observancetm-blog · 6 years
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In a game where the strong survive                                                                                      Only the STRONG survive  These chains will not HOLD ME DOWN !                                                                   They’ll BREAK and fall to the GROUND !
                 an indie, semi-selective multimuse, featuring a variety of characters from                                                                      marvel                                                         detroit: become human                                                                  harry potter                                                                the good place                                                                   and more ! 
                                                                                           LOVED BY ASH
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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since i want to get the ball rolling here, this is an official plotting call !! give this post a LIKE for me to message you and plot <3
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
✗reassurance&comfort starters
❝ i know this is tough for you, but it will get better. ❞ ❝ you are safe with me. ❞ ❝ don’t worry, everything is going to be okay. ❞ ❝ i’m staying with you. ❞ ❝ i’m not going anywhere. ❞ ❝ i won’t leave, i promise. ❞ ❝ you will get through this. ❞ ❝ you can tell me anything. ❞ ❝ i’m sorry you’re going through this, but i’m here. ❞ ❝ i love you so much. ❞ ❝ i may not have the best advice, but i’m a great listener. ❞ ❝ hey, look at me… ❞ ❝ you got this! ❞ ❝ take your time, don’t rush it. ❞ ❝ you’ve done so well. ❞ ❝ i’m so, so proud of you. ❞  ❝ keep your chin up, sweetheart. ❞  ❝ it’s okay to cry. ❞
send a ♡ and a number for your muse to: 1. offer a wholehearted hug 2. stroke my muse’s hair whilst whispering comforting words 3. take my muse’s hands and hold them 4. attempt to make my muse smile or laugh 5. pull my muse into a hug and caress their back gently 6. place a hand on my muse’s shoulder 7. kiss my muse’s tears away 8. kiss my muse’s forehead 9. cup my muse’s cheeks in order to make them look up 10. press their forehead against my muse’s
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
first starter call of this blog !! LIKE for a starter from Michelle Jones (lengths will vary)
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
send one for my muse's reaction!
“How much longer do you think we’ll be here?” “Thanks for scaring away my company and drenching my workplace in brains.” “Sorry about that time I turned you into a frog.” “How was I supposed to know? Can’t see into the future. I’m not a witch.” “Let me explain something. My hair is not to be meddled with.“ “Are you a fighter? Or are you food?“ “Kneel before me… and rise into the ranks of my great conquest.” “Whoever you are… whatever you’ve done, surrender now! Or we will show you no mercy.” “Whoever I am? Did you listen to a word I said? This is your last warning!” “Oh, I’ve missed this. Still, it’s a shame. Good soldiers dying for nothing… all because they couldn't see the future.” “What do I always say? ‘She is the…’ And it starts with a ‘B.’” “Just wait a damn minute. I’m not for sale.“ “You’re officially pardoned. From life.” “What happened to my manners? I haven’t properly introduced myself. Come on. Uh, follow me.” “We’re not friends and I don't give a shit about your games.” “What do you mean, what am I doing?” “Now, listen to that. He’s threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here’s the deal.” “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [name]. I’m kind of like the leader in here.” “I’m made of rocks, as you can see. But don’t let that intimidate you. You don’t need to be afraid unless you’re made of scissors.“ “Ah, well, I tried to start a revolution, but didn’t print enough pamphlets. So hardly anyone turned up, except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator.” “I’m actually organizing another revolution. I don’t know if you’d be interested in something like that.“ “No, nothing makes sense here, man. The only thing that does make sense is that nothing makes sense.” “Yes, I am. Gonna fight him, win, and get the hell out of this place.” “Most of the stuff in here is fake. Or weak.“ “Want to see what true power really looks like?” “Hurts, doesn’t it? Being lied to. Being told you’re one thing and then learning it’s all a fiction.” “You didn’t think I’d really come and see you, did you? This place is disgusting.“ “Does this mean you don’t want my help?” “You don’t stand a chance. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?” “(SCOFFS) Fine. I guess I’ll just have to go do it alone. Like I’ve always done.” “Piss off, ghost!“ “Sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer… and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one.” “Do not zap me with that thing. I just wanna talk.” “There’s nothing wrong with women, of course. I love women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more of a respectful appreciation.” “No one escapes this place. So you’re gonna die anyway.” “Now, don’t you move. My hands ain’t as steady as they used to be.”  “Hey! We know each other. He’s a friend from work.” “Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead.” “[Name], we’re friends. This is crazy. I don’t want to hurt you!” “This is what friends do. They support each other.” “I’m not sad, you idiot. I’m pissed off!