#(or just her expressing emotion cause she does it so rarely)
drvscarlett · 8 hours
About You Pt 19
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
A/N: and i think its a good time to reread the series because we have some parts that is a hint to the previous chapters. its all connected! i hope you all enjoy!!!
About You Series
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2015, Albert Park
Today marks the first race that he would do for Scuderia Ferrari, the dream team of most drivers. From the entrance, there were plenty of Tifosis with their banner and red ensemble waiting for him. Sebastian was used to having fans back in his Red Bull and Toro Rosso days but the energy of Ferrari fans is on a whole another level. People of all ages with different speaking languages calls out his name with something in hand for him to sign with.
“Bring the championship back to Ferrari”
“We are with you Sebastian!”
“Grazie Sebastian, have a good season!”
The words of encouragement being passed by people is something that brings a smile on his face. It was uplifting to hear that people still believed in him despite losing the championship last year. He feels extremely motivated to go to the car.
When he entered the garage, Kimi, his teammate was sitting there with his usual poker expression. Upon seeing Sebastian, he cracked one of his rare smiles and welcomed Sebastian to the team. The rest of the garage seems to be excited in welcoming Sebastian as well. They buzzed about how excited they all are about the build of the car and the opportunities that this season may grant. It was a good omen for Sebastian.
The practice session won’t start for a few minutes, so he opted to lounge in his driver’s room. The minute that Sebastian opened the room, his eyes zeroed in on the fruit basket of oranges placed on his desk.
An irony that a single fruit can bring back so many memories and could make all happy thoughts disappear from Sebastian. It suddenly reminded him that there was one person that he won’t be seeing around this year.
With a sigh, he picked up the card attached to the basket.
Congratulations Sebastian Vettel for being in Scuderia Ferrari. Have a great season ahead.
He smiles thoughtfully with the message. Flipping the card he tried to find who have sent it but it seems unsigned.
‘Can this be from her?’ he couldn’t help but think about it. He believed that he never mentioned it in any of his interviews that this was pre-race ritual goodluck for him. His thoughts couldn’t help but drift to her.
It has been months since he has seen her. There were also no news about her like she disappeared out of thin air, like she never even existed. He just wanted to know how is she doing. Is she doing better now? Can she walk now?
The heavy weight of his feelings had him sitting in silence.
“Seb..”Kimi knocked and entered the room “Free practice is starting in a few and they wanted me to call you”
The Finn was often referred as someone who doesn't care but he was secretly good at picking up emotions, “Are you okay?”
Sebastian looks up and tries to shrug it off“I’m good, don’t worry…Just the oranges”
“You allergic?”
“No”Sebastian’s voice falters “Just wondering who might have sent it”
“Probably a fan of yours”Kimi suggested.
“Yeah a fan”
2015, Sepang
Mark Webber’s book Aussie Grit, a chapter excerpt
Honestly, I never gave it much thinking that my sister sacrificed a lot of her time to be with me. She was merely 16 when she decided to accompany me to my racing and be my personal assistant. Instead of going out during the weekends, she spends it with me in strategy rooms or moping about a winless weekend. Now that I see it, I never saw her have time for herself. Everything that she does is because of me.
I wish I could tell you that I have been a good brother. There are several instances where I have been the cause of her heartache. If only I brought down my ego a notch then I wouldn’t miss several years with my baby sister. It was a great thing that she even gave me a chance. We were rekindling and everything. Then, last year was an eyeopener when she got into that accident. We were lucky to have her alive but it paralyzed her legs completely and it’s taking a while for her to recover. I respect my sister’s wishes to step back from anything motorsports related or from the media’s eyes. As her older brother, I do what I have to do to make sure she is getting the privacy that she needs.
She may or may not be reading this book but I hope you know Y/N how loved you are. We will always be waiting here for you. You take your time and your big brother will take care of everything.
2016, Lausitzring
The crowd was roaring as a Schumacher was once more placed on top of the podium. Glee was evident in Mick’s face as he made his way down from the podium. His eyes scanned the crowd and he couldn’t help but widen when he saw Sebastian’s face. He didn’t know that he would be joining to watch the race today.
“SEB!” Mick immediately made a beeline towards the F1 driver “What are you doing here?”
“Watching you race of course” Sebastian grins.
It was something that Sebastian has tried to do as much as he could. He can sense that Mick needed guidance and Michael would have done that if he was awake. So, whenever Sebastian could, he would drop by and watch Mick race. When he couldn’t, he rewatches them and messages him to commend him or recommend some improvements in his techniques.
“Very very proud of you Mick”he added the praise.
Sebastian hugged Mick proudly. Cameras immediately went off to capture the moment. Both of them have been used to the fanfares of the paddock and they could already see the articles that will be posted comparing young Seb and young Mick.
“Excuse me Seb but we have to get Mick for media duties” someone from the PR team interrupted the moment
“You can wait at the driver’s room”Mick instructed
“Look at you so bossy”Sebastian joked
“Viv, don’t let him go anywhere”Mick insisted “Seb, I still have to talk to you and update you about a lot”
Sebastian nodded and headed his way to the driver’s room. He greeted some of the staffs that were lounging there and proceeded to make himself feel at home in Mick’s driver’s room.
He couldn’t help but chuckle as soon as he enters. The driver’s room was pristine and clean. Sebastian was not the most organized driver on the grid when he was Mick’s age. Seeing how every paper has been neatly filed, clothes folded, and pillows arranged—Mick was far better from him than a mile.
There were two tables but his eyes lingered at the table where the drawer was slightly opened. He catches the glint of a photo frame. Curiosity got the best of him, and he opened the drawer a bit more to see the frame. It was a photo of the Schumacher family with him and Y/N.  The bright smile on each faces and the way Sebastian held Y/N with Mick in the middle. It was a reminder of the good old days.
“I hope you are okay”Sebastian’s hands hovered at the picture.
She never leaves his mind. He stopped talking about her but she is always in his mind. Sometimes when he takes photos of Mick, he wonders if she is watching his progress. What would she say? Sebastian could bet that if things were a little different then Y/N must have been there in every race that Mick participates in. She would have been there with Sebastian proudly cheering for Mick.
“Hey”Mick was right on time to interrupt him “Media is sometimes even more tiresome than the race”
“You think that’s bad, wait till Formula 1” Sebastian snickers.
He slipped the picture back to the drawer and shut it close to avoid anyone else from snooping. If this was hidden away then Mick might have wanted it private and away from prying eyes. Sebastian respects that. However, Mick didn’t miss it.
“You saw the picture, didn’t you?” Mick asked
“Yeah” a sad smile graced Sebastian’s face “It’s been a while since I saw her and its just a bit nostalgic”
Mick has tried to avoid talking about Y/N as per her wishes and of course because he was unsure about Sebastian’s thoughts. He didn’t have the full picture of what went down but he was not dumb to not know that the ending caused them a lot of pain.
As a witness to their pining, Mick can tell that Sebastian never stopped loving Y/N.
“You miss her” Mick softly says.
Miss was a simple word to use. Sebastian longs to be with her. He has all the connection, power, and money to find her but he always stops himself. She needed time and he is willing to give that to her. However, he really longs for her.
“I do kid, I really do miss her” Sebastian sighs.
“Even after all these years?” Mick wondered
The older driver could only nod. Mick gave Sebastian a comforting hug. Mick wished that he could say the things that he know but he made a promise and his Papa raised him to honor his words. The hug is the only thing he can do right now.
2016, Yas Marina Circuit
The party was on full swing. The drinks are flowing, and Jenson could not hear the endless cheers of congratulations for his retirement. As a former party boy, he used to enjoy these kinds of events but now that he is getting older he seems to be taking a step back. He found himself making his way out of the balcony to get some open air.
“Ditching your own party? That’s so unlike you Jenson”
It seems as if Jenson was not the only one who needed some fresh air as Sebastian was also out there with a beer. The Ferrari driver has a drink in hand as he leans by the balcony.
“I think I entered my party days too early so now I’ll be retiring” Jenson admits.
“Congrats to your retirement man”Sebastian hugs him "Retiring seems to be a trend"
The implication was subtle. For the past few years, people have been retiring. Starting from Mark to Y/N and now its Jenson. He has also heard Nico joking around earlier that maybe he could retire as well now that he has a world championship. Sebastian couldn't help but ask if this is a sign from the heavens that maybe he should as well
"You should try to, there is an appeal to it." Jenson voiced out his thoughts.
Taking a sip from his beer, Sebastian shakes his head in response. He can't retire yet. He still has a passion for racing, its the only thing he has ever known so it would be hard to quit it.
"I think I can still keep up with the young ones"Sebastian replied thoughtfully.
"Wanting to race or do you want Y/N to find you easily if she decides to come back?"
Bold statements from Jenson seems to take the conversation to a different turn. A sober him would have himself controlled with the information that he shares especially with Y/N. But his defenses are down and he knew Sebastian wanted to know how she is.
“She is doing okay, she is better now and healthier. But I don’t think she will return, she is happy with her life now. No media, no stress, just a simple life”
A wave of relief washed over Sebastian's face. It was a sense of comfort for him to know that she is okay. The distance is difficult but he is glad that she is alright and getting better.
"I'm glad to hear that." Sebastian stated "But I’m not asking for her to comeback. I want her to have her time to recover as she said"
Jenson's face contorted to what seems to be an irritation or maybe this was the alcohol making his emotions go haywire.
"Why are you like that?" he asked.
"Like what?"
"How can you keep waiting and holding on even though it has been years. You should have forgotten her, you should have chosen another one. Why do you stay?"
"Because I love her." Sebastian answer was immediate "I know it is naïve and simple but there is no other way to put it. I love Y/N. I think she tried to push me away before but its always her no matter what. I know I made mistakes and I hurt her and I tried to make it up. Everyday I am trying to do better because I wanted to be a better person that Y/N comes back to"
The air that Sebastian ended his speech with was crackling with tension. Jenson, who seems to be drunk a while ago, suddenly sobered up with the confession. He looks skeptically at Sebastian and he could see how much he means everything he just said.
"You really love her right seb?"
"I do."
"Okay then wait for her." a resignation in Jenson's part "You take care of her okay? She is one of the best person in the world and she deserves the best. I hope you don’t get tired waiting for her."
Jenson has always been careful to keep his feelings away. He knew that this was a losing battle to admit his emotions but maybe people were right to say that alcohol manages to bring out the deepest darkest truth that we have.
In this haze, Sebastian finally dawns a realization. Something that he should have realized years ago. It was so obvious now that Jenson is all drunk and open to read.
“You love her”
“Loved.” Jenson begrudgingly admits “I know at one point I tried shooting my shot because I wanna piss Mark off. But when I got to know her damn man, I was a puddle. I knew it was useless to tell her how I feel when a) I am a playboy that cannot be taken seriously b) you look at her like she hangs the whole universe in front of your eyes and c) because she loves you so so so damn much”
Plenty of times that Jenson wished that he played his cards right. He wished that maybe he could have sabotaged the relationship and show Y/N that he is a better option. However, he doesn't have the heart to do that knowing that it would end up with Y/N being hurt. He also knew that her happiness is with Sebastian and all he ever wanted was to make her happy.
“So you take care of her better now that you know that I’ll always be watching your back. You fail another time and I’m stealing her away” Jenson laughs jokingly
Sebastian nodded in agreement.
2017, Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
"One, two, three, smile!"
Anyone passing by would have thought that its just another tourist family with the mother taking a photo of her daughter and husband. But they couldn't be more wrong.
Four time world champion Sebastian Vettel was hiding under the glasses and the cap. He looks like any other regular dad with his fanny pack and the simple get-up. Margarette was now 3 years old with a crooked smile that makes her a spitting image of her father.
"Papa, where we gonna go today" the little girl couldn't contain her excitement.
"You are so energetic huh" Sebastian picks her up with ease and placed her to sit comfortably on his shoulder "We are off to see this beautiful place"
"What is it?"
"It's a secret but its near" Sebastian assured.
It was one of those trips that Sebastian have planned to spend time time with Margarette. The Spanish Grand Prix was just right around the corner so Sebastian is maximizing his time to spend with his little girl. Hanna couldn't help but feel a sense of joy seeing the two together. Maybe the two of them didn't work out as a couple but she was glad that Sebastian never abandoned Margarette.
"Papa are we going to that big palace?"Margarette asked "Mama look we are going to that palace"
Margarette was pointing to the tall construction of the Sagrada Familia. It made Hanna let out a small wow because she have heard stories about this place before but this was really a breathtaking sight.
"It's not a palace darling, its a wonderful church made as a biggest apology for the city's sin"Hanna explained.
"But Hanna"Sebastian interjected "I think this is the grandest showcase of love because they keep on working on it for years and years for the city's forgiveness and-"
Sebastian stops halfway. The memory of the place from years ago seems to dawn him and why the whole conversation was flowing out as if it was recited for memory.
"You alright Papa?" Margarette wondered.
Sebastian was quick to shrug everything away, "Let's go inside"
The inside was even more beautiful than its facade. Margarette didn't know where to look and she seems to be awestruck anywhere she gaze upon. Sebastian chuckles to himself plagued once more by the memory of a certain someone that he once toured with in this place.
Once again, Sebastian was at the pews muttering a prayer. Even now he doesn't believe but he prays to any mighty Being out there to take care of Y/N. If its possible, make her walk again and help her heal from everything that she has been through. Sebastian was sure there were some stray tears that runs down his cheeks as he prayed.
A tug at his side reminded him that Margarette was there sitting next to him.
"What do you pray for?" she wondered.
"I'm praying for a friend"
"Is that why you cry?"she pressed on more "Is friend sick? Is friend sad?"
Sebastian honestly don't know what to answer with the following questions. How could he say so when he didn't have any form of communications with her.
"I don't know baby if she is okay but I pray she is okay" Sebastian sighs.
Her tiny hands reached for Sebastian as if a way to comfort him. Sebastian held Margarette's hands tightly. Hanna watched the two of them from a pew behind not wanting to interrupt the moment of the two.
