Stede: We have fun, don't we Lucius?
Lucius: I have Never been more stressed in my life
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Black Pete: This is how you hold a knife when you’re whittling.
Lucius: Very cool babe!
Jim, taking the knife: And this is you you hold a knife to kill people
Lucius: I suddenly have to go do other things
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Jim: I've never been in a snowball fight
Oluwande: Really?
Jim: Is it some sort of points system or is it just to the death?
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Buttons: Dinnae worry, I have a permit!
Lucius: This just says "I can do what I want"
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Stede: I'm limited edition. Unique. No other copies.
Izzy: thank FUCKING god for that
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Lucius: You keep hugging Captain Blackbeard when he's upset.
Lucius: Next thing you know, he's gonna fall in love with you. Is that what you want?
Stede, scoffing: Is that what I want?
Izzy, at full volume from his naughty corner: YES
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Lucius: I got up at 5 this morning so I could put spiders in Izzy's bed.
Roach: I wish I could care about something as much as you care about ruining his life
Lucius: Thanks but it's a group effort, I can't take all the credit.
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The Swede: I'll cook dinner tonight!
Everyone else, including Karl: is that meant to be a threat?
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Frenchie: I'm bi and confused
Frenchie: Not about being bi. I'd just like to know what's going on once in awhile.
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Stede: Do you know why I opted for all of you to come on this journey?
Frenchie: I kind of assumed you'd lost a bet, to be honest
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Frenchie: Trust me, I know what I'm doing
Jim: Not even God knows what you're doing, Frenchie
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Izzy: Murder wasn't on today's agenda
Stede: Murder shouldn't be on anybody's agenda!!
Izzy: No no, it's definitely on mine. See here, pencilled in every Tuesday.
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Ed: *sneezes*
Lucius, from inside the walls: Bless you
Ed, looking around nervously: ...God?
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Jim: yesterday I heard the Swede say "are you sure about this?" and then I heard Buttons say "Trust me"
Jim: I have never moved so fast from one room to another in my entire life
Jim: what, you think I was gonna stand inside the blast radius? No thank you, I don't need to be infected by the stupid
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Frenchie: What if “It’s Raining Men” and “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” are both about the same events but from different perspectives
Jim: once again i must remind you of my policies for conversations at four in the goddamn morning
Jim: namely that I will strangle you with your own small intestine
Roach: no no, I want to hear more, the man has a point!
Jim: that's it I'm doing away with you both for the good of all of us
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Frenchie: Are lobsters mermaids to scorpions?
Roach: no no wait, he has a point!
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Lucius: Did you and Captain have a fight, Captain?
Stede: Ed had a fight, I was being perfectly reasonable
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