Sorry for my absence life has been a bit stressful, I was going to post these last night but unfortunately something happened that drained all my energy ;;;
However look at all the goodies I got in my mystery box!!! I expected the box to be bigger and I am not 100% sure if I got what I ordered but I got a lot of things that I really love

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Look at them they are all so cute omg....
Mink: MilkTeeth (Milk)
Racoon: Henry
Rat: Apple
Shop I got them from:
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Loki believes in following both your head and your heart. Because he does help us, but it's also important to remember that we can and have helped ourselves. We need to have faith in Loki and ourselves.
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They are here!!!
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All About Working w/ Your Ancestors
Source: The Traveling Witch
Who are they? They are your living legacy and want what's best for you. If you don't know much about your family history, that's okay! I'll touch on that later.
Ancestor work is great for beginners entering their spirit work journey. You can draw on your ancestors' past experiences to help you and they are there to protect you from harmful entities. Working with your ancestors can also help you improve your spirit work.

How can they help you?
Strongly communicates through divination
Their advice is drawn from thousands of years of experience
Acts a bridge to deliver messages from other spirits
Adds power to rituals
Helps with personal growth
And many more!
For those who are distant from family:
You by no means have to work with ancestors you are uncomfortable with. Whoever you work with is up to you! You will eventually discover a spirit family that loves and supports you as you are.
For those who are adopted:
You can work with ancestry from your adopted family or find more about your blood lineage. DNA kits are available and sites like Ancestry.com are great to track your heritage! If finding information is hard, consider people who aren't blood-related (adopted family, godparents, spouse's family, etc).
[NOTE: If you're worried about offending your ancestors because of your religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc. it's OKAY! You absolutely have ancestors who will accept and agree with who you are, so don't worry. Your ancestors are diverse and will sometimes be just like you!]

Altar Set-Up:
Set up an altar dedicated to only your ancestors. Some spirits may want to share a space with your ancestors, some may not. You can put anything you'd like that would please them or symbolizes your culture. My altar has objects of loved ones who've passed, things that represent my ethnic background, etc. Common items include candles, water, photos, heirlooms, altar cloths, etc. Put what feels right to you!
Now it's time to use it! Make offerings often (regularly, once a week) replacing water, lighting a candle or incense, thanking them for guidance, etc. You can offer food or handmade items as well!
You will sometimes hear your ancestors' messages or see them in dreams. Keep an open mind and be on the lookout. Remember to treat your ancestors with respect and consistency. They are real relationships and keep in mind how you act with other people in your daily lives. Be respectful, and don't keep asking them for help without returning the kindness.
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Soap and peroxide bath lineup so far.
Plus the elk skull which isn’t outside
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My dear lgbt+ kids,
Loving your body doesn’t necessarily mean standing in front of a mirror and thinking “I am so beautiful, my body is perfect and I can’t stop looking at my own reflection because I look so dang good!”.
Those moments are awesome and I hope you experience them sometimes, you deserve to feel that happy in your skin! But loving your body is more than that.
Loving your body also means:
- wearing clothes that keep you warm enough
- going to bed when you are tired
- taking a water bottle with you because you know hydration is important
- doing a quick “splashing my face with water” thingy because you are too sleepy for a full shower but still want to clean your face
- drinking a cup of tea when you have a headache because you noticed it makes you feel better
- eating dinner, even though you don’t feel like it
It’s not just the big feel-good moments or the big self-pampering moments. Every time you take a tiny action to keep your body healthy, especially on days you don’t really feel like it, you are doing an act of love - even if you feel ugly while you do it.
If you feel ugly, uncomfortable in your body or dysphoric, it may feel impossible to stand in a front of a mirror and like what you see. Instead, try to just notice all the tiny things you do for your body and allow yourself to feel proud of yourself for doing so. It takes strength and bravery to keep doing these acts of love on bad days - you are amazing!
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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Protection Spell for Someone Who is Close to You
a red or white candle
a jar
a bowl
pen and paper
rose petals
mustard seed
rock salt
rose quartz
Cast a circle
Light the candle
Mix salt, herbs, and flowers in the bowl
Write your intention on paper, draw sigils if you want
Add the crystals to the jar
Add the contents of the bowl to the jar
Add the paper to the jar
While adding everything to the jar, visualize the person being safe/comfortable/happy/etc
Seal the jar with wax
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Properties of Norse Paganism
Decentralized - Norse Paganism is practiced in many different ways, with no way being more correct than another. It doesn’t have holy books, scriptures, or key religious figures that guide practices and beliefs, nor does it have doctrines, creeds, or dogmas. This spirituality is dynamic and can be made to suit a practitioner’s needs.
Animistic - In Norse Paganism, all things are thought to have a unique spiritual essence to them, without separation between the sacred and the mundane. The divine is viewed as a property of existence, rather than a condition to achieve or a presence to earn. Because of this, there’s no such thing as “sin” in Norse Paganism.
Pluralist - Norse Paganism acknowledges that things can hold many truths and that there are many dynamic forces in nature. This is different from a dualist approach (the view that things are either a product of good or evil / one thing or another) or a monist approach (the belief that all things are an expression of one thing).
Polytheistic - Norse pagans acknowledge multiple deities and regularly interact with these deities in many ways, without a need for a mediator.
Orthopraxic - The focus of Norse Paganism centers upon the cultivation of practice and spiritual experience, as opposed to orthodoxy, or rules about what to believe and the intensity of one’s faith.
Life-Affirming - Norse pagans live their lives to feel fulfilled in this lifetime. Their practices are done to feel as home in the world, rather than reasons concerning the afterlife. While Norse pagans have many different views about the afterlife, good ones are already guaranteed.
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I found some bones in the woods and I think they're part of a spine
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A lovely old girl from our friend in Scotland. A naturally damaged horn, lots of dodgy teeth and a broken jaw, although neither of us are sure if that happened post mortem.
She was a pretty looking ewe though
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Bought 4 bottles of 70% isopropyl In preparation for my wet specimens. I got big bottles because I do plan on buying more next month from the same place I'm buying my mystery box from. He's in Canada so it'll probably take a bit for them to get down to me but I definitely don't mind!! I'm just excited to get my collection started and get my room better situated. Next is to buy a decent sized shelf to put everything in.
Here's the link to the shop I've been ordering from:
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