Justice shall Reign (ARCHIVED/Inactive)
990 posts
dreamswap and this character belong to @onebizarrekai, please go read their FAQ!! THIS BLOG IS INACTIVE. ((profile picture and header by @rubbishbincat))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Dream if Ani was alive what would you say to her?
I...That is none of your concern. -Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Nightmare is actually very truthful to his friends about you
I'm sure he is. Among other things, such as being a common thief, murderer, and the general source of negativity in the multiverse.-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
How do you deal with AUs like underfell and negativetale? I understand how you deal with one person like dust or killer but what about an entire au?
More often than not, there is always a peaceful solution. Most Underfell timelines are able to be reasoned with and their citizens saved.But no crime goes unpunished.-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
... I am sorry to tell you that they passed away. Quite a long time ago, in fact.-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Dream? Do you not know why Cross hates you so much?
I can only imagine that Nightmare has filled his head with lies about me and what I do.I am sure that if I had reached Cross first, life would be very different for him.-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Hey, are you actually trying to find a way to get a soul for ink?
... No. It is not a priority, although we have been conducting similar research on how to create and implant a soul into a soulless being. Ink seems to function perfectly fine without one, so it is not a priority.-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
((He laughs lightly.))
You say that like you work here. If you do any more for us I might actually have to start paying you.
I honestly wouldn't mind it. You go to all the trouble anyways.
Hey Dream did you know Error is the one who donates the knitted stuff to your orphanages anonymously? :D -totally not an inswapnia shipper
… He’s one of Nightmare’s friends, right?
((He looks lost in thought.))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Well, we could always use more blankets and such. We... take in hundreds of children every day. We register thousands of them into Justice Reigns's system per day, and if their home universes are intact, we usually keep them there and oversee the system.
It's easy to forget how huge Justice Reigns really is and how far our influence spreads.
((... He closes his eyes in veiled pain. He doesn't like thinking about it.))
You're one of the few donators we never have to ask. You'd think that more people would be willing to give, but...
((He shakes his head, and actually gives Error a genuine smile.))
You really are a good person.
Hey Dream did you know Error is the one who donates the knitted stuff to your orphanages anonymously? :D -totally not an inswapnia shipper
… He’s one of Nightmare’s friends, right?
((He looks lost in thought.))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
I'm not a murderer. I deliver justice. I -
((He cuts himself off, shaking his head.))
This isn't about any of that. This isn't about what I do.
Thank you for what you do. We... really do appreciate any help we can get, especially regarding our orphanages, and you're rather good at your craft.
((His view of Error has changed.))
Hey Dream did you know Error is the one who donates the knitted stuff to your orphanages anonymously? :D -totally not an inswapnia shipper
… He’s one of Nightmare’s friends, right?
((He looks lost in thought.))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
It's you who donates so frequently?
I will admit, I've been trying to find out who you are so I can thank you properly but well...
This is a bit awkward, isn't it?
((He pauses for a moment, before speaking again.))
Might I ask you why?
Hey Dream did you know Error is the one who donates the knitted stuff to your orphanages anonymously? :D -totally not an inswapnia shipper
… He’s one of Nightmare’s friends, right?
((He looks lost in thought.))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Hey Dream did you know Error is the one who donates the knitted stuff to your orphanages anonymously? :D -totally not an inswapnia shipper
Ah.... He's one of Nightmare's friends, right?Interesting.((He looks lost in thought.))-Dream
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Are you gonna come back? I dunno how tumblr works. Lol
(((im back now yes real life finally let me have a damn break)))(((asks are open, make dream suffer òwó -mun)))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Are u even still alive?
(((FUCK)))(((i know i said i'd be back in a week but actual shit has taken over my life for the past two weeks - and its my birthday *today* so im yellign [my main is @faemytho if yall wanna know pls dont crowd my inbox on this blog])))(((HOPEFULLY ILL BE BACK TOMORROW -mun)))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
I don’t want to disappear without a forewarning.
As of July 4th 2018, the Internet as we know it might be dead for good. 
The European Parliament is passing a new Copyright Directive.  Article 13 #CensorshipMachine will impose widespread censorship of all the content we share online. Art, fanfiction, parodies, remixes, mashups, memes, etc.. Anything that you do not hold the rights over will be taken down. 
Article 13 would force all online platforms to police and prevent the uploading of copyrighted content, or make people seek the correct licenses to post that content. Internet platforms hosting large amounts of user-uploaded content must monitor user behaviour and filter their contributions to identify and prevent copyright infringement. 
Such filters will be mandatory for platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit and Instagram, but also much smaller websites. 
Tumblr media
This doesn’t just affect Europe. The content creators you love are going to be in hot water for sharing their art and writing with you online. Any and all content that doesn’t belong to us will be filtered. Even memes are at risk, as the person who took the original photo may want to file complaints against any platform that allows it to be used without permission. But it goes even further than that.
Tumblr media
Last Tuesday (19th June 2018) a group of more than 70 people who have played important roles in building the internet and developing it (Tim Berners-Lee, Vincent Cerf, Jimmy Wales, Mitchell Baker…) into what it is today addressed an open letter to the members of the European Parliament:
“As creators ourselves, we share the concern that there should be a fair distribution of revenues from the online use of copyright works, that benefits creators, publishers, and platforms alike.
But Article 13 is not the right way to achieve this. By requiring Internet platforms to perform automatic filtering all of the content that their users upload, Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users. […] The damage that this may do to the free and open Internet as we know it is hard to predict, but in our opinions could be substantial.”
Here is the original Article 13. It’s even scarier. / Link 2 
Here is how to contact your MEPs. 
Here is a full list of everything that will be affected.
Europe is facing a huge problem, and unlike with Net Neutrality, the world doesn’t seem to care. 
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
(((hey yall, mun here!)))
(((im gonna be taking a short break from tumblr again - i promise it won't be as long as last time, but i just need a week or so to clear my head from some drama that's been happening. i'll only be posting on my main blog, but i just can't rp right now :/ )))
(((i'm going to discontinue the current m!a, because i feel like the novelty of it has worn off by now - unless you guys want it to continue when i get back? probably not. nothing big will change with dream when I get back either, so dont worry about him forgetting all of yall again. i hope you guys can understand - i'll only be gone for about a week! i love yall ❤ -mun)))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
i adore your blog and i wanted to say stay strong no matter what people have your back and they care about you! ^w^ even in the most hardest situations we can always find a way around it even if it seems impossible :)
(((oh my god,,,, this is really something i needed to hear right now, thank you so much! -mun)))
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official-dsdream · 7 years ago
Dream, you should go to him. Go find Nightmare, let him know you love him while you have the chance before you revert back.
I can't. I don't want to get his hopes up that I really have 'changed my mind', only to revert back and forget.I cannot hurt him that way.-Dream((knowledge m!a 13/25))
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