nynaeve-mashiara · 26 minutes
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
the most devastating thing about the rhetoric a lot of gentiles use saying israeli jews “have no culture” or are “stealing” culture/music/food/etc from the surrounding countries is that for a lot of these jews that is their last connection to the places they lived for thousands of years. these jews didn’t “steal” anything, they were eating hummus and using the maqam system and speaking arabic alongside their arab neighbors for millennia and simply took it with them when those neighbors violently expelled them. like what did you expect them to do?
because i think the answer is that you believe jews never truly had a claim to any of that. you think we are (at best) guests (and at worst leeches) wherever we go. perpetual strangers who come from nowhere and belong nowhere. perhaps you’ll be gracious enough to let us live in your guest room for a while, maybe even a few generations, cook us food, sing music with us, (maybe it’s by choice, a cultural exchange, but maybe it’s that you won’t let us cook our own food or sing our melodies) but if one of us in a completely different house does something you don’t like, you drag us out the front door by the hair, keep all our stuff, and ban us from your house. we move onto the next house. now the recipes our kids know are the ones we made with you, the melodies we know are ones we sang with you, and maybe the next house who lets us stay there allows us to make that food and sing those melodies. and maybe there are other people there who know variations of those recipes and melodies. what right do you have to barge into our new house and tell us to stop singing and making food?
we are from everywhere and nowhere. we are supposed to be everywhere but where we are, doing and eating and singing everything but what we are. your holy books (that you got from us) teach you to love the stranger. but we are not strangers to you. we are you. we are a reflection of you, of everything you don’t like about you, and that’s why we don’t belong anywhere. that’s why we can’t have what you think is rightfully yours, because if we don’t have it anymore then maybe we won’t look so much like you and it’ll be easier the next time you have to drag us out by the hair.
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
trying not to uspol too hard but man i don't think people on tumblr understand how big of a deal it was for tim walz to be the gay-straight alliance coordinator at a high school in 1999. sodomy was still illegal in a lot of states. the gsa at my high school five years later was run by the teacher who couldn't even say out loud that she was a lesbian and lived with her wife. the idea that a heterosexual married man would do that willingly in 1999 is genuinely shocking
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
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I watched Deadpool & Wolverine very late and my brain had to process things. plus I finally wanted to draw Lae. Hope you enjoy this nonsense crossover.
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
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disney needs to stop making 'serious' shows and give us the coruscant guard buddy cop show we all need
(commission info // tip jar!)
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
in my work of fanfiction i am going to hold the villain responsible for their actions by making them have sex with the person they tried to kill, which will effectively address all the relevant moral issues by being hot.
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
a few years back my car insurance company offered me a discount if i stuck a dongle in my car that would tell them how i drive (specifically reporting hard accelerations and stops), with a base discount of 10% even if i drive like a madman up to 40%ish if i drive like a grandma. and of course naturally my first thought was "huh i bet i could make something running off an Arduino that filters hard brakes and accelerations out of the incoming data stream to get that 40% discount" and i got as far as looking up OBD2 protocols before realizing that that would just be insurance fraud. yes im an engineer raised by two engineers how could you tell
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
My ancestors, watching me dump an entire stick of cinnamon, two cloves, an allspice berry, and a generous grating of nutmeg into my tea, sweetened with white sugar and loaded with cream, while I sit in my clean warm house surrounded by books, 25+ outfits for different occasions, and 6 pairs of shoes, in a building heated so well I have the windows open in mid-autumn:
Our daughter prospers. We are proud of her. She has never labored in a field but knows riches we could not have imagined.
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
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nynaeve-mashiara · 2 hours
Apropos of (almost) nothing: I'm the kind of pedant who dislikes calling tentacle porn "tentacle porn" not because I think it's aberrant but because, 98% of the time, what's being depicted are octoform arms or tendrils, not tentacles. Tentacles are defined by the clubbed ends, which are the only part that have suckers. If it's tapered and has suckers all the way down, it's an octoform arm; if it has no suckers at all, it's a tendril.
You're welcome.
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nynaeve-mashiara · 3 hours
Crocodiles afraid of the shovel
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nynaeve-mashiara · 3 hours
For some reason we were given access to custom emojis on teams and it took people less than 24 hours to add the logo of the local unemployment office and start using it as a reaction when something goes wrong or upper management announces another shit decision
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nynaeve-mashiara · 3 hours
While I sympathise in principle with folks who object to the term "old man yaoi" being used to describe characters in their mid thirties, as someone who's repeatedly been disappointed to hear a character described as a "MILF", only to discover that the speaker is using "MILF" to mean "literally any woman who's visibly over 25" – often by the very same crowd who are now being persnickety about the definition of "old man" – I confess there's a part of me that's just thinking how does it feel now that the shoe's on the other foot, huh?
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nynaeve-mashiara · 4 hours
Idk if I posted my fav rat pic here yet. Here it is:
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nynaeve-mashiara · 4 hours
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“What would you do if you discovered Camilla was a murderer?” “Help her bury the body,” said Palamedes promptly. (x)
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nynaeve-mashiara · 4 hours
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Cheem rat
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