oficariianisms · 6 years
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oficariianisms · 6 years
As a twin, you shared the womb with another person at one time. So the fact that you didn’t stand with Grace of all people when she was forced to walk out on your family speaks to a low standard of bravery on your behalf. Were you sorted into the wrong house and if so, what house do you think you should’ve been in all along?
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                 HE FEELS as if he’d been punch in the stomach at the reminder of the time when he failed the one person who meant the world to him. isaac lets out a shaky breath as he tries to find the right words to explain but his mouth feels dry and he has to take another moment to sit and pause before he went to reply to the question. “that will always be one of my biggest regrets,” he began in an uncharacteristically soft voice. he ran a hand through his hair and he lowered his head in shame. he was a coward, there was no denying it — but he had been younger then and didn’t know any better. isaac’s greatest fear then had been letting down his parents and it absolutely killed him to stand and not do anything as his parents disowned grace. though grace said she understood his reasoning, part of him knew that he could never ever forgive himself for that and had tried since that day to make it up to her. “but there’s more to being a gryffindor than just bravery. one of the more lesser known words associated with the house is chivalry. chivalry can be defined as the combination of qualities expected in a knight, such as courage, honor, courtesy and justice. i was not sorted in the wrong house, because while my bravery might have a low standard, my desire for justice and my courteousness towards those around me justifies that i was rightly sorted into gryffindor.”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
Do you think that your no strings attached attitude since the dissolving of your engagement suggests that you’ve moved on, or that you have a desperate need for constant attention and love, one that the only person who could fill it, Elise, has no interest in ever doing as much? That’s the only explanation I see, since I can’t recall a time I’ve actually seen you put a modicum of effort into giving anyone a serious chance since.
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                 OH JOY, yet another comment about his love life. dear merlin: first his parents, then his siblings, and now the media? of course they had to comment on it, didn’t they? the former gryffindor paused to gather his thoughts before he opened his mouth to reply. “the attitude that i have is due to me moving on and not really looking for any sort of serious relationship right now. i no longer have any feelings for elise— as the muggles say, that ship has sailed and sunk. i do not have a need for her love nor her attention and i certainly do not need nor want a serious relationship when i’m putting my job first.” isaac paused to inhale deeply before exhaling. “that being said, how things ended between me and elise hurt terribly and i will not deny that the probability of getting hurt that badly once more has made me more... cautious when it comes to the matters of the heart.” 
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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she honestly wasn’t even sure why she agreed to lunch with isaac.    then again,    he did go out of his way and pop into her shop to say hi.    it would seem awfully    rude    to decline his offer for lunch.    she’ll admit,    with little to no contact with the former gryffindor,    alison was convinced that she grew apart from him.    not that she minded,    he was the first one to move on of the two.    she figured that it was best.    hence her need to travel and move on,    indulging herself in a couple one-night stands if need be.
alison was convinced that these feelings were no more than just a    PHASE    from seeing him.    surely they’ll subside    ?    nonetheless,    until she was able to confide in her best friend about it,    she was just not going to deal with them for the time being.    “    sounds good to me.    ”    she took his hand,    ignoring the awkward feeling that settled. 
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                 HE WAS rather relieved when she agreed to go to lunch with him. truthfully, he’d been expecting a hard no, but the fact that she said yes must mean something, right? or was this the old, hopeless romantic isaac thinking? he shook away those thoughts and reminded himself that a lunch meant nothing and that he’s gone to lunch with many, many individuals before and it was all strictly business and platonic. then again, he never once held feelings for those people. 
he cupped her hand in his and closed his eyes for a moment, concentrating to the alley where he usually apparated to when he went to that burger and chip place. a moment later, the two of them appeared in the alley. “we’re here,” he smiled over at her, still not letting go of her hand and began to lead her in the direction of the shop. “i’ve always felt particularly fond of london,” he said, in an attempt to make conversation. 
