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oddityfae · 3 months ago
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Wing-it for doemoo.bsky.social This is why you should always bring a partner while dungeon diving. Now this poor dullahan’s gotta walk all the way home to find some partners.
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
Goblin on the Rocks
SO! Gonna try something here... I wonder how easy it'd be upload my stories here. So here's one featuring Sweets and some innocent bloke of a human.
The Last Drop. A little hole in the wall bar where the booze was cheap and nobody really asked or cared who you were, just as long as you paid your tab and kept to yourself. The kind of place that was perfect for a man like Jameson. I’m sure you know the type. In his late twenties, no prospects in his life, already staring down the bottom of his current bottle after the latest attempt at being a productive member of society had blown up in his face. Now, well, the beer was cheap here, and he intended to wallow in it.
Jameson had taken yet another swig of his bottle, finally finishing it off, and he had been just about to ask for yet another when a smell that did not belong here hit him. It was a sweet scent, flowery, appealing to the nose. Too well done for a place like this. The young man lowered the bottle of cheap booze onto the counter and turned his head about, hunting for the source of the aroma. No one at eye level… the moment his eyes drifted a bit lower, though, the source would be hard to miss.
Right next to Jameson… was a goblin. A rather buxom, curvaceous goblin. Hair thick, lucious, a long braid that reached to the floor all in a beautiful mix of purple and white. Jameson stared for a long while, just this goblin casually sitting here in a modern day bar, and not in some porn comic or fantasy story… Slowly, Jameson began to look around, trying to see if anyone else in the room was going to take note of her. The bartender? Busy wiping off a glass. The other patrons? Busy downing their own drinks. Had he simply, finally lost it.
“Uh, sug? Ya gonna let your drink warm up or…?” The goblin suddenly spoke up, pushing a glass towards the young man. Jameson blinked a few times, oh lord she was speaking to him now… Her proportions were straight out of some of the less respectable things he had seen online, and yet she was here, talking, acting like nothing was wrong. “Might help ya think straight.” Came that sultry voice again, those bright blue eyes giving him a little wink. Jameson could not argue with that, grabbing the sparkly pink drink he hadn’t ordered, and swinging it back good and hard. Maybe he had gotten too drunk, and it was just some cutie with a booty offering him a free drink and he was losing it. Either way, free drink.
The drink was smooth on the way down, with a nice, fruity flavor and a full sensation as soon as it hit his belly. It was a nice drink, a good buzz accompanying it… and absolutely something that was too rich for his blood. A relieved sigh left him, lowering the glass onto the counter. Jameson turned to the goblin to thank her, but her finger was already raised to silence him.
“Don’t thank me just yet, Sug. Let’s let the drink do it’s thing first…” The goblin smiled in a coy, reassuring way. A brief confusion set into the young man, before his question was almost immediately answered by a blooming heat in his core. It was like the drink had hit his stomach, and had suddenly started to spread throughout the rest of him. It wasn’t a burning, or a fire… It was warm, a pleasant sensation spreading from his belly to his toes and tips. That, though, wasn’t the important part. That came next.
A great lurch occurred inside of Jameson, as if his center of gravity shifted suddenly. That was explained easily enough, as everything seemed just a little taller, bit by bit. More accurately of course, it was that Jameson was getting shorter. His once confident, six foot something height leaving him inch by inch, clothes growing baggier on his person with every inch lost. He opened his mouth to scream in shock, yet not a peep came out. No one noticed the change, and that goblin next him just kept that confident, reassuring smile.
Jameson’s limbs began to catch along with his shortening torso, wanting to keep him good and proportionate to his rapidly approaching height of only three feet tall, maybe some inches to the top but who could really tell? Soon enough, the man was down around the same height as the girl, and those clothes hung off of Jameson like robes. 
“Now for my favorite part…” The goblin spoke up again, and when Jameson turned to face her, all he’d find staring back at him was a mirror. It was his face, absolutely, five o’clock shadow and all, but there was an odd… Dot on his nose. He leaned in, inspecting it, wondering what it was… Till the dot began to spread, and with it, he could tell it was green. A slowly advancing tide of green spreading over his face. Once more, Jameson tried to speak, but the words fell silent. The green advanced, and as it hit his cheeks and jawline, any trace of facial hair fell away onto the floor. Jameson got a front row seat to his skin becoming smoother, softer, more feminine… A creaking in his face, as the jaw became more feminine, eyes larger, nose more like a cute button.
