ofcnimction · 3 months
I’ve not really had much to come back to on this account 😭 so that’s why I’ve been silent. Idk how to find rp partners in the fandoms I have on this account and it’s disheartening
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ofcnimction · 4 months
I just watched the full moon episode and I need someone to cry with about this.
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ofcnimction · 4 months
I haven’t seen the new ep yet and won’t be able to watch it until tomorrow night. What if I cry
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ofcnimction · 4 months
Blitzo was adding a bit of honey to the hot cup of tea when he’d heard Stolas make his entrance. He turned with the shitty cup in his hand to see him … practically naked, for lack of a better word and that alone was enough to make him stumble. The cup flew upwards out of his palm and splattered out onto the floor in both pieces and liquid. He retreated back towards the counter out of instinct before looking up at the much taller male.
“Shit. I’m sorry. I- I should’ve realized you couldn’t wear your soaked ass clothes out.” Blitzo realized then that he’d been apologizing a lot and he wasn’t even sure why. It’s not like Stolas deserved an apology, right? After all, Stolas had used him as a little fuck toy for all this time and now he’d just shown up at his door because what? No one else in god damn hell liked him? Rich.
“I’ll … make you another in a second. I just gotta clean this shit up.” Blitzo mumbled, trying to push all the thoughts away. He grabbed a broom and dust pant and swept up any glass shards. He didn’t look at Stolas again. He couldn’t bare to. He wanted to simmer in annoyance — not feeling the softness of the reality of him actually being here brought out in him.
The shower very nearly did get the better of Stolas for an embarrassingly long time, though eventually he figured out the appropriate combination of percussive maintenance to get the sticky handle to grind past ten fucking degrees and spit out decently warm water. Honestly, it was probably the shittiest shower Stolas has ever had. There was no water pressure whatsoever, and the water occasionally went frigid for three long seconds, but to Stolas it felt like bliss. He methodically soaped off every inch of himself, watching the grime of the last three days swirl down the drain. When he was done, he did his very best to preen himself in Blitz's low mirror, in the subpar light of his bathroom, and to the best of his ability, rinsed out his disgusting clothes, hanging them on the back of the door to dry.
He, with a bit of creativity, a few of Loona's hair ties that had been abandoned by the sink, and one rusty safety pin he found in the cupboard, took the towels blitz had given him and fashioned them into a simple little toga-like thing so he didn't have to emerge from the bathroom with nothing on, which wouldn't be polite at all, and took stock of himself in the mirror.
He looked like shit. He looked peaky and sickly and exhausted. But he was clean.
He opened the door as quietly as he could and made his way timidly out into the living room in his stupid little towel toga, hoping Blitz would be out there and his daughter would NOT.
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ofcnimction · 4 months
Can I post opens again and people not be weird about it btw? Cos … god damn
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ofcnimction · 4 months
I’ve been dealing with a serious bout of depression so sorry for me not being active 😭 I’m gonna try to do some things after I’ve gotten some sleep
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ofcnimction · 4 months
The second thank you is what pulled Blitzo out of whatever trance he’d found himself in. He moved quickly to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels and pushed them into Stolas’s chest without a word. He wasn’t good at this. He knew that whatever Stolas had gone through in the last few days had been … traumatic, but to go out of his way to comfort him? Shit. He couldn’t even bring comfort to himself.
“I’ll make you some tea or something. I- you should dry off a little and then go take a shower so you don’t smell like absolute dog shit.” Blitzo said before nudging a thumb in the direction of the bathroom. “The shower is a little confusing to work at first but you’re not a fucking idiot so I’m sure you can figure it out on your own.” And that was his way of showing he cared. If he didn’t, he would’ve closed the door on Stolas’s fucking face or worse, laughed at him and told him to get lost, but he hadn’t done that. He couldn’t have.
He went to work on brewing some shitty tea for Stolas, trying not to think too hard about all of this, but it was a lot. How he’d gone from actively avoiding everything to do with the high ranking demon to having him in his dumpy ass apartment using his shower was beyond him. Life just had a way of throwing shit at him, he supposed.
Stolas turned around immediately when Blitz called to him, not even as a result of the desperate state he found himself in. Blitz had just always had that effect on him. With little more than a word, he could draw Stolas's focus completely. That hadn't changed. It probably never would.
But his comments on why Stolas would need a job gave the owl pause, and he frowned a little at the look of confusion on Blitz's face. Did he not know? How could he not know? It had been on the front page of every paper in the rings.....adding insult to injury when Stolas had been forced to huddle under the discarded scraps of said papers, facing down his greatest moment of shame for a bit of warmth the past three nights. How could Blitz not know?