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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     “     i was just thinking about the lavender fields in france.    que hermosos son     …     ”     adora inclined towards isaac,     a sigh leaving her lips.     a soft breeze then tickled the insides of the cafes which windows were open;     the smell of her perfume,        vanilla extract with jasmine,     pear blossom,     and marshmallow notes intermingled in the breeze as the witch’s head tilted to the side ever so slightly.     a few baby hairs wisped around her delicate features,     begging to be tucked behind her ears.     “     but it is not the sort of place that someone wants to go alone.     ”     adora hummed,     her lashes fluttering slowly and invitingly.     though she hadn’t seen isaac in awhile,     he’d been consistent in making his interest known over time.     who she really wished would ask her to go to such a place didn’t seem to have any plans to,     and though the former gryffindor had intimidated her at times,     he’d do in a pinch.     she could always go back to reading her script though.     boys in written word were oft not better than the ones reality provided.
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                  A SOFT smile came upon his lips at her reminiscent. “really? whereabouts where these lavender fields in france?” he asked curiously, leaning closer towards her. there was no denying that adora de la fuente was one of the most gorgeous women he’d ever laid his eyes on. she had that sort of beauty that would make everyone stop and stare at her and she was rather kindhearted on top of that. she was quite the catch, really. and yet, despite all that, his mind still wandered towards a certain blonde witch who’d recently came back in his life. he wasn’t quite sure where he and alison stood: things were still rather awkward and somewhat tense between them. but adora was great company and as mentioned, she was very beautiful and an interesting witch to talk to. his brow raised at her words and he found himself grinning as he reached towards her gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “well, i don’t have any plans and a trip to lavender fields during this weather sounds rather relaxing. i would be more than happy to accompany you,” he offered. 
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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jinx tries to muffle her yawn with the back of her hand, before she gives an apologetic smile with a look to match. not wanting to seem like she was bored, it wasn’t that all it was taking her time to adjust to her training schedule– and to go from being used to having the summer to do whatever she wanted to, to jumping right into training. despite that? honestly she’s been loving it every minute of it. “i’m sorry it’s not you honestly, it’s taking me time to adjust to my newfound schedule.” came her honest response, as the redhead moves to take a sip of her drink, hoping it might help. “don’t mind me, i’m not bored or uninterested really.”
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                 ISAAC LOOKED worriedly over at jinx, as he stopped talking mid-sentence. it wasn’t like the witch to yawn or seem tired. she was usually so... cheerful and attentive. the male tilted his head to the side, opening his mouth as he was about to ask her what was wrong or if she was bored, but stopped when she began to explain the reason behind her reaction. “new schedule?” he asked curiously, brows furrowing. “what do you mean?”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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for one reason or another,    alison was glad that she spent two years abroad.    she really only kept in contact with the people she felt were the closest to her.    unfortunately,    she    didn’t    believe that isaac was one of those people.    it wasn’t that she was being    bitter    or anything,    the two had simply grown apart.    or at least,    she thought they did.    after all,    he did start dating elise a couple months after graduating.    so really,    it was fair game.    for a good two years,    she knew very little of what isaac van doren was up to.    it was either the    MEDIA    or grace that gave her updates.
she ran her fingers through her hair,    the blonde witch couldn’t help but chuckle at his awkwardness.    this was a different side of him,    one that she was not used to witnessing.    seeing as she    knew    how he was like with other women.    fortunately for alison,    she was better at keeping her composure than she was two years ago.    the former ravenclaw really needed to confide in someone again about her possible feelings for isaac.    grace    ?    no that’d be a little to    awkward.    he is her brother after all    !    austin    ?    well,    it’d be nice to get a guy’s perspective.    and she could trust her best friend to be real with her.
“    i’m fine with that.    know any decent places    ?    i haven’t had burgers and chips in a long    WHILE,    i’m afraid,    ”    she glanced over to him.    truthfully,    she was trying to keep eye contact to a minimum.
