ofburns · 3 years
PSA: i’ll mainly be active here on weekends! so if i disappear for a few days, don’t even worry. i’ll be back soon.
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ofburns · 3 years
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❝ I THINK GETTING CONTACTS DID ME SOME FAVORS. ❞                                 - undyne jameson.
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ofburns · 3 years
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                   𝗠𝗔𝗗𝗔𝗠.    𝗔    𝗚𝗢𝗗    𝘿𝙊𝙀𝙎𝙉'𝙏    𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝘿.
    loki    friggason.    a    test    muse    sideblog    to    @deadsocialite.    marvel    based,    norse    mythology    influenced,    series    inspired.    triggering    themes    ahead.    worshipped    by    brian.    ©
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ofburns · 3 years
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ofburns · 3 years
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❛   apply  pressure  to  the  wound   !   haven’t  you  seen  csi   ?!   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
adult  themes / language tw.    customize  as  you  need / wish !
I watched a large ant and a small ant fight over a piece of poison bait today. Truly no winners there.
You ever finish your day and realize your shirts been backward the whole time…? Yeah. Me too.
So, lemme get this straight, there are people for whom regular social interaction is… easy?
Ex’s be like, “I’m over you,” then go date a knock off version of you.
How old were you when the guitar hero crowd booed at you for trying your best?
I forgive myself for the way I let people treat me when i didn’t know any better.
There’s always gonna be someone that doesn’t like you, don’t let It bother you.
What is procrastination, if not relaxation persevering?
Sorry I didn’t text you back, I wasn’t in the mood to exist.
Just saw a raccoon pop its head out of a storm drain like Pennywise and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
That awkward moment when someone calls you sweetie.
Dreams do come true if you believe, but you have to make your move.
Sometimes waiting for the weekend is better than the weekend itself.
A sign you are a grown up is when you realize, school is actually more fun than work.
Don’t fall in love. It’s bad.
3 words 8 letters, “I got food.”
That awkward moment when you get mad at someone, slam the door, then you realize you forgot something, so you have to go back.
Admit it. You love the songs that describe exactly what you are feeling.
I really don’t care about the party. I only came for free food.
I stay up late every night, regret it in the morning, and the next day I do it all over again.
Never apologize for saying what you feel. That’s like saying sorry for being real.
Is it possible to party alone?
Imagine if it was possible to find out everyone who secretly had a crush on you.
Beauty gets the attention but personality gets the heart.
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ofburns · 3 years
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confusion . HURT . maybe a tinge of annoyance . oliver’s stomach turns and they begin to clench and unclench their hands –– they’ve got a pretty thick skin , BUT IT DOESN’T STOP THEM FROM FEELING ANXIOUS . her body seems to shrink , like she’s trying to dissolve into that greenish cardigan ; instead of fight or flight taking hold , SHE’S JUST PANICKING IN STILL SILENCE . but finally , they blink — oliver doesn’t have to think of a funny insult or shoot into customer service mode . thank fucking god . a sigh of relief follows as they leave — “ YEAH . thanks for stepping in . thanks . a lot , actually , ” maybe it’s the espresso or the adrenaline , but their heart is beating out of their chest . they don’t take confrontation well . and , unironically , it’s times like these where they consider taking up alcoholism again . “ PEOPLE SUCK . but , you know , such is life . i don’t like to wish bad on people , BUT SOME JUST DESERVE TO CHOKE ON THEIR OWN SPIT . ”
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admiration  paints  over  the  agitation  that  was  felt  mere  moments  ago.   something  about  the  way  the  way  the  last  sentence  leaves  their  lips,   it  has  a  snort  of  amusement  erupting  before  you  can  take  the  time  to  recompose  yourself  into  at  least  letting  out  a  noise  that  was  slightly  more  appealing.   this  would  be  one  of  those  moments  that  would  pop  into  your  mind  at  early  hours  of  the  morning  when  you  can’t  sleep,   you  were  aware.   ❛   you’re  right.   they  were  a  dick  to  be  around  anyway,   i  don’t  know  why  i  didn’t  see  it  until  now.   i’m  just  sorry  i  couldn’t  stop  them  before  they  actually  said  something.   ❜   the  breath  that  was  exhaled  was  clearly  coated  in  annoyance  at  your  previous  friend’s  actions.   ❛   is  there  anything  i  can  do   ?   maybe  treat  you  to  lunch,   or  something   ?   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
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   “       huh? “ of course he was HAPPY! he didn’t even have to try to be! everything good just happened to fall into his lap- he hardly had a care in the world! but what threw him off from answering his truth was the sudden apology. “     you good there? like… do you need to talk about something or something? I’ve got a cigarette, too.  “ 
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❛   oh   !   no,   i  don’t   —   uh,   i  don’t  smoke.   ❜   the  thought  alone  made  an  ache  form  in  your  abdomen.   not  only  was  it  a  disgusting  habit,   it  involved  something  that  you  would  prefer  to  never  cross  your  mind.   then  again,   it  is  better  than  VAPING.   ❛   i’m  good,   just  got  the  fuckin’  brain  rot.   you  know  what  i  mean   ?   ❜   that  attempt  at  a  joke  was  weak,   even  the  smile  that  etched  on  your  lips  was  a  pathetic  attempt.   pull  it  together,   undyne.
