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Malachai Parker. 22. Trapped on his own personal limbo. "Family called me abomination. It hurt my feelings." Witch/Leader/Syphoner. [Independent account for Kai from TVD/TO fandom.] mun+18 nsfw will be properly tagged AU set in between the begining of...
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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                “So—I’m an uncle now. How—nice.” The Luke part of him made him feel an inch, his voice, usually feel with sarcasm and bitterness felt like a small tremor running through words. He observes the children sleeping and he hates how the image makes him feel (he remembers seeing pictures of him and Jo as babies—so innocent back then). “They look so—small.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
Because I’m both a DC and Marvel fan I need some help.
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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                “So---I’m an uncle now. How---nice.” The Luke part of him made him feel an inch, his voice, usually feel with sarcasm and bitterness felt like a small tremor running through words. He observes the children sleeping and he hates how the image makes him feel (he remembers seeing pictures of him and Jo as babies---so innocent back then). “They look so---small.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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365 Days of My Favorite Men → Day 51
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
Because I’m both a DC and Marvel fan I need some help.
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
She didn’t run from his grip, didn’t yank, didn’t fight. Not because she couldn’t – because Elena Gilbert didn’t want to. Although she also knew better than to go against the will of a certain heretic. Yet this time, it seemed their intentions aligned. Or so she hoped, both angry and petrified, but too allured to turn away. Her body trembled, but she leaned forward, feeling her insides churn up. The human mustered up all her courage, scoffing whilst her fingers grasped for his fingers under the tight grip.
          “If you’re just getting started, then why does it seem you’re scared to touch me, Kai?”
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                               “Scared? Oh I’m not scared---” It was the truth really, in fact, he wanted to do the opposite of restraining himself, given the fact that he craved any human contact, no matter who, when or where. Kai is quick to take a step, and with their closeness, forcing her to step back, gray eyes shinning even in the dim light, his pupils showing what he wanted. “But being eager is never good. I prefer slow torture, you know me.” And he finally backs her up against a wall, his hands still gripping on her wrist, keeping them to each side of her body, bringing one close to his mouth, and so, letting his lips drag over the skin. “Until you tell me what you want.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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                “         If you so much as breathe in my my daughter’s direction, I will tear you apart. ” Her words exited in a snarl as she started forward. None of Hayley’s threats were empty as of now. She was a hair’s width from becoming an even more  VIOLENT woman than she’d ever seen before. “ Why are you even here? The covens won’t accept you. Won’t let you near them. Marcel and the Strix won’t have anything to do with you. Why be here?”
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                “Yeah---I don’t like babies anyways. Bring back bad memories.” Kai pointed out, brushing off her threat as he makes a ball with the empty bag and throw it over his shoulder, already pushing his body away from the table. “Blah Blah, I’m not here to talk to you, my business is with THE Hybrid, not a hybrid. He has information I need.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
                 “Should I be afraid? Oh wow, the almighty slayer numero dos is here, in front of little me. I’m flattered.” The heretic speaks up, a hand moving to his heart as a fake pout appears on his lips. Reckless not to fear a force of nature like a Slayer, but Kai was confident of his abilities. “Are you going to stake me?”
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@thatslayer liked for a starter
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
                       “Really---you Originals stopped being scary ever since that miracle baby scandal.” The heretic spoke with an honest laugh following his statement. Not his fault, he had stopped caring about babies ever since he killed his own siblings (and tried to kill those little twins who tried to take his leadership). “But---I’m here asking for help, shocking, I know. But I need information about one particular hot huntress by the name of Rayna Cruz.”
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@fangsncurves liked for a starter
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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Malachai Parker aesthetic
Twitter >>> @xFandomEdit
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
i fucking knew the gemini babies are siphoners. ofc they were twins, ofc they are like kai.
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
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     “Not really no.” An amused expression crossed his features as he shook his head, a devious smirk danced upon pale lips, “there’s a thing called just taking what is rightfully owed to you” he flopped down on the seat next to the other, cocking his head in his direction, attention focused upon the male. “You’re right though, it is very rude.”
                            “Yeah, but technically their magic isn’t mine since you know---abomination and all stuff.” Another chip gets into his mouth and the covenless leader keeps on talking shortly after, licking slightly one of his fingers. “Now, my sissy’s magic? That was always mine to take really. But she gets angry when I do so---I will never understand human emotions. So odd.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
Her lungs could only hold her breath for so long, and caving in completely, she helplessly clung onto his shoulders, pressing her lips against his until it felt like there was nothing but them in the darkness. Her skin shivered, and she let go for a moment only to whisper under her thick, fiery breath that spoke with a daring tone. Her hands slid down his chest – the little Petrova fire was showing.                                                 “There. You win. What else, Kai?”  
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            Its like a drug really, he gets off with this, seducing her to do the unthinkable as much as he does with magic. Same adrenaline rush. He welcomes the daring tone, and it made the heretic just grin at the famous fire he had heard about the doppelgangers ever since he got into the town. But Kai can’t have just a little, and so, the covenless leader grips her hands in a swift movement, keeping them on his chest, head lowering until his breath is hot against the side of her cheek, voice a whisper to her ears. “I always win---but we are just getting started.”
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ofabominations · 9 years ago
psa: my character is my bby
I’m probably not going to want to RP with you (especially not shippy stuff) if you actually hate/rag on my character to me/on the dash. You don’t have to love them like I love them. But you need to respect that I love them.
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