But before Stolas could summon up the words to ask, Blitz offered him an invitation inside.
Inside. A warm dry place Stolas hadn't been in three days. He was in no position to turn that down....or even hesitate long enough for the imp to change his mind about allowing a disgraced, disheveled, frankly a bit disgusting bird into his home.
"Thank you." Stolas replied. There was nothing else he could say, and besides, there was a tickle in his throat that threatened a fit of coughing if he spoke any more. He simply followed his once-friend indoors and let him close the door behind them.
It was warm in the apartment. Wonderfully, blissfully warm. A low, rough moan of relief slipped past Stolas's chattering beak before he could rein it in, but he was past caring about his dignity in that moment. He was finally warm and he wanted to cry with relief, and for a few long moments he just stood inside the door, eyes closed, luxuriating in the feeling of air that wasn't bitterly chilly on his skin.
When he did finally open his eyes and look around, he was a bit surprised. Blitz's apartment was....small. Very small. He could see a few doors, which he surmised led to bathrooms, bedrooms, and the like, but most of the apartment seemed to be a small living room and a semi detached kitchen that would have fit in Stolas's personal bathroom back at the palace. It was also far shabbier than he'd always pictured. The wallpaper was peeling. The floors were worn. There tile backsplash was chipping. Still, a significant effort had been put in to make it feel homey. There was the doormat he was currently standing on, throw blankets on the back of the sofa, and personal photographs covering the walls.
Stolas hovered awkwardly on the doormat. He was dripping filthy water, and he was loathe to make a mess of his friends home. But the imp was ...staring at him in a rather perplexed way. He had to say something.
"Thank you, Blitz." He repeated again. It was all he could think of to say.
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ofcnimction · 4 months
Blitzo didn't realize he was still pointing the gun at Stolas until after he spoke again. An apology leaving the much taller demon, but that just confused him even more. He felt frozen in place, only lowering the weapon as Stolas turned to leave. Do something. Do something. Do ANYTHING!
"Wait!" He called out without much thought. For a second, he thought maybe it hadn't even been his own voice, but his outstretched hand said otherwise as he just found himself more and more confused. A job? Why did a fancy fuck like him need a fucking job for? He hadn't heard the news about Stolas. Had avoided his name, his face, his everything like the fucking plague.
He felt sick, but in a sad way.
"A job?" His voice cracked, "What ... what do you need a job for? Don't you have ... oh..." And then it hit him. Stolas's appearance. The exhaustion. The dampness from the rain.
"Shit." Blitzo leaned against the door frame, holding his gun fully to his side now. "You...you should come inside. You'll freeze your feathers off out there."
That was all Stolas registered at first. There was a gun. It was a very scary looking gun. That gun was also very pointed at him. He did not like that and it shorted his already exhausted brain out for a second.
He took a great big fearful gulp, making eye contact with the gun.
"Don't shoot!" He coughed, raising his hands and his gaze to meet Blitz's. It was the first time he'd been in the same room with the imp he'd fallen for in.....he'd lost track. The first time since the Asmodean crystal anyway. His parti-colored face was a sight for sore eyes and Stolas relaxed a bit, despite the precarious situation. Blitz had always had that effect on him. He felt safe with him, somehow. It was a feeling he could quite articulate.
But Blitz was the one pointing a gun at him and demanding as to his purpose at the door. He looked confused. Stolas supposed his disheveled, wet state must be a bit jarring. But the message Blitz meant to send was clear, and Stolas's shivering shoulders slumped in disappointment. Of course Blitz wouldn't want to see him. If he hadn't wanted to see him without being compelled by the book before, when he was still a person of some value he certainly wouldn't want to now, when Stolas had nothing left to offer.
"Ah....I'm sorry to disturb you." He said, trying to maintain a shred of dignity and not collapse at his once-friend's feet, begging his mercy. Begging to be allowed inside. Begging to just not be so cold. "I see my visit is not a welcome one, and I should never wish to burden or oblige you."
Graceful even in desperation and defeat, he turned to leave. A thought occured to him. A memory, more. A memory of a bright eyed owlet with a brand new grimoire and a dreamer of an impling, swinging from a tree in the starlight. A long forgotten friendship and a playful offer of employment. "I suppose, deep down, I was hoping for a job." He chucked, mostly to himself, as he slumped towards the stairs.
Maybe he could hide in the stairwell for a while....at least was dry.