"You know they say we can get three wishes when we visit a new church" Sebastian diverts the topic "You should go make your wishes"
"Like a birthday wish? It will come true?"
Sebastian nods and he immediately noticed how she brightened up. She was at that age that she has so many to wish for and she wanted to wish every best thing in the world. However, after a moment she seems to smile.
"I'll wish for your friend to be okay" Margarette declared "And I hope you see friend soon"
"That's very thoughtful of you baby"Sebastian couldn't help but hug his little girl.
Silently, Hanna prayed as well for that wish to come true. She hopes that maybe Y/N could come back for Sebastian. She has been a witness to how much Sebastian waits for her to return and its clear to her now how much he means to her.
2017, Suzuka Circuit
Sebastian Vettel asked about when is he going to settle down.
After being stuck in a panel in the Japanese Grand Prix media day with a group of drivers who have wives and girlfriends, Sebastian Vettel sticks out like a sore thumb in the bunch. He was pressed as to when would he introduce a girlfriend or if he has any plans on settling down. The Ferrari driver joked that the media is just like his mother asking him the same question.
“The thing is, I am happy as I am at the moment. I am not cynical about the idea of love, its just that lets say that love has already found me early. Maybe I am a sappy or romantic but I intend to wait for that love to return to me because it’s the love that I have promised to wait for. Nothing compares to her.” The person behind Sebastian’s definition of love has remained a mystery to the media. It has already been years but Sebastian has not been spotted to bring any partners to the paddock.
When asked about his rumored daughter, Sebastian has admitted that he has a daughter. He refused to deny his daughter but he wanted a quiet and simple life for her.  “She is someone I treasure greatly. I intend to keep her away from the media as much as possible, she is one of the best thing that life has given me without asking.” He also mentioned that she is co-parenting with the mom of his daughter as they are great friends and nothing more.
2018, Albert Park
“Exciting season yeah Kimi?” Sebastian was his usual enthusiastic self.
The Finnish driver just shrugged a small yeah as they pass through security. Sebastian was already used with Kimi’s responses and he decided that it balanced out their duo. If Sebastian is the hyperactive one then Kimi is the laidback quiet one.
“Did you hear Jules' godkid is coming to the grid this season?" Kimi wondered.
Sebastian remembered how Jules has been mentoring a young kid before. He has mentioned his name multiple times but Sebastian have forgotten it already.
“Charles?”Kimi offered.
“Charles? The one we saw in 2015?”Sebastian asked
“Yeah that one. He got a seat at Alfa Romeo”Kimi nodded in agreement.
It was crazy how quick time passed by. It was just yesterday that he was racing with Jules and now he will be racing with his godkid. Sebastian could feel his age catching up on him with the new rookies joining the grid.
“We better go check on him and welcome him” Sebastian suggested.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up later”
Sebastian headed to the Alfa Romeo garage which is quite a walk from the Ferrari garage. He stopped by to greet some of the media and the people at the paddock. But he has his eyes set on to welcome the newest rookie to the Formula 1 community.
"I'm looking for Charles Leclerc" Sebastian announced upon reaching their sister team's garage.
The mechanics were quite busy with the preparation for the car so all hands were on deck. It was a good thing that Fred Vasseur immediately caught Sebastian's presence
"I think he is the driver's room with his family" Fred smiled
"Can I interrupt them?"
"Go ahead, I'm sure Charles would love to see you her" he encouraged.
Sebastian made his way towards the room and he could hear the overlapping voices of Charles' family. It brings him back to the first time that he joined Formula 1 and his whole family has also been supportive just like this.
"Charles, be careful. I don't want you hurting yourself in your first race"
"So I can do it in my second?"
"You are a little menace, how do we put up with you?"
The bantering between them seems to keep Sebastian from disturbing them. He knew that he shouldn't be eavesdropping on them and he started to think that maybe he should just greet Charles later during the drivers' parade.
"But Charles listen to Pascale, you come back safe to us"
The chills that went down his spine when he heard that voice was like no other. He knows that person very well but he can't help but think that he may be wrong because its been so long. His heart started to beat loudly, his clammy hands shaking to twist the door knob of the door open. He was out of his wits to even overhear that Charles was getting out of his driver's room.
"Yeah, I'm-" the shock was visible in Charles face and he immediately steps out of his driver's room "Sebastian, I didn't know you were there"
Sebastian wanted to mentally facepalm himself to be caught in such an embarrassing situation.
"I just wanted to welcome you to the grid, kid" Sebastian manages to say
Charles shifts from his spot, "Thanks I guess"
It was obvious that Charles seems uncomfortable with Sebastian around. A normal feeling that a rookie driver would feel in his first season. Sebastian wanted to ease his mind a little.
"You could say that" Charles agrees "Maybe I just need a little bit of time with the family before I go out and race"
"You do that. I'll see you later"
"Thanks Sebastian"
As Sebastian retreats, Charles could let out a sigh in relief before entering his driver's room again.
Pascale was there with eyes wide as if asking his son if that's who she think it was outside the door. Lorenzo and Arthur were by the door seemingly anxious with the interaction.
"He's gone now and I think I managed to hold him off" Charles assures everyone "But I still think its really a bad decision for you to be here"
"And miss your first race in Formula 1? Jules would kill me"
Sitting at the corner of the room, Y/N Webber was there. Her face seems to have matured over the years but she still carries the same tricks just like how she is fiddling with her necklace.
All eyes of the Leclerc family was on her because this was the closest call that she have encountered with Sebastian after all these years.
"I have been careful Charlie. I have been to several of Mick's races undetected with him at the attendance. I have been in some Formula 1 races undetected "Y/N soothes "Calm down, okay?"
Charles couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty. He didn't want his debut to be the reason for Y/N's pocket of peace to be disturbed. He certainly didn't know that Sebastian was coming to greet him.
"I travelled a long way to watch you race so you better focus, okay?"Y/N encourages.
"Thank you for being here Y/N" Charles softens to a smile.
"But Y/N, aren't you planning to ever meet Sebastian again?" Lorenzo couldn't help but wonder.
The girl in question could just smile.
Honestly speaking, there wasn't an answer in her head at the moment. Hearing his voice just a door away was taking all of her self control to not run outside and hug him. She is scared if he would still welcome her back or would he still love her as much as she loves him even after all these years?
Fiddling with her necklace, the pendant that he has given still sits on the chain together with the ring he once gave her.
49 notes · View notes
novaursa · 1 month
Where Dragons Dare (2/3)
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- Summary: After your declaration to marry Alicent in the small council meeting, the day of the wedding finally comes. And so does your first wedding night.
- Paring: male!targ reader/Alicent Hightower
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is twin brother of Rhaenyra and is bonded with a dragon. For more of my works visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Explicit 18+
- Word count: 5 000+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
- A/N: This was requested by @witch-of-letters. Enjoy! ❤️ Battle of the Stepstones is add as a bonus, because I love writing dragon battles. The last part will be posted later tomorrow once it is done.
- Previous part: 1
- Next part: 3
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The grand hall of the Red Keep is awash with the glow of thousands of candles. The flames dance across golden tapestries depicting the histories of Old Valyria, but today the storied past pales in comparison to the momentous occasion unfolding before all in attendance. The wedding is one spoken of in whispers and rumors, but now it blooms before the gathered lords and ladies with all the splendor and gravitas worthy of House Targaryen. 
You stand at the altar draped in black and red, the rich silk of your doublet catching the light in subtle ways. The fine Valyrian embroidery at the hems speaks of dragons in flight, each thread imbued with dark crimson that shimmers like fresh blood. A black cloak, edged in deep scarlet, flows from your shoulders, fastened at your throat with a clasp shaped like a coiled dragon. Your hair, the silvery-white of pure Valyrian descent, is tied back, letting your angular features and sharp violet eyes take in every gaze, every emotion displayed openly or hidden away. At your side hangs Blackfyre—your birthright as Prince of Dragonstone—its pommel set with a ruby that gleams like a beating heart.
Before you, Alicent Hightower stands radiant in a gown of deep emerald green. The dress, fitted perfectly to her frame, billows out in layers of silk and fine lace, each shimmering with golden accents as she moves. A delicate crown of silver leaves and pearls rests atop her auburn hair, carefully arranged in elegant curls. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of brown, reflect a mixture of pride, joy, and the quiet steel she’s honed under the pressures of courtly life. There is a softness in her gaze, however, reserved only for you as her eyes meet yours—a silent understanding, a shared relief, and a promise of what is to come.
The Septon's voice rings out, leading the words of the traditional vows. Beside you, Rhaenyra is practically glowing with excitement. Her smile is unrestrained, her eyes darting between you and Alicent with genuine happiness, a sister’s joy at seeing her twin brother embrace his own fate. She wears a gown of pale red, adorned with the colors of House Targaryen and a crown of silver atop her flowing locks, her presence radiating confidence as the heir’s sister and a firm ally to your cause. 
King Viserys is seated in a place of honor, his face full of warmth and pride. His smile is wide as he watches his only son wed the woman who has become a daughter to him over the years. He has the contented look of a father who finally sees his children happy, a rare expression in a court filled with ambition and schemes. He lifts his cup in a subtle toast to you and Alicent, his eyes misting over slightly with emotion.
Daemon Targaryen, your uncle, stands near the rear of the gathered nobles, his silver hair catching the light as he observes the ceremony. His expression is inscrutable, but those who know him well enough can see the slight curve at the edge of his lips, the way his gaze sharpens whenever it falls upon you. For all his unpredictability, there is a flicker of pride there—a satisfaction, perhaps, that you finally asserted yourself against the forces that sought to control you. Daemon has always favored those who carve their own path, and today you have done just that.
As the ceremony draws to a close, you step forward to place a cloak upon Alicent’s shoulders, the symbol of House Targaryen enveloping her as you claim her as your own. The green of House Hightower blends now with the red and black of the dragon, a union that cements alliances but more importantly binds two hearts that have long yearned for this day. When you lean in to kiss her, there is a softness, a tenderness in the way her lips meet yours, and the hall erupts in applause, though the world shrinks to just the two of you in that fleeting moment.
As the applause dies down, Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, watches with a carefully controlled expression. His eyes flicker between you and Alicent, a mixture of satisfaction and unease buried beneath his calm demeanor. Though this is a victory for him in securing his daughter’s position, there’s a tension in his jaw—he had hoped to control this outcome more closely, but you’ve slipped from his grasp, a dragon untamed. He studies you with the gaze of a man who sees both a rival and a dangerous ally.
At the feast, Rhaenyra approaches you first, practically throwing herself into your arms. "You did it, Y/N! I knew you would," she beams, her joy infectious. "Alicent looks so beautiful, and you—you were magnificent. I’ve never seen the council so speechless!" Her eyes sparkle with mischief. "And Uncle Daemon, I think he’s actually proud of you for once."
You chuckle, wrapping an arm around your sister. “He probably is. But I didn’t do this for him or the council. This was always for her.” Your gaze drifts back to Alicent, who’s engaged in conversation with a group of highborn ladies, her laughter soft and genuine.
Viserys claps a hand on your shoulder. "You’ve brought honor to our house, Y/N. I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Your mother would be so proud, too." His voice carries a slight tremor as he mentions Queen Aemma, but it is quickly overshadowed by his joy.
You offer him a warm smile. "Thank you, father. I’ll do everything I can to ensure that this union strengthens our house."
Daemon is the next to approach, a goblet in hand and that familiar smirk playing on his lips. "I didn’t think you had it in you, nephew," he says, voice laced with amusement. "I was beginning to think you’d let others chart your course forever. But you’ve surprised us all, haven’t you?"
You meet his gaze squarely, your own smile more restrained but no less confident. "Some paths are worth fighting for, uncle. Even if they’re not what others expect."
Daemon raises his cup in a mock salute. “Spoken like a true Targaryen. Perhaps there’s more fire in you than I thought.”
The feast carries on with music, laughter, and the clinking of cups. You and Alicent share dances with the lords and ladies of the realm, but every now and then, your eyes find each other’s, and the world falls away again, leaving just the two of you in this sea of people.
When you finally manage to steal a private moment with her in a quiet corner of the hall, she takes your hand, squeezing it gently. “I was so afraid,” she admits in a hushed voice, her eyes reflecting the firelight. “Afraid that we’d never be able to reach this moment. But here we are.”
You brush a strand of hair from her face, letting your hand linger against her cheek. “You’re mine now, Alicent. I’ll fight for you, for us, against anyone who tries to tear us apart.”
A flicker of relief passes through her expression, followed by a warmth that softens her usually reserved emotions. “And I’ll stand by you, no matter the storm we face.”
The words hang between you like an unspoken vow—one more binding than anything recited before the Septon. 
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The night deepens as the feast continues, a blur of music and the warm glow of candlelight reflecting off the ornate dishes piled with food. Laughter and the sound of clinking goblets fill the Great Hall. You and Alicent sit side by side at the high table, your hands occasionally brushing against each other beneath the table. The touch is small, but each time it happens, there’s a comforting warmth, a silent reassurance between the two of you. Alicent’s soft smile, reserved just for you, never quite fades from her lips.
As you’re enjoying a brief moment of quiet conversation, the sound of footsteps approaches. Gwayne Hightower, Alicent’s brother, strides up, his eyes bright with joy. "Sister! Y/N!" he greets, his voice tinged with the exuberance of youth. His resemblance to Alicent is striking, though his features are more angular, his posture that of a man eager to prove himself. "I couldn’t let the night end without offering my congratulations." He gives you a hearty clap on the shoulder, his grin broad. "It’s about time someone put a spark in this old court! You’ve done well, my friend. I’ve known you since we were boys, and I’ve always believed you’d find your way."
You return his grin, reaching out to clasp his forearm in the familiar gesture of comrades. "Gwayne, your support has never gone unnoticed. I’ve always valued your friendship, even when we got ourselves into trouble as children. But I think this time, we’ve both stepped into something greater than mischief.”
Gwayne chuckles. “You certainly have, Y/N. And Alicent—” He turns to his sister, his tone softening with genuine affection. “I’ve never seen you look happier. I’m glad you’ve found this happiness, even if I’ll be the one who has to keep a closer eye on courtly matters with you from now on.”
