Franic Marijo at KONTEJNER | Biro Suvremene Umjetničke Prakse - Sound Art Inkubator 2017. Pogon Jedinstvo
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oexhibitionkontejner · 8 years ago
KONTEJNER | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse Sound Art Inkubator 2017.
Photo & Video: Jasmin Peco​
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oexhibitionkontejner · 8 years ago
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Marijo Franić ‘‘O’‘ kontakt: [email protected]  English O, interactive installation which establishes parameters for co-creation of formas of sound as a bio-synthetic bridge. The author uses frequency of a person and its "given framework" for the subject of transfiguration and evolution through perception - using ourselves as patterns in the representation of the sound itself. Using the inner "flexibilities", answers to different questions are being posed and parametes of the forms of the sound are given, sending out the current record of the subject acting as a mediator for the realization of the composition. Coordination of this system involves all that is accumulated in the consciousness of the subject  and beyond, as an algorithm of sound events and its representation - aa print of the individual will in an encrypted recording, which lives through the perception of physics and colour of the tone. The created vibrational font of the cyclic system is followed by and in continious creation of an array of pshysical-acoustic phenomena. A tone generated by this raster of an entity being translated  into an interactive reflex is reproduced and stimulated, depending on the position and state od the visitor in the exhibition space. Music is made by two musicians - a conscious and an unconscious half of the matrix of every present individual. Music, just like a camera, records and transmits co-existence of the two apparently separated concurrencies that now, just as some old-new vocabulary, emphasize and define the perceived reality. We become aware and a part od many layers of diverse frequencies, which connect and build the form of a new body as the single truly authentic instrument and a compound of the musical composition. A complete psychological presence is being used as an introspective extension of the sound material, in order to define architecture of sound. The basis is in the most direct and close "collaboration" between the bios and the visitor, which creates the clear emotional response to the matrix of music in reflecion with its given charge. Text: Miro Župa
O, interaktivna instalacija koja uspostavlja parametre za su-nastajanje oblika z​vuka kao bio-sinte​tičkog mosta. Autor koristi frekvenciju osobe i njenog “zadanog okvira” za motiv transfiguracije i evoluciju kroz percepciju – koristi nas same kao​ obrasce u prikazu samog zvuka. Putem unutarnjih “fleksibilnosti” pokreću se i odgovori na različita pitanja i daju parametri oblicima zvuka koji ispostavljaju trenutni zapis subjekta posredstvom kojeg se ovo komponiranje ostvaruje. Koordinacija ovog sustava uključuje sve akumulirano u svijesti subjekta i iza nje kao algoritma zbivanja nastalog zvuka i njegove pojave – otiska osobne volje u kriptiranom zapisu koji sad živi kroz percepciju fizike i boje tona. Tako kreiranom vibracijskom fontu ovaj ciklički sustav prati i nastavlja stvarati čitav niz fizikalno-akustičkih fenomena. Reproducira se i stimulira vlastiti ton generiran ovim rasterom samog bića prenesenog u interaktivni refleks ovisan o poziciji i stanju posjetitelja u izložbenom prostoru. Glazbu koja nastaje stvaraju dva glazbenika – svjesni i nesvjesni pol matrice svakog ovdje prisutnog. Glazba poput kamere ovdje zapisuje i prenosi supostojanje ovih dviju naizgled odvojenih istovremenosti koje sad, poput nekog novog-starog vokabulara, naglašavaju i definiraju ovakvo percipiranu realnost. Postajemo svjesni i postajemo dijelom mnogih slojeva različitih frekvencija koje povezuju i grade oblik novog tijela kao jedinog stvarno autentičnog instrumenta i sastavnice u komponiranju ovog zvuka. Koristi se kompletna psihološka prisutnost kao introspektivna ''ekstenzija'' za zvučni materijal, u cilju definiranja i stvaranja arhitekture zvuka. Temelj je u najneposrednijoj i najprisnijoj “kolaboraciji” između biosa posjetitelja koji svojim već zadanim nabojem stvara jasan emocionalni odjek na ovoj matrici glazbe u odrazu. Tekst: Miro Župa
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