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ofcnimction · 4 months
Another shitty day at work. That was Blitzo’s first thought of the day and it hadn’t disappointed. He’d been so ready to get back to his dumpy ass apartment and not have to interact with anyone, but the rain had dampened that fucking mood too. Fuck. Shit. Dammit. Stupid fucking rain. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to his agitated state — one of which Moxxie and Millie had pestered him about all day.
“Are you okay, Sir? You seem more irritable today?” Moxxie had questioned. As if he and his happy little wife actually gave a god damn shit about how he felt any other fucking day.
“Is it because of what happened with Sto-“ Millie had dared to try to bring it up. They weren’t fucking stupid. They’d seen the Asmodean crystal that he had given to him. They could only be asking about their stupid fucking break up and the fact that that owl faced fuck had had the audacity to look sad while doing it. Fuck him. Fuck them.
“Don’t you dare say his fucking name.” Blitzo warned and that was enough to shut them up, but only for a few minutes. Trying over and over and over to peel back the walls he’d built around himself until he couldn’t take it anymore and fucking left. The way the rain had started the moment he’d gotten into the truck just seemed like an omen for more bad shit to come.
So maybe he was expecting something. A bad something when he’d gone up to his apartment and felt for some reason that he was being watched. He wasn’t sure what or why, but he ignored it like every other feeling he had besides this swirling anger, because at least being angry kept him safe.
He took a seat heavily on his couch. Released all the breath he’d been holding as he stared at the blank tv screen and felt the burning sensation of tears in his eyes. Fuck. He didn’t want to admit it. That maybe he was starting to care. That maybe those walls had been collapsing in on himself. That maybe he’d thought he could trust someone in this fucked up world. Yet he felt like he’d lost something great and he hadn’t felt that way since … since the fire.
The sound of a knock on the door startled him. A soft sound of surprise before he was on his feet and straight faced again. He got that feeling again like something bad was about to happen, so he made sure he had his gun as he walked to the door, swinging it open and aiming his gun at the person without a second thought until his eyes connected with the person standing there.
“Stolas…” he said the name so softly. Maybe even affectionately, but somehow pained all the same. He looked like shit and Blitzo couldn’t understand why. Why did he look like he’d been on the street for fucking weeks?
“Wh-what in the fuck are you doing here?” He wanted to sound angry but he was more surprised. Scared.
✨🌌The Prince and the Boss-Man🌌✨
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A starter for @ofcnimction's Blitzo
Stolas was not used to waking up wet. He also was not used to waking up outside, huddled under a fire escape in an alley, shivering. A lotnof things had happened in the past few days that he wasn't used to. He'd never not eaten for three while days before. He'd never been kicked out of his house and slept in the street before. He'd never been dragged before his Father by his own guards, stripped of his titles, and cast out of his family before, and that was the crux of it.
That moment would be seared into his mind forever. His father, flaring in all his demonic glory, towered over him and pronounced him, for one last time, "unworthy" and "a disappointment to the noble name and title" and had a guard tear the crown from his head and the grimoire from his grasp. He could still hear Octavia sobbing as the grimoire and all the burdens that came with it were placed in her hands and he was dragged from the room and flung out into the alley behind the council chambers, with nothing but the clothes on his back. He wandered the city, in shock, utterly alone for the first time in his life. That was three days ago.
The first night he didn't sleep. The second he'd hidden in a bush in an abandoned garden. But it had begun raining the third day. He had no money. No means. And news of his dethroning had spread rapidly, so there was no one who would take him in, which left him huddling under a shallow eve, soaked to the skin, trying to stay dry. Apparently, he'd fallen asleep back there, in that squalid little alley behind some shitty apartment building. It was still raining. He was soaked through.
But he had nowhere else to go. So he pulled his sodden cloak around himself and pressed himself back against the filthy brick wall he was huddled against, praying to Satan for some sort of help.
A van squealed down the alley, throwing up a wall of filth sewer water that crashed over him.
Some divine intervention.
The offending van pulled into the shitty apartment's parking lot around the corner and parked, dinging at least three other vehicles, by the sound of it. The door open then slammed shut, and it beeped as it locked.....and then the voice of the driver came floating down the alley as he bitched about the rain. A very familiar voice. Pitchy, yet gruff. Emotional. Crass.
Stolas looked up in shock.
No....it couldn't be.......
He stood, and got to the corner as fast as his legs would carry him, but only managed to peer around in time to see the back of the driver as he disappeared into the apartments front door. But that was enough. The long black frock coat. The three distinct spikes. Those glorious stripes horns. That clever red spaded tail he knew so well.....