Alicent smiles warmly at her brother, her hand gently resting over yours atop the table. “Thank you, Gwayne. Your words mean more to me than you know. And don’t worry, we’ll both make sure to keep you busy in your duties, though perhaps with fewer pranks than when we were children.”
The three of you share a laugh, the ease of old friendships and sibling bonds lightening the mood.
Soon after, the familiar figures of Lord Corlys Velaryon and Princess Rhaenys approach. The Sea Snake is every bit the powerful figure one expects, his deep blue doublet adorned with intricate silver embroidery resembling the waves of the sea. Rhaenys is resplendent in crimson and gold, her presence commanding yet warm. There’s a certain wisdom in her gaze as she looks between you and Alicent, as if she sees beyond what most do.
“Prince Y/N, Lady Alicent,” Corlys begins, his voice deep and steady. “Congratulations are in order. The union of Targaryen and Hightower is a strategic move, and one I hope will bring stability to the realm. But more than that, it’s clear to see the bond you share.” His eyes linger on you, a hint of approval in his expression. “And perhaps this is the start of a new chapter where the young find their own path amidst the expectations of the old.”
Princess Rhaenys nods, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “It is good to see love and strength walk hand in hand. The history of our houses has often been marked by conflict, but this—” she gestures subtly between you and Alicent, “—this has the potential to change much. You both carry the future on your shoulders now.”
You bow your head slightly in respect. “Thank you, Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys. Your wisdom is always welcome. I hope to earn that respect in time and prove that this union is more than just a political move.”
Rhaenys’ eyes glint with something sharp and approving. “Oh, I believe you will, Y/N. The blood of Old Valyria runs deep, and you’ve shown you’re willing to chart your own course. I, for one, look forward to seeing what comes next.”
As they step away, Lord Tyland Lannister, clad in rich reds and golds, approaches next. His sharp features and keen eyes give away his nature as a man ever mindful of the shifting tides of power. “Prince Y/N, Lady Alicent, it is a joyous day indeed.” His voice is smooth, practiced, yet there’s an undercurrent of genuine intent behind his words. “House Lannister is ever eager to lend its support to the Targaryen line. May your union be fruitful and prosperous. It seems the dragons have found a way to blend strength with the grace of the Reach.”
You nod, ever cautious with Tyland’s honeyed words. “Thank you, Lord Tyland. Your support will be remembered, and I hope our alliance will benefit all corners of the realm.”
He offers a slight bow before moving off, ever mindful of where the winds blow.
The feast begins to wind down, and as tradition demands, there is the looming expectation of the bedding ceremony. The air in the hall thickens with the anticipation of it. Some lords and ladies begin to gather, murmuring and glancing toward you and Alicent with barely hidden excitement. The tension, the ribald jokes, the whispers—it all threatens to reduce the sanctity of this moment to a spectacle.
Before anyone can make a move to initiate it, you rise to your feet, the air of command in your posture silencing the crowd before the teasing can begin. “There will be no bedding ceremony tonight,” you declare, your voice clear and firm, leaving no room for argument. The hall quiets instantly, the murmur of protests caught in the throats of those who thought to see the night end in such a manner.
Daemon, standing with arms crossed at the edge of the hall, lets out a low chuckle, his approval evident in the sharp nod he gives you. “Let the young prince make his own choices,” he says, his voice carrying across the room. “There’s enough spectacle in these halls without turning the most sacred of nights into another charade.”
The crowd hesitates, unsure whether to push the matter. But when you meet your father’s gaze, Viserys nods slowly, an expression of both surprise and respect on his face. Otto Hightower, who had been watching with tension in his eyes, finally relaxes, a subtle sigh escaping him. His face settles into an expression that resembles something close to approval, a rare look from a man who values tradition and order above all.
Alicent looks at you with deep gratitude and admiration, her fingers squeezing yours as she stands. You turn to her, your expression softening as you offer her your arm. “Shall we retire, my lady?” you ask, your voice laced with tenderness.
She dips her head slightly, eyes shimmering with emotion. “Let’s,” she replies, her voice barely more than a whisper as she takes your arm.
Together, you walk down the long aisle toward the doors leading out of the Great Hall, every eye on you both as you leave. There is a certain weight lifted from your shoulders as the doors close behind you, the noise of the hall fading as you enter the quieter, more intimate corridors of the Keep.
As you walk side by side toward your chambers, the echoes of your footsteps and the distant flicker of torchlight create an almost dreamlike atmosphere. Neither of you speaks, the silence between you comfortable, filled with the knowledge that this is just the beginning. When you reach the doors to your shared chambers, you pause, turning to face her fully. You lift her hand to your lips and press a soft kiss to her knuckles, your eyes never leaving hers.
“No more performances,” you murmur. “This is just us now.”
Alicent’s eyes shine as she steps closer, her other hand rising to rest against your cheek. “I’ve never wanted anything more than to be with you, like this, away from prying eyes.”
With that, you open the door and guide her inside, the world outside forgotten as the heavy oak doors close behind you both, sealing away the courtly intrigue and the expectations of the realm. In this moment, it’s just you and her, bound together by choice, love, and a shared determination to forge your own destiny.
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The chamber is bathed in the soft light of the fire, shadows flickering across the stone walls as the door closes behind you both. The silence stretches, not uncomfortable but full with the awareness of what comes next. For all the warmth you share, the affection that’s blossomed over years of quiet moments and unspoken glances, this is new for both of you. The air is tinged with the sweet fragrance of candles, the soft rustle of fabric as you both stand there, suddenly unsure how to proceed.
You turn to face her, meeting Alicent’s gaze. There’s a nervousness in her eyes, a slight quiver in her breath, but beneath it lies trust, and something more—desire, hesitant but real. You step closer, reaching out to take her hands in yours, your thumb brushing over her knuckles in a gentle, soothing motion. “Alicent,” you murmur, your voice softer than usual, tinged with both affection and concern. “Are you sure? If you’re not ready—”
“I am,” she interrupts softly, her voice a tender whisper in the quiet of the room. Her cheeks flush pink, but her eyes never leave yours. “I’ve never been more certain of anything.”
You nod, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Slowly, you lean down, capturing her lips in a kiss, tender and delicate. Her lips are warm against yours, the kiss a gentle exploration rather than a fervent rush. You both linger in the simplicity of it, letting it ease the tension from your bodies. When you pull back, you see her chest rise and fall as she steadies her breath, her eyes searching yours for reassurance.
Your hand moves to the clasp of her dress, fingers hesitating for a moment before you look at her once more. “May I?” you ask softly.
She nods, her voice catching slightly. “Yes… I want you to.”
With careful fingers, you undo the clasp and let the fabric slip from her shoulders, revealing the pale skin beneath. The dress pools at her feet, and she stands before you in just her shift, delicate and vulnerable. Her eyes flicker down, shyly avoiding your gaze as you take her in. In turn, she reaches out, her hands trembling slightly as she begins to unlace your doublet. There’s an unspoken agreement between you—a mutual understanding that this moment is as much about trust as it is about desire. You help her with the laces, guiding her hands until your clothing is cast aside, leaving you both bare in the warm glow of the fire.
For a long moment, you simply stand there, your breaths mingling, your eyes tracing the curves and lines of each other’s bodies. There’s a sense of curiosity mixed with reverence, your gazes shyly meeting before drifting again, both of you learning and memorizing the sight of each other.
“Beautiful,” you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. Alicent’s breath hitches at the word, her eyes shining as she looks up at you, her lips parting as if to say something, but words fail her. Instead, she just reaches out, fingers brushing over your chest, her touch sending a shiver through you.
You gently take her hand and guide her toward the bed, the furs soft beneath your feet as you lead her down onto the mattress. You lay her down with the utmost care, your eyes never leaving hers, searching for any sign of discomfort. Her lips part as she draws in a shaky breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly, but her gaze is steady, trusting.
You lower yourself beside her, your hand caressing her cheek as you lean in to kiss her again. This time, the kiss is deeper, a gradual melding of lips as you both begin to relax into each other. Your hand trails down, brushing against her collarbone, then lower, until it rests just above her breast. You pause, your eyes flicking to hers for permission, and when she nods slightly, you continue, cupping her breast gently, your thumb brushing over the soft skin. A soft gasp escapes her lips, her back arching slightly as you explore her.
“You’re so beautiful, Alicent,” you murmur against her lips, and she responds with a soft sigh, her hand sliding up your back, pulling you closer.
Your kisses begin to wander, trailing down her jawline, to the tender skin of her neck. You feel her pulse quicken under your lips, her breath growing more uneven as you move lower. When your mouth finds her breast, she gasps, her fingers threading through your hair. You take your time, savoring each reaction, each soft sound she makes as your lips and tongue explore her.
As you move lower, her breath catches, her fingers tightening in your hair when you kiss the curve of her hip. You glance up at her, seeing the mixture of nerves and anticipation in her eyes. She’s never experienced anything like this, and neither have you—not truly. But you remember the lessons Daemon half-teased, half-instructed you on during that one visit to the brothel, showing you the ways of pleasure in a more practical, if unconventional, manner. While you hadn’t partaken that night, you watched, curious, and the knowledge lingers now, guiding your movements.
You press a kiss to the inside of her thigh, and she lets out a soft whimper, her fingers clutching at the furs beneath her. You murmur a line from an old Valyrian poem, the words ancient and filled with meaning, letting the sounds roll off your tongue as your kisses grow more intimate. “Gevives isse tolvie jelevre—beauty in every breath,” you whisper, your breath warm against her skin.
When your mouth finally finds her core, she gasps, her body tensing for a moment before she melts into the sensation, her hips shifting instinctively toward you. Her breath comes in shallow bursts, her hand gripping your shoulder as you apply what you’ve learned, taking your time, listening to the way her body responds. When she lets out a soft moan, her voice trembling with pleasure, you smile against her, murmuring another line from the poem—words of love and devotion that have been passed down through generations.
Slowly, you trail your kisses back up her body, feeling her trembling beneath you. Her hands reach for you, pulling you close, and when your lips find hers again, the kiss is hungry, filled with the taste of her desire and the passion that’s been building between you both.
You position yourself above her, your eyes locked on hers as you ask one last time, “Are you sure, Alicent?”
Her response is a breathless nod, her hand cupping your cheek as she whispers, “I want this. I want you.”
You enter her gently, inch by inch, mindful of her innocence, watching her every expression for any sign of pain. She winces slightly at first, her brow furrowing, but her fingers dig into your back, holding you close as she adjusts. When she finally opens her eyes again, there’s no hesitation, only trust. “Move,” she breathes, her voice barely audible, but full of need.
You start slowly, each movement careful, deliberate, letting her body adjust, her warmth enveloping you. Her breaths come out in soft, quick bursts, her nails dragging lightly across your skin as she holds on to you. The tension in her body gradually gives way to something else, her hips meeting yours in a rhythm that’s both instinctive and hesitant.
As the moments pass, the awkwardness gives way to a deeper connection. The tenderness remains, but passion begins to take root. Alicent’s breath hitches when she wraps her legs around your waist, her hands pulling you closer. You respond to her need, moving with more urgency as she finds her own rhythm, her body moving against yours in a dance that’s both new and timeless.
When she pushes herself up, shifting into your lap, there’s a sudden surge of boldness in her gaze, something wild and free. You guide her movements, your hands steadying her as she takes control, her breathless gasps mingling with your own. The intimacy between you grows not just in the physical connection but in the way you respond to each other’s needs, desires, and unspoken fears. It’s a union forged in trust, love, and the desire to explore the depths of what you share.
Eventually, when the night reaches its quiet peak, you collapse together into the furs, breathless and spent, your limbs entangled as you hold her close. Here, in this moment, there’s only the warmth of her skin against yours, the sound of her steadying breaths, and the knowledge that this is only the beginning of your shared life together.
As sleep slowly claims you both, you press a final kiss to her forehead, murmuring words of love in Valyrian, promising her with every breath that this night is just the start of what you’ll build together.
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The sky is a bruised shade of twilight, thick with smoke and ash. The stench of blood, sweat, and salt fills the air as the waves crash against the jagged rocks of the Stepstones. This place is a wasteland—a battlefield stained with the bodies of the dead and dying. For over two years, the Crabfeeder’s men have held these islands, turning them into a butcher’s yard. But today, you intend to end it. Today, the dragons return in fire and fury.
You sit atop Dallax, your black-scaled beast, perched on a ridge overlooking the main encampment of the Triarchy’s forces. His green eyes gleam in the dim light, and his body shifts restlessly beneath you, eager to unleash his wrath. His teeth, hidden within the dark flesh of his jaws, retract only when his rage is stoked—a menace lying in wait. You run a gloved hand along his neck, feeling the raw power coiled within him. “Soon,” you whisper, your voice firm yet laced with anticipation. “We will end this.”
Below, Daemon Targaryen plays his part to perfection. Clad in soot-streaked armor, a white banner clutched in one hand, he approaches the enemy lines. The Crabfeeder’s forces, a mix of hardened sellswords and conscripts, watch from behind their sharpened stakes and crude fortifications, unsure whether this is truly surrender or another of Daemon’s ruses. The Prince of the City moves with a calculated slowness, his steps deliberate, his head lowered just enough to give the impression of defeat. But you know him better. There’s a fire in his eyes—a fury barely contained behind that facade of submission. The plan hinges on this moment, on the Crabfeeder’s arrogance and greed.
From your vantage point, you spot Lord Corlys Velaryon’s forces hidden in the shallows, ready to pounce the moment the trap is sprung. The Sea Snake commands his men with a veteran’s precision, their silence a stark contrast to the braying jeers coming from the Crabfeeder’s ranks.
Daemon finally stops, mere feet from the Crabfeeder’s line, where a grotesque figure emerges from the shadows. Drahar, the Crabfeeder, is a ghastly sight, his face hidden behind a cracked and twisted mask, his skin mottled from disease. He raises a hand, halting the jeers, and for a moment, silence reigns.
Then, chaos erupts.
