of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Of Heroes and Dragons - Tumblr Fiction
(Icon and Header from Unsplash)
Object 1: Pages from a children's book.
Object 2: A toy sword and spear.
Object 3: A silver pendant.
Object 4: Pages from a children's book.
Object 5: A sword and spear.
Object 6: Old diary entries.
Object 7: A wanted poster.
Object 8: A news headline.
Object 9: A golden pendant.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 9: A well-loved golden pendant; half of a pair. Despite its long life, the pendant didn’t receive a single scratch until September X999.
When Eurydice first stepped foot into the lab, her eyes were immediately drawn not to assorted machinery cluttering the room, nor to the chaotic mess of papers on the table or the dragon parts decorating the shelves, but to the lone woman standing inside. She startled at the sound of footsteps and turned around to face the intruder.
Eurydice looked at the woman for the first time in six years. She had changed; became more monstrous. Her pupils had narrowed to slits and her ears were unnaturally pointed. As Eurydice kept looking, she could’ve sworn she saw scales beneath that cloak and fangs hidden beneath those lips. A strange, familiar feeling lodged itself at the back of her throat– disgust perhaps.
The woman’s gaze flickered down to the drawn blade in Eurydice’s hand and the shock in her eyes turned into somber acceptance. “I see,” she said and picked up her spear. “If you still wish to stop me, I will not allow you to get in my way.”
Eurydice merely glared and robotically repeated her lines. “You cannot escape, criminal. Today, the knights will bring you to justice.”
And thus began their final encounter. The clash of metal sung in the knight’s ears as sword met spear in a perilous dance. Soon, however, their difference in skill became clear, as the criminal fell to the floor with a fierce strike of Eurydice’s blade. Surprise filled golden eyes, then a hint of panic. Her arms shook as she held her spear against the attacking blade. 
"Eurydice please, listen to me,” she said, “We don't have to fight, I'm trying to help everybody."
"By breaking the law and allying with those reptilian beasts?"
"Don't you see? The Kingdom wants us to remain ignorant, but the dragons are the key to knowledge– to freedom for humanity!"
Eurydice growled, “You’re insane.” 
The criminal glared, “...And you’re still a fool." She hissed between her teeth and shoved Eurydice off with a sudden rush of strength.
The cold determination had returned, and as the criminal raised her spear once again, Eurydice felt a sense of finality wash over her. The criminal pointed her spear toward her stomach, and at the same time, the hero aimed her blade at the “dragon”’s heart. In the moments before they made contact, Eurydice couldn’t help but feel a twinge of relief at this outcome. Yet, at the last moment, Pythia’s spear veered to the left, and Eurydice felt the sting of metal slice across her slide as her sword met its mark.
There was a strange look on Pythia’s face for the few seconds she remained conscious– like regret and warmth crudely mixed– and Eurydice couldn’t bear to look away. Then, golden eyes fluttered shut and there was a muted thud as her body hit the floor. Eurydice wasn’t sure how long she stood there in silence, but at some point, she looked away from the red that enveloped her sight and noticed a small metallic object that had fallen out from beneath Pythia’s cloak.
A pristine golden pendant.
Suddenly, an excruciating pain gripped her heart– a sensation like being consumed from the inside out, like a spear piercing straight through her chest. Eurydice fell to her knees beside Pythia and cupped the pendant in her hands. Then, after six years, Eurydice finally allowed herself to mourn the loss of her childhood friend, hot tears blurring her vision.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 8: An old newspaper headline from X993. It can be found tucked away in a certain criminal’s lab.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 7: A wanted poster from X992. There’s a tear from when it was ripped down and a fold from when it was locked in an old box.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 6: Damaged diary entries from X988 to X993 that were left in a scientist's lab. The handwriting is messy and some of the content is missing.
November 12, X988 - I’ve been thinking about something my mother said, ever since we got the news that our homes were destroyed in the fires last year. Something about “embracing the dragon king’s wisdom”. 
November 17, X988 - Finally got my hands on the completed version of Hero’s Spirit, Dragon’s Gnosis. This book has been banned now, gotta be careful.
January 5, X989 - Managed to corner some dragonlings during the break. Research on dragons is forbidden, but I want to understand what she meant. Taking some DNA samples back to study. 
February 27, X989 - Somehow, these dragons are more similar to humans than to ordinary lizards. The book did suggest
April 20, X989 - Tests on mice aren’t working, nor are tests on other reptilian species. I know what the next step should be, but
April 22, X989 - Success; the dragons’ essence is indeed compatible with humans. The blood injection had positive results and only minor side effects. As expected, this does suggest that dragons and humans are both entities meant for beyond. I suppose the only difference would be awareness. I’ll continue taking regular doses and see where it takes me.
