ocyrus · 1 year
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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ocyrus · 1 year
Hi everyone just wanted to say that I've gotten a few requests and I'm working on part 2's for two fics I'll try to post the shorter fics first then the longer ones so please be patient since I am kinda a slow writer especially with classes going on so please be patient 🫶
in the meantime enjoy this picture of a bear with a guitar
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ocyrus · 1 year
I love your writings! I have a request if you would like to write it. Wednesday Addams x Hybrid Bunny! Male! Reader? Head-cannons SFW and NSFWTo be more specific about the reader he has furred rabbit like ears, they do everything the animal can, they twitch, they droop, and they can hear things just as good as the average bunny rabbit. He also has the ability to jump really high and run really fast, just like the rabbit. He has a tail that doesn’t really do anything other than twitch or act on emotion. He doesn’t have a bunny nose but it does twitch, whenever a strong emotion is at play, the same thing with his feet except thumping. You get the gist of it. However he can turn full bunny whenever he so chooses or if he’s really scared, sometimes even in pain.
Male Bunny Reader Headcanons
Dominant Wednesday Addams x Male Bunny Reader
Contains both SFW and NSFW so beware
This is my first time ever doing Headcanons since I'm inexperienced but hopefully I did a good job and the anon likes it 🫶
(The anon also sent a second request with more details for the nsfw where they asked for Wednesday to take a more dominant role)
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-When the two of you are alone she likes to call you her "bunny"
-Wednesday has a childlike obsession with playing with your ears when the two of you are alone
-Wednesday likes to hold your ears down gently and watch them spring up
-Wednesday has picked up that your feet thump whenever you're nervous so that's her sign to comfort/coddle you
-When the two of you are cuddling Wednesday likes to squeeze your tail just to tease you
-You like to press your ears against Wednesday's face whenever you two cuddle just to mess with her
-You get bullied often for your ears and tail so Wednesday makes sure to comfort you right after dealing with your bullies
-The white hair from your ears and tail always cover Wednesdays clothes after a cuddle session
-Sometimes you get weird cravings for carrots or lettuce so Wednesday always takes some from Nevermores Cafeteria for you
-Wednesday likes using sensory deprivation on you like covering your ears to turn you on even more
-Whenever your being more of a brat or disobedient instead of pulling on your hair Wednesday pulls on your ears
-Wednesday likes putting a collar on you whenever she gets jealous to prove she "owns" you
-Your ears and tail always twitch whenever Wednesday makes you cum
-You go through your own "heat" and that's when you get the most needy
-When your going through your heat Wednesday likes to overstimulate you and make you cum repeatedly since she knows you can't help it
-Whenever you ignore or give Wednesday the silent treatment she goes out of her way to turn you on and make you horny and either ignores or edges you
-Sometimes you get random bursts of energy when the two of you are alone and that leads to the two of fucking like rabbits for hours
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ocyrus · 1 year
Night Owls
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Sleep deprived GN Reader
Warning: Just sleep deprived reader and Wednesday meeting for the first time 👍
Summary: Your odd sleep schedule has you exploring Nevermore and finally meeting the renowned Wednesday Addams
A/N: I know not much happens in this one but I do sort of have a part 2 in mind where the relationship develops but it's up to you guys if you'd want to read that 🫶 also sorry for the awkward dialogue its like my kryptonite 😭
Y/N=Your Name
L/N=Last Name
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Ever since you were a child, you developed a very unnatural sleeping pattern. No one in your family was a vampire, and to your knowledge, you've never been bit by one, so really, your sleep schedule was a mystery.
You had only been at Nevermore Academy for about a week and all the different corridors and passageways sparked curiosity in you. The dying urge to explore the school and your restlessness caused you to build an unnatural habit. Whenever you found yourself unable to sleep you would quietly get out of bed so as to not alarm your roommate and wander around Nevermore at night.
You heard about the strict curfews before coming to the school but they seemed over exaggerated as you had never run into a teacher your entire time "adventuring" at night. Seeing as no one was roaming the hallways at night besides you caused you to gain a little confidence which led to you exploring classrooms instead of corridors and passageways.
One of your favorites was the herbology classroom. It was a mix of friendly and dangerous plants; sort of like the different students at Nevermore. The plants were an added bonus but the main reason why you loved this classroom was for its view. Since this class housed many plants of course it was mostly made of glass to let in sunlight.
The walls and even the ceiling were glass which is why you loved it. The glass ceiling and the night sky worked together to make the most magnificent view.
You quickly found yourself coming to the class almost every night; admiring the stars and the small array of constellations that you could recognize.
One night you had once again set off grabbing your jacket since tonight was oddly cold and carefully closing the door to your dorm. You quietly walked down the halls of Nevermore as if they were your own house. You had explored so much in the little time that you had been at Nevermore it's almost as if you knew the school layout by memory.
You turned a corner then another taking various left and right turns before silently making your way down a staircase. You took a few steps forward before being met with a large wooden door with several carvings edged into it. You reached for the cold metal doorknob and turned it; pushing the door open and finally taking a step inside.
You silently closed the door behind you and took a deep breath inward. You loved the combined smell of all the plants and the moist atmosphere the classroom had.
You made your way to the desk you had sort of selected as your designated viewing point. You pulled out the chair belonging to the desk and sat down raising your head towards the ceiling.
You scanned the sky trying to see if you could recognize any of the constellations that you had found last night. You enjoyed the quiet and stillness of the night and mixed with the beautiful view of the sky you thought you could sit there for hours.
You had been stargazing for only a few minutes before you heard a calm almost monotone voice speak beside you.
"The sky is always beautiful at night isn't it."
You practically jumped out of your seat before falling onto the floor. You closed your eyes expecting to hear the stool you had been sitting on to crash down onto the floor. Luckily for you the monotone voiced stranger had caught it before it fell to the ground; unlike you.
You used the desk to help lift yourself up as you tried not to focus on the pain that came from you falling on your ass.