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                 THE MOST he’d her of her within the two years that she wasn’t in the country was mostly what grace told him. despite him not telling his sister outright that he wanted to know how alison was doing, the brunette seemed to pick up on it and would tell him casual updates about the other witch every now and then. even when he’d been with elise. though around that time, isaac just maintained a polite disinterest, prior to that, he had really wanted to know how alison was doing and if she’s moved on. it seemed that between the two of them, he was the one who moved on first. part of him regretted that he hadn’t tried to keep in touch with alison himself but he didn’t think that she would... care much and he was guilty of throwing himself into his job. 
it was rather embarrassing how awkward he was being around her. it was like he was a teenager again with a crush and not the confident and charming ceo that the media and everyone else knew him as. all these.... unresolved feelings were coming back and he didn’t know how to deal with them: should he deal with them himself or should he tell someone else? he’s never had unresolved feelings for anyone before. then again, his love life was short ( it was his sex life that was the opposite ).
“there’s a place, in london. the downtown area,” he explained. “there’s one that i go to whenever i get cravings.” he extended his hand out for her to take. “i can apparate us to an alley a few blocks from there.”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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      adora giggled,      twirling a strand of midnight blue just as the sun chose to bathe her through the window;      her potion slicked skin glittered invitingly in response.      “      gorgeous      ?      ”      she giggled again in her silky soft voice.      “      ay,  ��   carino,      you always know just what to say.      ”      she watched him sit down.      she blushed as she admired his baby blues.      adora couldn’t help but think this was perfect timing;      two perfectly beautiful people with nothing better to do than study lines,      or be exhausted by the looks of things.      “      i could be better,      ”      she pouted,      “      i have been working so hard.      all work and no play makes for one muy tired adora de la fuente.      no bueno.      ”      the bluenette raised her exposed shoulder,      obscuring the bottom half of her face so that the wizard could only see her doe eyes.      “      if only there was someone who      —      oh,      never mind.      it’s silly.       ”
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                  HE MANAGED to crack a charming smile at the bluenette. “i live to tell the truth.” her giggle was enough to make him relax briefly for a moment and he could forget all about the exhaustion and stress he’d been feeling. the male leaned back against the chair as he sat, letting out a soft groan of relief. gods, he was just so tired that he wish he hadn’t gotten up to go to work that day. but there was no denying that seeing the witch made him feel slightly happier. he hadn’t seen her in a while after all. a sympathetic look crossed his face at her words and when she pouted. “that’s awful. all work and no play is very tiring indeed,” he murmured. isaac raised a brow at the last bit and he gave her an encouraging smile. “if only there was someone who what, adora?” he asked curiously. “is there anything i can do to help?”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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       “ah just tell him we’ll bring him back a vanderbilt and he’ll get over it.”  though britin had never met any of the vanderbilts – old money hardly ever rubbed elbows with new money – that was hardly the point. isaac’s impressionable brother only had to think there was something in it for him ; once they were back, it’d be too late !  “i’m going to ignore that but and take you as a yes.”  the wizard wouldn’t hear any other arguments, opening his mouth and speaking loudly over his friend any time he tried to object.  “i’ll meet you on the tarmac … and don’t you dare stand me up, van doren ! “
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                 “AH, SEE lucas unfortunately does not care for vanderbilts or any of the ‘old money’ type of girls. he tends to be rather... standoffish when it comes to people in general really.” he’s heard of that family... somewhat. while isaac could appreciate the muggle world, he really rather not get involve with muggles who have no clue about the wizarding world. “please, st. james: when have i ever let you down?” he countered, before wincing. “actually, don’t answer that and i’ll definitely be there. give me a date and a time.”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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“    i see    …    but that just feels a little    unprofessional    on their part,    doesn’t it    ?    but that might just be me when it comes to being approached.    ”
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                   ISAAC NODDED, shrugging. “it’s definitely unprofessional,” he agreed. “i should really say no more often though. a lot of those that approach me during my free time tend to er, not be as talented as they think they are.”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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she quickly recovered from the slight shock of seeing isaac in her shop.    never had he voluntarily gone out of his way to see her.    which was why she did the same.    all of their recent    encounters    were all a coincidence.    then again,    wizarding britain was kind of a small world.    regardless,    alison convinced herself that nothing    romantic    would ever happen between her and isaac.    it was for the best,    she was assuming.    clearly he didn’t have feelings for her since nothing ever happened and he did end up almost    marrying    his ex-fiancée.    but it was ironic that she still managed to find herself here with him.    the world works in odd ways.
