apparitions ;
46 posts
“Journeys end in lovers meeting; I have spent an all but sleepless night, I have told lies and made a fool of myself, and the very air tastes like wine. I have been frightened half out of my foolish wits, but I have somehow earned this joy; I have been waiting for it for so long.”― Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House 
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
thank you to everyone that started following this account ! i haven’t ditched it ! i’ve just been on a con crunch for this weekend among a few other things ( my birthday is next thursday and i’ll be out of town for a weekend in august ) but i’m going to be around tomorrow to get a few things straightened out and drafting replies/responding to things and all that good stuff . i’m also either going to drop starter calls or open starters for some of the bbs and everyone is welcomed to respond to anything . but thank youuuu ! lots of love , cait .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
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" THE YOUNG CARPENTER FROM NAZARETH? i knew him well . promising young man . he died badly .
muse for everyone's favorite demonic soul stealer from Needful Things by Stephen King . what got your fancy in his shop of wonders ? part of an mumu account CAIT already sold her soul to write him .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
as i work and fight myself about adding a joseph quinn fc and leland gaunt ( needful things by stephen king ) as characters like this post for a reverse starter call that'll be carried out when i get home tonight .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
at work and only mobile until 9 cst . reposted a few meme things anyone is free to send stuff in . for the starter one just shoot me a message for preferences and for the phone one it's a little more personal to people i've interacted with that takes place in modern times . under the cut is a list of muses to interact with ( if we have a thread going on and you can send me one for them ) <3
shaw from person of interest
deputy so&so from sinister
michelle jones-watson from mcu spiderman
nate richards from young avengers
tentive ones are merlin and morgana simply because i haven't written for them in years so
you can also say surprise me .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
Send me a “📱” and I will answer the following:
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
What my muse saved your number as?
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
How many times my muse has called your this week?
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
a series of general prompts, taken from across champions and skin lines
“The story of a sword is inked in blood.”
“Follow the wind, but watch your back.”
“The road to ruin is shorter than you think.”
“Justice. That’s a pretty word.”
“Is a leaf’s only purpose to fall?”
“I will not forget who I am.”
“Honor is in the heart, not the name.”
“Kill me? You can try.”
“There are three certainties in life: honor, death, and hangovers.”
“There is only death… mine, or yours!”
“If you’ve come to kill me… I hope you brought friends.”
“You can’t run from yourself, ____… I’ve tried.”
“Hesitation is the seed of defeat.”
“A great darkness approaches.”
“Meaning, in every snowflake.”
“The goats are wise; eat everything, climb everything, and if something kicks you, kick it back!”
“Witness true strength.”
“Don’t turn your back, or expose your neck.”
“It is terrible to be satisfied. The world needs us to chase dreams.”
“I don’t want you to fail, I want you to learn.”
“The sky was naught but dying stars.”
“No dawn comes without darkness.”
“Tough talk for worm food.”
“Some call it magic. I call it good aim.”
“Death is a mercy, and I have enough mercy to go around.”
“The softest water wears down the hardest rock.”
“Sometimes you’re the catch. Sometimes you’re the bait.”
“When they find you, they will cry.”
“The world is cruel. It does not have to be ugly.”
“The always-enchanting tale of star-crossed lovers.”
“Brave the shadows, find the truth.”
“Cut the last breath from them.”
“Challenge me, ______ … you shall not be an orphan long!”
“I’ve given up too much to let you stop me.”
“He may be your blood, but we are your people.”
“Embracing life means accepting death.”
“The only true death is to never live.
"Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise.”
“Today only matters if we can remember it tomorrow.”
“My humanity cannot be overwritten.”
“So long as you refuse to obey, you are human.”
“The fact that you’re following orders doesn’t make you any less responsible.”
“I knew there was hope for you.”
“If anything ever happens to me, it’s up to you to finish this.”
“You were the best of us - once.”
“Don’t let them snuff out your light.”
“Come back from the shadows.”