Daemon’s false surrender is cast aside as he draws Dark Sister in a blur of Valyrian steel, cutting through the nearest soldier in one swift, practiced motion. Blood sprays into the air, catching the dim light as the battlefield roars back to life. The Triarchy’s soldiers charge forward, desperate to claim the prize they believe within reach, but they are rushing headlong into a trap.
It’s your moment.
With a word in Valyrian, you urge Dallax into a dive. His wings unfurl, dark as midnight, blotting out the dying light. The air screams past you as you plummet toward the battlefield, the ground rushing up to meet you. “Dracarys!” you roar, the command slicing through the din of battle.
Dallax responds with a torrent of flame that incinerates everything in its path. The first line of the Crabfeeder’s men is engulfed in a roaring inferno, their screams swallowed by the relentless fire. Armor melts, flesh sizzles, and bone turns to ash in mere moments. You bank sharply, pulling Dallax into another dive, this time focusing on the siege engines positioned along the ridge. The ballistae, meant to keep the dragons at bay, are shattered under the crushing weight of dragonfire and claws. Timber explodes, splinters raining down on the screaming soldiers below as you rip through their defenses with ruthless efficiency.
You catch a glimpse of Daemon, now fully engaged in the melee, his sword a blur of lethal grace as he carves a bloody path through the Triarchy’s forces. He fights with a savage joy, laughing as he dodges and counters, the battlefield his stage. Corlys and his men surge from the shallows, catching the enemy in a brutal pincer. The once-confident soldiers of the Crabfeeder are thrown into disarray, their lines crumbling under the combined might of dragon and steel.
You circle back, eyes locked on Drahar, who attempts to retreat deeper into the labyrinth of stakes and pits his men have constructed. But there’s no escape. You guide Dallax lower, skimming the ground, his claws gouging the earth as you close in on your prey. The Crabfeeder looks up in desperation, his eyes wide behind his mask as he realizes his end is near.
“End him!” Daemon’s voice echoes in your mind like a phantom’s dare, though the words are drowned out by the roar of battle.
Dallax’s jaws snap open, his teeth glinting as they slide out from their hidden sheaths. With a snarl, he lunges, clamping down on Drahar with a sickening crunch. The Crabfeeder’s mask falls away, revealing a twisted visage frozen in terror before his body is torn apart in a spray of blood and gore. Dallax shakes his head, flinging what remains of Drahar’s corpse into the dirt before incinerating it with a final jet of flame.
Around you, the battlefield is a scene of utter carnage. The ground is slick with blood, littered with the hacked remains of soldiers. Men scream, their limbs severed, or burn as they try to flee, only to be cut down by Corlys’s disciplined troops. The cries of the dying are a symphony of suffering, underscored by the relentless roar of flames. Dallax moves among the survivors like a shadow, crushing and burning any who dare to resist.
As the last pockets of resistance are snuffed out, you land amidst the ruins, stepping down from Dallax’s back. You scan the battlefield, taking in the broken fortifications, the piles of charred corpses, and the men who now kneel in surrender. Victory is yours. The Stepstones are won.
Daemon approaches, blood splattered across his armor, a wild grin on his face. “Well done, nephew,” he says, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction. “I thought I might have all the fun, but you’ve stolen quite the show.” His eyes gleam with shared triumph, the bond between you strengthened through battle and bloodshed. “The Crabfeeder will feast no more.”
You smirk, wiping sweat and grime from your brow. “Someone had to keep you from getting killed. I couldn’t let you take all the glory.”
He laughs, the sound cutting through the dying echoes of the battle. “You’re learning. Perhaps there’s more of me in you than anyone cares to admit.”
As Daemon moves to rally the remaining men, your thoughts drift, carried away on the winds of victory. The image of Alicent appears in your mind—her gentle smile, the way her hand rests on the curve of her belly, swollen with the child she carries. You think of your son, Aegon, barely more than a year old, his bright eyes so full of curiosity. It is for them that you fight, for the future you intend to build, for the family you have claimed as your own.
The taste of blood and ash lingers on your tongue, but underneath it all is the yearning to return to them, to hold Alicent in your arms and feel the soft weight of your son as he rests against your chest. You think of how you will recount this victory to them—how Aegon will listen in awe, his little hands reaching out as if to grasp the tales of dragons and battles. You smile to yourself, imagining the way Alicent will scold you softly for the bloodshed, though you know she will be proud all the same.
“Soon,” you murmur to yourself, the words almost lost in the wind. “Soon I’ll be home.”
But for now, the battle is done, and the Stepstones are yours. The fires burn low as you gaze out over the broken landscape, your thoughts with your family, even as your dragon’s shadow stretches long over the conquered land, a reminder of the price of victory.
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faithfulren · 4 months
the unseen heart
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y/n has feelings for bakugo, but he seems oblivious or uninterested, causing emotional turmoil.
you sighed as you watched katsuki bakugo from across the classroom. he was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, his usual scowl plastered on his face. despite his rough exterior, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. there was something about his determination and raw strength that captivated you.
"y/n, are you even paying attention?" your friend, mina, whispered, nudging you with her elbow.
you snapped back to reality, your cheeks flushing. "sorry, what did you say?"
mina rolled her eyes playfully. "i said, you're staring again. when are you going to tell him how you feel?"
you glanced at bakugo again, then quickly looked away. "i don't know if I can. he probably doesn't even see me that way."
mina frowned, concern in her eyes. "you won't know unless you try. besides, bakugo might surprise you."
you nodded, though doubt gnawed at you. the bell rang, signaling the end of class. you gathered your things and headed out, determined to push your feelings aside and focus on training.
later that day, you found yourself alone in the training grounds, practicing your quirk. you were so absorbed in your routine that you didn't notice bakugo approaching until he spoke.
"you're doing it wrong."
you spun around, startled. "bakugo! what are you doing here?"
he crossed his arms, eyes narrowed. "what does it look like? i'm here to train. and you're going about it all wrong."
you frowned, a mix of irritation and embarrassment bubbling up. "i'm doing just fine, thanks."
bakugo scoffed. "fine? you're wasting energy with unnecessary movements. watch."
he demonstrated a more efficient technique, his movements precise and powerful. you couldn't help but admire him, even as your heart ached. it was moments like this that reminded you why you fell for him in the first place.
"see? that's how you do it," he said, turning to you.
you nodded, trying to mask your emotions. "thanks, bakugo."
he grunted in response, turning back to his own training. you watched him for a moment, then resumed your practice, trying to ignore the pang in your chest.
days turned into weeks, and your feelings for bakugo only grew stronger. each interaction with him, no matter how brief, was a bittersweet reminder of your unspoken love. you laughed at his snarky comments, cherished his rare moments of praise, and supported him during difficult missions. yet, he remained oblivious, or so it seemed.
one evening, after a particularly grueling day, you found yourself sitting alone on the dormitory rooftop. the cool breeze was a welcome relief, but it did little to soothe your troubled heart. you gazed at the stars, wondering if you'd ever have the courage to tell bakugo how you felt.
"hey, y/n.."
you turned to see mina standing behind you, a concerned look on her face. "hey, mina. what's up?"
she sat down beside you, her expression softening. "i wanted to check on you. you've been acting kind of distant lately."
you sighed, resting your chin on your knees. "it's just… bakugo. i can't get him out of my head, mina. but he doesn't seem to notice me that way."
mina gave you a sympathetic smile. "have you tried talking to him? really talking?"
you shook your head. "i don't think i can. what if he rejects me? what if it ruins everything?"
mina placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "you'll never know if you don't try. and even if it doesn't go the way you hope, at least you'll have closure."
you pondered her words, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. maybe it was time to finally tell bakugo how you felt, no matter the outcome.
the next day, you decided to take mina's advice. you found bakugo in the common area, reading a hero magazine. taking a deep breath, you approached him, your heart pounding.
"bakugo, can we talk?"
he glanced up, his eyebrows raised. "what is it?"
you shifted nervously, trying to find the right words. "i… i have something i need to tell you."
he set the magazine aside, giving you his full attention. "well, spit it out."
You took another deep breath, your hands trembling slightly. "bakugo, i… i've had feelings for you for a long time. i know you might not feel the same way, but i needed to tell you."
for a moment, there was silence. bakugo's expression was unreadable, and you feared the worst. then, he spoke.
"y/n, i…"
before he could finish, the alarm sounded, signaling a villain attack. the moment was shattered, and bakugo's expression hardened. "we'll talk later. right now, we have to go."
you nodded, pushing your feelings aside as you prepared for the mission. as you followed bakugo out, you couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say. but for now, you had to focus on being a hero, even if your heart was breaking.
the mission was successful, but the conversation with bakugo never happened. days turned into weeks, and you couldn't bring yourself to bring it up again. you continued to fight alongside him, hiding your feelings behind a mask of professionalism.
but every now and then, you'd catch bakugo looking at you with an unreadable expression, and you'd wonder if maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way. until then, you would keep your heart guarded, hoping that one day, he might see you as more than just a teammate.
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donnapalude · 1 month
i understand the discomfort around it, but the idea of madeleine being attracted to claudia both because of her apparent youth and developed intellect, apart from textually supported, feels thematically much fuller to me than either isolated alternative and, in a fictional setting, far from antithetic to the construction of a romantic fantasy.
claudia is not a neatly compartimentalised adult with a physical condition. despite similarities, to reduce her experience to easily parsable human categorisations does not capture the full horror and potential of her existence. she is a child-adult hybrid monster, twice parentless through death and abuse and left stranded without true companions or guidance. she has decades of experience, but she is as small as a child and presumably stuck with puberty's imbalances and brain reactivity. her situation serves as a partial reference to the arrested development caused by trauma, but it exceeds the metaphor by causing material impediments that facilitate people around her in removing physical and emotional agency from her. she is denied the complete abandon of daughterhood, burdened with the responsibilities of a partner, and never quite recognised for either. the removal of the more overt incestual undertones between her and her parents, does not erase the covert ones. she may not want them to fuck her exactly, but they are the only two people in the world for her and there is true pain in being placed close enough to witness their union, but never enough to be an equal part to it. as there is true pain in the knowledge that she was created for them, to save louis and their marriage, but she can never quite be all that they need. her desire to find an external companion stems as much from the suffering generated from this inherent failure and exclusion, as from an abstract wish not to be infantilised. moreover, infantilisation, for her, is closely related to the suffering of failure and exclusion. she is supposed to be everything for them, but this translates to a gallery of roles rarely donned by her choice, more than a consistent merging. the disavowal of childhood towards sisterhood is not (only) an uplifting impetus of empowerment. it's a stoic recognition of parental disappointment and an attempt to recover louis's love in a way she hopes he'll be able to give and she receive more stably. it's a boundary and, as such, it's also spiteful. despite louis's loving attempts and lestat's mild objections, this is not an ideal solution for anyone. she was created to be child and sister and partner all together. to be just small pieces of this, and so often the worst ones at that, chafes. by denying them access to a part of her, she regains control and twists the knife back (though it still cuts both ways).
it's in this context that the show places madeleine's love as the narrative fulfillment of all of claudia's fantasies. with a wholly negative value assigned to her childhood and youth, the achievement or failure of those fantasies would hinge on whether madeleine's love is read as contingent on honoring claudia's adult mind or coveting her adolescent body. but this binary reading reflects neither claudia's nor madeleine's story.
madeleine holds a fixation for youth that is not really dependent on the thrill of unilaterally lording power over it. her story about fucking a young invading soldier and her attraction for claudia getting fully expressed in light of vampirism, imply a much subtler connection between youth and power and death in madeleine's figurative cosmology. as an unstoppable definitive force, death has something of the sublime for her, inspiring both awe and terror in equal measure. in the romantic tradition, which bleeds into the gothic, the irrational state created by fear is not madness, but clarity of feeling divorced from the confines of reason. and once the barriers are down, madeleine seems to glimpse one truth: if death steals all life, it must be, by now, full of it to bursting. "he was alive", she says, when recalling what made her encounter with the nazi soldier so essential to her survival: "i know it sounds like a joke, but when there's death all around...". she calls him a "frightened boy", cradled to her chest. and to claudia, later, she asks "what's it like to drink blood? is it like drinking life itself?". claudia is much more pragmatic: "it's not an answer to life's mystery. it's food." but for madeleine it holds another significance, it is the answer to life's mistery. to survive one must steal life from death. youth, as a source of life, found in someone holding death in their power, is a direct tap into the vein, even before literal veins come into play. yet she would not like to drain it, hers is not a destructive design. she longs to nurture that life and let it flow freely and bask in its glow. forever if possible. this is her love for claudia. a feedback loop where she nurses the child and draws from the monster, drinks from her girlhood, to return belonging and wisdom. in the flow, a true joining.
this does not accurately reflect how people attracted to pubescent girls act and reason in real life. the preying on innocence and inexperience does not normally get offset by interest and care for genuine independence. the fact that claudia is not an actual child and is initially the only vampire in the relationship eliminates issues of consent and elides the power imbalance, so that we are left with the possibility that madeleine can nurture claudia's childishness, enjoy the role of emotional protection and guidance she derives from it, as well as feel intense attraction towards the body that holds these signifiers, while at the same time affording her the shared authority and admiration of a true adult relationship. as anticipated, it's a fantasy. it's claudia's fantasy, but also a human fantasy. and it's a cloying one, in its sweetness. the pain claudia holds comes not from being forcibly treated as a child, but from the imposition to live both adulthood and childhood together (not only through her body, but also through familial enmeshment) without being able to experience either in full, as one side of the balance naturally undermines the other. she is presented the illusion of a blissful coalescence of their offerings and is always left wanting. as a child she should be cherished and protected, as an adult she should be respected and powerful. she often finds herself powerless and undefended, needing to choose which wound to tend. and whatever the choice, it can never fill her parents' needs in full measure. with madeleine she can let go and be all, and joyfully. she is daughter and sister and lover and partner and teacher and maker. she can even transcend singularity to fill out a family and a coven. it's suffocating and labyrinthine and recourseless, but it's ultimately about the difference between being deprived of other options and being freed of the need to ever search for them. the wound madeleine heals, the fantasy she fullfills, live in claudia in a heightened state, but fundamentally draw from an incredibly common human want. to be loved in full. to be loved in all the past, present, and future iterations of ourselves, completely and equally. without sacrifice, without maiming, without choosing. it's the illusion given by the love of any parent that, even in the best of families, sooner or later is broken. we learn to parcel our love and to parcel ourselves for people to love different morsels. but claudia can stay whole. for madeleine, at the end, she really is everything.