"Who the hell are you?-"
You slowly took in the person's looks. It was a rather small girl with hair in two long black braids. You didn't know if it was just the moonlight but you swear the girl's complexion was as white as paper. She was wearing a large oversized black jacket. Even though you had just fallen on the floor the girl's attention wasn't on you but the sky.
"My name is Wednesday Addams and yours is Y/N L/N."
"wait how do you know my name-"
"I make sure to learn everyone's name- well those who spark my interest that is."
Wednesday as you now knew her placed the stool you had been sitting on back down motioning you to sit. You were cautious but still decided to take a seat not wanting to be rude.
"And what exactly do you mean by spark your interest"
You studied the girls face a little harder, the freckles on her face being highlighted by the light coming from the glass ceiling.
"I'm a light sleeper and you happen to pass my dorm room every single night"
You covered your face in embarrassment and tried to apologize.
"shit I'm sorry I really was trying to be quiet you know"
"There's no need to apologize besides it has been quiet fun getting to follow you around every night"
"Wait, you've been following me?"
"Well like I said you've been waking me up in the middle of the night every single night for weeks so I figured why not."
You chuckled awkwardly, not exactly sure how to respond. Had she really been following you all this time and you just hadn't noticed?
"I noticed you frequently visit this classroom but I didn't know why until now."
"Well the view is always amazing here, even if some nights are cloudy you can still see a few stars peeking through."
Your head was turned towards the sky so you couldn't see the edges of Wednesday's mouth perk up into a small almost unnoticeable smile.
"So there really isn't a reason you've been following me?"
"No, just morbid curiosity I suppose"
You laughed softly at how nonchalant and oblivious Wednesday was about basically stalking you but you didn't mind for some strange reason.
It was awkward for both you and Wednesday but you slowly found yourselves making conversation. You slowly learned things about her like her passion for writing and love for dark humor; at least you hoped it was humor. Wednesday also got to learn about you, your curse of lack of sleep and your various hobbies and interests.
The night went on with the two of you keeping eachother company. You didn't know how to describe it but talking to Wednesday in fact just her being present soothed you. The calm way she talked and her strong presence started making your eyelids heavy.
Wednesday quickly took notice and softly guided your head towards her shoulder.
"I should probably head back to my dorm now-" You managed to mumble out before your eyes closed and you were officially asleep.
Your eyes slowly opened as you took in your surroundings. Somehow you had ended up back at your dorm. Was last night just a dream? there's no way you thought it was way too vivid to just be a dream.
"Come on Y/N you need to get dressed or we're going to be late!" You heard your roommate yell from the bathroom.
You turned and looked at your digital clock before jumping out of bed.
"shit shit shit"
You said as you threw on the blazer to your uniform. You basically raced towards the cafeteria hoping that it wasn't too late to get breakfast.
Luckily for you it wasn't too late to get breakfast before class but unluckily for you there was a long line of students waiting to get food. You rolled your eyes and took a spot in line but you had barely been standing for more than a minute before you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around slowly and confused since none of your friends or roommate ever got breakfast with you. To your surprise you were met with a pale yet pretty face adorning two black braids.
"Good morning Y/N."
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ocyrus · 2 years
crap I know I just posted my latest fic but I just hit a 100 followers 😭 thankyou so much to everyone who supports me and my work and I'm glad I can make 100 of you happy reading my stuff 🫶 please enjoy the fic I just posted
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ocyrus · 2 years
Till Death Do Us Part
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Implied Male Reader
Warning: Adult Wednesday Addams and Adult reader, Reader is implied to be male but can be read as Gender neutral, wedding fluff
Summary: Today was the day you finally married Wednesday and became an Addams
A/N: I've never been to a wedding so I hope I was able to describe it as best as possible 😭 Also yes the reader is wearing a suit but Anyone can wear a suit no matter what gender so feel free to read it even if you aren't male. But anyways I hope you guys enjoy this it took me a while 🫶 (@i984 )
Y/N=Your Name L/N=Last Name
Gomez Addams
Wednesday Addams
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Today was the day you married your girlfriend and finally became an Addams.
You had never truly been nervous before. Whether it was the night before a big test or getting bad news, you never broke a sweat. Today was different, though. Today you married the love of your life.
You had just finished putting on your red tie that complemented your black suit as you heard cars start to pull up to the mansion. Morticia and Gomez had insisted that you and Wednesday get married in the Addams family cemetery, and you really couldn't say no as they were the ones funding it.
Your heart started to race faster and faster as you heard the voices downstairs start to get louder. You knew Wednesday had a big family, but it was just starting to hit you how many of them actually came.
Your family, unfortunately, didn't come. They never quite approved of you dating Wednesday and the Addams family as a whole, which is why none of your family showed up. Of course you were upset, but you wouldn't let them ruin the most important day of your life.
You finally built up the courage to open the door to your changing room and come downstairs.
"There they are!"
Gomez greeted you with a tight hug that practically crushed you.
"The ceremony is starting soon so why don't you lead everyone to the cemetery while me and Morticia go check on Wednesday?"
"I'll get right on it Mr Addams!"
"Mr Addams?"
He chuckled before patting your back.
"There's no need for such formalities, you are going to be an Addams soon after all"
You awkwardly chuckled before you decided to go off and lead all the guests towards the ceremony. You walked outside the back doors of the Addams family mansion, which had a large stone path leading to the altar. You showed everyone to their seats, making sure to make conversation before finally taking your spot on the altar.
Having all those eyes and a disembodied hand focused on you only helped to tangle the knot in your stomach more. Sweat ran down your forehead as you took continuous, deep breaths, trying to calm your nerves.
You looked around while you waited, admiring the decorations your soon-to-be wife picked out. You saw cobwebs and spiders covering every tombstone, and even fake hands reaching out of the graves—at least you hoped they were fake.