“There’s still good in you. I know it.”
“You gave up everything you were, and it still wasn’t enough.”
“The storm follows in my wake.”
“The darker the night, the brighter the stars.”
“Fight or be forgotten.”
“Peace is the greatest lie of all.”
“Die with fear in your heart, or win with blood on your hands.”
“Eventually, the sands claim us all.”
“I will fight as long as I stand!”
“We - I - must remember.”
“Succumb! It’s inevitable.”
“This is but a battle. I’ve already won the war.”
“You’ve got dangerous eyes… I like that.”
“All you need is hope. And a giant metal suit.”
“When darkness closes in, drill right through it!”
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
starter ideas, part 01   ♡   a series of random situations that you can set your starter in  -  these are leaning more towards first encounters.  feel free to change anything as needed.  happy writing!
our muses are roommates  &  your muse is taking too long in the washroom
our muses are classmates  &  mine desperately asks yours to help them study for an important upcoming test  /  exam
our muses eat at the same place every day for lunch  &  my muse finally works up the courage to sit with yours and have a conversation
our muses are at the library  &  they reach for the same book
our muses are at a local BBQ  &  my muse accidentally trips and knocks your muse’s plate on the ground  /  spills wine (soda, water, etc)  on your muse
our muses  are  camping in the same campground or are hanging out at a party  &  my muse decides to go skinny dipping and  invites your muse to join
my muse’s found a lost pet roaming around  &  asks your muse if it’s theirs  /  to help find it’s owner
our muses are classmates  &  they get paired up for an assignment  /  project
our muses are  at a mutual friend’s wedding  &  got assigned seats next to each other  -  neither one of our muse’s have a date  &  my muse asks to dance with yours
my muse accidentally calls your muse (aka the incorrect number) to invite them  to  a  party but instead of apologizing  &  hanging up,  my muse offers your muse to still come despite them being strangers
our muses are eating at the same restaurant  &  my muse notices yours is sitting alone and decides to sit with them and keep them company
my muse’s outdoor pet likes to steal things and bring them home  &  i woke up to your muse knocking at mine’s door with the pet in their arms and a pair of underwear in it’s mouth
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
Ask my muse about family
Specify the muse if you’re a multimuse
👩 - What was the relationship with your mother like? Why is it like that?
👨 - What was the relationship with your father like? Why is it like that?
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?
👫 - What was your parental situation like growing up (two parents, single, divorced, etc.)?
🧑‍🦳 - Do you have any family outside of your parents and siblings? If so, what’s your relationship?
💞 - Who is your favorite family member? Why?
💔 - Who is you least favorite family member? Why?
😇 - Do you think you are a good child and/or sibling?
😡 - How were you to disciplined as a child?
📜 - What kinds of lessons were you taught as a child?
👶 - Do you have any children? Do you want children?
🐶 - Did you have any pets growing up? What about now?
⚰️ - Have you ever experienced the loss of a loved one? How did it affect you?
👍 - Do you think that you’d be a good parent? Why or why not?
🧬 - How do you define family?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 - Does your family have any family gatherings? Do you go to any of them?
💕 - How much does family mean to you?
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
〔  𝟎𝟎𝟏  〕  𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖.
