nyx-tella · 21 days
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fantasy dr ideas
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date: may 6, 2024
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crafting spells in the form of tea
A shop in the middle of the lilac glades has been the talk of the town lately.
Tea in exchange for a story, but tips are always welcome.
People who seek out the tea alchemist aren't your average person, hell, they may not even be a person.
An elf with slack ears walks into the teahouse. His forearms are the color of ink-- color closes in around his elbows. The gauzy warm lanterns casts a hazy glow on his otherwise deep copper skin.
He unsheathes a small paper crane from his pocket and blows the folded bird off his palm.
The crane lands in a shallow bowl filled with water. The ink remains unblemished.
Ah, another request.
oki synopsis over, let's get into what the dr is all about in detail.
You are the tea sommelier in question, and you own a tea shop known for its unique and complex spells. To maintain your mystery, I'd suggest moving around different kingdoms once a month. This nomadic lifestyle would encourage you to explore the world and get a feel of each region's society.
As for the spells, you can craft anything from forgotten memories to a guide to an ancient ruin with a cup of tea.
Making each cup of tea isn't simple. You'll need to research what kinds of things you need to add to the brew, the kind of technique you need to use to make the tea, what kind of teapot and teacup you need to serve it in, and what kinds of spells should you cast on the tea.
In exchange, ask for a story. Remember that not everyone should have their request fulfilled, as some conflict with another or they would ruin the balance of fate. I'm sure that your customers would leave you with generous tips, but it may not always be in the form of money.
The kinds of beings that would visit your teahouse are people that have a mysterious agenda or a certain kind of desperation.
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magic tea idea inspired by A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I. Lin, I haven't read it yet tho! I'm currently trying to find the time to read Novice Dragoneer by E.E. Knight (def not for scenario ideas for aethergarde).
also if anyone has any dragon rider book reccs besides for fireborne and fourth wing, plz let me know T-T
i feel like this dr is a lot of work, even I don't know how I'd fare in this DR... 😭😭 I really recommend scripting 1200 buffs if you're planning to shift here
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nyx-tella · 1 month
The Importance of Spiritual Hygiene in Reality Shifting.
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Introduction :
Reality shifting, the practice of consciously transferring one's awareness to an alternate reality or desired reality, has gained significant attention in recent years. As more individuals explore this metaphysical concept, the importance of spiritual hygiene represents a crucial factor in order to shift succesfully. This essay delves into the often overlooked aspect of maintaining spiritual cleanliness and its profound impact on a shifters journey.
Just as we maintain physical hygiene for our bodily health, spiritual hygiene is essential for our energetic and mental well-being, particularly when engaging in practices that involve altering our state of consciousness. By examining the foundations of spiritual hygiene, exploring effective practices, and understanding the consequences of neglecting this vital aspect, we can make our shifting journey smoother and easier.
In the following sections, we will explore the intricate relationship between spiritual hygiene and reality shifting, providing insights and practical guidance for those seeking to optimize their shifting journey.
Disclaimer : Read Post entirely if you didnt understand something tell me and i'l clarify it for you.
I. Foundations of Spiritual Hygiene in Reality Shifting
A. Defining spiritual hygiene
Spiritual hygiene, in the context of reality shifting, refers to the practice of maintaining a clean, balanced, and harmonious energetic state of being. It encompasses various techniques and habits that aim to purify one's spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies/states. Just as physical hygiene involves cleansing and caring for our physical bodies, spiritual hygiene focuses on cleansing and nurturing our non-physical aspects.
At its core, spiritual hygiene is about cultivating a state of inner clarity, positivity, and alignment with one's higher self. This involves:
Energetic cleansing: Regularly clearing one's aura/energy/chakras of negative and stagnant energies that may accumulate from daily interactions, stress, or environmental factors.
Mental clarity: Maintaining a clear and focused mind, free from excessive worry, doubt, or negative thought patterns.
Emotional balance: Processing and releasing emotions in a healthy manner, avoiding emotional stagnation or overwhelming states.
Intentional living: Aligning one's thoughts, actions, and intentions with their highest values and spiritual goals.
Spiritual connection: Nurturing a connection with one's inner guidance, higher self, or preferred spiritual entities.
Energetic boundaries: Establishing and maintaining healthy energetic boundaries to protect oneself from external negative influences.
Vibrational upliftment: Consistently raising one's vibrational frequency through positive practices, thoughts, and experiences.
In the context of reality shifting, spiritual hygiene takes on additional significance as it directly influences one's ability to navigate between different states of consciousness and therefore realities.