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yakourinka · 5 months
spoilers about zwilingsturme in herbst
so arturia huh
the episode she had when she was young with the "voices" and "feelings" overwhelming her vaguely reminded me of my mother's tales of my uncle who had schizophrenia. never met the man, he died very young but that's another story. now obviously there's a clear fantastical element here: the cause of her suffering and some of her consequent behaviour is her arts that she was born with, which we can't exactly define as an illness. or can we?
throughout the story she struck me as that specific and very rare kind of mentally unwell that is more of a harm to society than to herself. she does manage to maintain a friendship with cora, something worth nothing, but she's clearly isolated, alienated. the way she interacts with the world ("my eyes, ears and heart") is entirely through her musical instrument, which is completely incomprehensible even to the most committed musicians and which is connected to her arts, the root cause of her social deviance
and out of all fucking people it's the witch king who asks her, but who are you? i guess it makes sense that terra's #1 tyrant/musician would be the only one to understand someone so strange and alien like arturia, whom he considers both dull and interesting.
dull because there's not much arturia. not a lot of substance inside arturia, you understand. arturia is just whomever she's playing at that moment, some sort of emotional vampire who attaches herself to the next delectable meal, craving to fill that void. the moment she couldn't express her grief at her mother's funeral, realized that all the people in attendance around her were "performing" grief - like a play, as she says at one point - was her breaking point.
and so she wishes to create a world - an impossible, incomprehensible world - where everyone's emotions are all laid bare, all emotions, at all times, from the most detestable to the most praiseworthy, to her empty self. so she can finally feel and understand people. she says it will be a utopia for others, but what she wants is actually just a heaven for herself.
in that way, i guess viviana and arturia mirror each other as people who are seeking their place in society.
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(i did not proofread this post and just wrote anything that came to mind so i'm not taking any responsibility for it. didn't think i'd like her but i did!)
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Clingy -Clingy Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Wife!Reader
I used to write Bakugo all the time (no, he's not a husbando of mine, you don't have to worry about me claiming him) but rarely do it now.
Fluff (slight angst) | 1,020 words
Once again not edited
Warnings!: Mentions of- death, losing a loved one, regret, (👈all from random civilians) and insecurity
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A hum escaped your lips as you wiped down your kitchen counter, basking in your husband's warmth.
"Do we have to do that now." Bakugo grumbled, pecking at your neck semi-aggresively.
"Yes Suki. I do not want to wake up to a messy house. And can you help? I'd get done a whole lot faster~."
"I am helping. I'm your emotional support."
"Katsuki.. will you please just get off me and do the dishes or something?"
"But I want cuddles." Bakugo all but whined, tightening his grip on your waist before nuzzling his face into your neck, ears red at his show of affection.
You just sighed, resting your head against Bakugo's before going back to your cleaning- a smile stuck on your lips.
After another thirty minutes you looked around at your living room, satisfied with your work. You single handedly cleaned the entire downstairs with Bakguo attached to you the entire time. You're not exactly sure why, but ever since Bakugo came home from work he's been clingy onto you, demanding you pay attention to him, and practically whining whenever you got up to do something.
"Are we done now?" Bakugo muttered, voice heavy with sleepiness.
"Yes baby. I'm done now."
Bakugo gave you a peck on the shoulder as a response, lazily picking you up. Wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, you had to admit that this was pretty perfect.
Your usually tsundere husband was giving you the attention that you demanded daily, showing off his clingy side for whatever reason. But for some reason you felt like something was.. off.
Bakugo -though he loves you dearly- rarely showed it via pyshical touch. He would cook and work for you, leave you little notes -which he totally blew off as you being crazy or you having a stalker, or in Bakugo's words: "They're probably from Dunce Face. He's always been jealous of me getting the hottie of the class" -, and grumpily letting you cuddle him and shower him with affection. And of course, he does xnotx like it at all. No no he hates it. But- if you come home you have thirty minutes to give him at the very least five minutes of your time showering him with this "unwanted" affection before he blows up and ignores you for a few hours.
Even though sometimes this was quite frustrating, most of the time you found it endearing, causing you to go soft for your big baby and give him the affection he adores- no matter how many times he denies it.
But this was different.
He's clung onto you for five hours.
The best you've gotten -and this was when he woke up feeling super clingy- was thirty minutes before he got bored of following you around as you did this and that, and so he went and sat on the couch, pouting as he watched you giggle at him.
After Bakugo tucked you in he immedietly climbed in beside you, wrapping you up in his arms as he pressed a few kisses onto your head, causing you to giggle.
"I love you Teddybear."
"And I you, Handsome. But.. is there anything wrong?"
At your silence you took that as a yes.
Leaning away from him, you left just enough space to look him in the eyes, playing with his hair as he looked down at your arm, drawing patterns onto it absent mindedly.
"You know you can tell me." You murmur, lifting Bakugo's chin so he was forced to meet your gaze.
"At work today.. there was this.. couple. The girl got crushed, and she wasn't able to be saved in time. She died-"
You panicked as Bakugo started slightly tearing up. Moving to kiss away the tears gathering in his lashes, you grabbed his hand, rubbing at his knuckles encouragingly.
"The- the man.. he was sobbing into her xdeadx body, apolgizing for not expressing his love enough.. he was so.. broken. And it reminded me of you- me specifically. You give me so much affection, but I- I hardly give you any in return. And I don't want to regret not showing you the love that you need, the love that you deserve."
"Oh baby." You coo, pulling Bakugo into your arms, pressing feather like kisses to any skin you could reach as Bakugo clung to you, letting a few tears fall.
"Listen- you do show me how much you love me. It's just not in the same way. Like when you cook me your special bentos, telling me to eat it or you're gonna track me down and force-feed me, or when you slave away only to come home and take me shopping, and when you leave me all of those sweet notes, telling me how much you love me, and spending a special amount on time on something so random."
"They're never random." Bakugo huffed, nipping a your shoulder lovingly.
"And I quote: 'Y/n, Teddybear, Goregous, Doll, Angel, and Keeper of not only my heart but soul, just so yk- that shirt looks xdazzlingx on you. You are so freaking xgoregousx if you weren't already married I'd ask for your hand.'"
"What!? You. Looked. Amazing."
"Katsuki, hunny.. you made it sound like I was a super model when I was in the same pjs I was wearing for the past three days with stains showing what I had for every meal since I put them on."
"You were goregous. And don't make fun of yourself. Your favoirte character just died."
"See- look. You remembered. That's another thing that makes you such a good husband, Babe."
"Yeah yeah whatever." Bakugo grumbled, wiggling out of your hold to pull you into his.
"I love you, idiot."
"And I you, boom boom boi."
Giggles filled the room as Bakugo pinned you to the bed, mercissly bombarding you with tickles, pinches -calm down they were soft, don't kill your idiot-, and kisses.
And no, he didn't stop until you apologized.
And no, you didn't apologize until your sides were aching and you desperately missed the warmth of your husband's chest.
Comments, Requests, and Reblogs are always appreciated <33
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essycogany · 8 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments
This may get controversial.
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I welcome anyone else’s view point on this topic. If you don’t agree I’m okay with that. Just because I have a different perspective doesn’t make what I think right or wrong. You don’t have to change your mind. Whatever your opinion is, I respect it. Besides, it’s fun to have different views on something we both love. It gives us a way to see different sides of the coin.
Disclaimer: I’m a person who didn’t grow up with this franchise and only recently got into in early 2022. I have no biases towards any version of this character. Making my opinions about his characterizations mixed.
By the way, I’ll only use Sonic games as examples (for the most part) because this analysis would be too long if I talked about other medias.
In short. Most of his flaws do stir into different medias as well. To be honest, Sonic’s other variants aren’t as different as some may think, but that’s my hot take.
Times The Blue Blur Messed Up
Riders: Sonic lunched Amy along with Eggman into the air with his wind abilities. While knowing Amy’s safety would be at risk. Then left her. Which was the reason she was so angry and aggressive afterwards. He didn’t ever apologize either.
06: Exchanged a chaos emerald for Elise even after Tails warned Sonic not to.
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Unleashed: Was distracted by taunting Eggman.
Sonic: “Well, this is new. Showing remorse Eggman? If you played nice, I wouldn’t have to break all your toys.”
Then became the Werehog. All because he wanted to boost his ego.
Secret Rings: Shahra used Sonic to collect the world rings for Erazar Djinn. Even though it should’ve been expected because she said, “They use to work together.” Ended up not being true.
Black Night: Was tricked into helping Merlina who wanted to create a world that would last forever.
Lost World: Tails once again tried to warn Mr.Impatient about the conch in Eggman’s hand, but kicked it anyways. Then warned Sonic about another trap, he didn’t listen, ended up getting the fox captured instead.
Frontiers: Accidentally helped free The End despite Knuckles and Sage’s suspensions. If his friends, Eggman, and Sage didn’t help him…..Well, it’s in the villain's name.
Side Note: In Secret Rings, Black night, and Frontiers Sonic was rude at points.
Sonic Sassiness
Sonic Sassiness Part 2
Sonic’s Overall Flaws/Mistakes
Some may be from his general characterizations throughout his history.
Sonic rushes into things without a second thought. (Impulsiveness) Sonic can be too reckless, brash, or not take situations seriously.
He’s impatient. (Which was his core trait since his idle animation in Sonic 1)
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He doesn’t listen to his friends warnings. Sonic can be too cocky at the wrong moments. He causes or contributes to world ending consequences. The blue blur can also be too trusting and naive.
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Sonic doesn’t worry about his own physical or mental state and internalizes his emotions. He isn’t able to express himself very well. Therefore doesn’t put the right words together when speaking sometimes.
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Sonic can be stubborn and a bit of a jerk.
Sage: “You are short tempered and short sided.”
And that’s about it. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know.
My Thoughts
A few of these can be seen as Sonic’s strength and weaknesses. Like his willingness to harm himself if it means to save his friends.
The reason Sonic never learns from his mistakes in the games is because he gets away with them. Which is not a good or bad thing per say. (Besides Sonic Riders. There’s no excuse for that.)
The stories never really given him an arc. But I don’t think Sonic’s a perfect or flawless character. If the examples I’ve shown are evidence of anything.
I’d say he’s static, but not consistently. Most static characters I’ve seen rarely stays static anyways.
I also don’t believe Sonic himself thinks he’s perfect. Sonic probably thinks he doesn’t have to change because he’s so sure he should be able to manage things without issue. Everything does eventually go his way. Why should he change?
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I do understand Sonic influences people, but why can’t there be a balance? It’s been done plenty of times with other characters. In books, movies, and tv shows. Animated and live-action.
Movie!Sonic in Sonic 2 inspired both Knuckles and Tails. Helping them better themselves with advice and encouragement. While also going through his own arc of growing up and being responsible.
Tails:“You’ve inspired me. To leave my village. To find you and help you on your mission.”
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Despite him learning how to slow down and plan things out, Prime!Sonic also inspires the different variants of his friends. Thorn, Dread, and Nine. Helping them grow into becoming better people.
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Even in Unleashed Sonic was at his most mature, but it was only after his cocky attitude got him into trouble. So, yes. Inspirational characters can have flaws.
I’ll just say this
Everyone has their own views on how Sonic should be characterized, drawn, played, voiced, animated, and showcase.
It’s fine if you don’t like a curtain interpretation of a character, but to say the character (Especially if they weren’t very consistent in the first place) isn’t acting like themselves now, it’s really hard to argue what self there is to come back to. Because even in the games there are so many different selves for these characters in their own canon universe. From Classic to Adventure, Unleashed, Colors, and Frontiers. (If that makes any sense)
It’s hard to find one place to be in because Sonic’s been in too many places at once. He shouldn’t be held down to one characterization if he’s already been all over the place from the beginning of his existence.
AKA Sonic’s first two shows ever. TAOSTH and SATAM. In both shows Sonic had flaws as well, but never learned from them. Which means he’s been like this from the start. Like everything else about this franchise, his personality is an ongoing experiment that’ll probably never be solved. And I kind of love that. Even if it can be stressful and has it’s own up’s and down’s
All of these unique stories from the games, comics, tv shows, and movies people grew up with are what made this franchise so popular. This is the main reason I became a Sonic fan. Because I learned so much about characterization from this franchise and how to love the different variations of its characters. Finding an appreciation for each of them.
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Everyone’s opinions are valid at the end of the day. At least we all have a version of this character we can love and appreciate. Whether you agree or not I’m grateful you’ve made it all the way to the end. You’re a trooper!
Stay Creative! 💜
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caesarflickermans · 2 months
Throughout the trilogy, Effie is a personification of what the average Capitol citizen is. It is Effie who Katniss thinks of when Gale mimics the Capitol accent (THG, 1). With little contact, Effie has come to be what 12's citizen envision when they think of the Capitol.
As readers, we receive an early glimpse into what the Capitol is like through her fashion style and persona during the reaping ceremony. Effie is bright, bubbly, has pinkish hair, and a spring green suit (THG, 2). When Katniss arrives in the Capitol, its citizens are eager to see the tributes. The Capitol's colours are artificial, "the pinks too deep, the greens too bright, the yellows painful to the eyes" (THG, 4).
As Effie views her previous tributes as "savages" (THG, 3), so does the Capitol commentary reflect a similar view when they refer to District 12 as "a bit backward but that local customs [the three-finger salute] can be charming" (THG, 3).
District 12 is an underdog whose chances to win the Games are marginal and who rarely receive sponsors (THG, 4). This unpopularity within the Capitol is represented by Effie's exclaim that she might be promoted to a "decent district next year!" which leaves Katniss uncertain whether Effie is "overcome with either the emotional parting or the possible improvement of her fortunes" (THG, 10).