You looked down at your watch, but as soon as you did, you heard Lurch start to play an organ. The song was an odd twist on the iconic "Here Comes The Bride" song.
As you turned your gaze toward the Addams family house again, you saw the doors open. Your mouth fell open, but only slightly, as you saw Wednesday start to walk.
Wednesday was being walked down the aisle by Gomez; their arms were linked. Seeing Wednesday's dress—hell, just seeing Wednesday—washed away your worries completely. It's as if an angel had taken your nervous feelings and replaced them with a warm, pleasant happiness.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling at the sight of your future wife in her gown. Her dress was a traditional wedding dress, but in black, of course. Even though it was mostly black, it had beautiful red accents since you insisted the wedding have at least some color. The item on her dress that drew your attention most though was the veil. It was an elegant black with a slight red on it, resembling blood stains.
It's like you were hypnotized by her beauty; you couldn't pull your eyes away from Wednesday even if you tried.
The song slowly came to a stop as Wednesday and Gomez reached the altar. You gently held Wednesday's hands as Gomez handed her off to you.
"Please Y/N..take good care of my little storm cloud"
You laughed softly, in all your years of dating Wednesday you had never seen her dad shed a tear until now.
"I promise I will"
Gomez nodded before making his way to his seat next to Morticia.
Your eyes slowly met Wednesday's, her cold gaze as heart warming as ever.
"You look stunning Cara Mia"
"And you look breathtaking Mon Cher"
The two of you grinned softly before the two of you took your positions, standing across from each other on the altar, your hands still connected. The ceremony started; it seemed like a rather normal wedding ceremony, but that's when it was time for you and Wednesday to say your vows.
"My dearest Wednesday, as I stand here before you today I renew my commitment to loving you for however long me and my spirit shall live. I don't only want to love you in life but also in death. I want us to walk hand in hand into the afterlife as we did in life."
You nervously squeezed Wednesday's hand as tears started to form.
"You've shown me how beautiful life can be even in the dark parts. If I had to choose one person to live the rest of my life and afterlife with then I'd gladly choose you every single time."
You diverted your eyes from Wednesday's, you wanted to wipe away your tears but you couldn't bring yourself to let go of her soft comforting hands.
"My lovely Y/N"
Wednesday slowly let go of your hand, bringing hers up to your cheek and wiping away your tears with her thumb.
"I stand here before you today, bound to you by a love that burns as bright as the sun. When we first met it was like an angel reaching out its hand to me. You accepted me when not many did and you showed me nothing but love and kindness no matter what the situation."
Wednesday had told you that she had only cried once, when her pet scorpion died. She told you that she vowed never to cry again, but before you, stood Wednesday in tears. You wanted to hug her as tight as you possibly could, but you knew that would only make her cry harder.
"Y/N with these vows I pledge my heart,my soul and my very existence to you. I wish to spend the rest of eternity with you, be it in life or death. Our love, our flame can not be extinguished even by death itself. May our love be as enduring as it is dark, and may our journey together be filled with endless romance and unbridled passion."
The two of you were then instructed to place the rings you had selected for each other on the other's finger. You had picked out a silver ring with a rather small black diamond on top since you knew Wednesday would never want something big and flashy. You took out the ring and delicately held her hand up as you placed it on her ring finger.
Thing suddenly came to the altar with a small box tied to him. He jumped up, which caught you by surprise, but Wednesday quickly took the box from him. She opened the box and took out a ring. It was a simple gold ring, but it had a few designs carved into it in black, and you loved it.
You smiled and almost blushed as Wednesday placed your ring on your ring finger before taking your hands again. The two of you were then instructed to kiss, but you went a little off script. You couldn't help but wrap your arms around Wednesday's waist and lift her up as you kissed her. You smiled, hearing the cheers come from the crowd as you gently placed Wednesday back down.
You looked down at her and noticed a small almost unnoticeable blush on her face.
"you could have at least warned me idiot-"
You smiled before taking her hand and squeezing it tightly.
"I love you Wednesday Addams"
"And I Love you Y/N L/N or should I say Y/N Addams?"
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ocyrus · 2 years
We're gonna miss you so much Lou! please take all the time you need and even though you may see flaws in your work in my eye and the eyes of your readers your work is practically perfection! but please get some well deserved rest and I promise that when you come back we'll all be here waiting for you 🫶
Signing off...
Hello! I want to start this post by telling you guys something really interesting...
Tl;dr: I'm taking a break for a month due to severe stress and performance anxiety, plus college and work is kicking me in the arse, but do send requests and prompts in because I need to write them FLUFF to get rid of the stress. Love ya!
So a month ago I stumbled upon a really amazing writer here on tumblr dearest, and I immediately fell in love with their work. It was so well written, and I couldn't comprehend the fact that it was the first ever story they've ever written and they wrote it under such circumstances that if I were to be put in their position, I can guarantee I wouldn't even be able to string a coherent sentence.
Anyway, that really got me thinking.
It's been two months since I first started writing, and revisiting old works of mine reveals something along the lines of "I'm not improving," and "I'm not creative."
It's been a problem I seem to notice, is that I struggle a lot with characterization (ESPECIALLY this) and pacing, among other things that makes me view my works mostly as blegh.
I know comparing is probably not the best way to develop, and I wouldn't say I'm envious of people's talents (because it's obvious some people are just so great at stuff lmao) but it's more like I'm disappointed in myself I guess(?)
In the collective 20 works that I've published over the two months, I still can't fully grasp what works and what doesn't with the Fandom, and I can't quite identify nor fix the problems in my writings. Combined with the burn out, this makes writing a very painful process for me even though I really want to enjoy it.
I rely very heavily on external validations and to see that in the midst of the dead Fandom (when compared to when it's at its peak), people can still garner almost 1k notes in the span of a week (and I can see why it's very well loved), posting here just makes me so stressed when I shouldn't even be.
It got so bad to the point I have trouble breathing every time I think about writing, and although now it doesn't happen as often, the performance anxiety is pretty much there.