B. Connection between spiritual cleanliness and successful shifting
The practice of reality shifting requires a high degree of mental focus, emotional stability, and energetic alignment. Spiritual hygiene plays a crucial role in facilitating these conditions, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful shifting attempts. The connection between spiritual cleanliness and successful shifting can be understood through several key aspects:
Vibrational alignment: Reality shifting often involves attuning oneself to the vibrational frequency of your desired reality. A spiritually clean state allows for easier alignment with higher vibrational frequencies, making it more feasible to connect with and shift to your intended/desired reality.
Mental clarity and focus: A cluttered or chaotic mind can hinder the concentration required for shifting. Regular spiritual hygiene practices help clear mental fog, reduce intrusive thoughts, and enhance the ability to visualize and focus on the desired reality.
Emotional stability: Intense or unprocessed emotions can create energetic blockages that interfere with shifting attempts. Maintaining emotional balance through spiritual hygiene practices allows for a more stable and conducive state for shifting.
Energetic purity: A clean energy field is more receptive to the subtle energies involved in reality shifting. It allows for clearer channeling of intentions and easier detachment from the current reality.
Spiritual protection: Good spiritual hygiene includes practices that protect one's energy field. This is crucial during shifting attempts, as it helps prevent interference from unwanted energies habits and so on...
Intuition and guidance: A spiritually clean state enhances one's connection to inner guidance and intuition. This can be invaluable during shifting, helping navigate the process and make decisions aligned with one's highest good.
Belief and intention amplification: Spiritual hygiene practices often involve affirmations, visualizations, and intention-setting. These reinforce the belief in one's ability to shift and amplify the power of intentions, both critical factors in successful shifts.
Energetic flexibility: Regular spiritual cleansing increases one's energetic flexibility, making it easier to adapt to the vibrations of different realities and facilitating smoother transitions during shifting attempts.
Subconscious alignment: Many spiritual hygiene practices work on a subconscious level, helping to align deeper parts of the psyche with the conscious desire to shift. This internal harmony can significantly enhance shifting success.
Resilience and perseverance: The discipline cultivated through consistent spiritual hygiene practices builds mental and emotional resilience. This is crucial for persevering through challenges or initial unsuccessful attempts in your reality shifting journey.It can help you fights against negatives habits ,thoughts and allow you to break through and not to give up.
In essence, spiritual hygiene creates an optimal internal environment for reality shifting. It clears obstacles, enhances necessary skills, and aligns one's entire being with the goal of shifting. By maintaining a high standard of spiritual cleanliness, practitioners of reality shifting can significantly increase their chances of success, enjoy more vivid and controlled experiences, and navigate the process with greater ease and safety.
Moreover, the benefits of spiritual hygiene extend beyond just facilitating successful shifts. It also helps in integrating shifting experiences, processing the insights gained from different realities, and maintaining overall well-being throughout one's shifting journey. As such, spiritual hygiene should be considered a fundamental and ongoing practice for anyone seriously engaged in reality shifting.
For exemple this is what happened in 2020. Rememeber when people told you to drink water clean your room take a shower etc... That was exemples of spiritual Hygiene .Theres tons of ways to do it but those where somme common exemples that people did you didnt have to follow them by the letters but it helped a lot of people.
II. Practices for Maintaining Spiritual Hygiene
A. Cleansing rituals and techniques
Maintaining spiritual hygiene requires regular cleansing practices to remove energetic debris, reset one's vibration, and create a clean slate for reality shifting. Here are some effective cleansing rituals and techniques:
Smudging: This ancient practice involves burning sacred herbs like sage , palo santo (White Sage and Palo Santo are cultural appropriation), or cedar to cleanse spaces and auras. The smoke is believed to attach to negative energies and carry them away as it dissipates.
Salt baths: Soaking in a bath with sea salt or Epsom salt can draw out and absorb negative energies and toxins from the body and aura. Adding essential oils can enhance the cleansing effect.
Visualization meditation: Imagine a bright white or golden light flowing through your body, cleansing every cell and your entire energy field. Visualize negative energies being washed away or transmuted into positive light.
Sound cleansing: Use singing bowls, bells, or specific frequencies (like 528 Hz) to cleanse your energy field. The vibrations help break up stagnant energies and realign your personal frequency.
Breathwork: Practices like holotropic breathwork can help clear energetic blockages and oxygenate the body, promoting a sense of lightness and clarity.