May 5, X989 - Been wondering what to tell Eurydice. What I’ve been researching is important, but it’s also very illegal. I don’t want to put her in a position where she has to choose between me and her duties as a knight. Maybe it would be best to wait until I have all the details first.
November 23, X989 - I finally reached it. That which lies beyond the world. After consuming the dragons’ blood for a mere seven months, I’ve touched true reality. It’s all a lie. It’s all a prison. We must escape. Unless, I’ve merely lost it?
November 25, X989 - No, this unbearable feeling of discomfort, of captivity, I cannot erase it. Yet, my knowledge has set me free. I will not allow this world to contain us any longer.
March 15, X991 - Got offered a spot as a royal scientist a few days ago. Accepted today. It’s dangerous, but it’ll probably help with my research. 
May 2, X992 - I was able to successfully bring some others in my department to my cause.
December 13, X992 - I got caught. I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. I had to flee the Capital last week. I wonder what Eurydice thinks of me now.
December 21, X992 - Ha, seems like they already got wanted posters up. That’s a pretty big bounty, guess I was right to think the Kingdom was hiding something. Better be extra careful now.
January 18, X993 - Found a good place to set up a new lab. Won’t have much access to the Kingdom’s resources anymore, but it’ll be way easier to interact with dragons from here.
February 25, X993 - Seems like some of my followers are still loyal. I’ll reach out to them soon.
May 29, X993 - Can’t stop thinking about her recently. I wish I had spoken to her before all this had happened.
June 7, X993 - I’m going to talk to her today. I hope she listens.
[Several pages have been torn out]
June 9, X993 - Even if all of humanity despises me, even if they refuse to listen, I will save them. No matter the cost.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 5: The blade of a just knight and the spear of a curious “dragon”. They were forged in X992 and have loyally served their wielders since.
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(Aquila Favonia and Vortex Vanquisher from Genshin Impact)
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 4: Pages torn from a children's book about a hero and dragon.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 3: A dusty silver pendant with a single scratch that was locked away in an old box. It carries the joyful memories of children and the pain of loss.
For Eurydice, this pendant held many of her most cherished memories.
The day she first held the pendant, they were just children– Pythia and her. It was a warm July in X974 and they were only seven years old. That summer, their parents had decided to take a trip to the Capital. It was Eurydice's first time being there, having been born outside the Kingdom, but Pythia had grown up in the Capital before she moved to the countryside two years prior. Eagerly taking advantage of the Capital’s plethora of shops, the girls had returned home with arms full of toys and souvenirs. 
The first was a picture book Pythia’s mother had picked out which told the story of a heroic knight and a king of dragons. Though stories about heroic dragon-slayers were far from uncommon, the book was unique in its humanized portrayal of the dragons, who yearned to free the world from its prison. Needless to say, Eurydice and Pythia quickly became obsessed with the story and would often run around pretending to be the hero and dragon. 
The second was a wooden sword and spear that had been purchased from a small toy shop at the Capital’s edge. Eurydice had loved to carry the sword around, chanting out heroic declarations and knightly virtues, while Pythia twirled her spear around artfully. Over the course of their childhood, the two had both gotten their fair share of scoldings about being careful with weapons, but  it had ever managed to stop them.
The last, of course, was the pendant. Eurydice and Pythia’s matching pendants were the most cherished– and most expensive– possessions of their younger years. They always kept them on, even when playing around outside. 
When they played heroes and dragons, Eurydice would always beg to be the hero, with his piercing sword and shining silver amulet. But Pythia never minded and happily took the role of villain every time, picking up her wooden spear and golden pendant to play her part.
“Give up now, evil dragon!” Eurydice would raise her wooden sword and point it at Pythia. “Your plans end here! I, the great knight Eurydice, will defeat you and save the world from your tyranny!”
Then, Pythia would grin and respond with her line, “Foolish human, you think you can defeat me? I am the savior who will lead us to true freedom!” 
They would playfully swing their toy weapons and shout out mystical spells with their “magic amulets”, beaming all the while. When Eurydice held that pendant, her mind was always brought back to the bright smile on her friend's face during playtime.
But now, those memories had become tainted. As she clutched the pendant, she felt the pain that lingered in her heart when she sealed those memories away in that old box nineteen years later. She remembered the desperate pleas, the angry shouting, the brandishing of weapons, and the cold glares when they parted. And… she remembered the realization that she would never see that beautiful smile ever again. 
She doesn’t remember much else after that.
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 2: A toy sword and spear. They were bought from a small shop at the edge of the Capital.
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(Sword and Spear from Unsplash)
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of-heroes-and-dragons · 10 months
Object 1: Pages torn from a children's picture book about a hero and a dragon. The book was banned in X982, but some people still keep copies in secret.
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