Work, as well as college too has been a pretty great contributor for my stress and to put writing on top of that is just excruciating for me.
And that's why I'm taking a break!
It'll probably a month break like how I've stated in previous post, because it's become apparent I need rest LMAO
Thank you so much for the support you guys have shown and sent my way, I want to say that I really appreciate it! Honestly I wouldn't get this far without you guys, I love you so much!
I've set some reblogs for other creator's works while I'm gone, because I've been meaning to read but I just haven't found the opportunity for it. People here make such great works <3
If you guys have any requests, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO SEND THEM IN. I know this might feel contradictory but as I pointed out, I'm not really imaginative or creative, and I really want to write things, but most of the time I cant come up with anything or what I think is good isn't what you guys want (I know I still have a bunch of requests sitting around, but like I said I write when inspiration struck me).
So yes, send requests in so that I can do some writing during the break, and hopefully come back with a bunch of requests already done and ready to post!
Also, if you guys make it this far, I've got a surprise for you which is I'm finally trying to work on the series I've been planning to do since January HAHA! We'll have to see where it takes me but right now I have so much ideas running around in my brain and not enough waking hour in the day to develop and write it.
How do you guys feel about lord crime v.s. master detective trope BECAUSE I AM CRAZY ABOUT IT.
I'll see you guys when I do :) Love you! ❤
Special thanks to:
@missmonsters2 and @robiin-buckley for being the people who literally BURNS my heart with the desire and give me the courage to write, I wouldn’t be here without you 🥺💘
@ocyrus for being my first ever anon, I cannot stress how much I owe you <3
@tulipsbymybed for hyping me up when I first started and when I thought my work is a shitshow.
@vorsdanysstuff for being the first person to reblog my stuff and says some very very nice things about it and gave me more confidence to write, and also. For finding me and being the love of my life. I treasure you with my whole being.
@wol-fica for feeding me with cat pictures and being my lovely wife who misses me when I'm gone and makes picrews of us together, I love you so much 💓
@maryannecrimsworth for noticing my username and for loving my blogs questionable aesthetic, and for talking to me about dystopia and being my favorite lil bro!
@cursedchar for being the awkward mutual at first but now we spew chaos every where and every time we talk and interact. Honestly, you bring the wild side in me out to the world. Still hate your angsty stuff tho.
@tundra1029 FOR BEING THE ICON THAT GIVES GOOD ASS AMAZING PROMPTS and being a super lovely person and a great writer, I love you buddy <3
@alexkolax for well. You know me the most out of everyone in this site. My respect and trust for you is through the roof and cannot be expressed with mere words. Thank you for being here, Lex.
@ricosnumber1fan for being there in most of my works. I still think about you and scroll through your comments and reblogs. You're the best (second to sourdough tho).
@theflamboyantshadow for always leaving amazing comments under my posts, you are the sweetest person ever and I really wish you a great fucking life. Love you.
@iamnicodemus for writing that dragon Wednesday fic... and LEAVING THE MOST FLATTERING REBLOGS. ILYSM AND. you always make me smile when I think of you LMAO
@literally everybody else who've single handedly kept me alive and well on this site, I appreciate all your little asks, reblogs, comments, likes, and just UGH my heart aches for every single one of you.
Pray I return soon.
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ocyrus · 2 years
Hi everyone I just wanted to say that I haven't/probably won't post a fic this week or in a bit. It takes a while to write fics and make sure there alright enough to post and I haven't been able to write this week because I've had big tests so please be patient while I try to write/get something out there 😭 (in the meantime enjoy this picture of Jenna looking very short) 🫶
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ocyrus · 2 years
I Think I Like When It Rains
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Gender Neutral Reader
Warning: Nothing here but fluff
Summary: Wednesday decided to make a dream of yours become reality.
A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting as much I've just been experiencing a small case of writers block but I hope those of you still around enjoy this! (@i984 I hope you like this since it's the first time I've felt confident enough to @ you 😭)
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A word that means so much. A word that so many people,places or things come close to but can never quite achieve. Yet the moment you and Wednesday were sharing was just that, perfect.
It was a gloomy day outside of Nevermore. The skies were bleak and gray. The only sound that could be heard were the gentle taps of rainwater hitting your dorm window.
You and Wednesday lay under warm blankets on your bed. Your arms were enclosed around her waist, with her back pinned to your front. Wednesday's soft hands rested on yours, her thumb tracing small circles on the back of your hand. You could smell Wednesday's perfume; the scent enveloped you. Her scent was hard to describe; it was pleasant, and your senses enjoyed it, but there was something else to it too.
You and Wednesday both shared a fondness for the cozy atmosphere rain brought, so it was only natural that you had invited her to your dorm for a "movie night" the second you saw the cloudy sky. Of course, Wednesday protested at first; why would she want to watch a cheesy romance movie? It was only when you were practically begging on your hands and knees that she finally relented.
You always admired this particular movie for the connection the two main characters shared. They reminded you of you and Wednesday in an odd way. Two polar opposites find things they love about each other and grow closer as time goes by.
The movie had finally gotten to your favorite part; it was the two main characters dancing in the rain. It was almost like the two were in their own little world. Nothing mattered to the two because they were together, and that's all that mattered. The connection was tangible, and you could practically see the admiration the characters held for one another.
You always gawked at this scene. You longed to experience something like that—a perfect moment to share with someone. Not even Wednesday's head turning and looking directly at you could pull your gaze from the screen.
As soon as the scene ended, your mood shifted. Of course, you were still happy to be spending time with your girlfriend, but you were upset that you might never get to experience an occasion like that for yourself.
Of course, a certain raven-haired girl had taken notice of your sudden mood shift. It was anguish for her to see the glint in your eyes disappear, so with a small sigh and a rather harsh pull of your arm, you found yourself being dragged outside into the rain.
"Wednesday what exactly are we doing out here?"