Crystal cleansing: Use crystals like clear quartz or black tourmaline to absorb negative energies. Pass them through your aura or place them on specific body parts to draw out unwanted energies.
Energy combing: Visualize or use your hands to "comb" through your aura, removing any stuck or tangled energies.
Grounding exercises: Connect with the earth's energy through barefoot walking, hugging trees, or visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.This will help you ground yourself which is key to prevent spiritual psychosis.
Chakra balancing: Focus on each chakra, visualizing it spinning cleanly and brightly, removing any blockages or imbalances.
Journaling and emotional release: Write out negative thoughts or emotions to acknowledge and release them from your energetic system.
Shadow Work : Arguably the best method of spiritual hygiene out there it invovles digging deep inside yourself in order to incover part of yourself that may cause issues or explain why you act the way that you act.If there is a question you feel like it makes you feel weird or that you are trying to dodge it that means that it is where you should dig.
B. Ongoing maintenance of spiritual purity
While periodic deep cleansing is important, maintaining spiritual hygiene requires consistent daily practices. Here are some techniques for ongoing maintenance:
Morning and evening rituals: Develop a routine that includes practices like meditation, affirmations, or energy clearing to start and end each day with a clean slate.
Mindfulness practice: Stay aware of your thoughts and emotions throughout the day, addressing any negativity promptly to prevent energetic buildup.
Energy shielding: Visualize a protective bubble or shield around your aura each morning to deflect negative energies throughout the day.
Regular meditation: Incorporate daily meditation to quiet the mind, release stress, and maintain a high vibrational state.
Gratitude practice: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude through journaling or mental acknowledgment, which naturally elevates your spiritual vibration.
Nature connection: Spend time in nature regularly to reset your energy and align with the earth's natural rhythms.
Healthy lifestyle choices: Maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to support overall energetic health.
Conscious consumption: Be mindful of the media, conversations, and environments you expose yourself to, avoiding those that lower your vibration.
Regular energy checks: Perform quick energy scans throughout the day, clearing any accumulated negativity.
Affirmations and positive self-talk: Use affirmations to maintain a positive mindset and high vibration.
Spiritual study: Engage in regular reading or learning about spiritual topics to keep your practice fresh and evolving.
Decluttering: Regularly clear your physical space, as this often corresponds to energetic clearing.
Sacred space maintenance: Keep a dedicated area for spiritual practices, regularly cleansing and energizing this space.
Intention setting: Start each day or week by setting clear, positive intentions for your spiritual hygiene and shifting practices.
Prayer : Prayer can be a form of spiritual hygiene where you pray and visualise or accept that whoever you pray to will grant you what you asked for.
Self Care: "As within,So without . As without So Within" this saying states whatever action taken in the physical or the spiritual will reflect on the other side.So taking care of yourself physically will also help you mentally. I know it is easier said then done but just trying even a litlle bit is enough and can help you tremendously. Things like brushing your teeth,doing skin care lisenting to music that makes you feel good is beneficial.
By incorporating these cleansing rituals and maintenance practices into daily life, reality shifters can create and sustain an optimal energetic environment for their shifting attempts. This consistent attention to spiritual hygiene not only enhances the shifting experience but also contributes to overall well-being, clarity of mind, and spiritual growth. Remember, the key to effective spiritual hygiene is consistency and personalization – finding the practices that resonate most strongly with you and making them a regular part of your routine.
III. Consequences of Poor or Absent Spiritual Hygiene
A. Negative impacts on shifting attempts
Neglecting spiritual hygiene can significantly hinder reality shifting efforts and lead to various undesirable outcomes:
Difficulty in shifting: A cluttered energy field can create barriers to successfully transitioning between realities, making it harder to initiate or maintain a shift (as in grounding yourself in your DR).
Inconsistent or unstable shifts: Poor spiritual hygiene may result in shifts that are brief, unclear, or difficult to control, leading to fragmented or unsatisfying experiences.
Unintended destinations: Without proper energetic alignment, shifters might find themselves in realities that don't match their intentions, potentially leading to confusion or distress.
Increased vulnerability to intrusive thoughts: A lack of mental clarity can amplify doubts, fears, and negative thoughts during shifting attempts, sabotaging the process.
Energetic interference: An unprotected or "dirty" energy field may attract or allow interference from unwanted energies or "entities" (the whole entity thing cannot happen but some shifters claimed it to be so but you quickly realize that it is all in their head and they start going into spiritual psychosis) during shifting, potentially leading to disruptive or even frightening experiences.