clearly she was over him.    or maybe not.    seeing him again the past couple of months since she’d been back was more than enough for alison to know that the feelings she had for him were still there.    the former ravenclaw was still attracted to him.    she just did a better job of     suppressing    them.    she was a bit baffled as to why he of all people showed up in her shop.    not that she had a problem with it or anything.    she just found it,    ODD.    she should be inclined to believe that he really was    ‘    in the neighborhood    ’    and yet for some reason,    a part of her didn’t believe it.    oh merlin,    how she wished she wasn’t in the shop right now    !    she wished she was on another work trip.    then she wouldn’t find herself in this    –––    predicament    !
there was nothing for her to do now but to face him.    and probably continue to dance around her attraction to him.    she quirked an inquisitive brow at him.    “    …    to which you’ve done   …    ”    it came out slightly harsher than she intended and winced.    “    uhh,    sure.    i’m due for a break,    i’ll just tell the others where i’m poppin’ off to.    ”    she went to the back of the shop to notify the rest of her staff.    should she really be agreeing to this    ?    they were friends,    right    ?    friends can grab a bit to eat together,    or go for a round of drinks.
“    well    …    alright then.    shall we get going    ?    ”    she asked,    walking around the counter and over to the van doren heir.    with a wave of her wand,    she summoned her purse.    “    what did you fancy getting    ?    ”
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                    SINCE GRADUATING two years ago, he hadn’t actively sought her out to talk or to hang out. the male didn’t even think about inviting her to his wedding, since she was out of the country and it would be rather weird if he invited his... almost ex to his wedding. at least that’s what he told himself. thinking back on it now, maybe it was because he still had feelings for alison and he wouldn’t have thought of standing up there at the altar waiting for a bride who would never show. he hadn’t seen her since they graduated and their encounter at the golden pine a few months back had been the first time he’d spoken to her in two years. that didn’t mean that he didn’t know what she was up to though. he had to thank his sister for that.
oh god. grace. it was clear that he adored his sister, despite how difficult she could be at times. part of the reason why he was unsure on whether he should pursue alison or not was because of her friendship with grace. he didn’t want to put his sister in an awkward position, so he did his best to keep his feelings to himself. unfortunately for him, grace happened to be perceptive and had picked up on it. she teased him about it constantly, especially since he ran into alison for the first time some time back. 
the male bit down on his lip, feeling unsure and awkward. he was normally confident and charming, but he found himself tongue-tied around the blonde witch. she had an effect on him that no one, not even elise did. “uh right. i did say hi now,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, clearly nervous. god, what was it about alison that turned him into a mess? around other women, he was suave and he usually got them blushing and being awkward around him. the tables turned whenever he spoke with alison though and he needed to get his shit together and be more confident. a wide smile crept on his lips when she agreed and he felt himself relax, not even realizing he had been tense. 
“yes, let’s,” he nodded and lead her outside of her shop. what did he fancy getting? “well, i’m sort of craving burgers and chips,” isaac replied. “been craving fast food as of late, if i’m being honest. would you be alright with that?”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
「 @oficariianisms liked for a starter. 」
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       adora was supposed to be color coding her script,       but instead she was doodling in the margins,       dreaming as usual.       the plot was one of romance,       something her actual life was sourly lacking presently.       reading it had made her start thinking about dates she wished she were going on now;       she remembered reading about the most beautiful magicked lavender field in spain.       that’d be a muy bueno start       …       she was massaging the back of her neck,       manicured nails digging in rhythmically,       when her doe eyes flickered up suddenly from the golden pine cafe table.       “       ay,      mi nene isaac.       you are a sight for sore eyes.      por favor,       come sit       !       ”
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                    ISAAC WAS rather tired, that much was obvious. too much work and the male was in desperate need of relaxation. as much as he could, he tried to go out during his lunch break so he didn’t have to sit behind a desk and look through all the paperwork. today, he had chosen to go to the golden pine for a change in scenery. the male had on sunglasses and he was looking rather dashing in his suit, despite the bags under his eyes. when he heard a familiar voice, he lifted his head and smiled at the witch. “hey adora,” he nodded in greeting and went to sit at her table. “thanks, love. how have you been, other than still gorgeous as ever?”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
「 @oficariianisms​ liked for a starter 」
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“    forgive me if i sound obnoxious,    but do people sometimes just come up to you    ASKING    for a record deal    ?    ”    what    ?    he was curious.    it may or may not seem like a normal occurrence,    but damon wouldn’t know hence why the question was brought up in the first place.
