of--the--night · 3 years
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courtney love prays to oregon - clementine von radics
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of--the--night · 5 years
concept: i light our shabbat candles but before i begin to pray i can’t help but steal a glance into your eyes through my fingers
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of--the--night · 5 years
My girlfriend said she wants to eat me out and I can't stop thinking about that
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of--the--night · 5 years
Flirting with people because I want attention is not valid of me
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of--the--night · 6 years
I love having a textbook abusive family
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of--the--night · 6 years
Sometimes I remember my depression is chronic and then I get very sad
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of--the--night · 6 years
if you do not actively desire sex but still have sex that may be self-harm. i’ve done this. it sucks and in the long run will fuck you up when or if you actually desire sex.
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of--the--night · 6 years
I’m such a tease. I’ll tell you how bad I want to fuck you and then probably fall asleep.
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of--the--night · 6 years
there’s not really much discussion of child neglect on here so i guess i have to do it
p l e a s e don’t shame neglect survivors for not knowing “basic” things like how to eat a balanced diet, when to go to the doctor, how to drive, etc. you know these things (usually) because a caring adult taught them to you. we didn’t have that. we often enter adulthood knowing jack shit about how to take care of ourselves. we know we’re missing information, and we feel so fucking lost.
it’s okay to, if you have a friend who’s experienced neglect, try and help them learn how to take care of themselves. saying things like “hey, do you think you could try to eat at least one vegetable per day?” or “that infection looks pretty bad, do you want to go to a doctor?” is genuinely helpful. but belittling us for not already knowing these things is completely unproductive and unnecessarily cruel.
don’t be a dick to survivors.
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of--the--night · 6 years
I'm so lonely I want to date somebody just to fill the void in my heart
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of--the--night · 6 years
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of--the--night · 6 years
I think my body image issues and disordered eating are actually related
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of--the--night · 7 years
I literally just want to make out with one of my friends. I keep daydreaming of us being domestic together and in love even though he doesn't believe in romantic love. I'm so head over heels.
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of--the--night · 7 years
Facebook: you're not a real person
Me: shook
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of--the--night · 7 years
It's so tragic to me that my generation and the one before mine just have goals of loving ourselves and having enough money to live comfortably and yet so many of us don't think we will ever get there
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of--the--night · 7 years
Having double depression like
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of--the--night · 7 years
Every single time I beat the meat I get so dizzy I can’t walk or stand fun fact
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