Without thinking, he rushed towards the door....but it was locked behind him. The buzzer system was right next to it, and the names of each resident were taped next to the apartment buzzers. And there his name was! Apartment 4R! Blitz and Loona Buckzo!
He pressed their buzzer.
Nothing happened.
He pressed it again.
Still nothing.
He pressed it one more time.
Then he noticed the faded, laminated sign sloppily duct taped to the wall next to the buzzer. It read "Buzzer System out of Order. If you need to access the building....go fuck yourself."
But that was alright. He could wait. Eventually someone would come out of the building and he could slip in behind them. And soon enough, someone did. A loud, unpleasant sinner came barreling out the door a few minutes later, and Stolas managed to catch it before it closed, slipping out of the rain.
The elevator was also broken, according to an equally rude sign, so Stolas, coughing, sneezing, shaking and sodden, began the trek up the steep, dark stairs to the fourth floor. As he walked, though, he began to get nervous. He hadn't seen Blitz in quite some time.....after the Asmodean crystal they just sort of....stopped talking. Perhaps he wouldn't want to see Stolas at all. Perhaps he hated him and would just turn him away. Perhaps he'd take him over the coals for what he'd done now that Stolas had no power, no station, nothing. He'd probably think that was what Stolas deserved.
Stolas spiraled all the way up till he found himself standing outside of the door labeled 4R. Blitz's apartment. He stooped to knock...then paused.
Ah hell, what else did he have to loose.
He knocked on the door.
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ofcnimction · 5 months
Just saw a video calling Charlie a service top and now I can’t stop thinking about it and I will be accepting this as canon lol
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ofcnimction · 5 months
Do you write as Stolas or Blitzo and want that angsty goodness that is Stolitz? Are you 21+ and enjoy writing literate multipara replies with lots and lots of plotting and crying? Would you like to form a bond unlike no other w the silliest of trans guy? (Me) Well come on down to my dms!!! I am so so desperate for this pairing that it's insane. I'm only looking for ONE person (two if i find one stolas and one blitzo that i get along w) as I don't like hogging ships but this is just one my funky lil brain can't let go of.
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ofcnimction · 5 months
Reblog  this  post  to  let  your  followers  know  you're  fine  with  being  tagged  in  random  starters.  Additionally,  reblog  this  post  if  you're  all  right  with  being  sent  old memes,  no  matter  how long ago you reblogged them.
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ofcnimction · 5 months
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ofcnimction · 5 months
"That aint the point." Millie said with a huff. "Just cos you've heard worse doesn't mean it aint wrong." She could fill her blood boiling. "Just one swift kick to the nuts! C'mon! Show this guy he can't just say whatever his one brain cell lets come out of shit mouth!"
“Let it go alright? I’ve been called worse.” Jubilee sighed at Millie. Mutant bigotry is still a thing to folks like her but the best she can do is lead by action and example.
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ofcnimction · 5 months
"Yeah yeah yeah. Sure they have. but not for the free!" Angel emphasized with a wag of his finger. "Valentino would shit a mothball if I so much as fucking breathed for someone for free. I'd ... maybe set your actor sights a lil lower, yeah?"
“Oh come on Dust! Porn stars voice acted in video games before!” Pix, the grandson of Vox, implored as the developer has an excited smile on his face at the idea. Celebrity voice acting didn’t appeal to him until he met Verosika. Now he’s on board with it.
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ofcnimction · 5 months
Angel tries not to feel phased by the large amount of cash he pulls out. Was he really worth that much for one night? What if he didn't meet his expectations? A new round of anxieties began to pop into his head, but he managed to give him a smug smile. "Sure thing and maybe if ya really enjoy yourself, you could squeeze out a little more." He said with a wink. "So where the hell are we doing this?" He wasn't sure if Charlie would lose her shit if he brought this guy into the hotel for sexual favors, but this was 50k on the line.
He pauses, counting out what he has before putting down a flat 50,000. He's not going cheap...or weak. He is gonna go all in, sink or swim. "...does that suffice or should I go in more?"
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ofcnimction · 5 months
"A mix of both? Sure. Go figure." Angel said with a scoff. "Well, how much ya got?" He holds out his hand in annoyance. "If I'm gonna be riding your pony, it might as well be for a pretty fucking penny."
"Probably a mix of both, Ange." He stops, realizing he just used a Nickname. A shortened name, sighing as he rubs a hand on his own face. "...can we just say both then....?"
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