Difficulty in maintaining focus: Poor spiritual hygiene can result in a scattered mind, making it challenging to concentrate on shifting intentions or visualizations.
Emotional instability during shifts: Unprocessed emotions or energetic imbalances may surface during shifting attempts, causing emotional turbulence that disrupts the experience.
Difficulty in returning or grounding: Poor spiritual hygiene may complicate the process of returning to the original reality or grounding oneself after a shift.
Increased skepticism and self-doubt: Repeated unsuccessful or unsatisfying shifting attempts due to poor spiritual hygiene may erode confidence in one's ability to shift, creating a negative feedback loop that could cause a snowball effect and scar you for life.
B. Potential risks to personal well-being and energy
Beyond impacting shifting attempts, neglecting spiritual hygiene can have broader consequences for one's overall well-being:
Energy depletion: Constant exposure to negative energies without proper cleansing can lead to chronic fatigue, low motivation, and a general sense of being drained.
Increased susceptibility to negative influences: A weakened energy field may make one more vulnerable to picking up others' negative emotions or thought patterns.
Emotional imbalance: Poor spiritual hygiene can result in mood swings, irritability, or persistent negative emotional states.
Mental fog and confusion: Accumulation of energetic debris can lead to difficulty in concentration, decision-making, and clarity of thought.
Physical manifestations: Prolonged energetic imbalances may eventually manifest as physical discomfort or health issues.
Spiritual disconnection: Neglecting spiritual hygiene can lead to a sense of disconnection from one's higher self, intuition, or spiritual guidance.
Relationship strain: An imbalanced energy field can negatively impact interactions with others, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts.
Increased anxiety or paranoia: Poor energetic boundaries may result in feeling overwhelmed by external energies, leading to heightened anxiety or paranoid thoughts.
Stagnation in personal growth: Neglecting spiritual practices can hinder overall spiritual development and self-awareness.
Negative thought spirals: Without proper cleansing and maintenance, negative thought patterns can become entrenched, leading to a pessimistic outlook on life.
Blocked intuition: An unclear energy field can muffle intuitive signals, making it harder to make decisions aligned with one's highest good.
Increased sensitivity to environmental stressors: Poor spiritual hygiene can make one more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic fields, crowd energies, or other environmental factors.
Difficulty in manifesting desires: Since reality shifting is closely related to manifestation, poor spiritual hygiene can obstruct one's ability to attract positive experiences or outcomes in any reality.
Karmic accumulation: Some believe that neglecting spiritual cleanliness can lead to the accumulation of negative karma, potentially affecting future experiences across realities.
Loss of energetic discernment: Without regular cleansing and maintenance, it may become increasingly difficult to distinguish between one's own energies and external influences.
In addition to the previously mentioned risks, it's crucial to highlight more severe consequences that have affected some shifters who neglected spiritual hygiene:
Mental health misinterpretations: Many individuals who attempted shifting without proper spiritual hygiene have experienced mental distress, leading them to mistakenly attribute these issues to shifting itself. This has resulted in some believing they developed psychosis or other mental health conditions, when in fact, these were consequences of poor energetic maintenance.
Physical and mental scars: Neglecting spiritual hygiene has left some shifters with lasting mental and physical scars. These may manifest as persistent anxiety, unexplained physical sensations, or a lingering sense of disconnection from their original reality.
Loss of faith in shifting: Due to negative experiences stemming from poor spiritual hygiene, some practitioners have erroneously concluded that shifting is "fake" or dangerous, abandoning the practice altogether.
Energetic attachments: Some shifters have reported feeling like they've brought back unwanted energetic attachments or entities from other realities, leading to persistent feelings of being watched or influenced by external forces.
Reality bleed-through: Poor boundaries between realities, caused by inadequate spiritual hygiene, have led to some shifters experiencing unsettling "bleed-through" effects, where elements of other realities intrude into their daily life.(These are nothing more than extreamly vivid hallucinations and at this point please seek help this is not normal at all).
Difficulty in maintaining a stable sense of self: Some practitioners have struggled with identity issues after shifting, finding it hard to reconcile their experiences across different realities. This is often exacerbated by poor spiritual hygiene practices.
Chronic fatigue and energy depletion: Many shifters have reported feeling constantly drained, unable to shake off fatigue even with adequate physical rest, due to energetic imbalances.(and again you are not suppoised to feel exhausted or tired when you shift back to your CR/OR considering that it is not that version of you who did all those things but your DR self not your OR self by logic it shoudnt and cannot happen)
Increased sensitivity to negative energies: Some individuals have developed hypersensitivity to energies around them, finding it overwhelming to be in crowded places or around certain individuals.