“ “You just can’t go around throwing shields at people. Could have killed me.” “I know. We’re the same, you and I. We’re just a couple of hot-headed fools.” “You’re so thick-headed that you can’t tell… when someone’s hiding all the way across the universe and wants to be left alone.” “All right. Here’s the deal. I’ll listen to you… till this is empty. Finished. Bye.” “I’m putting together a team. It’s me, you, and the big guy.” “I only survived because…“ “This isn't about the crown. This is about the people. They’re dying and they’re your people, too.” “You know, go ahead. Stay here and keep drinking, keep hiding. But me… I choose to run toward my problems and not away from them. Because that’s what… Because that’s what heroes do.” “Quite a lot’s happened. You and I had a fight recently. I won. Easily.” “You know what? I woke up this morning thinking about a public execution. But for now, I’ll settle for this sweet little…“ “It’s just a planet. You've been on a planet before. Now you’ve been on two. That’s a good thing. It’s a new experience.” “You and I, we have to fight this really powerful being… who also happens to be my sister.” “Okay, that is so wrong on so many… I don’t wanna fight your sister. That’s a family issue.” “I’m not fighting any more beings. I’m sick of it.” “Fine, you don’t have to fight anyone. But we’re in danger here, so we have to move.” “What are those things on her eyes? Are those the people that she’s killed? She’s so beautiful and strong and courageous.” “I don’t plan to stop drinking.” “I can’t turn away anymore… so if I’m gonna die… well, it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag.” “So, I’m saying that I wanna be on the team. Has it got a name?“ “We need one with cup holders, because we’re gonna die. So, drinks!” “Do I know you? I feel like I know you.” “Open communication was never our family’s forte.” “[Name] I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But at the end of the day, you’re you and I’m me. I don’t know, maybe there’s still good in you. But let’s be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.” “It’s probably for the best that we never see each other again.” “I know I’ve betrayed you many times before… but this time it’s truly nothing personal.” “[Name]. You’re still alive. I love what you’ve done with the place. Redecorating, I see.” “I’ll get that sword… even if I have to kill every single one of them to do it.” “Your savior is here. Did you miss me?“ “I hate this prophecy.“ “[Name], stop. Just for once in your life, don’t smash.” “Maybe you’re not so bad after all, [Name].” “I just gotta say, I’m proud of you all. This revolution has been a huge success. Yay, us!”
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
“This is no place to take a nap.”
@marvellous-mistakes // unconscious/unsteady starters (accepting)
“Wha-” She blinks her eyes open, the world slowly coming in around her as her vision returns, black spots dancing at the edges of her vision. Where is she? The last thing she remembers she’d been walking home from the book store- how did she end up here? She pushes herself up on her elbows, pressing one hand against her pounding head. “What the hell happened?” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
Em bites back a hiss at the sudden pain in xer hands. Maybe xe should ice them.
Nah, no need.
“Nice to meet you, MJ. You seem pretty cool. You got anyplace to be?”
“Thanks, same to you.” She shrugs in response to the question, not exactly going anywhere at the moment. 
“Not really, just came out here to read or draw, figured I’d chose when I got here.” 
She pauses, having noticed the momentary falter in Em’s expression. “You alright? Looks like it hurt.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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Leah smiled at Michelle’s words and nodded. “I kinda wish I’d agreed to join though. If only so I could remind him he’s not even on the team. But I already know my dad wouldn’t be comfortable with it so I just didn’t even talk to him about it.” She shrugged lightly and glanced down at the book she’d had been reading. It wasn’t the serious sort of thing Michelle would read, but she still enjoyed it.
“Peter says you like to draw.”
At first, she wants to question exactly why Leah’s dad may not be comfortable with it, both because it sounds so drastically different from her experience with her parents, and her general curiosity. But she can assume the reason herself, and doesn’t push. “Well, you’ve got second best. That’s not always good, but in this case it’s something. And he’ll still get annoyed.” 
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She nods, knowing her sketchbook is in her backpack, wedged between two binders. “Yeah, mostly people. From observance.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
“I’ll look forward to it,” Cindy said, stifling a yawn. Adjusting her heavy backpack, the girl continued to plod her way towards her first class. The hallway was crowded and noisy, worsening the headache she was currently developing.
“You looking forward the chem test? I know I’m not.”
“Definitely not.” Michelle shakes her head in response, reaching up to adjust her glasses, laying crooked against her nose. She hadn’t tried today-even less than usual. She never exactly put much effort into her appearance, but even if it wasn’t exactly conventional, she likes how she dresses. Today is for a hoodie and sweatpants. 