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 THERE  WAS  A  SILENT  UNDERSTANDING  BETWEEN  THEM,  they  had  been  around  each  other  for  SO  LONG,  Emilio  hardly  have  to  speak  for  Cleo  to  understand  what  was  going  on  behind  his  eyes.  They  laughed  and  nodded  their  head,  shaking  it  a  bit  absentmindedly.  It  was  nice  feeling  this  comfortable,  as  if  they  were  in  their  niche,  as  if  this  was  something  they  should  have  done  their  whole  lives  instead  of  just  falling  into  it,  but  with  every  creak  and  sound  that  old  building  made,  Cleo  felt  in  their  BONES  that  something  could  finally  happen,  they  just  didn’t  know  how  they  would  feel  when  it  did.  Interloping  their  arm  with  Emilio’s  as  they  made  their  way,  their  lips  pressed  together  as  they  pondered  the  words  that  just  came  out  of  their  best  friend’s  mouth.  ❛  That’s  …  ODDLY  specific  for  a  yelp  review,  don’t  you  think?  ❜  Cleo’s  lips  were  quick  to  tug  up  in  response,  the  easy  smile  they  usually  wore  being  plastered  there,  ❛  so,  what  they  said  was:  don’t  trust  the  french  toats,  but  trust  the  guac?  Doesn’t  seem  to  add  up,  ❜  the  blonde’s  lips  twisted,  silencing  themselves  so  Emilio  could  reach  the  other  pair.  Checking  up  on  each  other  being  another  something  they  did  absentmindedly.  It  was  nice,  though,  to  have  conquered  those  routines  over  the  time  they  had  been  together,  a  lot  didn’t  have  to  be  said  among  them.  By  the  time  they  reached  the  bottom  of  the  stairs,  Cleo  untangled  themselves  from  their  best  friend  and  rested  their  back  against  the  old  banister,  which  immediately  creaked  and  made  them  push  themselves  off  before  something  happened.  ❛  Jesus,  I  keep  forgetting  how  old  this  thing  really  is──  ❜  they  pointed  out,  pushing  their  hair  behind  their  ear  and  clearing  their  throat  before  speaking.
 ❛  Every  damn  time  you  talk  like  that,  I  feel  like  we’re  in  Scooby  Doo,  or  something,  ❜  the  blonde  jested,  ❛  since  cameras  are  all  set,  we  can  just  ask  what  they  want?  ❜  Cleo  gave  Em  a  light  shrug,  ❛  remebering  we  still  kinda  have  to  do  intros  and  outros,  just  so  we  can  pack  up  and  leave  once  we’re  done  here,  should  we  look  badass  this  time?  Or  still  go  along  with  pure  debauchery?  ❜
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 DAKOTA  WAS  HEARING  ALL  VOICES  FROM  UPSTAIRS,  the  first  thought  on  his  mind  being  that  the  house  was  truly  damn  old  as  Cleo  had  said  before  they  took  up  on  being  there.  Being  a  tech  savvy  kind  of  guy  helped  with  things,  especially  since  he  was  not  much  of  a  camera  man,  he  always  used  to  tell  people  he  was  a  PRODUCER,  seemed  fitting,  and  attracted  girls  ──  he  did  always  ommitt  the  part  where  he  was  one  for  a  ghost  hunting  show,  though.  At  that  point,  he  was  taking  full  advantage  of  his  height  to  place  some  cameras  on  the  corners,  closer  to  the  ceiling  to  give  them  sort  of  a  high  ground  to  look  at.  The  infra  red  one  being  his  utmost  favorite,  he  was  always  expecting  to  see  some  weird  silhuete,  even  though  so  far  …  no  such  luck.  As  soon  as  he  was  done,  he  heard  Ryan  speaking  on  the  phone  with  either  one  of  the  voices  upstairs,  he  assumed,  and  rushed  to  angle  it  properly  so  he  could  go  back  to  the  brunette,  dusting  off  his  own  hands.  ❛  You  know,  the  owners  could  at  least  have  dusted  some  of  this  shit  off  before  we  came  around,  ❜  he  pointed  out,  tickling  Ryan’s  ribs  just  to  get  a  reaction  out  of  the  girl,  it  was  one  of  his  favorite  past  times.  ❛  VOICE  OF  GOD,  please  don’t  call  Emilio  that,  he  doesn’t  need  any  more  of  an  ego  booster,  his  head  is  gonna  get  too  heavy  for  his  shoulders,  ❜  he  jested,  wrapping  his  arm  around  the  back  of  her  neck.  ❛  Shall  we  go,  my  lady?  ❜  He  pointed  the  way  to  the  stairs  not  far  from  them,  but  stopped  walking  as  soon  as  his  phone  buzzed  in  his  pocket,  frowning  when  he  realized  his  was  not  the  only  one.  ❛  What  the  hell  Lizzie  wants  now?  ❜