Wednesday hadn't even given you the opportunity to grab a coat, so you were stuck holding yourself as a source of warmth from the cold rain.
"Y/N I saw the way you looked at the film we were watching."
"S-sorry my Wends but I don't know what you mean-"
Wednesday rolled her eyes with impatience and held out her hand to you.
"Just follow my lead."
You took Wednesday's hand and took a few steps forward into the open. As you and Wednesday slowly stepped out into the middle of the quad, the two of you were met with a light shower of rain.
Your eyes were locked on Wednesday's, her dark, black eyes being the only thing that could distract you from the rain.
Wednesday pulled you closer to her, one hand intertwining fingers with yours; her other hand firmly grabbed your waist. The wet grass was hard to walk on let alone dance but the two of you could care less. Wednesday's hand guided you, telling you when and where to step.
It was as if Wednesday had memorized the exact dance from the movie. Every step you took made you think about the dance scene.
The rain had completely drenched you and Wednesday but you two could care less. All that mattered in that moment was what step the two of you would take next. You took steps forward,backwards and even to the side.
You smiled from ear to ear, finally feeling the joy of having such a sensual moment with someone, and it was even better since it was with Wednesday.
The two of you danced, losing track of time. It was only when your wet clothes started to weigh you down that you paused.
Wednesday's brow furrowed in confusion.
"Is everything alright Y/N? Is the rain getting too much for you?"
You chuckled before cupping Wednesday's cheek and leaning in. Your lips connected with hers and you felt your cheeks start to heat up. The two of you held your lips together for a few seconds before detaching from one another.
"I love you, Wednesday"
Wednesday's hand left your waist and reached up caressing the hand you had cupped her face with.
"I love you too Y/N."
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ocyrus · 2 years
Sorry if this is random anyone but I could use some help. I've been trying to read this certain fic but whenever I try to click on it, it exists me out of the person's blog. When I click on the person's other fics they show up perfectly. I'm still new to Tumblr so if anyone could help me? And I have done things like reset my phone or look through my Tumblr settings to make sure it wasn't hiding anyone so I'm really just kinda lost. Any help would be great 🫶
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ocyrus · 2 years
more wednesday x male reader smut please
Kiss From A Rose
Pairing: Dominant Wednesday Addams x Male Reader
Warning: smut,male smut,neck and body kissing/biting, very dominant Wednesday
Summary: After a fight earlier that day, Wednesday has to show you that you belong to her
A/N: This was my second smut ever so hope it does as well as the last one! I've taken tips from other writers so if you notice a change in my writing I'm hoping it's positive but yeah I hope you all enjoy 🫶
(I wrote this at 3 am because I kept getting lazy and procrastinating and this is not proof read so I'm sorry for any mistakes 😭)
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If you are a minor I very much suggest you do not read this I have plenty of sfw/fluff fics for you to read.
You lay there on your phone, your eyes a bit irritated from the screen. Your roommate had left you alone in the dorm you shared because he was spending the night at his girlfriend's dorm. Your mood was agitated as a result of the argument you and Wednesday had earlier that day.
Wednesday got uncharacteristically possessive while you were just trying to make conversation with a new friend of yours. She tried to pull you away, and while at first it was cute, it quickly got on your nerves. The situation quickly escalated when the two of you started basically shouting at each other; just thinking of the events made your brow furrow.
You rubbed your eyes with your hand due to the long period of time you had been watching your phone, and finally, you set it down at your nightstand. You laid back and quickly covered yourself in your warm blankets, a sigh of both relief and frustration escaping your lips. You closed your eyes deciding it was better to get some rest because you knew you'd have to deal with Wednesday's fury in the morning.
A minute hadn't even passed before you heard a rather aggressive knock at your door. You groaned and contemplated whether it was worth getting out of your comfortable bed for. You laid there in the silence and darkness of your room, hoping the person at the door would get the hint and move on.
"Y/N It would be in your best interest to open the door."
You quickly scrambled your feet; your once-clean, warm blanket now sprawled on the floor. You flipped up the light switch in your dorm, which quickly illuminated the room as you reached for the doorknob and turned it.
You hesitantly opened the door only enough for you to poke your head out since you didn't want Wednesday to see you in the messy clothes you'd usually wear to bed. You were met with a pair of dark, almost soulless eyes that you knew all too well.
"Hey Wednesday, is something wrong?"
Your concern was genuine; Wednesday had never visited you this late, and you assumed she wasn't here to apologize.
"Y/N the least you could do is let me inside, I believe we need to talk."
You froze in place for a second, of course you wanted to let your girlfriend inside but a small part of you couldn't help but fear for the worst. Your breath hitched but you finally relented and opened your door wide enough for Wednesday to enter.
You closed the door behind her, but that's when you were hit with a wave of lavender. Wednesday's perfume was never this strong, and it was especially never lavender, so why was she wearing it now?
You turned around to face Wednesday and awkwardly crossed your arms, hoping she wouldn't notice the stains from the pizza you had eaten earlier as a snack.
"So what did you want to talk about Wends?"
Wednesday took a step closer to you which made you instinctively take a step back.
"Y/N earlier when we were arguing, I realized something~"
You felt your heart skip a beat. Wednesday wouldn't relent as she kept creeping closer and closer to you. You quickly found yourself sandwiched between Wednesday and your own dorm door.
"What's wrong my love? you seem nervous~"
"Well I uh-"
You stammered; you tried to come up with words, but it's as if Wednesday was holding your tongue hostage. You just couldn't find the right words, and Wednesday noticed your struggle.
Her hand gently reached up as she grasped your chin and tilted your head upward. You were scared to say the least, Wednesday had never taken such initiative and it made your face flush. You tried to look down but Wednesday's hand was strong and firm.
"Wednesday what are you doing-"
Your head immediately jerked up as you felt her soft pair of lips make contact with your neck. You pressed her hips against yours to keep you pinned to the door as her hands roamed your body freely.