Effie's emotions pertaining to the tributes are akin the feelings the Capitol citizens have of their tributes. The crowd "screams assent" (THG, 10) on the prospect of more information on the star-crossed lovers. The tributes are pawns in their entertainment system, and the prospect of an interesting storyline is emotional and exciting. There was no uproar to question the Games, no saving these two kids—this fascination relied on their inherent doom. Thus, while emotions alike Effie's might be at play here, they are not enough to question the legitimacy of the Games just yet.
Once victors, Katniss and Peeta are placed in a different rank to the Capitol society as the Capitol engages in a voyeuristic enjoyment in their lives (CF, 3). While much of this can be read in a sensational manner, and that is no false interpretation, the Capitol citizens are interested in the lives of their victors and receive Katniss' and Peeta's fresh love with interest—Katniss and Peeta are celebrities who they have built a relationship with, such as being emotionally involved in their wedding (CF, 12).
Effie's care for the victors can be understood as a symbolic interpretation here, too. She has come to care for Katniss and Peeta, and it is expressed by gestures such as offering Katniss sleeping pills (CF, 5). No more tributes associated with barbarianism, she, much like the Capitol, has uplifted Katniss and Peeta to a new status; now caring for them, because she assumes they are guaranteed a long life.
On the 3rd Quarter Quell reaping day, Effie gifts Peeta and Haymitch golden jewellery and wears golden hair. She is upset at Cecilia being reaped and has come to view the victors with a loving care despite their flaws, such as when expressing Chaff could not stay out of a fight. Overall, Effie cares for the victors and seems to be in visible distress at the Quarter Quell's prospect (CF, 14).
In much the same way, Peeta states that the people in the Capitol citizens are unhappy that the victors must return to the Games. In his words, the Capitol citizens got "attached to their champions" (CF, 14).
When the victors are being interviewed on Caesar's stage, their statements consist of appeals targeted at the audience, such as the victors' deep bonds created with the Capitol people. Once Katniss enters the stage, "the audience is an absolute wreck" and "the sight of me in my white silk bridal gown practically causes a riot" (CF, 17).
However, it is Peeta's statement that causes this riot. "As the bomb explodes, it sends accusations of injustice and barbarism and cruelty flying out in every direction. Even the most Capitol-loving, Games-hungry, bloodthirsty person out there can't ignore, at least for a moment, how horrific the whole thing is" (CF, 15).
The word "barbarism" is the Capitol's citizens journey—and by definition Effie's journey—they have had throughout the past year. From perceiving the tributes in such a manner to seeing the 75th Games for what they are, the reaping of the Capitol's champions, these who they have began to care for, is reason for great upset.
The implications for Effie have no villain-hero morality attached to them—she is marked by her representation—and is a morally grey character whose indoctrination is slowly shedding away. Her status as an oppressor are bound to her Capitol citizen status, as the Capitol reaps the fruits of the District's labour.
Like Effie, the Capitol citizen's had been indoctrinated and their beliefs around the Districts were shaped in their own understanding of being the peak of civilization, as their language expressed—"savages" (THG, 3) and charming local customs (THG, 4).
Their awakening, that of Effie and the Capitol, occurs simultaneously. Effie, remaining Katniss' frequent Capitol contact, is an expression and mirror of the Capitol society. Yet, her focus, similar to the audience's focus, on the victors alone remains a vital aspect to understanding her character. They system itself is not questioned. Instead, there is upset for having wronged the Capitol's "champions" (CF, 14). Their tears and upset do not evoke questioning the broader system. In that, the Capitol citizen and Effie herself are rendered in an ignorance about their own participation.
She is neither villain nor hero. Like her fellow citizens in the audience, she is a part of the system by being born into it. While her role as an escort has granted her a larger part in the Capitol's complicity, she remains a character whose upset is ultimately powerless and whose fear of the Capitol remains always present (CF, 17).
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kritzel · 8 months
Adams Past Thoughts
(English isn't my first language so sorry if I make mistakes)
After finishing HH I got to thinking, was Adam always the way that we see him in the show.
Because he, Lilith and Eve were created without original sin. So it wouldn't make sense for him to be a complete idiot from the beginning.
Here's what I think could be a possibility on what happened (after all we don't know how biased Lilith's book is):
First he and Lilith are created
Maybe he didn't really boss her around and it was more like a situation of a sibling telling the other sibling what to do (I know they where married but it's the only example I could think of)
"Just because you're older doesn't mean you can tell me what to do" kinda way (since Adam probably was made first)
But it was not supposed to be an order from Adam more like a suggestion
So Lilith walks of and meets Lucifer
Heaven realises Lilith won't work as a wife and they create Eve from Adam
Eve is a lot more naive than Lilith
Adam is explicitly told to look after her and make sure she is alright
He does just that and they both are happy together
Lucifer and Lilith create the fruit
And in a rare moment where Eve isn't with Adam she finds the tree
Eve eats the fruit
She gives it to Adam
He eats it too because he loves Eve and doesn't want her to endure the punishment alone
Everything goes downhill from here
I believe they were not really capable of feeling negative emotions before they ate the fruit
Eve being the first to eat it develops a lot of doubts towards Adam
Why wasn't he looking after me? That's what he was supposed to do now we are stuck in a world filled with danger and death
Adam ,who before the fruit didn't care about Lilith leaving him, was now starting to yearn for the woman he never had. She was supposed to be his and now she is with the most hated being of all creation.
They never really expressed the thoughts they had after eating the fruit with eachother
Resentment started building up without them really noticing
They still held love for eachother and tried to survive in a world full of danger
It went alright in the beginning
They had two kids
Everything seemed to look up
But of course Cane kills Abel
And that was the last nail in the coffin
Adam and Eve could not cope with the loss of both their sons (let's pretend Seth never becomes a person in this story)
They still tried to stay together
But the resentment grows bigger
Love turns into hate and a lot of hurtful things are said between them
They separate and go there different ways
And lets pretend Eve really did have something with Lucifer
As soon as Adam hears about that his hate for Lucifer and Eve just grows bigger
What is wrong with these women? What is it about this Lucifer?
He develops a lot of doubts about himself in his living life. Which causes him to develop the fear of being left by anyone who he lets into his life.
After he died he hears all about how great he is being the first man and all
And over the years he starts believing that he can do no wrong and it was only his wife's and Lucifers fault that everything went to shit
And even though deep down he wants a meaningful relationship he opted to just go for hook ups in fear of losing someone again
And after a few thousand years those things develop into the kind of person we see in the show
But this is just one possibility
I hope it is understandable what I'm trying to convey
Please share your thoughts with me.
What do you think happened all these years ago?
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bluespiritshonour · 8 months
Thinking about how popular Mai would've been if she were a boy. Like, can you imagine?people would've swooned over her like they swoon over, idk, Jet—it just occured to me that I like her because she's so unconventional for a female character.
Girls like Mai exist in real world—but women are rarely allowed to be complex and three dimensional and grey in fiction.
I would argue that Mai is a grey character; she did start out as Azula's lackey. And well, that's a fictional girl; I found her apathy stan-worthy.
I love that she constantly has a bitch face. She cracks dry/dark jokes. Wears black. Is mysterious and stoic. Does everything she can to disregard authority/even though she's not confrontational about it. (There's one difference. Bad boys are usually very confrontational).
All these characteristics exist in popular male characters. (Except for one thing that I've noticed: most of these “bad boy” characters are volatile and yet, are described as broody/stoic, like, dude. That ain't stoic, that's so emotional.)
So yeah. Coming back to Mai. Imagine if she were a boy.
A boy who's apathetic and has no passion for anything. A boy who's constantly bored/a thrill-seeker/has nothing he cares about. A boy who has a shutter for a face and rarely expresses himself, is amazing with knives and hand-to-hand combat and is gloomy.
There's nothing he cares about because caring gets people hurt and everyone wants something and is two-faced so it's safe to be a mask of indifference. Until—hold on—until he meets a passionate, hot-headed girl who's ✨ different ✨and if not anything, wears her heart on her sleeve/is an open book...
Yes, I'm talking about Zuko.
...and oh, oh, would you look at that? Now he has something to fight for!
I mean, for Mai, Zuko (after Ty Lee) is the only other person in front of whom she can be herself.
Reminds me of “he's only nice to her” trope. Sorry.
“You're so beautiful when you hate the world.”
“I don't hate you.”
Just imagine Mai as a boy. People would eat it up. They don't like her 'cause she's a girl.
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bewiiitched · 2 months
Sex doll (Logan Howlett x reader)
Ever since I saw the movie I haven't been able to shake my obsession with Wolverine, and I got this idea after reading several fanfics on a03 that are unfortunately on hiatus.
Summary: Wade and Reader have a past thanks to the Weapon X project, after escaping from there, she becomes his neighbor, being able to know peace until she runs into Logan and brings back memories of her original version.
Disclaimer: English is not my native language, I apologize if there are any mistakes.
Warnings: This is a +18 fanfic, it includes several dark themes such as rape, drug use, and more adult content.
Oral sex (both receive) P in V, chocking, rough sex, dom!logan, soft!Wade (mostly), friend!Wade, ass play, a lot of angst, age gap (reader is mid 20's)
It was midnight when they both returned covered in sweat and blood to the apartment and after several attempts to convince Logan to stay, he had finally decided to spend a few days in the building until he could adapt.
Living one floor below the apartment she shared with the blind Al, Reader rarely missed any of the discussions that undoubtedly arose because of the mercenary and yet, even if her senses were not enhanced, she doubted that she could pass for his familiar voice that had so exasperated her superiors in the past.
Turning off the tap suddenly and leaving the dishes half-cleaned, she almost lunged towards the door, throwing it open with an accusatory look as she watched the red silhouette of his suit disappear down the hall towards the stairs. — WADE WILSON.
She exclaimed, making the mercenary freeze with an innocent smile and his hands raised in a placating gesture as he turned towards her. — Doll-
He began only to abruptly shut up, noticing the shocked look on her face as her gaze passed between them in a range of emotions.
— What the hell? — In contrast to the mercenary's wide smile, who moved his non-existant eyebrows in a suggestive gesture, reader's gaze darkened as she looked at Wolverine for a moment, causing him to frown in confusion and perceiving a strong scent of regret.
Determined to lighten the tension, Wade turned his face slightly towards Logan in a gesture of recognition.
— It's not the original. — He clarified, earning a raised eyebrow from both of them, which didn't affect him too much as he continued with his tirade of explanations. — Logan, this is Reader, a mutant with sadomasochistic powers who had an affair with your version of this world.
— I should have accepted that mission just to not hear you anymore…
The aforementioned hissed, glaring at him and avoiding the older mutant's scrutinizing gaze. Ignoring the mercenary's feigned expression of pain as he held his hand over his chest in an offended gesture, she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.
— Doll, this is one of Logan's versions, darker, more broken, surely your type, oh god! You would have loved Calverine.
He spoke, clasping his hands over his chest in an enthusiastic gesture. With a snort, she turned around avoiding looking at the mutant behind the mercenary and determined to return to her apartment. — I don't think there's much of your stuff in the apartment, Al said something about taking advantage of the space now that you were gone.
She mocked, listening to his muffled gasp before closing the door with a shaky sigh.
— What the hell was that?
Logan's dry tone makes Wade laugh, now that they are at a safe distance from her enhanced hearing, the mercenary has no intention of letting the opportunity to mock her pass by.
— the what? The devilishly sexy neighbor downstairs with a destructive past who has her eye on you? You know, if you had the mask on I wouldn't doubt that-
— Christ, shut up. Why does she stink of guilt?
Wade smirks as he takes a step back dramatically. — When I joined the weapon X she was already there, working for the project's superiors along with poor Francis, together they were terror personified.
The nuance in his tone changes and his voice gains lightness as he thinks of those days when his powers were put to the test. — She can control the nervous system of people, animals and mutants. and, you know, make you feel a new world of pain. Oh and something about aphrodisiac fluids!
He speaks, winking before continuing: — The thing is that at some point Francis gained more importance, of course, not having nerves to control helped and she was left in the background and under his surveillance doing minor missions.
There's a look of understanding on Logan's face as his brain tries to process the information he's received and the words "sado-masochistic powers, and adventure" echo in his mind, raising more questions.
"That doesn't explain…"
He begins, frowning at the mercenary's suggestive expression. "Forget it."
He growled, wrinkling his nose as if he could still smell her scent full of guilt and shame.
Despite the initial shock, Reader had adapted to the mutant's presence quite easily, as she had occasionally crossed paths with him in the hallways of the building without sharing more than a few words. Which was fine with her, since she had no intention of crossing the cordial barrier either.
However, Wade Wilson had decided that it was a personal offense not to attend his resurrection dinner after having saved the world as the Marvel Jesus, so it was not until said party ended that the mercenary entered her apartment.
Rising from the bed abruptly when her ear caught a second beat, she wasted no time in grabbing the lamp that rested on the nightstand and throwing it in the direction of the mutant who grabbed it before it could break.
“That's no way to receive guests.” He scolded, dropping the lamp on the bed and turning on the light, letting both hands rest on his hips. “Traitorous bitch.”
He grumbled, watching as reader looked at him impassively. “Cry me a river.”
— You can't avoid it forever. Avoid me.
He emphasizes, smiling sideways when she rolls her eyes in his direction. — No one can avoid you.
She murmurs resignedly, getting out of bed now that the discomfort returns to her. — Look, I'll go to the next dinner…
— Tomorrow.
— What? No.
— Tomorrow, or I'll drag you out. Come on, we'll only be a few people.
— How are things with Vanessa?
The mercenary's menacing smile trembles and disappears with a withering look. — That, that was a low blow.
He reprimands her with the same tone he would use to reprimand a small child, earning a disdainful smile. — Looks like the two of us can't avoid it forever, huh.
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bots-and-cons · 3 months
*⁠.⁠✧Hiii!! Happy Pride and Men's Mental Health Month⁠!。⁠*゚⁠+
I want to say thank you so much for doing that angst request!
Now I came here for something warm.
