65 posts
DesignBuilder, Mercenary Craftsman, Photographic Creator
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offmen-scott · 9 days ago
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The cinder block château
Surrounded by snow
Waits for consideration
In a moment of contemplation
It’s purpose lost
Among hills of frost
Each drift on air slither
Only to disappear and wither
Their shared winter blue
Blows snow on the insides too
Amid the castle keep
And hearts that weep
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offmen-scott · 1 month ago
Every time he felt alone
He looked at his phone
Searching for a something funny
While some were making money
He yearned for a connection
Among those scrolling in the same direction
Rolling optimism in to doom
Had he become a buffoon
Or simply lost his ability
To enjoy the moment quietly
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offmen-scott · 1 year ago
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In the dreams of kissers who never kiss, I dreamt of a kiss that never happened
Your return coincided with lucidity exiting the comfort of me
Your presence in the wee hours a welcome gift of my aspiration
This time your face had been so close to mine
I could smell the subtle scent of coffee tied to my illusion of you
We were caught in a moment of hesitation
A mere millisecond of anticipation
Dream falling towards the other
Something might happen
Between two smiles descending into the entirety of the eternal
When the heart can only flutter
And the view is intentionally obscured
To blindly be guided by villus who whisper directions
Would our mouths melt upon meeting
But we never touch
A flood of emotions always awakens me
The way violent dreams can shake thee
I want to fall back into sleep
My lips still yearning for something incomplete
But I can’t find my slumber
Our touch must be tied to logs and lumber
And you so far away might well be just a fantasy
One that lives between words and a dream state done knitted
Please tell me if you where there, did we kiss?
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offmen-scott · 1 year ago
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Up in the trees
On a Monday
When every puddle reveals its filler
Gary and I are waiting
Amid drops on the pavement
With a phone that won’t ring
Where pearls of water will hide me
There are no words
In these reflections, leafless and thrashing
Your absence constrains us
Occasionally flickering among
A delivery that was not Where
Rumblings that shudder
Some job that had yet to start
We were alone together
When everything goes
Up in the trees
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offmen-scott · 1 year ago
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Finger Prose
I looked at my finger today,
And remembered how I had sliced off a hunk on a Sunday
There was so much wind blowing through my hair
And I of thought of how grateful I was beyond that little scare
A small bit of joy for a finger to keep in the self aware
And I let my digits run through to push the wind back into the air
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offmen-scott · 2 years ago
Despite those words in my head
In a quiet moment before bed
Where darkness brings night
And dreams take flight
I whisper to you
Sleep tight
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offmen-scott · 2 years ago
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Twenty eight sunrises
Search the dawns light
Beyond warm confines
In scrubbing wind
And frigid water
Drown the reputation
With anyone willing
Together it’s a new day
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offmen-scott · 2 years ago
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The snow moon
Gliding on edge
Across a starlit frost
Working the dark hours
To trim fat off the soul
On steel blades that skip
Across that which groans
Towards an amber light
My dim path home
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offmen-scott · 2 years ago
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Prose at Woosley
I haven’t posted in a while 
The sky has been so gray
And I have not felt worthy of what I might say
Despite my preoccupation
I know I need your companionship
But, what message I might I display
I know not under my blanket on this day
Forgive me if all I have is a scroll past
Your happiness and Joy is for what I pray
As I walk with these dogs at Woolsey
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
Not every dream is worth remembering
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Time spent asleep, as real in this moment as in any un-lived fantasy. Where I see my self I was walking a narrow path that ran through a meadow. My companions a small group of friends and a brown rabbit. Although none could provide a familiar face. We were Nevertheless a cheerful group.  All to happy to frolic in the warmth of a springlike morning.  We were bathed in a delightful sunny sunshine, and with us was our favorite fluffy bunny. As for him. He was about the size of an average dog and he walked on his hind legs. On the other hand, he was a normal brown bunny. But he did not speak, he was simply a quiet companion. Like I said, I did not recognize anyone in the group from my awake world. However, one person in the group was a witch. I was not attempting to label her, but she wore the cliché attire. Wide brimmed pointy black hat, black petticoat, striped leggings, etc. She was a confident young woman, although a bit bossy. As we all walked I fell behind. I was busy contemplating who this witch friend was. Unlike being awake I was unable to both walk and think in my dream land. Then suddenly I overheard the witch ordering everyone to brush our teeth with the saliva of the rabbit. This was disturbing. She went on to tell us the bunny had just eaten some mint leaves. Her explanation concluded that the fresh mint leaves made his spit good for you. I did not want to obey the witches repugnant command. Why would anyone want to use thumper drool to clean their mouth? Oh; but then wouldn’t you know it, she went and sang some singsong magical spell and POOF! 
And there he was, Peter Cottontail no longer on the bunny trail. He was now high above us in a dark storm cloud. Our sunny spring moment gone in a wif. It had been transformed into a terrifying storm. More alarming yet, Our fluffy friend now had an oversized head and was backlit in neon blue. There he was high In the sky, his giant bunny head surrounded by black storm clouds. It was definitely an unearthly vision to be sure. His adorable soft furry mouth opened wide. Out poured a shower of icy shards. A sleet of Minty bunny spit for us to brush with. I was mortified and now resolute to be insubordinate to this witch. Unfortunately all I could do is put my hand over my face and pray no bunny drool dripped into my mouth. 