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 IT  WAS  A  VIDEO  CALL,  and  before  they  saw  Elizabeth’s  face,  they  saw  a  WEIRD  LOOKING  STATUE.  ❛  Hey  guys,  so,  I’m  half  convinced  the  owners  are  satanists  and  we  are  in  some  kind  of  weird  horror  movie  setting  where  girls  who  look  like  me  are  the  first  ones  to  die,  ❜  her  voice  came  from  the  speakers  as  she  zoomed  in  the  bottom  of  the  statue  and  there  were  actually,  as  she  came  to  describe  not  long  after,  DEMON-Y  LOOKING  THINGS.  Elizabeth  had  studied  demonology  and  theology  in  college  and  was  pretty  much  greateful  for  handling  some  of  the  research  for  the  crew,  even  though  she  really  loved  to  stay  behind  the  cameras,  and  getting  b-rolls  and  walking  around  those  creepy  places  as  they  were  doing  right  now,  with  her  often  companion,  and  they  had  filmed  some  weird  things  outside  so  far.  She  turned  the  camera  to  her  own  face  and  her  eyes  showed  how  puzzled  she  was  about  their  findings.  ❛  We’re  gonna  wrap  up  here  and  meet  you  inside,  this  place  is  officially  giving  me  the  HEEBIE-JEEBIES,  ❜  she  shuddered  as  she  turned  off  the  phone  and  turned  to  face  the  other.  ❛  I’m  no  religious  woman,  but  I  feel  like  praying  right  now,  come  on,  let’s  just  go  and  start  this  thing,  I  feel  like  there  are  things  I  have  yet  to  look  up  about  this  place  and  I  can  do  that  while  y'all  stroll  around.  Think  Kota  will  mind  if  I  stay  with  the  computers  tonight?  ❜
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“ YOU KNOW i could go on a long rant about how hard it is to get french toast right and how guacamole is easy if you use the right stuff , but , we’ll save that for a car ride conversation . and it’ll include a history and importance to both . ” emilio said half joking , that’s what he was good at keeping things light hearted and he made good attempts at his job . phone still in his hand and his feet on the ground floor emilio turned to where cleo stood something of a slight smile on his face . “ not leaning on the banister is definitely noted . ” 
“ ZOINKS . you’re right . can i be shaggy ? ” he asked with a chuckle and shrug , “ sounds good to me i just don’t want to be down there alone or if possible at all . basements and i don’t mix . ” he put his phone down on one of the camera cases before answering . “ is that even a question ? the answer is always badasses c . because we are BADASSES . ” 
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creaking from above had her glancing up briefly , it was just emilio and cleo . there was ALWAYS a reason for every noise in EVERY place they went and it was never casper bumping around in the dark . ryan swatted at kota with the roll of tape , “ you’re so annoying . and i mean , yeah . but are you surprised they didn’t ? look at everything else in the place . i think they’re house keeper has been on vacation for a while and i wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they’re bed bugs here . “ she said glancing around the basement one last time before laughing . “ i think we can squeeze a dolly into the van for it . lead the way sir pain in my ass . ” she said with a nod , the duos walk was cut short by both phones buzzing . There was little need for her to retrieve her’s when she saw it was a video call from the other part of their group content at watching from dakota’s phone . she rolled her eyes when the call ended , “ that HAS TO BE fake . I MEAN . a group of young twenty something year old ghost hunters coming through . why not put up some things to really sell them on the HAUNT . ” ryan said her eyebrows knitting into a frown . “ what a joke . ”