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“They say staying up late to study isn’t helpful, not exactly the easiest thing to listen to when you’re doing it at night-or early morning.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
Gwen nodded her head in response. She’d seen her in a few of her classes, and she was pretty sure Peter had INTRODUCED him to her at least once. “Um, not yet,” she mumbled softly in response, a shake of her head. She knew she had to sooner or later, knowing that if she wanted to get into a Ivy League, or OXFORD, she had to buff up her resume with extracurricular activities. “Maybe CHEER, but I’m not sure I’m still that flexible,” she chuckled, a shrug of her shoulders then. “I haven’t looked at all the clubs yet, but I probably should,” she nodded. “What other clubs are you in?”
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All her life, she’d been burdened with the pressure to succeed. She knows her parents have always meant well, and Michelle would be the last to admit it, but the pressure had grown to be overwhelming. She deals with it just fine, but it had led her to taking up every single club she could fit into her busy schedule. It’s necessary, or at least that’s what she’s heard ever since sixth grade. She shrugs, giving Gwen a small smirk. “Whatever, try out anyways. If you get in, you get in. If you don’t, you don’t. Still worth a shot.” She pauses for a moment. “Robotics, art club, book club, used to be in a few more but it was too busy, I had to drop them.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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  An exaggerated sigh was huffed out and he rolled his eyes at Michelle, knowing that they are surely not going to get lost. And even if they did and their phones would die, they could always ask for direction. And if everything else fails: He is a fucking werewolf ( which Michelle luckily doesn’t know, who knows how freaked out she might be ). One of his heightened senses surely will be able to help them. 
          ❝ I didn’t mean are we’re dying because we’re lost, which we totally are, by the way, I mean are we dying because I just heard several wolves howl. ❞
                                              ━━   [ cont. from here  ||  @observancetm ]
She can’t decide if she enjoys or is annoyed by Stuart’s company at the moment- maybe somewhere in the middle. It’s actually amusing, talking with someone who can fire right back with the same amount of sarcasm. But she’s convinced that they aren’t going to die out here. Michelle has spent most of her life alone, countless nights walking through the city in the dark, where people may attack her over her gender, or the color of her skin. It’s a terrifying thought. But she’s always survived. 
But that is something she doesn’t expect. “Wolves? You sure they’d be in New York City of all places, and I heard nothing. And whatever, if we are lost finding our way back won’t be hard.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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            “…I    don’t    CARE    what    you    think    IS    REAL    and    ISN’T.     I    KNOW    my     truth,    and    you    can’t    disprove    what    I    KNOW.”           It    became    ABUNDANTLY     CLEAR     to    her    why    she    didn’t    talk    to    mortals    anymore;    they    NEVER    UNDERSTOOD.    And    most    didn’t    TRY.
                   @observancetm           call.
Michelle huffs slightly, not exactly wanting to get into an argument, but the other can’t exactly expect her to believe all of this right away. “Look, I’m not going to argue with you about it. I’m not even religious or anything, if that’s a problem. But you don’t think that’s a difficult thing to believe at first, legends and myths. If you’re telling me that’s the truth, whatever, I’m open to it.” 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
so i finally wrote michelle’s bio and now it’s up with the rest of her stuff uwu
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
I’ll say “knock it off, with your notes, and your rules, and your games.” 
                                             And those sycophants who follow you, I’ll remember all their names
And when they DRAG YOU DOWN
                             Like they INEVITABLY DO 
                                        I will not LAUGH ALONG WITH THEM and approve their palace coup
                                                         ‘Cause that’s not me.  
And I’d rather be ME
                                                                                                                  than be with you. 
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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since i want to get the ball rolling here, this is an official plotting call !! give this post a LIKE for me to message you and plot <3
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
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fuck i really wanna post a plotting call but i’m gonna be on MOBILE SOON
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observancetm-blog · 6 years
hospital themed starters
“ stop messing with your IV. ”
“ hey there - you gave me quite a scare. ”
“ this IV itches. ”
“ i think my nurse is trying to kill me. ”
“ i don’t want to have another surgery. ”
“ i’m tired of laying here in this stupid bed. ”
“ this medicine makes me feel so out of it. ”
“ i just want to go home. ”
“ i’m not leaving this room. ”
“ i feel so tired all the time. ”
“ i’m pretty sure this place is haunted. ”
“ i keep telling them i’m fine. i can go home! ”
“ you’re not fine. you need to rest. ”
“ it’s just a few more days, then i’ll take you home. ”
“ will you stop playing with the bed settings? ”
“ they said i might need another surgery. ”
“ the doctor said it could be worse. ”
“ the doctors are still running some tests. ”
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