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ofburns · 3 years
@visionhe​​ ❤’d.    paid in exposure.
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❛   trust  as  far  as  you  can  throw  her.   ❜   chin  jerked  to  the  side  and  then  re-centered,  a  gesture  of  realization.   that  didn’t  sound  correct.   the  entity  before  you  had  abilities  that  couldn’t  even  begin  to  be  described.   well,   that  also  wasn’t  true.   forms  printed  out  written  by  stark  himself  pinned  to  a  clipboard  was  between  your  fingers.   ❛   actually,   that’s  probably  really  far  for  you.   point  is,   you  should  maybe  take  what  the  other  technician  said  with  a  grain  of  salt.   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
@deadsocialite​ ❤’d.   talking to the mirror.
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❛   yeah,   i’ve  felt  the  emptiness.   ❜   worn  digits  tangled  in  chestnut  colored  strands,   craving  to  wring  the  numbers  out  of  your  sight   -   out  of  your  brain.   it  was  lost  on  you  what  deity  could  have  possibly  cursed  your  being  with  this  knowledge,   the  exact  time  down  to  the  second,   you  could  see  when  every  person  around  you  would  pass.   THIS  WAS  DIFFERENT.   timer  dulled,   set  on  zeros.   ❛   but  i  don’t  think  i  can  help  you.   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
@magioffire​ ❤’d.    dig the crazy.
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❛   i  think  my  soul  is  rebelling.   ❜   a  hush  fell  over,   voice  barely  above  a  whisper.   the  words  feel  nearly  FOREIGN  on  your  tongue,   the  taste  lingering  there  a  foul  one.  the  trauma  leaking  out,   spilling  on  the  grass  below.   no  one  is  supposed  to  know   —   no  one  was  ever  meant  to  know.   ❛   my  dreams,   they’re  getting  freaky.   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
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if you could do me a cheeky little favor, and give this post a like for a lyrical starter!
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ofburns · 3 years
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if you could do me a cheeky little favor, and give this post a like for a lyrical starter!
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ofburns · 3 years
@nitebit​ ❤’d.    hellogoodbye.
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❛   is  your  mind  playing  tricks  on  you   ?   ❜   chrome  coated  flashlight  was  gripped  between  calloused  digits,   the  beam  of  light  directed  at  the  whites  of  the  other’s  eyes.   testing  pupil  dilation,   there  showed  no  signs  of  a  blow  to  the  head,   but  it  didn’t  hurt  to  check.   routine  that  was  etched  into  your  brain,   like  an  autopilot  list.   you  recite  it  in  your  sleep.   ❛   are  you  sure  that’s  what  you  saw  last   ?   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
adult themes / language tw.  customize as you need / wish !
It somehow tastes how I felt when my cell phone was fully charged.
Oh, I’m so relaxed. 
_______, you’ll never believe it!
Dude, you don’t understand!
I never did stuff like that when I was on Earth. 
But now, thanks to your ‘good person’ lessons, I didn’t hold up the line. 
Now I do selfless things without even thinking about it.
That’s great. I’m… I’m proud of you.
Oh… can you go? I don’t want to go all the way back.
I ran all the way here and it was so hot.