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holding his phone so cleo could see lizzie’s find he’d actually willingly admit it was concerning . things of the occult always spelt out trouble , whether it was for the supernatural aspect of it or the kind of people drawn to it , “ thanks lizzie . well they certainly left that part out when they were telling us about the property . what do you make of it cleo ? “ emilio asked before sending out a group text warning everyone against touching IT or anything else they might stumble across that screamed something other than wholesome bed and breakfast . “ when everyone’s here i’m going to run out the car for the radios . ”
christian had his back to lizzie and his camera still up scanning the surrounding property as she shared their find , he was kind of hoping to catch something reminiscent to the BLAIR WITCH stick figures after the find . he snorted at her comment about dying first before stopping his recording and turning back to her . “ off the top of your head without research , what do you think it is liz ? they could be some sort of pagan , right . . ? ” his job was in handling the camera not doing the research for THINGS of that nature , movie knowledge was more his thing . looking past her he gave the statue a glance not wanting to look at it long before giving her his full attention again christian shrugged , “ don’t know . he might pout a little bit but i’m sure he’ll get over it . “
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
as it stands i have one thing in my drafts i need to finish and one (or two) starter(s) i need to actually get together . also i don’t know how everyone has those cool carrd things to act properly but i just gave up and switched to google docs (switched the link in my pinned post) to try and keep my muses in line , there’s still a lot of stuff i need to do with it but my brain can only handle so much coding at a time . i added my precious son ex deputy so & so from sinister with a lot of headcanon type stuff because he was never given a proper name or backstory and shaw from person of interest to the list . i haven’t had so much muse to just write in a long time and i’m so over the moon to be doing stuff again . this is also me signing out for the , i’ll try to be around tomorrow though !!
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
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oh how he missed her. 
but it was for the best right? with what had happened, peter would hate himself if he had gotten her hurt or worst. but there was always that part that wondered where they would have been if his life had been.. normal. but there was no use in dwelling in the past, peter had to move forward. this was what was best for her.
plus it.. gave him the chance to get to ‘know’ her all over again. it’s why he found himself here anytime she would be working, just to strike up small talk. or at least, try to. peter wants to chuckle, but refrains from doing say– fingers drumming along the counter as he looks at the menu. ‘’just a coffee, please. ah– actually.. two donuts and a coffee, you can uh– uh– pick the donuts.’’ 
so much for not being a weirdo, right?
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she’d never be able to put into words why she felt she should know him . but she felt she should , and it was something beyond knowing him as the one that came in for coffee . maybe it was from school at some point or being regulars at the same grocery store or laundry mat . whatever the reason or he was still WEIRD . but she for some reason and only sometimes missed him when he wasn’t around for a few days .
“ changing the order up on me . i only ever took you as a coffee and go kind of person . ” she said putting her order pad back into her apron before turning her back on him . “ YOU KNOW . if you’re allergic to anything you should probably tell me before you potentially have an episode of some sort . ”
“ is it to go or are you staying ? ”
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
〔  𝟎𝟎𝟏  〕  𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐨  🙴   ﹕     EMILIO.