Nightmares and sleep disturbances: Poor spiritual hygiene has led to some shifters experiencing persistent nightmares or feeling like they're involuntarily shifting during sleep, disrupting their rest and daily functioning.
Difficulty in grounding: Some practitioners have found it challenging to fully "return" to their CR (current reality) or feel grounded in daily life, leading to a persistent feeling of dissociation.
It's important to emphasize that these negative experiences are not inherent to the practice of reality shifting itself, but rather consequences of neglecting proper spiritual hygiene. Shifting, being a spiritual practice, requires the same level of care and maintenance as any other spiritual or energetic work. Just as a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, maintaining spiritual hygiene is vital for a healthy shifting practice and overall well-being.
By understanding these potential risks and the importance of spiritual hygiene, practitioners can approach reality shifting more responsibly and safely. This awareness can help prevent negative experiences and misconceptions about shifting, allowing individuals to explore this practice in a balanced and beneficial manner.
If you do not beleive me do it yourself. As in do the research look at the articles testimonies and story time from "ex-shifters". You will soon realize that it all stems for a poor or non existant spiritual hygiene that's what fucked them up.Not Shifting, they shot themselves in the foot.
Conlcusion :
Reality shifting, a practice of consciously transferring awareness to alternate realities, relies heavily on proper spiritual hygiene. This concept encompasses techniques for maintaining energetic cleanliness and balance, which are crucial for successful shifting experiences and overall well-being.
Spiritual hygiene in shifting involves regular cleansing rituals, such as smudging, meditation, and energy work, as well as ongoing practices like mindfulness, grounding, and energy protection. These techniques create an optimal internal environment for shifting by clearing energetic debris, enhancing focus, and aligning one's vibration with desired realities.
Neglecting spiritual hygiene can lead to significant challenges, including difficulty in shifting, unstable experiences, and potential risks to mental and physical health. Some practitioners have mistakenly attributed negative effects of poor spiritual hygiene to shifting itself, leading to misconceptions about the practice. By understanding and prioritizing spiritual hygiene, shifters can enhance their experiences, prevent negative outcomes, and foster holistic well-being across all realities they encounter.
In essence, spiritual hygiene is not just a supplementary aspect of reality shifting, but a fundamental component that ensures safe, enriching, and transformative experiences. As the practice of reality shifting continues to evolve, emphasizing the importance of spiritual hygiene will be crucial in creating a responsible and rewarding approach to this profound spiritual journey.
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nyx-tella · 2 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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nyx-tella · 2 months
Fairy powers/abilities
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Flight: The ability to fly, usually with wings.
Magic: Fairies are often portrayed as having magical powers, including casting spells, manipulating nature, and creating illusions.
Invisibility: The ability to become invisible, usually through some magical means.
Shapeshifting: The ability to take on the form or characteristics of other creatures, often done through magic.
Telekinesis: The ability to move or manipulate objects with the power of the mind, often attributed to fairies.
Summoning: The ability to summon creatures, such as animals or elements, through magic.
Glamour: The ability to create illusions or charms, often used to deceive and manipulate humans.
Healing: The ability to heal wounds and illnesses, often done through herbs and magic.
Telepathy: The ability to communicate with other beings through the power of the mind, often used to communicate with other fairies.
Nature Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate the natural world, often associated with forest fairies.
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nyx-tella · 2 months
111 Things to Script For Your Desired Reality!
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I love looking through those ‘things to script’ lists!
Sooo I compiled 111 of my favorites, both from my own scripts and from a few misc. posts I’ve seen! Enjoy! <3
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(They’re also split by category, with 20 ideas in each of them! Categories include: Appearance/Body, Abilities, Social, Tech-Related, Safety, and Misc..)
Keep reading
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nyx-tella · 2 months
SCRIPTING IDEAS! ─── significant other / love interest
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any relationships you're in are healthy and you're never pressured to do anything you don't want to.
your s/o is loyal, and will never cheat or consider cheating.
you and your s/o love each other equally.
your s/o has good hygiene.