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                    “YOU’RE NOT obnoxious at all,” he assured the other with a smile. “And that’s a good question actually. i do get people coming up to me during my lunch to ask for a deal, which is rather annoying,” isaac admitted. “but, i do give them a chance to show me what they’ve got and if i like it, i send one of my employees to draw up a contract and walk them through it.”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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as odd of a thing it was,    she found    solace    at work.    it was nice being in charge of her own company.    while she didn’t build it up herself,    she was damn sure to make it even    better    than the way her father left it.    nonetheless,    alecto tried to carve out some time for her friends,    after all,    she’d been told many a time that she needed to take a break every once in a while.    which explains why she was now sitting across from isaac,    swirling the glass of scotch in her hand.    “    i mean,    i guess you could say i’m doing well,    ”    she laughed,    taking a sip of her drink.    “    and you    ?    you seem busy as ever.    ”
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                    WORK DID prove to be a great distraction when one needed distracting. he threw himself into his work and now, he was starting to regret it because he was just tired all the time. the male needed to take a long-ass vacation, as grace said. but really, the best he could do was to take a few days off every few weeks. the longest vacation he took was the cruise and it wasn’t even really a proper vacation, if he was being honest. “that’s good to hear,” he smiled at his friend and leaned back against his seat. “oh that’s an understatement. is it that obvious how busy i am?”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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as refreshing as the cruise was,    alison was happy to be back at work.    she missed her employees as well as just the overall atmosphere the store presented itself in.    it made going to work a lot more    enjoyable.    but ever since returning from the trip,    there had been something that’d been nagging her at the back of her mind.    she wasn’t quite sure what to pinpoint it on.    on one hand,    she was just happy to be able to spend time with two of her friends that she,    unfortunately,    was never able to see on a regular basis.     or maybe it had to do with the fact that since speaking to isaac,    she knew things wouldn’t be the same.
she had to admit to herself,    they    were    good friends.    and sure,    something probably could’ve happened on a    ROMANTIC    level between the two of them,    but as soon as word got out that he was involved with his now,    ex-fiance,    alison figured it was best to try and move on.    it explained why she was so willing to leave after graduating and pursue her career as a potioneer.    
she cursed herself for the day she ran into him when she was back in the country.    of all people,    he was the    least    likely for her to run into.    it was as if all the feelings she had for him were laying     dormant.    but it was whatever,    right    ?    she convinced herself that she moved on,    as much as going to engaging in a couple one night stands herself whenever she was travelling.        surely if he wanted something more,    he would’ve said so.
shaking her head from her thoughts,    alison grabbed the potion from the stock room and handed it to one of her customers.    with a smile,    she accepted the payment.    “    thank you,    have a nice day.    same order next month    ?    ”    with another smile,    she turned and headed to the back of the shop.    hearing the jingle of the bell as another customer entering, alison turned,    not looking up from what she was doing.    “    hi,    how can i    ––    ”    she paused,    only to be greeted with the sight of isaac van doren.    “    umm,    hey,    what brings you here    ?    ”
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                    IN A person’s life, there was always that one person who was the biggest ‘what if’. for isaac, it was alison and would always be her. he remembered how he’d always thought she was pretty, but he had tried not to let his crush on her show much since she was his sister’s best friend. unfortunately for him, grace was very observant and had picked up on it. then, him and alison became friends and he didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship. for a gryffindor, he was the opposite of courageous when it came to the matters of the heart. he supposed that he had waited too long, because not long after graduating, he met his fiance. and instead of going to alison and confessing his feeling to her, he ended up going on a date with elise and the rest was history.