A small, almost moan-like gasp escaped your lips as you felt Wednesday transition from kissing your neck to biting it. You'd never had a partner do this to you, so you quickly discovered how sensitive your neck was. You squirmed and kept fidgeting, the pleasure was too good for you to just stay still.
"Fuck that feels so good Wednesday~"
Wednesday's lips abruptly departed from your neck as her hands reached down to the bottom of your shirt. You found yourself sticking your arms up in the air as Wednesday tugged and pulled your shirt off of you.
You could barely take a breath before Wednesday's hand forcibly grabbed your waist. Wednesday's cold lips once again made contact with your skin, but this time it was on your chest. The sensation of Wednesday's cold yet gentle lips making contact with your chest made a shiver run down your spine.
Wednesday holding your waist and kissing you passionately was bound to have some sort of effect on you. You slowly started to move your hips, grinding against hers. Wednesday grinned as she looked up at the beautiful marks she had left on you and felt your throbbing bulge rub against her.
Wednesday gracefully fell to her knees; your bulge was directly in front of her. You took shaky breaths as you watched Wednesday slowly untie the strings from your pajama pants. She gently tugged and brought your pants down around your thighs.
You were mentally preparing yourself for what was about to happen; you were a mixture of nervous and excited, but that's when it happened.
"Hey Y/N you still awake? I think I forgot my charger inside, could you grab it for me!"
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ocyrus · 2 years
Golden Hour
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Gn! Reader
Warnings: pre-established relationship and just the reader being a bit of a creep (lol)
Summary: You wake up one morning and get the opportunity to take in all of the gorgeous and beautiful features of your girlfriend
A/N: I know This is incredibly short but it was made at 2:30 am because I haven't posted a fic in a while but also I've sorta lost motivation for writing these because I've ran out of ideas so please if you have any simple requests or any detailed requests it'd be very appreciated 🫶 hope you enjoy this
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Your eyes slowly fluttered open, you were immediately blinded by the bright light entering the room. The giant window that resembles a spider-web might as well be a magnifying glass burning your eyes with the intensity of the morning sun.
Your memory was hazy from last night, all you remembered was you and Wednesday sneaking into her dorm late at night. You felt a small delicate hand on your chest and as you looked down you saw her sleeping.
You always thought Wednesday was gorgeous but this was the first time you got to witness her true beauty. You looked down at her, the sunlight perfectly reflecting off of her pale skin. It was almost like you were looking at a painting the way everything came together and combined so naturally.
You noticed Wednesday freckles, they were light almost unnoticeable but spread out sort of resembling the sprinkles on a cupcake. You noticed Wednesday's hair was loose and messy, something you'd never witnessed before since she always made sure to look tidy around you.
Her hair was as dark as the night sky but it shined even brighter with the sun reflecting off of it. You delicately raised your hand towards Wednesday's head and gently ran your fingers through her hair.
You knew she was a light sleeper but dating you had taught her that it's okay to let her guard down around the people she loves. Luckily Wednesday didn't wake up as your fingers cautiously ran through her hair.
"Oh my god-"
You muttered under your breath at just how soft Wednesday's hair was. It was almost as if you were running your fingers through a cloud and it was heavenly.
You found yourself playing with Wednesday's hair for a good couple of minutes before your hand gravitated towards Wednesday's face. You had held her face and her cheeks multiple times before while you two kissed but for some reason it was different.
Wednesday's face was oddly warm, the sunlight must have had something to do with it. You smiled being able to hold your girlfriend as gently as you were and seeing her in a completely new light.
You couldn't help but admire Wednesday for how perfect she was, her shark and round features went so well together after all. You laid with Wednesday for almost an hour refusing to move in order for her to get the rest she deserves.
More time passed and you noticed the sun's intense light slowly die down. You were finally contemplating waking Wednesday up so the two of you could eat breakfast down in the cafeteria but then you felt it.
You felt as if you had someone watching you and that's when you suddenly looked down and saw them, a beautiful pair of eyes staring back at you.
"Good morning Y/N."
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ocyrus · 2 years
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My friend send me this and is it just me or does the crow low key look like wednesday
maybe it's the fact that it's just a crow but I do see a bit of resemblance friend 😅 (side note that's the least menacing/friendliest crow I've seen in my life)
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ocyrus · 2 years
I know my fics have sorta slowed down with people liking them but I'm honestly so happy to hit 50 followers, your all amazing and I'm so happy that some people actually enjoy my work even though I have no experience! I know a lot of people have more followers but I'm happy with just the 50 (ik it's 52 but I'm just rounding) thankyou all 🫶
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ocyrus · 2 years
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Gn Reader
Warning: just hand holding,kissing,cuddling and a pre established relationship
Summary: After seeing a what a beautiful night it was you couldn't not share it with the love of your life
A/N: I really did have fun wiring this it was just a silly little idea at first but I'm not too mad at how this turned out!
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You were always a hopeless romantic when it came to Wednesday. She would always complain about you being over the top but you didn't mind. You knew that behind every scowl was a beautiful smile that only you got to see.
That's why you had to take advantage of tonight, it was the perfect night for a date. You had sort of tricked Enid into sleeping over at Yoko's dorm so you didn't have to worry about her when sneaking Wednesday out.
You carefully opened your dorm window and hoisted yourself up onto the old Nevermore roof. It was dusty and looked like it had been made hundreds of years ago but it seemed to be stable enough to hold you.
The roof and tiles creaked ever so slightly while you tried to tiptoe your way to the giant spider-web like window that belonged to your girlfriend's dorm. You struggled indefinitely but you luckily climbed ontothe balcony that the window belonged to.
You got as close to the window as possible, your face basically pressing against the glass and you saw a small glimpse of your Gothic girlfriend. You smiled seeing her at peace and happy writing, you almost didn't want to disturb her.
Your knuckles gently touched the glass letting Wednesday know she had an unexpected visitor. You smiled and waved outside her window as she rushed over to the opening on the side of her dorm.