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ice skating in the winter (if in a cold place).
dancing in the rain.
sending one another love letters and poems.
giving one another annotated books (bonus: annotations are things that remind them of you / remind you of them).
waking up at night and stargazing.
reading to one another until one of you falls asleep.
touching knees under a table but not moving your legs away.
waking up early to make breakfast for your s/o, and them hugging you from behind in the kitchen and planting kisses on your neck.
making flower crowns for your s/o in the summer and / or teaching them how to make flower crowns.
late night study dates in the library.
sharing an umbrella.
going to theaters, bookstores, and music shops together.
getting stuck at the top of a ferris wheel together.
long, random and deep conversations.
snowball fights that end with the both of you lying in the snow laughing together.
secretly holding hands under a table.
angsty love confessions in the rain.
borrowing (stealing) your s/o's clothing.
dressing up for halloween together.
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your s/o understands your emotions and knows how to comfort you.
your s/o shares many of your interests.
your s/o supports and respects you no matter what.
your s/o is honest with you.
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nyx-tella · 2 months
𑄻𑄾 𝓉𝘩𝘪𝓃𝑔𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝓈𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵/𝘮𝘢𝘯𝒾𝒻𝘦𝘴𝘵 ᵎᵎ˖ ࣪. 
special belongings edition
౨ৎ ᶻ 𐰁 ⟢ ݂
#01. sims editor. IMAGINE if you could go to a mirror and edit your features, literally reshaping your face and body⁉️ you can see what hair, makeup and clothes look like without having to actually do them. make people into your reality too, with their personality and everything
#02. bloxburg house editor. same concept but still so fun like you can delete, respawn, make walls, etc without having to wait months for people to build!!
#03. manifest book. a book where you can write down everything you want and it appears infront of you instead of doing boring affirmations??!
#04. a little fairy friend! you always have someone to talk to and they can do your homework, chores and cook for you!
#05. a serum that instantly heals or fixes imperfections like bruises, cuts, freckles, moles, texture, acne, etc.
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nyx-tella · 2 months
Hihihi I just wanted to ask how world tour work and if their stressful :33
Oooo ok this is a good one!
So tours are usually planned a few months in advance, some companies will do a year or 2 in advance but it depends on like the success of your groups and how big your fanbase is. The planning is done by your staff, managers, etc.
Touring can be so much fun honestly because you get to go to so many beautiful places and see so many cool stuff, my favorite part is getting to show my members around my home country and the places I’ve grown up. It’s also fun to introduce them to my family, have them try our foods and so much more things. Not all companies however have all countries in mind it’s usually just the ones they think are popular or care about but I script our tour stops usually so I don’t really run into this problem like I did when I was a baby shifter.
Usually your company will let you guys pick your set list, but they also will do a lot of them based on popularity of the songs. Like usually you will preform all title tracks that you have released since those are most popular but you and your members will also be able to pick the bsides and other songs for set lists. If you’re planning on having a solo stage then a lot of planning and practice goes into this before tour, and during sound check every set will be run through in order to avoid any mistakes.
All this aside, touring can also be very tiring. Especially if you are having a comeback near the end or middle because then dates become more closer and immediate/less spaced out?? (If that makes sense😭) in order for you guys to have time to go back to Korea for the comeback, if you have schedules then you will have your show and depending on when the schedule is you will usually be flown immediately to wherever said schedules is. (By schedules I mean events for brands and other shit like that). Some companies will give maybe a week or 2?? Cool down period before going to the next leg of the tour (like Asia, North America, South America, etc.) Some groups like twice for example does a complete different performance for each place they are going to so this means twice is practicing more than usual. Overall the most tiring part was traveling around often, going to the airport early in the morning, and very late practices.
For my personal experience for every tour I went on, we would sleep at hotels with the members sometimes it would be solo rooms or roommates (it would be really fun with roommates ngl), Concert outfits were entirely chosen by stylists but for solo stages we usually get a say in what we get to choose. My favorite moment of the concert was realizing that I was finally there. Everything just came to me naturally , all the training, practices, everything paid off to this very moment. It can still be stressful and pressuring but also very fun! But this was all my experiences so it might not be the same as yours.
Things I recommend you script: Tour edition
- you go to more places for tours (if shifting to a group where they don’t go many places)
- you always have the best outfits
- your solo stage!! Trust me this part is so fun fr
- no one ever has a wardrobe malfunction on stage
- there are never any technical difficulties (mics not working, sound issues, etc.)