that had to be the biggest mistake of his life. he often wondered what could have happened if instead of asking elise out, he had asked alison out instead. how different would his life have gone? how different would he be now? isaac was certain that he wasn’t going to be the same person he was now. love changes people, after all. but with elise, he changed for the worst: he became more cynical when it came to love, became more reckless and his self-esteem decreased. if he had been with alison, would he have still been the same polite and cautious man he was known as back in hogwarts? would he still view life through rose-coloured lens?  so many possibilities and so many thoughts ran through his mind, but he didn’t know the answers to all of them. 
seeing her again that day had brought back feelings he thought had faded. and whenever he saw her again after that, his heart skipped a beat. she still had such an effect on him even after all these years. it was crazy. as much as isaac had wanted to go up to her and ask her out, he was terrified of getting hurt again. he’d experienced how badly love could hurt an individual and he wasn’t sure if he was willing to take that risk again. not to mention, alison had probably moved on. there was no way she could still have an attraction to him or have feelings for him anymore, right? so why then, was he here in her shop if he was still conflicted about what to do? 
isaac managed to smile at her, albeit awkwardly and he scratched the back of his neck. what does bring him here? “oh um, ah... i was in the neighbourhood and i thought i would drop by and say hi?” gosh, he was an awful liar. grace would have smacked him for that horrible lie. “and uh...” just talk to her dammit! just say you guys should talk about the unspoken thing! “did you want to grab something to eat or to drink if you’re not busy?” he asked instead.
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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      “i never understood your MOTIVATION to begin with.” britin had to point out.  the actor had his feet crossed at the ankles as he kicked back in his chair, airwalks resting on the coffee table. “you know i love money .. but i hate having to work for it.”  he paused, correcting himself.  “…work hard for it.  listen, i’ve got a film shooting in america next month. why don’t you come with me? a week - maybe two.  you’ll have plenty of time to relax during the day and at night we’ll get smashed.”  it sounded PERFECT to britin … now all isaac had to do was say yes.
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                    HE LETS out a chuckle at his friend’s words. “well, there’s a lot of things pushing me: fear of failure, my parents’ nagging,” he listed. “i could go on all day.” isaac sat back against his seat, relaxing as he looked over at britin. “honestly, i would rather get the money than earn it,” isaac admitted. at his friend’s offer, he sat up and tilted his head to the side. “i’ve never been to america,” he admitted. “that could sound like lots of fun. i just need to get my brother to agree to look after the company for those two weeks... but i’m definitely in!”
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oficariianisms · 6 years
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                    THE SOMEWHAT relaxing and entertaining time he’d spent on the cruise was enough to keep the male distraction free and had allowed him to really start to think about things. it had been a little over a year since elise had left him at the altar and a year since he had thrown himself into his job, working tirelessly to make his family’s company thrive and to establish connections with the most talented of wix in the community. whilst on the cruise, he realized something: he had yet to think about elise and the heartbreak he felt since he saw alison again.
ALISON BISHOP: his biggest what if. she was truly something. he’d been intrigued by her since grace first introduced the two of them and was attracted to her not just because of her beauty but because of her brains, talents and her overall personality. there’s no other witch like her and isaac found himself comparing elise and alison, only to find that his ex fiancee was nowhere near as wonderful as the former ravenclaw.
EVER SINCE he bumped into her that fateful day, he found himself thinking more and more about her and what could have happened if only he hadn’t been blinded by elise’s charms. he supposed he deserved it though. to the outsider, isaac had seemingly led alison on after all, and so one could argue that he got what was coming to him. even he felt that way sometimes, but he was determined to reestablish a friendship with alison, despite the confusing feelings he felt at the moment. 
AS HE stood in front of alison’s shop, isaac hesitated for a moment. since seeing each other again, many of their encounters were accidental. he’d never really made the conscious decision to go out of his way to spend time with her until now and he felt... nervous. which was crazy, because the two of them were kinda sorta friends, right? and there was no reason for two people who were kinda sorta friends to feel nervous. or at least, that’s what he tried to tell himself. before he could chicken out  ( which would be very un-gryffindor of him ), isaac’s feet seemed to have a mind of their own and walked into the shop, trying to look for the blonde witch.
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