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IT  WAS  ALMOST  IMPOSSIBLE  TO  DENY  THE  BUTTERFLIES  IN  THEIR  STOMACH.  Cleo  had  never  really  been  the  kind  to  feel  like  this,  especially  before  they  started  something,  and  yet,  there  they  were,  imagining  how  the  night  would  pan  out  and  the  next  few  days.  They  were  always  looking  for  something,  it  was  more  than  a  thesis  project  that  made  them  join  Emilio  in  their  adventure,  it  was  more  than  the  freedom  their  now  full-time  job  allowed.  Cleo  had  lost  their  father  a  few  years  ago,  their  PARTNER-IN-CRIME  really,  other  than  Emilio,  of  course,  and  since  then,  they  had  been  desperately  trying  to  find  something  to  believe  that  the  man  was  still  there  with  them,  because  the  rest  of  their  family  pretty  much  sucked.  ❛  Yeah,  I’m  pretty  sure  she’s  there  with  Kota,  if  she  doesn’t  pick  up,  we  can  try  him,  but  last  time  he  texted  me,  he  said  something  about  putting  up  the  infra-red,  ❜  Cleo  shrugged  a  bit  before  their  smile  mirrored  Emilio’s  as  they  stepped  closer,  trying  to  hide  their  expression  by  pursing  their  lips  to  the  side.  ❛  Don’t  forget  INCREDIBLY  HUMBLE,  ❜  they  teased  giving  him  a  light  push  on  the  shoulder,  ❛  but  I  promise  I’ll  try  not  to  put  all  my  eggs  on  this  basket  or  whatever──  but  I  don’t  know,  I  just  have  a  good  feeling  about  this  one,  something  I  haven’t  felt  in  any  of  the  ones  we’ve  been  in  before.  ❜  Cleo  didn’t  want  to  say  too  much,  they  didn’t  need  to  say  too  much,  if  there  was  anyone  who  knew  how  much  their  father’s  death  had  affected  them,  that  someone  was  Emilio.  His  next  words  made  Cleo  pout,  ❛  what?  No  fucking  way,  dude,  ugh──  I  was  looking  damn  forward  for  French  toasts,  did  it  say  why?  ❜  Without  a  second  glance  at  their  equipment,  the  blonde  agreed  to  his  suggestion,  steps  heading  down  the  stairs  while  tugging  him  along.
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TELLING THEM THEIR FATHER WOULD BE PROUD OF THEM seemed a little MUCH especially when they were gearing up for another long night , but he was willing to bet he was . he always felt bad for not properly being able to sympathize with the other but that was something he’d eventually get over . “ nahhhh . well -- i could never admit that myself . it’s one of the reasons why i keep you around c .” emilio laughed , he looked around the room as cleo spoke . “ yeah . ” he wasn’t going to outwardly admit THERE WAS SOMETHING DIFFERENT about the bed and breakfast , but there was . maybe it was the furniture or poor choices in paint on the wall , it almost felt like if the place could speak it would be screaming . “ we’ll see if it is . ” he almost mumbled the last bit of his thought it didn’t take much for him to start following them . “ they just said it tasted like a three year old whose never cooked before poor attempt at a mother’s day breakfast surprise . ” emilio said his tone trying to match what he thought the yelp reviewer sounded like . “ at least they said the guac was OUT OF THIS WORLD . ” digging out his phone on the way down it didn’t take him long to find ryan’s number , “ if you’re all square down there grab kota and meet at control , i think the other two might still be outside looking for some good b-roll shots . as soon as the sun is done setting we’re cutting the lights . ”
“ whose going in the basement and whose covering upstairs first ? ” emilio asked his attention going back to cleo . “ we could rock, paper , scissors it out . ” 
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there always needed to be a healthy dose of skepticism in every ghost hunting group and that’s where ryan found herself . she liked the people and the places well enough but nothing had been eye widening pissing her pants spooky YET . SHE WANTED IT , she wanted to believe but it just always turned out to be bad plumbing or something else of the sort . humming as she taped down the last of the cords she could feel her phone in her pocket fishing it out she sat on the ground , “ ryan speaking . . . just about , i’ll go ask . catch you on the upside . “ standing up a wiping the back of her pants of any dirt on the floor she looked at her work before slipping her phone back into her pocket , “ if anyone trips down here it won’t be because of me . ” she said in a sing-songy voice more to herself than the other . “ KOTA the voice of god just called and asked if you’re ready , it’s almost time . need help with anything last minute ? ” she called to the other picking the tape up from the ground .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
IF you had asked him last year where he saw himself in a years’ time , he would’ve probably said home playing league of legends with people that ran laps on him in the game . never did he see himself traveling with people he’d come to see as family exploring supposedly haunted locations . he placed the spirit box on an end table -- the final touch in the room -- before looking up in the others direction something of a smile on his own face . “ ryan’s still down in the basement finishing up , i’ll call her and see if she’s still down there in a minute . i still need the radios from the car . “ emilio chimed covering the distance between the two , “ as your self proclaimed best friend , second in command , and amazing partner editor i’ll say -- we’re due for it . but don’t be disappointed IF it doesn’t happen . OKAY ? “ he said putting a hand on their shoulder , “ besides i think we have a pretty decent following right now the views we have at the moment reflect that too . PLUS we’ve been able to do a lot of cool things and visit even cooler places . we’ll hit the big time one day . on another note ,  yelp reviews said to avoid the french toast at the diner we’re planning on hitting up tomorrow . “
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“ ready to head downstairs to control ? “
MUSE:  Cleo  Fuller  ──  25  years  old,  full  time  paranormal  investigator,  bisexual,  they/them.