I mean, I will happily get it, because I told you I would.
If all that matters is the sum total of ‘goodness,’ then you can justify any number of bad actions. 
I knew this girl/boy _______, (s)he was a black market alligator dealer with a pierced  jawbone.
Um… Okay, what?
Shockingly, that is a relevant example of the Utilitarian dilemma. Well done. 
I’m revved up to learn, man. My brain is horny!
Um… Can we take a little break?
Tell me what you think.
You haven’t seen Hamilton?
Hey, did you hear about _______?
It’s nothing, it’s a tiny little inconvenience. 
_______, dear, could you show us to a private room where no one could see or hear us, even if I yell very loudly out of fear?
I walked past it last night and I actually saw it get a little bit bigger. 
This is the reaction I have when things are incredibly mundane and expected. 
I’m going to leave now at my regular pace, as I do in most scenarios. 
Whip out that chalkboard, big boy, show me what you’re working with. 
I’m going to take a nap using the several blankets that I already have. Good night. 
Fine, I’m just tired. Need a break. No big deal.
‘Everything is cool, no big deal,’ I know that move. 
Okay, well, in this case, it really is no big deal.
Dude, you’re hiding something! What’s wrong?
Oh, no. I’m second to last.
Thank you, _______. It’s very competent. 
I grew tired of objective representation. I trust my audience. 
You want to know what’s wrong? You’re a full-time job.
So now I’m just some huge burden for you?
Yes! Of course, your are! I’m in paradise?
That’s your idea of paradise!
It’s an impossible position!
We can pretend to be soulmates in public, but other than that, we don’t have to see each other. 
Fine with me! I’ll move out right now.
Starting out now, no one must go outside under any circumstances. 
What have you done to me, you monster?
You are unbelievable. 
Are you still upset? You’re not over it yet?
How can I be over it? We haven’t discussed it or even spoken for days.
Get your story straight, bro!
Oh, it shouldn’t take long. Between an hour and 11 months. Somewhere in there. 
Your public failure is our public failure. 
I’m auctioning off a lunch date with me. 
We are obsessed with your relationship. 
You could say I wrote the book on healthy relationships. 
I started a company that invented identity theft.
They are gonna catch us! This is an extremely precarious situation, _______!
I think they might have come here to just swing.  
I am not going to have sex with someone to get them to stop talking to me!
Really? You and I are very different.
But if we go down right now, that’s on you!
Oh, you spend all your time teaching a charming, awesome lady/gent? How sad for you. 
I’m the best thing that ever happened to you.
Ya basic!
Yes, that’s what it is. A squabble. 
I like relaxing. (S)he likes to get on my case about the dishes. 
What on Earth would I be hiding?
Oh, that’s one of the side effects. 
‘It’s not a big deal,’ is nearly always code for ‘something is wrong.’
Be, like, the exactly right amount of honest so that we can both be happy. 
No wonder you’re so tense.
I know it’s not the right time, but I told you. 
You know what? I don’t want the money.
But I just don’t understand why I’m so low. 
You have nothing left to prove, to anyone. 
Every ounce of my happiness leads to a ton of pain for you.
I know we’ll never be soul mates, but we’re friends. 
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ofburns · 3 years
@believedtruly​​ ❤’d.   woke up.
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❛   you’re  SELF  OBSESSED  and  all  the  rest.   honestly,   i’m  so  over  it   !   ❜   wrath  gripped  your  vocal  cords  in  a  clawed  grasp.   anger’s  nails  dragged  down  into  your  lungs,   scorching  them  red.   what  had  brought  on  this  fit  of  rage   ?   well,   the  insults  that  your   (   now  ex   )   friend  was  slinging  towards  this  poor  person  stung  your  ears.   memories  of  the  things  people  would  say  in  passing  was  more  enough.   aura  would  blacken  at  the  mere  idea  of  standing  idly  while  witnessing  the  bullying.   with  a  huff  of  air,   your  former  friend  had  left   —   leaving  fingers  to  slacken  and  relax  out  of  their  tightened  place  at  your  side.
❛   are  you  okay   ?   people  can  be   —   you  know,   fucking  foul.   ❜
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ofburns · 3 years
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if you could do me a cheeky little favor, and give this post a like for a lyrical starter!
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