O'Donocrew Fundraising
321 posts
Central fundraising hub for the O'Donocrew, fans of Colin O'Donoghue.
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odonocrewfundraising · 21 days ago
Shop is closing.
It's been some time, and from what I've noticed, there have been no recent purchases from the O'Donocrew shop. I've been happy to take up the shop and raise money for charities, but I think it's time to close up the account on Redbubble.
The balance on the paypal account is at zero, so I will also close up that account as well.
I have all the designs saved on my computer, so if anyone wants them in order to re-open a shop, you're welcome to ask me about them!
In case someone wants a final purchase from the shop, I will leave it open until the end of February. After that, I will close both the redbubble shop and the paypal account permanently. Reminder that the products are at 0% margin price, which means the shop isn't making any profit, so the paypal account will stay empty no matter how many purchases are made.
Thank you all for making this a worthwhile experience, and I wish you the best moving on.
- Nette (piracytheorist)
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odonocrewfundraising · 2 years ago
An announcement.
As I'm changing courses and fandoms in my life, my focus and interest on running this blog and the O'Donocrew shop has dwindled.
I can keep the shop up for any fan who wishes to buy merch, and donate the earnings to charities - or put a 0% margin on the products so the shop doesn't get any earnings. The earnings last year were very little to begin with (the grand majority of the donation money came from @pirateherokillian's anchor sales), and 0% margin means cheaper merch for the fans.
With all that in mind, I cannot invest time in a fundraiser this year or enrich the shop with new designs and products. As things are now, I am willing to let the blog and the shop run low, cause I'd hate to close them off completely. However, if someone is interested in taking over this blog and the shop, you can contact me on my main blog @piracytheorist and I can guide you through the process.
Happy holidays to y'all.
- Nette
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
The O’DonoCrew shop has reopened, and will stay open all year long! All profits made from sales will be saved until our next charity event, when they’ll be donated on the charity we choose for that event.
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
Here is the new twitter account for the O’Donocrew! Make sure to follow for news and updates!
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
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Just donated the earnings from the Redbubble shop to GOSH! It took a while because of some personal issues, but they’ve finally been sent.
Thank you to everyone for your help and contributions!
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
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The earnings from the O’DonoCrew Redbubble shop haven’t been paid yet, so I just donated to GOSH what has already been collected. I will donate the rest as soon as they’re paid.
Once again, thank you everyone for your contributions, especially @julieenchanted-swans, @pirateherokillian and @cocohook38 (whom tumblr won’t let me tag, for some reason)!
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
Final amount collected for Great Ormond Street hospital in honour of Colin’s birthday is at 500 GBP!
Thank you everyone, and especially @julieenchanted-swans and @pirateherokillian for their contributions, and @cocohook38 (whom once again I cannot tag for some reason) for providing multiple new art designs for merch!
The earnings from the Redbubble shop haven’t been paid yet (those are included in the amount above). I’ll wait a few days, and if they haven’t been paid, I’ll donate what’s already been collected, then donate the shop earnings once they’ve been paid.
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
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Four new sticker designs, created by @cocohook38, have been added to the O’DonoCrew shop! All profits will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Shop will stay open until Jan 27th 00:00 GMT, so don’t miss out!
Shop here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/ODonocrew/shop
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
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On January 26th, in celebration of Colin’s birthday, I will be doing a 12 hour stream of Sea of Thieves from 10 AM to 10 PM on my Twitch channel! All proceeds raised during the stream will be added to @odonocrewfundraising‘s total being raised for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity (aka the children’s hospital that J.M. Barrie gave the rights of Peter Pan to). 
I haven’t settled specifically on all incentives to have during the stream, but there will definitely be some! So I hope you have the moment to pop in on the 26th and, even if you can’t donate, help spread the word about the stream! Let’s raise some money for charity in celebration of Colin’s birthday!!
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
New design for stickers on the O’DonoCrew shop!
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Art made by @cocohook38! All profits from sellings of this item will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
We’re live!
We’ve opened up the O’DonoCrew shop for a fundraiser in honour of Colin’s birthday on the 26th!
With classic designs and a brand new design by @cocohook38, Redbubble now offers new products such as baseball hats, mousepads and desk mats!