Then everything went dark and the next thing I knew I had left the meadow. My person stolen away by a trick of the witch. It was there I found myself seated at a roll top desk in a quiet hallway of an old Victorian home. The witches home. Oh yay. I was there to do bookkeeping. And I was immediately disappointed that I was not there to catch-up on my own bookkeeping. No, as you might guess I was there to create pivot tables for the witch. Despite this new situation, I discovered I was enjoying the work, and above all, I did not have to brush my teeth with any bunny slobber. My reports were meticulous. I wondered if the witch would notice my eye for detail. Unfortunately she appeared too busy frightening her guests. I got up from the desk and walked to the door of the parlor to better see her. She was a pro. From my vantage point in the hall I watched as she jump scared the pants of each one. She was such a silly witch, both delightful and amusing to behold. And I thought to myself how I would love to join in on her fun little game. I bet myself I could jump scare the frock off her for sure. And so I prepared myself. 
In my mind I willed all the power and fury from within the depths of my soul. I was preparing for the pounce. However before I won the chance to see the entirety of those leggings, the witch spun a new spell and hid into a rectangle of smoky mist. She knew me. The shield she made had no corners but was a perfect foggy rectangle of gray pillowy clouds. I could see her face behind the misty mass (still not one I could recognize). Somehow this protective screen made her safe from my effort to jump scare. I began to doubt my confidence. Now it was fear that crept into the dream. Who was this acquaintance in the black hat? Was this witch more than a playful affliction? I may never know. The dream then evaporated and I awoke from my slumber. In the darkness of my room the witch and the bunny were gone. It was time, five am and I needed to get up. I was feeling old slightly hungover and much too jaded for any dream interpretation. I already knew I needed to go to work.
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
David, Dad
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Photo credit:Scott Cain
Today I drove home. My mom had found David’s suicide note moments before I left, so my departure was quite emotional. The drive was mostly uneventful. I only became infuriated once when one really awful pickup truck driver cut me off east of Midland. I kept my cool and let him go. No need for two assholes in the world. When I got home, my dogs and daughter greeted me. I was adored much with love from all three. My wife also said hello from her recliner and continued to watch TV. After a while my son came out of his room and sat next to me on the couch. We both talked and I imbibed a rum drink to cool my mind after driving for 6 hours. For my wife’s amusement I told her all the gory details of my Dads death.  She seemed to enjoy the conversation. Then I made dinner for my son and myself. After eating I washed our the dishes and put away my luggage. Then I laid for a moment in my bed.  It was dark, I was home, and I felt very alone. The kids were in their rooms talking to friends, my wife watched more TV shows in the living room, and I sat by myself in the dark. Nothing unusual for a Saturday night, it was what it was. Inside I knew there is much to be grateful for, even when you don’t feel it. I texted a friend and went to bed.
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
a midnight dip
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Photo credit:Scott Cain
Would you swim with me in warm summer rain
After the party, after champagne
A stolen moment for us alone to meet
Two lost lovers in over their feet
On a midnight tryst, our masquerade
The envy of every mermaid
Diving towards a nethermost depth
Two fishes intertwined into every breath
Would we come up for air
To find only hands in the others hair
An affair of some summer swim
Of seven sensual seas, of breathless sin
Writhing sliding though rhythmic waves
Treading hands as carnal slaves
Searching depths bereft of cloths
Our skinny swim like nobody knows
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
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Photo Credit, Scott Cain
Ursula advised me
Share one’s true name never
You may call me Scott it’s not so clever
I bring you all my prose in hand
It’s just a silly poem few want to understand
Why I write for you is nothing new
Sharing the me within me my hope of getting close to you
I want to look upon your face my eyes allowed to stare
Take my hand I will hold yours with great care
Behind your windows what will I see
Maybe a child in there climbing a tree
Or a playful sprite of wonder and delight
Will you be my true dreamer on a star filled night
Would you read my words they are so very few
And grant me a chance to get to know the true you
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
Two Swan Ice
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Photo credit: Scott Cain
I wish you could be here with me to behold this moment
A wish to see colors reflecting on your face and the sky in your eyes
My wish to see you happy here and now
For you I pray this every day
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
Temple of Day Break
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Photo credit: Scott Cain
I strode through the snow
To capture colors before the sun
My work to fill your heart
For you are the one
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
North Shore
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Photo credit: Scott Cain
In the dark I ponder what I might say
Before dawn breaks into day
Fanciful nothings for whom I would run away
Down a cold dark path I will take flight
Following a white ribbon toward a first ray of light
My bounty of crimson colors to offer before tonight
A chance at losing myself in the fray
Please accept my benevolence into your hand with out delay
Are you ready to know I’m not ok
I am a dreamer seeking two windows in plain sight
Soul filled circles to drown me without a fight
Let me descend into your eyes with delight
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offmen-scott · 3 years ago
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Photo credit: Scott Cain
A good friend
worthy of the heart
Warms the spirit
On the darkest road
Through a frigid woodland
With their ephemeral
Gift of hope
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