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nyx-tella · 2 months
viral moments to script ﹒⊹⏖﹒
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releasing a small part of a song and it going extremely viral, even with locals asking "what song is this" but its not even released yet
a clip of you laughing at your phone became a viral meme (ning2 + winter inspired:)
doing the longest high note/fastest rap out of no where (do u get what i mean by this😭)
'overdressing' for an award show so a fan edits a photo of you to say "why am i the only one serving cvnt here😭😭" and it goes viral
accidentally breaking a trophy and going viral for your shocked face
going viral because a fan cried after seeing you, afterward the fan said "they where just so beautiful i cried"
a clip of you side eyeing the camera and giving it the stink eye going viral
going viral for changing beauty standards/idol industry
having an entire aesthetic based off you (wonyoung inspired, an icon <3)
saying "i am very stupid, but i am very happy" and it becomes a viral tiktok sound (omfg i forgot who this was inspired by)
going viral for being a huge fan of a singer/rapper and they ask to collab with you and yall make song of the year together🙈
"i would k1ll to meet (celebrity you like)... um, maybe not k1ll but a small crime for sure"
a video of you staring at the screen in disbelief becoming a viral reaction video on stan twt 😭
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nyx-tella · 2 months
𑄻𑄾 𝓉𝘩𝘪𝓃𝑔𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝓈𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵/𝘮𝘢𝘯𝒾𝒻𝘦𝘴𝘵 ᵎᵎ˖ ࣪. 
nature edition because who wants an ugly world?
౨ৎ ᶻ 𐰁 ⟢ ݂
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[ MOON .ᐟ ]
#01. the moon is so big it towers over the earth, like it is only mere kms away. its almost draws you in, causing your hand to reach out and attempt to touch it.
#02. somehow your camera has the ability to capture its exact essence. the beauty you consume from its light it replicated presisly through the pictures. 
#03. its so bright, in fact, that it shines like the sun illuminating its shadow. 
#04. each moon cycle, the colour varies.
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[ NIGHT SKY .ᐟ ]
#01. of the nighttime, the astrology in the sky is much more visible. each imperfection the void of the sky contains is illuminated to the point where its beauty cannot be ignored.
#02. the colours range from dark blue to faded pink, with shooting stars flying across.
#03. some stars glow deeper then others, and the southern lights can be seen everynight, everywhere.
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[ WATER .ᐟ ]
#01. water contains transparecy that lets you see into its deep, mystical world beneath. even when under, your eyes allow you to see with complete visability each and every feature.
#02. as you swim underwater, the sun/moonlight shines through the waves making slits of energy pouring into the body of water.
#03. water shines stars upon its surface, and if you look upon the horizon on a sunny day it is like two worlds colliding, the day and nights polarity reflected.
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nyx-tella · 3 months
i keep seeing stuff about dead by daylight because tumblr thinks that and dead boy detectives are the same even if the only similarity is the acronym dbd
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nyx-tella · 3 months
they want you to make fried rice
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nyx-tella · 4 months
I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains
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nyx-tella · 5 months
Hi,I know this is really specific but can i have some prompt where Person A is suffering from depression after the loss of their lover,and Person B who is Person A's best friend try to help them with it
(maybe Person A start using drug to cope and Person B have to convince them to stop)
I love your work cause it give me a lot of idea for my fic:D
Prompts dealing with Grief and Drug Use
-> tw for depression, drug use, and loss of a loved one.
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He was killing his mind, he knew he was. But anything was better than having to deal with this pain in his heart.
She just wanted to see them again and she didn't care how artificial it was. The visions of them that would visit her when she was spaced out was enough. Even if they were just too perfect to be real, taking away from that false sense that they were still around, it was enough for her.
"It hurts," Person A cried. "There's this hole in my chest and nothing else can fill it."
"The drugs aren’t filling it," Person B carefully said. "You may feel whole for a few hours, but all it's really doing is carving that cavity deeper and deeper."
They hated to see him like this. Walking around like he was in a daze, not living and barely surviving. They didn't know what to do for him, though. He was dealing with an ache in his chest that they were unfamiliar with, and they worried what taking away his only source of comfort would do to him.
It was decided. She was finally going to say something. Why it took her so long she had no excuse for, but she couldn't keep seeing him like this and pretending everything was okay.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself. What would [dead lover] say if they saw you like this?"
Her eyes hazily moved across the room, seeing [dead lover] standing in front of the window with their arms outstretched. Their figure blocked the sunlight that filtered in through the glass, surrounding them in a golden halo. Tears pricked at her eyes as she groggily smiled. "[Name]? Is that you?"
He stared at them with his arms crossed. They were sprawled out on the floor, drugged out of their mind. He couldn't let this go on any longer.
"I'm not going to stand around while you slowly kill yourself!" Person B yelled as angry tears began to run down their cheeks. "Can't you see what this is doing to you?"