The green hit the top of his head, and that shaggy mop of hair exploded in length, pouring down as lucious, raven black locks over one eye and down to his ass, framing his face and resting on those shoulders. Ears greening, swelling out, becoming knife shaped and twitching idly in his reflection. A pinch in his mouth, and when he opened, he saw rows of razors staring back at him. Another silenced yelp, and he clamped his mouth shut to show off those plusher lips.
The green didn’t stop there, pushing southward, Jameson tugging open his top to stare down at his chest… His shoulders narrowed, becoming more delicate. Pectoral muscles softening… before fat began to rapidly collect onto his chest in two swelling mounds. Nipples gaining a soft puffiness to them, a sensitivity that irked him as they rubbed against the quickly re-tightening top. Where once had been a flat chest soon ballooned into two hefty, pillowy mounds of titflesh… but the green had not stopped there.
Hands became more delicate, the nails sharpening into slight claws. A stomach of inactive living flattening out, becoming a feminine curve. Hips widened sharply to the popping of… something, a blush burning onto Jameson’s face… His hands flew to his crotch, feeling a tugging, grabbing and yanking to reveal his crotch… just in time to see his cock be slurped up into his body, leaving a pair of soft, feminine lips in their place. He… was now a she. Her butt plumped up to a pair of meaty globes, thighs widened to accommodate such weight, the green, feminizing skin taking away all body hair as it flowed down those legs… all the way to making those feet delicate, and the shoes he wore falling onto the floor.
Jameson stared down at herself, in all her new, goblinoid glory… Her cheeks burned hot at the sight, and her eyes once more swung around to see if ANYONE had seen what happened to her… And that was when Jameson got the biggest surprise of all. The Last Drop… was gone. Now? She sat in a bustling tavern, filled to the brim with fantasy creatures and peoples, singing, drinking, making merry… Her wide eyes rested onto the goblin again, who just giggled at the look on his face.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?” She yelped, before clamping her hands over her mouth, surprised at the volume, and at the raspy, feminine sound of her own voice. A group of patrons all turned to look at her… before slowly going back to what they were doing, leaving the original goblin to giggle.
“Oh, just a transformation potion, a bit of a spell to pull you from that drab world to mine… My name’s Sweets, and you my dear seemed to have been a poor, unfortunate soul in need of a new chance. I could use an assistant, you see… You interested? I have a rent free place in my tower with your name on it.” Sweets asked, fluttering her eyes at the goblin and offering a hand.
Jameson sat there a few long moments, blushing hotly, gazing down at herself… Coming to terms with her new form… Well… there was a certain amount of wish fulfillment that had occurred with a body like this. She was damn cute, and this Sweets seemed genuine. 
“...I’d love to.” Jameson breathed out a sigh of relief, reaching out and taking Sweets hand in her own, shaking.
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Soot been spending a bit too much time in places she gets to be quite... piggish.
Art by Plumpling on Twitter! And here! @plumpling
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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More art of Soot, plus sized goodness this time!
Art by BoxGoat/Muttontastic on Twitter!
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Chef ninja goblin finished for @/kilzarok1
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Commission for FaeOddity
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Another world, another time
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Drawing commissions at https://piczel.tv/watch/OrFiS!
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Limited slots for sketch line commissions are now available on my ko-fi!
Pricing starts at:
◉ $70 for a BUST
◉ +$30 for a FULL BODY
◉ +$40 for COLOR FLATS
Thank you for checking it out ♥
Questions? LET ME KNOW!
🔴 ko-fi.com/rintheyordle/commissions
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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More attempts to manifest TotK Midna
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Art of Soot by @rintheyordle who once again did great for my yordle!
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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More Soot! Y'all like Soot, right?
Art by CommissionMission on FA!
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Wing-it for anon
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Some cute Annalise and Constance art I got for Christmas
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
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Some chomky Soot from my good friend BoxGoat over on the funny blue bird website, pretty sure they haven't come back to Twitter yet so...
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WAY fatter Soot.
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oddityfae · 2 years ago
she likes using dark magic to dance
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