be but he didn’t want to watch him hurting himself anymore, at this point it would be more harmful to let him keep hurting himself than to try and stop him.
So Eddie ties his hair up so it’s out of they way and can’t get pulled and quickly pulls Steve away from the wall he’s currently smashing his head into before sliding in behind him and tightly wrapping his arms around Steve. He pins Steve’s arms across his chest so he’s hugging himself and uses he’s legs either side of Steve as extra pressure points and starts swaying them side to side slowly.
Steve loves the pressure he can feel surrounding him now and the swaying is really helping him calm his breathing down.
He has no idea how long it takes for his breathing to go back to normal and for him to no longer want to rip his skin off but he still feels like he can’t talk.
He can hear Eddie talking to him and relaxes even further into his tight hold. He nods when Eddie asks if he can drive Steve’s car to take him home and holds out the right key to lock up family video behind them. He can get Robin to butter Keith up tomorrow right now he wants to go home and maybe cuddle with Eddie on his sofa. Wants to eat his favourite snacks and maybe he can show Eddie his secret comic collection as thanks for helping him.
He knows he and Eddie are going to have to talk about what just happened soon but that will have to wait until he’s got words again. But for now he just wants cuddle Eddie and have a nap
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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Punk Steve vs Eddie
Did I ever post my version of punk Steve on Tumblr? Eh well, here you go, you're welcome. Tat explanation below
Went with a lighter-looking punk? Soft Punk? Steve is a watercolor tattoo kinda guy.
Roses symbolise him being a lover boy.
Pink/blue octopus for being the protective mother of 7, looking after them and himself
Demogorgon tat cos it looks cool in this AU.
My Stranger Things Art | Steddie Fanart
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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robin buckley + steve harrington: autistic bffs for the robin to my steve <3 @natalia-dyer happy holidays ilysm 
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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ofthemoonfolk · 2 years ago
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Steve can be good, if Eddie asks him to 😏
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ofthemoonfolk · 3 years ago
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