PLOT:  They’re  a  part  of  a  ghost  hunting  group  who  often  get  invited  to  various  locations  to  check  on  possible  hauntings,  but  so  far,  they’ve  only  found  regular  explanations  for  whatever  happened  around  them.  Now,  they’ve  been  invited  to  an  old  and  sort  of  abandoned  bed  &  breakfast  in  a  remote  location  and  suspicious  things  might  ensue.
INSPIRED  BY:  Grave  Encounters,  Gonjiam,  1408,  Buzzfeed  Unsolved.
OPEN  TO:  Anyone!  Feel  free  to  insert  more  than  one  muse,  which  I’ll  probably  do  too.
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THERE  WERE  SIX  OF  THEM,  TOTAL.  Their  little  crew  was  bigger  than  it  was  half  a  year  ago,  and  it  was  nice,  having  an  Youtube  channel,  traveling  around  in  their  van  and  staying  over  in  these  places,  even  if  they  hadn’t  find  anything  yet,  which  in  on  itself,  was  something  Cleo  more  than  expected  to  happen.  They  had  split  up  with  another  one  of  them  so  they  could  spread  equipment  in  strategic  places,  a  low  whistle  leaving  their  lips  once  they  set  up  a  camera  by  a  window  people  supposedly  liked  to  be  pushed  out  of.  ❛  Okay,  I  think  we’re  officially  all  set  around  here,  ❜  Cleo  said  with  a  smile  on  their  lips,  they  never  really  expected  to  find  anything,  but  it  didn’t  make  being  stuck  in  an  old  and  dingy  bed  &  breakfast  any  less  thrilling.  ❛  Do  you  think  today  might  be  the  day?  I’d  kill  to  have  at  least  a  door  suddenly  closing  on  me,  or  something,  it  would  definitely  sky  rocket  the  views.  ❜
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
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sharp brow raises as he hears the other’s voice, the mutant turning around to survey the other momentarily. he did need to socialize more, expand the circle a bit. other than pavel, kate and the other members of his team.. olivier talked to no one. this could be good in some way, right? ‘’decent wifi is a long shot, but i do know a great place fo’ some coffee. ‘s not that far of a walk from ‘ere, and tha’ place.. gives a homey type of vibe.’’ motioning the other along, olivier walks along side him. ‘’y’got that lost look in your eye. new to the city?’’
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it was a serious shot in the dark as well as possible risk pretty much trying to pick someone else’s brain for any kind of help for his problem , but he had nowhere else to even start when he found out what year he was in . he hadn’t gone back far enough but he at least got somewhere KANG wasn’t yet . ‘sides he could take on at least ONE PERSON if things started heading south he wagered . “ i’ll take it . “ was all nate could say trying to pick his words and info he was willing to share carefully , “ yeah . i am . “ and new to the time to boot , he couldn’t add that without sounding like a complete nut though at least not to someone he didn’t even know the name of . “ i came here looking for -- someone -- but i don’t think they’re here anymore . i’m nate . “ he added trying his best at friendly smile as he stuck out his hand for a handshake while walking beside the other .
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
Some days: RPs are planned out, concise, I know Excactly what I am doing and where this thread is going!
Other days:
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ofapparitions · 3 years ago
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