"Y/N what on earth are you doing here?"
"Take my hand Wednesday, I have to show you something"
You held out your hand to her and she cautiously took it, never being able to reject the offer of holding your hand. The moonlight helped illuminate the small pinkish tint Wednesday's cheeks grew as she took your hand which only made you blush in return.
You slowly and carefully lead Wednesday up towards Nevermore roof, to one of the highest points at Nevermore academy. It was dangerous but with your new roof scaling abilities and Wednesday clearly being as agile as a cat didn't struggle a bit.
You gently lifted her onto a higher part of the roof and she grabbed your hand helping you get up with ease.
"Can you please just tell me what we're doing here Y/N? it's dangerous and if principle Weems finds us she'll-"
You cupped Wednesday's face and kissed her slowly, you hated when Wednesday worried and plus this was a night to get rid of all your worries. It was a quick kiss of reassurance until you finally convinced your lips to let go of hers.
"Look up at the sky Cara Mia~"
Wednesday's eyes looked at you confused and puzzled but she did as you said. Her eyes widened just enough that you noticed and smiled at how the stars reflected off of her dark eyes.
"I saw how beautiful the night sky was and I wanted to share it with you, Wednesday"
Her gaze slowly broke off from the stars back down to you and for the first time you saw Wednesday smile. It made your heart race but also melt at the same time it's as if your stomach was full of butterflies.
You couldn't quite tell which emotions you were feeling but you knew that at that moment, Wednesday was the most beautiful thing to ever walk the earth. You laid down on the hard roof and grabbed Wednesday's waist delicately.
She laid her head on your chest while you softly rubbed her back in circular motions. The night was perfect, a summer's night that wasn't too cold or too hot, It was the perfect moment.
The last thing you remembered before dozing off was the soft sound of Wednesday whispering to you. Your eyes slowly opened but you were beyond confused because you recognized the ceiling of Wednesday's Dorm.
You tried to get up unaware of a certain person laying on top of you. Your sudden movements awakened Wednesday's but she didn't bother to sit up or even get off of you. You were only met with her hand on your chest roughly pushing you back down onto her bed.
"Hey what was that for! and how did we even end up here if I remember falling asleep on the roof-"
"Now's not the time for questions Y/N, now either go back to sleep or I'll have to force you too."
You chuckled at her proposition but you didn't dare test her. Instead you wrapped your arms around her and held her even closer to you wanting to feel her warmth. Wednesday didn't protest to this, in fact she nuzzled her head deeper into your chest.
This was the moment you knew that Wednesday Addams was the one for you. That she was the only person you wanted to witness and see the stars with for the rest of your life.
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ocyrus · 2 years
Moth To A Flame
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Gender Neutral obsessed reader
Warnings: Reader becoming infatuated with Wednesday and showing slight stalking behavior
Summary: After a particularly boring morning at Nevermore you encounter the new girl and you just can't help but to fawn over her and follow her, like a moth is attracted to flame.
A/N: So I definitely got inspiration from this new show I've been watching and I weirdly feel like I did well with this one? not sure if it's really great but considering my past writing I think this is my magnum opus.
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You had just finished brushing your teeth, still half asleep you got into your regular everyday uniform. It was a year since you had started Nevermore but it felt like an eternity because of how dull things always were.
You cracked open the door to your dorm and headed off for your first class still not fully awake from the all nighter you had pulled the night before. You were preparing yourself to be bored to death since today you were reading a new chapter of this book you were forced to read in your English class.
You weren't paying much attention to where you were walking, almost in a haze like a living zombie. Due to your lack of awareness you had accidently bumped into this rather short,fragile raven haired girl. You looked down to apologize but before you could even mutter a word to her you lost your train of thought.
You were immediately captivated by the pure darkness of this mysterious girl's eyes. You had never seen her before you thought to yourself. You did hear word of a new student coming to Nevermore just yesterday but you didn't care enough to actually look further into the topic.
You quickly came back to reality when the mystery girl spoke. "Aren't you at least going to apologize for walking into me you moron."
You didn't think such a beautiful creature could muster up such cruel words but you oddly didn't take offense to them.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry- I suppose I wasn't watching where I was going, my apologies."
The girl scoffed as if your apology was barely good enough before she turned her head and continued in her same direction as before. You were planning to continue your journey to class but you couldn't help but turn your head and watch the girl walk away. You quickly noticed her rather interesting way of fashion, her uniform was the standard that every girl wore but it was unique and definitely eye-catching when drowning in the sea of blue uniforms. Her hair was in two twin pigtails and everything, even her bag, was black except for the few stripes of gray in her uniform.
As you lingered, watching the dark clothed girl slowly fade away there was just something ethereal about the way she walked you couldn't help but blush. You never truly believed in love at first sight, in fact you thought just the concept was moronic but you quickly found yourself spiraling down a trench of what you assumed had to be love.
That entire morning you just couldn't get the girl out of your head, it was as if she had placed a curse or spell on you. Though for some reason you didn't mind being under this girl's curse, to be honest you quite enjoyed it.
Your first class of the day ended so you made your way down the large quiet corridors of Nevermore to your second class of the day, math. It was your worst subject so of course you made sure to take your sweet time in your walk there but you quickly picked up on the footsteps that seemed to be coming from ahead of you.
The hallway was dark so you couldn't directly see who or what was in front of you. Thankfully due to some sunlight that illuminated the hallway you managed to recognize the rather small,delicate figure of the girl you had encountered before.
Your mind quickly took over and before you could even realize it you had pursued the girl to her next class. Maybe the universe had decided to reward you for your hard work the night before but by some miracle you and the girl you had been following shared the same second period.
You took your usual seat at the back of the class in one of the corners. You first picked this seat because of how secluded and unnoticeable it was but now you could use it as an easy way to keep an eye on your person of interest.