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nyx-tella · 5 months
a wonderfully patient and creative nonnie asked for a list of prompts based on interactions between two good friends in the aftermath of a trauma that happens to one of them, and i’m nothing if not a sucker for angst and deeply emotional connections! so here we go! i’m hoping these will be up to the nonnie’s expectations! have a wonderful day, my lovelies, and DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST !!
“ i really hate seeing you like this… “
“ why don’t we hang out tonight? like we used to, you know? order in cheap take-out, watch crappy movies, go for a walk… whatever you want, right? “
“ please say something… anything. even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone… just say something. “
“ i really miss you, you know. “
“ i’m here. you got that? i don’t care if you never say anything to me ever again. i don’t care. i’m not going away, and i’m not going to stop being here for you, no matter how long you glare at me or ignore me or pretend that you’re okay. because i know you’re not. i know. “
“ talk to me. i don’t care what we talk about. it doesn’t have to be anything big. we don’t need to talk about whatever happened to you, not unless you want to. i just… just talk to me, will you? “
“ you know, i talk to a lot of people every single day. i hear all their voices telling me all kinds of stuff; i hear it all. and the only voice i really wanna listen to is yours, you know? even when you’re driving me crazy. so come on. please… just drive me crazy again? “
“ …seriously? no come-back? no witty retort? no… sarcastic shot at me? come on, i… i know we never ask these things, but, honestly, i’m worried about you. what’s going on? “
“ penny for your thoughts? hell. a dollar? ten? fifty? my whole life-savings? damn, at this rate i’d give away everything i own just to hear your voice again. “
“ this is like, the ninth voicemail i’ve left, and i know you hate voicemails, so i’m thinking this might be the one that pisses you off enough to pick up the phone and talk to me. because despite the number of times i’ve told you to shut up, i’m actually begging you to say something, now. weird how things work out, isn’t it? anyway. pick up your freaking phone, moron. please. “
“ will you please talk to me? please? “
“ i have exhausted every single topic that i can think of to get you to open your mouth and say something to me. all of them. you leave me no choice… how are you? “
“ listen, we’re all really worried about you. okay? and we wanna help you, but we don’t know how. so how about you write us a note, or something? maybe just, open the door, huh? i just wanna know that you’re okay. “
“ you’re not alone, you know. you’ve got people who love you. who care about you. you’ve got me. and i’m not going anywhere. “
“ look, i don’t know what happened to you. and i don’t need you to tell me, okay? i don’t… i just want you to know that i’m here. i got you. no matter what. and if you need some space, then… then i can leave. just tell me what you need, okay? “
“ i don’t need you to say anything. you don’t even need to open the door. i’m just gonna slide this paper under the door, okay? you tell me what you want for dinner, and i’ll bring it up. “
“ i’m sending you on a list of therapists and group support meetings in the area, okay? you don’t have to go, but… promise me you’ll take a look at the list, right? “
“ listen, i know you gave me a copy of your key for emergencies, and this feels like an emergency, but… if the silent treatment is part of you trying to get some space, then i don’t wanna intrude. you know? so just text me if that’s what this is, and i’ll leave you alone. “
“ i know, i know. you asked me to leave you alone. but that was two weeks ago, okay? and i haven’t heard from you. you aren’t answering my texts, you aren’t even reading them. nobody’s seen or heard from you, and… and now i just want to know that you’re okay. so please, open your door, and let me make sure that you’re safe, will you? “
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nyx-tella · 5 months
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requested by: @crochet-cafe request: How can I foreshadow or hint that my character has severe depression? I want to make the reveal a big deal when it happens and catch readers off guard
Feel free to use and reblog!
having other characters associate the person's mood with their character traits ("they're always grumpy")
masking their depression really well but being absolutely drained and a lot worse as soon as they're alone
appearing as a 'neutral' person, when their neutral mood actually indicates the emptiness they feel inside
their growing passivity makes them fade into the background
the more excited other people get the more downcast the person becomes (they get perceived as a killjoy)
they don't accept invitations anymore
they always say they're busy but can't answer the question what exactly they're doing
they show no emotional reaction in a fight
everyone says about the person that they have such a hard shell
they usually have been very caring and sensitive to everyone around them but suddenly they seem like they couldn't care less
note: If you or someone you know feels that way and really needs help, please seek professional help <3
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nyx-tella · 5 months
You are a shapeshifter who has secretly taken on many fake villain personas across the world. Your goal is to fight each hero you meet with a persona that embodies said hero’s worst traits, forcing them to change for the better in order to defeat you.
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