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100% of the profits will go to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
Some SneakPeek for what I’m working on for 2022Colin BDay Charity @odonocrewfundraising​
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
Colin Birthday Charity
Ahoy everyone, so while @odonocrewofficial​ will use this art regrouping all Colin’s characters, I’ll be making some sticker set from one of Colin’s interview we had during the quarantine year. Aaaand will try to make some special chibi design for like phone case/stickers.
Thus, need ya help: 
What’s your top 5 Colin character? + Top3 Hook “version”?
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I’ll use the top 5 and top 3 to create those last design.  You can either message me here or comment or leave an ask! 
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
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The 2022 Colin Birthday Charity anchor set is here!! This year, we have a Peter Pan-themed set, with all the proceeds going to the Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity (GOSH). This set includes:
Classic Hook + Tick Tock
A Crocodile Attack!*
Killian Jones + Classic Hook*
Killian Jones + Peter Pan
Classic Hook + Peter Pan
Classic Hook + Smee
Killian Jones + Smee*
Designs with a * are the ones EXCLUSIVE to this year’s charity drive and will not be available after it’s over (except on very special occasions).
As always, the anchors are $15 each (+ shipping), though you can get the full set of 8 for $100 (you save $20!) if you are so inclined! To order, send me a DM either here or Twitter or Instagram! I will be collecting the money via my PayPal (as I do every year) and will give you the info on where to send the money when you DM!
So if you’re interested, send a message my way! And lets help raise money for charity in support of Colin’s birthday!!
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odonocrewfundraising · 3 years ago
Calling All Artists!
It’s that time of the year again! We’ll soon re-upon our Redbubble shop, celebrating Colin’s birthday by raising money for Great Ormond Street Hospital.
For this, we welcome works from fans of Colin O’Donoghue, to enrich the store with brand new desings!
What are we looking for?
Product designs themed around Colin and/or any of his characters that are suitable for a range of products in Redbubble (shirts, notebooks, mugs etc.).
How big do designs need to be?
You can find Redbubble’s guide to size requirements for different products here. We’d recommend using the file format .png and making sure that your design has a transparent background so it can be easily put onto different coloured items.
Can more than one design be created?
Yes, we’ll accept as many designs that you create as long as they’re in line with our guidelines!
What are the guidelines?
Your design must not contain: nudity, strong language or copyrighted images/logos.
Will artists be credited?
Yes. You will be listed as the designer on the product page itself as well as any social media posts showcasing your design.
What percentage of profits goes to the charity?
100% of profits are donated to charity. Redbubble takes a large percentage from each sale for product manufacturing costs, but the remaining profit is donated in its entirety.
Can I take part without making a Redbubble design?
Of course, just let us know what you’d like to do to raise money and we’ll include it in the project!
How do I submit a design?
I, aka @piracytheorist​ (previously known as lillpon), the current admin of this account, have currently lost access to the official O’Donocrew emails. Until I can get said access back, I’ll have to use a personal email. Contact me privately (either through this account or on piracytheorist) so that I can give you the email to send your designs to.
We look forward to seeing your designs!
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odonocrewfundraising · 4 years ago
I especially want to thank @pirateherokillian​ for taking up the responsibility of sending the total amount to the fundraiser. As I use a different currency and live very far from where America’s Food Fund is based, there would be lots of exchange fees if I had done it myself, so thanks to Pip for ensuring the amount stayed where it should be!
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Final total raised for America’s Food Fund, in honour of Colin’s birthday yesterday, is $787.60! 
They have just been donated!
Thank you to everyone who supported by buying from the store, @cocohook38​ for offering a piece of art for the store, @pirateherokillian​ for her anchors, and @EnchantedSwans on twitter for her posters! 
Here’s to another year of fundraising for a good cause! 🎉🎉
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odonocrewfundraising · 4 years ago
Final total raised for America’s Food Fund, in honour of Colin’s birthday yesterday, is $787.60! 
They have just been donated!
Thank you to everyone who supported by buying from the store, @cocohook38​ for offering a piece of art for the store, @pirateherokillian​ for her anchors, and @EnchantedSwans on twitter for her posters! 
Here's to another year of fundraising for a good cause! 🎉🎉
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