nychtachoris · 1 year
@witchofthedeepwood​: There was something incredibly familiar about this woman, yet Carata could not place her finger on it. An air of mystery, like a deep cave or dimly lit forest. So, quite unusual for a timid woman like this Caster, she would approach Nyx and stop about 5 feet away, not daring to get any closer for her own nerves. "I, um.. I'm sorry to bother you, miss, but, um... you seem awfully familiar to me... do i... know you from somewhere?"
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“In a sense. You see me every time the sun goes to rest, when the stars and the moon come out to shine.” The tall, raven-haired woman gazes over at Carata, no stranger to others keeping their distance out of fear or nerves; even Zeus dared not displease her, after all, and for good reason. Fear was perhaps the most prevalent aspect of what her domain embodied.
“I am Nyx. The Night. When darkness settles over the land, it is my domain you tread upon. Though I share this body with a mortal woman who took my name in life, I dared not trust her alone with the power I wield.” The Assassin, brushed some of her hair behind her, before turning fully to face the other Servant, one arm resting horizontally over her stomach, while her hand cupped the elbow of her other arm, which rested vertically, the hand lazing on her ample bosom.
“Perhaps you knew her in life, if only for a brief moment. Or perhaps you simply recognize me for what I am. It matters not, if you don’t remember, yourself.”
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nychtachoris · 1 year
@echointheforest​: I wonder how Nyx would react if Selphy just…let it happen. GASP!
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As soon as she grabs a hold...
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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She can be sexy too, sometimes-
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"Sometimes? Try all the time~" Yes, she's reaching over to try and get grabby. Yes, she's well aware that she's probably going to get bonked for it. No, she's not going to stop, because you can't discipline this perverted woman with physical violence -
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nychtachoris · 1 year
Nyx, is it a coincidence that your name rhymes with dicks?
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"I wish I could say I was that clever, but it is just a coincidence. I named myself when I was little, while spying on a classroom from the shadows. I learned about Greek mythology and decided to name myself after the figure that seemed to fit the most, to me."
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nychtachoris · 1 year
@unearthed-legacies​: She has a filter?
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“Nope!” Listen, I like to indulge in my own fantasies now and then.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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“Honestly, I should just go out and get myself in a gangbang, or something, I’m so pent-up.”
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nychtachoris · 1 year
*lurks and watches the delightful lewdness unfold*
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"Aww, why you gotta hide like that? Why not come out and get a firsthand taste of me yourself~?" Down, girl -
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nychtachoris · 1 year
Anyways sleep time
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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A cuter picture of the two -
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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I’m glad I got all y’all to help me with this, because these two are the first cats we’ve had where the onus of taking care of them really falls on me, rather than the household as a whole, and I wanna do right by them. For the most part, much the animal care in our household has been handled by my parents, so even though I have a long history with pets and cats in particular, this is my first time being the main one responsible for their well-being.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
@echointheforest: It looks like he might have scratched it off and just peeled some skin with it. I don’t think it’s anything too serious, just keep an eye on him and make sure it scabs over and heals up. Especially if he starts scratching at it more
Yeah, that’s my main theory. Or that the matted fur pulled a little too hard when he was running or something and it yanked some skin off. I’m definitely gonna be keeping an eye on him though.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
Okay, I actually got a picture of it since he decided to lay on the floor and stretch just right to showcase it
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Like, the fact that it looks so raw is what worries me, but he’s not limping or anything, he’s just a little defensive about it, but he’s always defensive of his belly, so that in itself isn’t anything unusual. He still lets me pick him up and all that, so he doesn’t seem overly worried about it.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
Honestly, I’d take a picture so I can actually show what it looks like, but considering where it is and the fact that he doesn’t want me putting my hands near it, the only way I can get it exposed among the rest of his fluffy af fur is with both hands while I’m holding him, and I obvs can’t use my phone to take a picture of it while doing that.
The most reassuring I can say (to myself and others) is that he isn’t acting any differently, and has been running and playing the same as usual.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
@minniesmanysins: at the risk of sounding gross the damp fur if there's no blood could be result of some sort of puss or discharge from acne or something. Hopefully like you said he'll be fine but def worth it to keep an eye on him
It looks fresh, all things considered, so I think it’s the result of it being torn off his skin; I’ve had a similar injury in the past, with torn skin resulting in that same sort of wetness, so I can only hope that it’s just that being pressed right back into the injury and getting a bit wet from that and not any sort of infection or anything.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
@beyondthebcundary: Is he allergic to fleas?
I have no idea, considering they’re both just shy of a year old at this point, but we got them flea collars as soon as they were old enough to wear them. Nobody in my family have seen any sign of extreme scratching that might hint at fleas or anything, though.
I’m 99% sure it’s related to the matted fur that he refused to let me clip for the longest time (since it’s under his foreleg near his belly). I just hope it’s not a serious thing and that it’ll heal on its own and the fur will grow back.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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Welp, I’m ending my night by worrying about one of my cats, it seems.
I just noticed a bit ago that he’s got some exposed skin under one of his forelegs where he’s had a clump of matted fur (we’ve tried clipping them off as soon as we find them, but even though I brush both my cats regularly, he gets matted fur way too easily, and some clumps he’ll fight us with everything he has when we try to clip them due to where they are), and it’s looking awfully red and wet, like the fur there not only came loose after getting caught in the clump, but tore off from his skin in the process.
It doesn’t look like he’s bled any? There’s a damp spot on the matted fur that could be blood, but I also don’t see any dried blood on the exposed skin. So I hope that he’ll be fine, but I’m just really worried that this might cause problems down the line.
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nychtachoris · 1 year
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Nyx as a Servant is far more reserved than her mortal component is, typically behaving in a more stoic and serious fashion. But being comprised of a mortal and goddess who both got around quite a bit, sex is something she treats incredibly casually. Sometimes Nyx the mortal leaks through when she’s feeling the urge, though, and she’ll start getting flirty or making suggestive comments or motions, and sometimes even just get handsy with someone - usually someone she knows would be accepting of her advances, but sometimes she just goes for whoever catches her eye.
In short, she might not be as wacky and silly as pure Nyx the mortal, but Pseudo-Servant Nyx is still unabashedly horny.
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