May I please ask for headcanons of any Bots and/or cons of your choice being father/mother/parental figure for teenage gn!human?
Once again biiig thanks for doing (Almost) all of my requests and enjoy the Summer!
A/N: I wanted to write this during June, but I was kinda busy, so I didn’t really have time and my motivation was also low, but hey happy disability pride month! I decided to do only autobots, since it seemed easier. I have these HCs about KOBD being like adoptive parents to a human teen (the other parts are linked in that post too). Also there are these scenarios of reader being in need of a father figure and going to Optimus and Shockwave, another father figure thing here and I’ve got these HCs about the reader being sort of like a parental figure to some bots. You're very welcome, and I wish you a good summer too :D
•Arcee would not in any way consider herself a parental figure, but it’s not really for her to choose is it
•Your relationship with your mom is rocky to say the least, so when you met and got to know Arcee, she was what you imagined a mother could be
•She’s strict, but she also lets you do things as long as you’re responsible and smart about it
•Arcee doesn’t have unrealistic expectations for you, nor does she berate you for every little mistake
•She listens when you talk, and offers advice IF you want it
•Of course the way she grew up and the environment she grew up in are nothing like the situation you’re in, but you two can always find some connections in your situations, even if they’re really weird and sort of far-fetched sometimes
•Arcee doesn’t consider herself your parent, and you haven’t told her how much you look up to her and how important she is to you
•She’s always there for you when she can, be if for happy things or sad things
•She does eventually sort of accept the role she ended up in with you and it does make her happy you would think of her like that
•There was a moment when you told her she was like family to you, when she thought it wasn’t a good thing because she’s aware of how bad your relationship with your parents is
•You assured her that no, it’s not like that and you saw her as someone you wished you had as your parent
~Ultra Magnus~
•Magnus is super strict, but he also provides the sort of structure you need in your life, unlike your parents
•He’s not exactly there to help you with homework, but he does make sure you always get them done, and you can ask him if you need help with something
•He’s not much help with things such as history, biology, languages or health ed, because he doesn’t really know anything about those things since they’re so human related
•Magnus isn’t the best at reading or expressing emotions, but when he does notice there is something bothering you, he will ask you about it
•He’s pretty awkward when it comes to relationships, but he aims to be honest and just tell you his opinion, with some limits of course
•He doesn’t belittle you, but he does tell you if you’re doing something wrong in his opinion, and you talk about how you could possibly fix it
•Most talks you have with Magnus are very constructive and solution-oriented and not there isn’t really much emotion involved on his side
•He does learn to notice what causes your mood to shift and stuff like that though, and he does ask about it if you seem to be feeling a particularly strong emotion
•It’s a very rare treat to hear him chuckle, and it’s usually because of the stupidest jokes imaginable
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hwnglx · 2 months
did jk and sana ever date?
jungkook + sana
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they date? hie, kioc yes, they did. however, there was a struggle of finding the necessary balance between both their careers and the emotional connection they had. this seemed to have happened during a time in which they both were at a very significant point in their careers, like a peak of some sort, so there was this dilemma of.. how do i make sure i nurture this connection i truly care about, without neglecting the importance of my work. there could've been several times where that caused a conflict between the two.
the hierophant for this question keeps rubbing me the wrong way though. it really doesn't read as romantic in this case (or rarely at all tbh). there's almost this vibe of; the connection we have, as sweet as it is, feels like it doesn't align with what we should be doing right now. i keep hearing external voices and opinions also playing an important factor in making them question their relationship.
how does jungkook feel towards sana? 7op, knop, 8oc, queop&acosw, cha, 9osw
oh boy. when i tell you, he definitely liked her a lot. see, jungkook is the type to feel with his head. (makes sense with that sun conjunct mercury in virgo) he's someone more practical who tends to internalize his feelings and really overthink every detail in his relationships. especially when he was younger, and this definitely happened when he was much more immature, there was this desperate thought of always wanting to do everything right in his romantic connections, which made him overly cautious and hesitant, being unable to open up and express his emotions in a clear manner. he was just in his head all the time. the knight of pentacles is effective and committed, but quite slow in his approach. very nice if you want more of a slow burn in love, however this clashed with sana's desires in this connection.
he didn't bring much passion into the relationship because he was worried to mess things up or turn her off. especially because he adored her, really put her on a pedestal. he thought sana was someone very nurturing, who put a lot of importance into taking care of the people she cherishes, huge potential to be an amazing wife and mother. he also saw her as a person who's witty and smart, but also very driven and determined in her goals, especially financially. i keep getting this feeling jungkook had a bit of an inferiority complex, like i just see him feeling kinda small next to her. i can tell he might hold on to some grudges and resentment to this day. he truly doesn't like the way things ended.
how does sana feel towards jungkook? paow, 4ow, 4oc, kiop, stre
not the awkward page of wands coming out immediately. honestly, sana saw him as a bit of a lost child. (i really can't express it in any other words, i just keep hearing manchild) although i can see them having a playful bond that was exciting and fun at first, she thought his insecurities stood in the way of them forming a stable and happy bond. she wanted a mature and headstrong guy, who knows exactly what he wants and brings fire into the relationship, yet instead dealt with a boyfriend who was very interested, but often walked on eggshells and tried too hard to please her.. like a yes-man. always saying the right thing at the right time, doing everything exactly the way she wants. (very venus in libra) for some people that can get boring after some time. like please disagree with me for once! she has her venus in sag and 🔥 venus' often desire drama in love. they can't stand when things get too boring and stale.
she definitely did like him and i can tell she truly cared (and cares) about him still but i can't lie, i don't see much of an emotional connection on her part. it was a young and cute but more dissatisfying relationship for her.
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zu8her · 1 year
“Just one more.” • Akaashi Keiji
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Tags: black!reader, overstimulation, desperate!akaashi, slightly subby!akaashi, multiple orgasms, praise kink, biting/hickeys, lots of ‘good girls’, oral both receiving, unprotected sex, cream pie, break in between sex, plan B, collegeau (can't guarantee this is the last one), mini mention of racism , no beta once again
note: just want to acknowledge @dejwrites as my main inspo for writting and my writing style. love you. recently rewatched haikyuu so yeah. If this shit let me know
It is the last time, she told herself. As she laid on his bed, twitching after her high. Watching him disappear into his bathroom to get towels.
The first time she'd heard of Akaashi Keiji was from her a friend.
“Now, I don't swing that way, but the man is fine as fuck.” Her friend explains as they sit at the entrance of the library.
Yn chuckles at her friend's remark.
“You don't believe me? Okay bet. I'll show you.”
On que, he walks in. Short messy dark hair, blue-ish eyes, no less than 6'0, in his volleyball tracksuit.
Making eye contact, he gives a warm smile clutching the strap of his backpack.
“Morning, ladies.”
“Hey,” her friend greets while Yn just presses her lips into an awkward smile and nods.
Only once he passes does she breathe.
Compared to the other members of his team Akaashi was relatively calm. From what she'd heard from her friend. He looked fine on the surface.
He is always with his opposite, his best friend, Bokuto. He didn't really speak much when she saw him. But on the rare occasions he would, he'd be with Bokuto or on the court.
Yn likes observing him. She did it generally. Just people watching. Yn could pick up on the slightest emotion, from body language and facial expressions. What made Akaashi so interesting was that he was an closed book. She could never get a read on him.
He would give a slight semblance of emotion here and there, but his face and body remained neutral, even during matches. Always keeping a level head and holding the team together.
Most people either subconsciously or not, try to mask their emotions. Their mask only cracking for a split second before snapping back into place, but not before Yn noticed, oh no. But with him, nothing.
Their friend groups linked often. So, she got to talk to him. A blank slate he was in terms of conversation. You could talk to him for hours without knowing anything about him. He's a Setter. He likes being a one. That's all she knows.
They share passing glances, on most occasions but Yn never misses his quiet stares. Never fails to feel the sweet sting of his gaze. Smirking to herself when she does feel his blue eyes on her.
She enjoys it even more when she intentionally lets him stare before catching him. The shade of red that spread across his face and the small wave gets her every time.
“Hi, Akaashi,” she looks up from her phone.
He gently settles next to her. “Hey.” He sits at the edge of the couch while she nuzzles into the cushions.
Yn occasionally looks up from her phone, watching him slightly bob his head to beat of the song, booming over the speakers.
Her nose finally burning from the stench of alcohol, she decides to leave. Moving forward, she puts her hand on Akaashi's thigh to steady herself as she looks into the kitchen, in search of her friend.
She shouts over the music.
Turning, her friend gives her a look of question. Signaling she's leaving, her friend gives her an enthusiastic wave goodbye before returning to her previous conversation.
Yn gives Akaashi a light squeeze on the thigh and a smile before getting up.
“You're leaving?” Yn nods. “I can walk you. If you want.” Akaashi grumbles causing her to squint her eyes and lean forward to hear him as he repeats his offer. She pushes her braids behind her ear, nodding a yes.
“You do live on Campus, or do I need to get my car?”
“I live on Campus.” She confirms. “You?”
“I live in an apartment, near the cafe.”
“The one, 2 blocks from campus?”
She nods.
The click of her heels ring as she inhales. Staring up to see if maybe she could catch a glimpse of the stars in this heavily lit city. When once again, she sees nothing she looks forward. They walk in silence before Akaashi starts up a conversation again.
“The paper you wrote on the art history was really good.”
“Really? Didn't think anyone would read it. I worked my ass off for it.”
They continue talking about her thesis. It's the most she's ever heard him speak. She listens attentively, as he explains what he understood from her article. And what she needs to improve on.
Surprised that the escalator actually works in this decades old building they climb inside.
The ride up to the 5th floor is incredibly long for yn. The silence, deafening. She has nothing to focus on. Expect him. Not his calming voice but him. Standing close to him she can smell the light vanilla on his skin.
She looks up at him, eyes lowered to his lips. Only looking up at his eyes when he catches her gaze. She smiles and looks down at his fidgeting hand. Aching to touch hers.
She moves her fingers closer. Slowly. She flinches once hears the escalator's bell ring.
“You, okay?"
“Yeah, just caught up in thought." They make their way down the wall. The silence continues. Stopping by her door. They both pause. Say something.
“Well, this is me.”
“Yeah." She pulls out her key, finally unlocking the door.
“Guess I better go." He smiles. Turning he makes his back way to the escalator.
“You could come in... if you'd like." She offers biting her lip. As he faces her, she sees his eyes widen. His eyes glimmer in the dark passage, under the flickering light, as he makes his way back to her.
“You don't have a roommate?"
“Yeah. They moved out a few days into the semester, haven't gotten anyone since.”
“Why?” He questions. Her faces dulls and her body tenses. “I'm sorry."
She nods. “It doesn't bother me as much anymore. It's just- I don't know.” She jumps on her bed as he settles next to her.
His eyes dart from her figure to her eyes to her lips. He had always found her beautiful. Her presence during a match would slightly distract him. He grew quite fond of her. Her always glossed lips. Her slim waist. Her glowing skin. He breathes.
She impatiently shifts closer intertwining her hand with his.
They lock eyes. Inching ever so closely. “May I kiss you?”
That's how it started. With such a simple question. From such gentle kisses. Light pecks and his hands wrapped around her waist.
To her gagging around his cock. At the edge of her bed, he sat with Yn between his legs.
She took his whole cock in her mouth. Stroking the base of his cock, she watches as he runs his fingers through his hair. Rolling his head back as she licks the tip.
“Fuck, yn. R-right there. Good girl.” He caressed her brown cheek as she coated his cock. She squeezed her thighs together, humming. “S-such a good girl.” He praises bucking into her hand.
“I really want to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.” He confesses. He reaches for her braids but stops. “Can I, please?” She nods. He tugs at her hair. “It doesn't hurt, does it?"
“No. Just don't tug at it too hard." He nods as slowly thrusts into her mouth. Groaning as he picks up pace. He thrusts slow and deep. Making her gag against cock. “Just like that.” He grumbles. “Fuck, you look soo good, yn.”
Hastily he pulls out. Pumping his cock, he cums on her. He moans watching as his cum drips down her chest. “My good girl~”
Helping her up, he lays her on the bed. Climbs above her placing his throbbing cock on her pussy. “Uhmm, you're so fucking wet." He grinds his cock against her.
“Look at you. So, fucking beautiful.” He gropes her tits. He shoves his cock into her leaking cunt, sucking on her cum stained dark pecks.
She mewls. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck”
“You're doing so good, baby.” He rubs her clit. He goes faster loving the way her tits bounce with his thrusts.
“Do you want to cum, darling?” He whimpers. She desperately nods as he leans in to fuck faster into her. She kisses his neck. Sucking, biting, kissing. It feels so good. Feeling her tighten around his cock. He slows down. Replacing his rapid thrusts with slow deep ones.
He rubs her clit as she cums. “Ah. Look at me, darling. Look at me.” He watches her dazed brown eyes as she reaches her high, clawing at his arm.
“Can you cum one more time for me, baby?”
She nods settling on his face. He holds tightly at her thick thighs as she lowers herself. Cautious not to suffocate him. “I'm too-”
“Please,” he pleads, “please just sit on my face.” She grabs hold of the headboard grinding onto Akaashi's tongue. “Fuck, you taste good.” She moans as she feels his tongue between her folds. Sinking her nails into the headboard as he continues his assault on her cunt.
She has lost count of how many times she came in his mouth. She really tried holding herself up, she did. But yn, she just couldn't.
Her thighs were shaking as another painfully delicious orgasm tore through her. She felt like collapsing, waiting for his pleas to echo once more. “You're doing so good for me, darling. Just one more, okay? Just one more.”
His grip on her thighs loosens and she manages to climb off him.
His face is a mess.
His mouth is drenched with her cum. He takes sharp breathes. “That felt so good. You taste so good." He props himself up with his elbow. “Please, darling. Just one more."
She's too tired. She can't even bother to widen her eyes in shock. She simply whines. Taking her hand, he moves it towards his cock. His throbbing cock. A pool of precum gushing out of it.