The teacher was calling attendance at the beginning of class and that's when you learned the beautiful captivating girl's name, Wednesday Addams. You thought it fit her perfectly, a rather odd uncommon name for an odd one of a kind girl.
Usually you would take notes all throughout math in order to not be completely lost but you quickly found yourself observing Wednesday and every little detail about her.
The way she wrote with her pencil and how she kept having to gently swipe away the loose strands of her hair that kept clinging to her face. Even if you couldn't see them directly you knew her handwriting looked beautiful and perfect, just like their writer.
You couldn't understand it at first, it's as if that first encounter with her has made you dependent on seeing her every second of the day, as if she had taken your eyes and claimed them as her own.
The bell rang for your second period and you were packing your bags preparing to walk to your next period. You stopped yourself as you saw Wednesday getting further and further away from you. Thoughts lingered and plagued your head about what could happen to her, what could hurt her and you just couldn't have that.
You tried to stop yourself, you really did but you ended up keeping a distance as you trailed behind the dark haired beauty ensuring that she made it to her third period safely.
The entire day went like this, you followed Wednesday to keep her safe then had to race down the halls just to make it to your next class in time. The only thoughts you had that day were about her, about her features and how you had to get a closer look.
Lucky for you the day ended abruptly when a werewolf student accidentally hurt themselves with a few chemicals while making an experiment in their science class. You took this as a sign and somehow managed to spot Wednesday in the crowded hallways of Nevermore and surely you thought this had to be another sign.
You managed not to lose her in the gigantic crowd of students and finally after following her back to her dorm you were able to gather that Wednesday in fact was rooming with a Werewolf Girl known as Enid Sinclair. Of course you knew Enid from her blog and how nosey she was, hell you were even subscribed to her blog though it was just to amuse yourself when you had nothing better to do.
Once you got back to your own dorm you started up your laptop and went straight to Enid's blog looking for something, anything that would tell you more about Wednesday. You found a few posts about Wednesday that Enid had made but you hesitated to click on them.
You knew that once you clicked on them you would know more about Wednesday and even you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from wanting to know everything about her. You took a deep breath and took a moment to think, trying to rationalize with yourself about why this was a bad idea.
In the end not even you could convince yourself so you decided to just say fuck it and click on one of the posts about Wednesday.
A/N 2: if you managed to make it to the end I was thinking of making this series, I'm not sure if I have that many ideas for the rest of the series but I quite genuinely like this premise so let me know if you would like a part 2 or however many parts 👍
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ocyrus · 2 years
Heart to Heart
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Gn reader
Summary: you know Wednesday too well and you know she won't like the typical Valentine's day gifts, so you decide to celebrate Valentine's day the Addams way
Warning: none really just reader being a hopeless romantic and cheesy for Valentine's day
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You didn't know what Valentine's day with Wednesday Addams would be like but you really wanted to find out. You guys had started dating around 6 months ago and this was your first ever Valentine's day together so you wanted to make it extra special. You knew Wednesday would pop every single heart shaped balloon you gave her and toss every box of chocolates you gave her so you had to be creative.
You and Enid used your shared braincell to come up with the perfect date idea. You went around several stores all around Jericho trying to find the perfect gifts and materials for your date. You honestly couldn't wait to surprise your little rose thorn with everything you prepared.
Finally the fateful day arrived. You acted normal the entire day, you didn't give Wednesday a big heart shaped card or a big teddy bear and she was actually quite relieved. Though she was a bit disappointed since you were always the one showering her with your love and attention especially on holidays.
You held her hand like you did every day you kissed her cheek and you practically acted like Valentine's day didn't exist. You held up the act the entire day until 12 am approached, you had involved Thing in your plan and had him deliver a special cryptic note to your special valentine.
At first Wednesday was a bit uneasy thinking you had set up something too cheesy or romantic for her taste and that she would have to suffer but begrudgingly she let Thing lead her into the forest outside of Nevermore.
Wednesday had been following Thing for about 6 minutes before she came across a stone path illuminated by a trail of candles. She was hesitant but thanks to Thing's aggressive suggestion she followed the candles. She was eventually met with you sitting down on a dusty black and white picnic blanket, a basket that Wednesday immediately smelled was filled with her favorite foods.
Usually you wouldn't be able to see it but due to the candles you actually managed to see Wednesday smile, and it was far more beautiful than you could've expected. You took a few steps towards her and she reciprocated.
All the confidence you had immediately drained once you and Wednesday made eye contact. You couldn't even muster up the courage to say hi but you managed to take out the black rose you had been hiding behind your back, your hand slightly bloody from the thorns.
There was a long pause before anything was said between you two but eventually you were able to spit out a quick "I love you Wednesday!" At first Wednesday didn't know how to feel, she hated all things Valentine's day but you had somehow made it enjoyable for her. For the first time in her life Wednesday Addams was speechless, but she loved that you were the one who had managed to accomplish that.
She hastily took the rose from your hand so you wouldn't suffer any longer but right after she was met with an intense and spontaneous kiss. It took her a second to register what had happened but she quickly reciprocated the kiss, wrapping her arms around your neck as you lay your hands on her waist. You two stood there, as if time had stopped and for a second it felt like it had.
It took being deprived of air for 2 minutes for the two of you to finally pull apart. "Hey I prepared all this food so it better not go to waste" you said followed by an anxious chuckle. You sat down holding her hand and suggesting she do the same. You couldn't keep your eyes off Wednesday the entire time you two were together that night, her beauty was only amplified by the candlelight and her eyes captivated you like always.
After just enjoying each other's company in silence and eating, the two of you decided to head back to Nevermore before anyone noticed the candles and the trail leading directly to the two of you. It broke your heart that you had to part ways but you were satisfied with how the night had gone.
"Goodnight my little rose thorn, I'll see you tomorrow in biology class alright?" you smiled and that was the nail in the coffin. Wednesday finally realized how much she had fallen for you and she would never ever want to let you go from now on.
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