She holds the base of his cock, watching him desperately buck his hips into her hand. “I’ll make you feel so good. You don't have do anything. You just lay there while I fuck you and you cum again, and again, and again. You're fucking beautiful when you cum, darling.” He pushes her braids behind her ear. “I just-” He groans as yn rubs her thumb across the tip. She nods.
She really wants to. She does, but— “Can we take a break?” He nods giving her a peck on the cheek before sliding off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom and returning with wet cloths. Gently pressing it on her skin.
She traces his bicep as he attentively watches her as she catches her breath.
“I'm ready.”
“You sure?”
She hums.
“I'm gonna be a little rough, is that okay?”
Yes, it was okay. It was okay. In fact, it more than okay, as he fucked her from behind. Repeated, rapid backshots. Her voice hoarse as she moans in pleasure. He fucked her against the headboard. It hit the wall as his thrusts tore into her cunt.
“That's it, good girl.” He praised as she laid in front of him. Ass up, face down. Whimpers escape her as he slides his cock in and out her folds. Her sheets firmly between her hands. She couldn't even feel her orgasm coming as she squirted on his pelvis.
Propped up on her desk he fucks her. His arm around her chest and stomach to hold her up. All she could do is bite and suck on any available skin of his.
“I'm gonna cum.” He gasps. “Please, cum inside." She steadies herself against the desk. His thrusts become erratic as he fills her up.
“Fuck,” he pulls out watching the cum drip down her legs. Groaning as he squeezes her hips.
“Just one more.” He begs, placing small kisses along her shoulder.
“Akaashi," she whines.
“I promise this time I mean it. Just one more. Please.”
He watches as she sinks down on his cock. Holds her close as she rides him. “Just do whatever makes you feel good.” She nods. Placing her head on his shoulder she whimpers in his ear. “Right there.”
He starts grinding up into her. “Does that feel good?” She captures her lower lip.
“Argh~” she moans quickening her pace as she cums. She rests his head on his shoulder as he continues grinding into her. Grinding turns into full on thrusts as she bites down on his shoulder.
He couldn't resist fucking his cum into her. “Y-you feel s-so good.” He hiccups as he cums.
“Such a good girl. You did so good for me, baby." He whispers repeating the motions of before.
He wakes to his phone ringing. He doesn't bother searching for it. He simply gets up and makes his way to the bathroom careful not wake yn.
At first glance in mirror, he admires the marks yn left on him. His cock twitching as turns and sees the redness as a result of her digging her nails into his back.
He slips on his clothes and jogs to the drugstore. Ignoring the cashier's knowing smirk, he pays for the contraceptive.
When he returns, he finds her still asleep. Sitting next to her, he gently rubs her back waking her.
“Morning,” He coos.
“Hey. What time is it?” Her voice raspy.
“About 7am.”
“Fuck! I need to go-”
“I already got it.” He places it on the nightstand alongside a glass of water.
“I need to go. I'll see you tonight?”
“Your place.” He nods shutting her bedroom door.
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bts-spnlvr12 · 1 year
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Coming back from War
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x F!Reader
Summary: Levi returns back from the raid in Liberio, he seems tense and is missing you a lot, what occurs when he gets home brings you two a lot closer, not knowing what will happen in the future...
~Warnings: Swearing, smut & fluff, hurt/comfort, male and female body parts mentioned, P in V, fingering and finger sucking, oral (reader receiving), mentions of having children, so in other words...~
~Minors 18+ DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS POST!! Doing so will result in a blocking of your account!~
You were in the living room, relaxing on the couch while reading a book, the house was feeling a little empty as you were waiting for a special someone to return home...
You knew things were getting tense between Paradis and the enemies across the sea, Hange and Levi were going through the letters Eren has apparently sending over, planning an attack on a town named Liberio...
You were sitting on the bed in your shared bedroom with Levi, who was getting suited up in the new gear the Scouts funded...
He looked so damn good in the gear you wish you could've taken him right then and there, but you knew it wasn't possible right now...
You follow him towards his horse, he turns around and holds your hand, "I'll come back soon, darling. Hopefully, this raid to get Eren out of there won't take long.."
"I'll miss you, love. Come back safely..." He mounts on his horse, and leans down, you meet him halfway and kiss one another a few times before he has to head to the port, the last kiss lasting a few seconds longer...
Flashback ends...~
You heard the door handle shake, you look up to see your husband walk inside looking tired and tense, you shut your book and stand up and walk over to him, taking off his cape slowly...
He looks up at you, almost a sad expression in his eyes, "We lost-..We lost Sasha, some stupid kid used a soldier's gear to get onto the airship, and shot her in the stomach, we lost a bunch of soldiers in the raid to..."
You had tears rolling down your face, you and Sasha were good friends, to hear that she was killed in the process of leaving, it made your heart sink to your stomach, you hug him tightly and you both just stood there for a while, letting out your emotions. Levi rarely showed emotions but when he did, he did it quietly...
Although you could feel tears running down from his face and onto your shoulder, after a good 5 minutes you wipe your tears along with his, you look deep into his steel grey eyes, and noticed a loving look in his eyes...
You smile softly, "Your safe, you're finally home for a while, let's get you out of this gear, you need to relax a while..." He nods and you take his hand and lead him to your shared room, he started to take off all of the straps which you help him with some of the bigger pieces...
You help him slip out of the main body piece, to see his well sculpted torso, his abs curl as he pulls the legs of the suit off, leaving him in a pair of boxers, you change into a nightgown while he does so...
You sit on the bed and pull him towards you, he stands in between your legs and kisses you, "God, I missed you so fucking much, you have no idea how much I wanted to come home to you..." He lays down on the bed and pulls you close to him, chest to chest, giving each other kisses...
He deepened the kiss which caused you to moan softly and your breathing to get heavier, "I missed you too baby, I'm sorry for all that happened..." He shakes his head, "It'll be discussed in the meeting tomorrow, right now, I just want to be with you at the moment, I want to give you all of my love and attention..."
You smile, "I'm all yours baby.." You both chuckle then start kissing one another again, him rolling on top of you and started a battle for dominance using tongue...
"Stand up baby, let me take care of you..." You both shift so that your standing up and that he's standing in front of you, he removes your gown while kissing up your body, he starts to suck on your breasts and leave little love bites all over them...
He pushes you down on the bed gently to where your legs are hanging over the edge, "Spread your legs darling, let me taste you..." He pulls you closer so that your knees are over his shoulders, which leads to him leaving light kisses on the inner part of your thigh which slowly gets closer to your pussy...
Your breathing gets even heavier as you watch him kitten lick at your clit, then dive straight into your core and starts thrusting his tongue through your entrance, causing you to moan loudly whenever he'd moan and groan as he ate you out like a starved man..
He'd suck on your clit once every few minutes, then would go back to licking, kissing and sucking on your core which made you squirm with so much pleasure, he then pulled back and looked up at you with hooded eyes with your juices all over his nose and mouth, "Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers, darling?" You nod as he slowly places his index and middle finger in your mouth, indicating that he wants you to suck on them...
He pulls them out with a slight pop then circles your entrance and eventually pushing them inside, making you arch your back off the bed, he sucks on your clit while finger you, "Does that feel good baby? You like it when I'm eating you out and fucking your pussy with my fingers?" You nod as he comes up to kiss you as he continues to do his work...
You feel yourself start to clench around his fingers, "L-Levi I-I'm close, can I cum?" He moves his face down towards your pussy and starts sucking on your clit and fucking that spot which he knows you lose your mind every time he rubs against it, "R-right there!" He goes even faster using his mouth and fingers, "Cum for me baby, cum all over my face..."
This made you squirt all over his face, he drinks it all up not missing a single drop, he comes up to see you with a post-orgasmic look on your face and kisses you passionately, "You always taste amazing darling, always so sweet..." You smile softly and kiss him again...
You adjust yourself on the bed to where your head is propped up against the pillows as he kneels in between your legs, still kissing you as he removes his boxers and teases his cock before running the tip through your folds, "Are you ready baby? Once I start I don't think I'll be able to stop for a while..." You smirk softly, "I'm ready baby, give me all of you..."
He smiles and kisses you deeply as he pushes his cock inside your walls, making you both moan at the feeling of one another, he starts to thrust into you at a slow pace, whispering 'I love you' and that your his and he's yours in each others ears, his thrusts start to get faster every minute, causing your back to arch once again...
"God I missed you, I missed this, everything that we did..." He starts, "So forgive me if I want to go for a while..." You hold his hand, "I'm all yours baby, I don't mind it at all, plus trust me.." You whisper in his ear, "I like the feeling of your cock inside of me, fucking me whether it be hard or soft, I love you baby, I always will no matter what." He lifts your hand and kisses your palm...
He fucks into you harder, moans of name and cries of pleasure fill space as time passes by, after some time his thrusts become erratic as you start clenching around him again, "Fuck, I can tell your close Levi, you want to cum inside me? Fill me up with your warm cum?"
"Please? I want to fill your pussy up, maybe have my babies? You'd be such a good mom..." You look at him in shock, this was the first time he ever brought this up. You wanted to start a family with this man in the future, you just couldn't decide when to tell him and when the right time would be to start a family...
He stops his movements, "I-I'm sorry, I just...just a spur of the moment thought, if you don't want to have a kid then that fine, we can disc-..." You shut him up with a kiss, he returns the kiss and looks into your eyes, "I've had the idea as well, I just could never find the right time to say it or when the right time would be to start..." He looks shocked whenever you say that...
"Well, if you'd like...we could start now?" He suggests, you smile widely then kiss his cheek, "I'd love to try baby, if you're ready then I am as well." He smiles and kisses you passionately as he lifts your hips to place a pillow under them, and starts to thrust into you again, this time more passionate then earlier...
You wraps your legs around his waist and runs your hands and nails down his back, moans spilling out of your mouth as he goes faster and kisses your neck and down your chest, while letting out a guttural moan as he fucks you harder and faster...
You feel his thrust getting erratic once again, "I'm c-close baby, let me fill you up in this beautiful pussy of yours..." He looks deeply into your eyes as he rubs your clit with his fingers, "Fuck, Levi. Don't stop please..." "I don't plan on doing so, I won't stop until your leaking my cum from your pussy..."
You clench around his cock, "C-Cumming! Levi--AH!" You reach your high and he fucks your through your high until he reaches his high a few seconds after yours...
He pauses his movements again as you both come down from your highs, he slowly pulls out and lays beside you, and pulls you close and off the pillow and kisses you deeply with so much love, which you return with a smile...
He rubs your back as you trace shapes on his chest, "I'm glad we're starting our journey to parenthood, we'll have a little Levi or a little Y/n running around eventually, you'll be the best mom they'll have..." "And you will be the best dad they'll have, it'll be exciting!" You whisper with such excitement, which causes him to giggle and kiss you once again...
"Well, I can say that we're not done yet baby, you'll have to beg me to stop filling you over and over again..." He says with a smirk, causing you to giggle as he rolls over you again kissing you...
~Long story short...you didn't get very much sleep that night iykyk...~
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I really dislike how Rick wrote Aphrodite and her cabin, they have so much potential in battle but Rick barely ever uses it. They’re usually just portrayed as shallow and vain unless the narrative calls for one of them not to be like Piper and Silena
The really big problem with the Aphrodite cabin, in my opinion, is that Rick is more a "tell" author than a "show" author.
He tells the reader what there opinion is supposed to be. He tells the reader who a character is instead of showing it through their actions. This isn't inherently bad, especially in a book written for a young audience. However, this becomes really problematic when the PoV character says something negative about someone or some group of people. Especially when that group or person is rarely featured in the actual narrative.
Percy and Annabeth frequently make disparaging remarks about the Aphrodite cabin and they never explain why. If you're inclined to think the best of people until given a reason not to this is going to be irritating. It irritated me. And it becomes more irritating when we are given reason to believe the things we are being told are untrue.
The only character we know anything about from the Aphrodite cabin is Silena (in the original series), so let's take a look at what we know about her.
Silena is beautiful.
Silena cares for the camp's Pegasii. (She is the one who teaches Percy how to ride them.)
Silena has some knowledge of magic. (Comes up when Morpheus puts New York to sleep.)
Silena does not hide her emotions. (Grief, anger, joy, she is shown to express all of them freely.)
Silena loves Charles Beckendorf. (She gives Kronos information about Camp after being told doing so would protect him among others.)
Silena gives relationship advice. (To Clarisse specifically, to Annabeth though it's only implied.)
Silena has pink armor.
Silena does not get along with the Hunter's of Artemis. (One of the few times she is eager to participate in capture the flag.)
Silena can charmspeak. (Stated in HoO. Never shown to use it.)
Silena does not like the tradition of breaking the heart of your first love. (Stated in TLH)
What conclusions can we draw about Silena from these details?
Silena cares about others, or at least about their relationships. Her reluctance to break hearts and her dislike of the Hunter's suggests she loves love. :) She cares for animals, or at least Pegasii. The pink armor suggests she has a very specific style and is likely interested in fashion. She cares most about people's survival and, unfortunately, this causes her to be easily mislead.
We are told multiple times in the first series that the Aphrodite cabin cares only about their looks, valuing them above their combat skills. The implication is that they care about their looks more than they do about protecting their camp or even their lives. But nothing about Silena's behavior suggests this is true.
She does care about her looks, but not above protecting others. Helping others in fact seems to be one of her primary motivations. She does not seem to typically enjoy capture the flag, but I don't think someone who doesn't value combat or understand it's necessity would go through the trouble of customizing their entire armor set. Her knowledge of magic suggests she has some experience fighting against magic users or has spent time studying or practicing magic as well.
We are told the Aphrodite cabin is weak, but never given cause to believe it. We are told they are vain, but never shown this to be true either. We could assume that Percy and Annabeth's negative opinions are just that, assumptions based on hersey and rumor. Except that we are almost never given any reason to doubt either Percy or Annabeth's opinions unless their beliefs are in direct opposition to each other. Instead we are left feeling frustrated and confused because the information we are given doesn't match up with what actually happens. It's really stupid.
There's so much more to say about this topic, but I'll leave it there (for now). Needless to say, I agree.
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