Surveying the woman before her, Rozalia was careful to keep an eye on her every move. She knew that anybody could be working for HYDRA, and she wasn’t going to risk letting her guard down and be dragged back to that torturous facility.
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“I’m not going back there” She insisted,her accent heavy on her words, gun lowering slightly.
“Going back where?” The fear in the girls eyes was all too familiar to Natasha.
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier → Mall scene
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Mary Jane knew that name, she felt like she should know that face, but honestly when New York was falling apart she was more concerned on running for her life then memorizing faces. “Oh,” MJ wasn’t expecting any sort of yes, but when she got one she couldn’t help but smile. “Awesome. Yeah, great idea.” 
She grabbed her drink and food and followed her to the small table and took a seat across from her. “I probably don’t work as much as you do but I work enough, but I’ll take all that into consideration, try not to bother you too much.” She waited and when she continued she nodded. “Doesn’t bother me at all, I would, but I’m sure this will work out just fine.” She smiled and sipped her coffee. “If you have any questions you wanna ask, I’m basically an open book so feel free.”
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Meeting this girl was a life savor. Natasha wasn’t sure she would be able to find the time to go house hunting. Now, she wouldn’t have to do that. Having a roommate wasn’t exactly ideal, but now there was at least someone to watch the place when she left for long periods of time. No more coming home to rotted food hopefully.
“What do you do for a living?” Natasha asks. She takes a sip of her coffee. Natasha isn’t too concerned with bringing any trouble to this girl. It’s very rare that she brings work home with her and when she does it’s usually just in the form of cuts and bruises.
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to whom it may concern | mj + natasha
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❝ N-No. Stay back. Or I’ll shoot, Понимаю?  ❞
“I understand.” Natasha’s hands are raised in the air. “You should put that gun down.”
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“I came here on business once. Turned out to be a great little place.” She took a shot in hand, tossing it down her throat easily. “See, told ya.” Natasha took another quick glance around before focusing back onto Clint. She sipped from her drink again. She kept thinking about how she wasn’t working. She wasn’t working and she wasn’t working with Cling. Natasha wished there was a way to just turn it all off and be normal for a few hours. Unfortunately that wasn’t possible, nor was it safe.
“Alright, Clint. Let’s play a game.” Another sip of her drink. “Hm, her.” Natasha nodded her head in the direction of a woman across the bar. “What’s her story?” she asked. She was sure it was a popular game among friends, but it was much more fun with actual agents. People who could really pick out little things about others and who they are without even knowing them.
A White Russian ;Nat&Clint
“You love it.” Clint grinned at her, his face lighting up when she ordered them a round of shots on top of it too, he wasn’t going to complain about that because tonight was supposed to be about relaxing and staying under the radar. “Right.” Once the shots were placed on the bar, Clint took his own and drink it in one go. Unlike Natasha, it didn’t take much for Clint to get drunk and that was why he ordered a beer rather than something strong for the time being. 
He turned his back to the bar and looked around the place once more. “How did you find it? I thought I knew the city well, seems there’s still some hidden gems lurking in the corners.” Clint took the beer bottle and drank from it, glancing at her with a smile. “Nice choice, I approve and no-one will badger us since they all seem… occupied.” The archer swung his legs slightly as he sat there. It looked a bit childish but Clint honestly didn’t care what others thought.
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claimed no man could resist, much less survive her. 
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A small smile graced her lips. The girls tone was sincere enough. Natasha had met her fair share of “fans” as well as people who seemed to hate her. This girl seemed kind enough. She didn’t have the energy or time to waste on some New Yorker who demanded payment or compensation. Those types of people were the worst.
“Good, I probably won’t be sitting her long though.” Natasha sipped from her glass as soon as it was served to her. “I’m waiting for a friend. Well, not exactly waiting. If I tell you, it’s going to sound like I’m stalking him. But, I’ve heard he comes to this bar a lot, I’m waiting to see if he shows up.” A pause, Natasha studies the women again. She has a feeling she’s a regular at this place. “Maybe you’ve seen him. He’s about 5′9, Caucasian, balding a bit but he covers it up. probably sporting some kind of suit, noting fancy though.”
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the nice thing about living in the same city as the freaking avengers was that shield’s work was cut in half. not that the avengers knew that; coulson still handpicked their missions – though skye was a part of that process now. either way; with half missions gone, it gave the brunette a lot more free time. and as it turned out, new york had a lot of places to be during free time. it definitely made up for a lack of a social life. the twenty first century was a nice place to be when she didn’t have a squad (( —- note: she had a team, and she loved them, but they weren’t her squad )).  skye’s lips were on her beer bottle bottle as the red head sat next to her, her brown eyes sparkling with curiosity when she realized exactly who was sitting next to her. she’s argued with tony stark about hacking, took a selfie with captain america for instagram, and now she was drinking with the natasha romanoff. she will definitely be telling fitzsimmon’s children about this (( and fitzsimmons too )). “ —- you mean mind the black widow sitting next to me at a bar?? ” skye asked, eyebrow raising. “ i’m a 110% cool with this. ”
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Can you? Can you wipe out that much r e d?
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She expected the look. She’d seen it a million times before, but she was right about this place. The last time she was here was for business, this time it was actually for fun. Which Natasha found hard to believe. “It’s under the radar,” she explained. That was a big reason of why she liked it. Not well known, so it never got too crowded, while at the same time it was a well kept place.
Natasha took a seat next to him. She rolled her eyes as he ordered her a drink. “Hilarious,” she said sarcastically. “Add some shots too,” she said to the bartender. “We said we were gonna have fun, right?” Natasha could hold her alcohol fairly well, something that came with experience as well as training. Tonight she was willing to try her best to throw all that out the window. She was safe with Clint, so her not being in her right mind from some alcohol didn’t concern her too much.
A White Russian ;Nat&Clint
Clint felt… out of place and way too old as they entered the bar that Natasha had mentioned that she found, he shot her a questioning look for a moment before glancing around the place. He was just glad that they stopped by his place again so he could change into something other than sweats. While it was only a small bar, there were still quite a few people in it all either drinking at the bar, huddled in corners or dancing. 
At least no-one turned to look at them for once this is where they could just be Clint and Natasha, not the Arrow Guy and Black Widow. “Well this sure is… something.” He commented then sat himself down at the bar to get them some drinks. “I’ll have a beer and this charming lady will have a white Russian.” Clint smirked at her, at his own little quip then let out a chuckle. 
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✎ (cos I love seeing this one)
✎: My muse’s Christmas card to yours.
This year has been a wild one, but having you through it all made it bearable. Enjoy the Holidays.
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♘: Our muses put up a Christmas tree and decorate it.
“Well, if you had a step stool we wouldn’t have to do this now would we?” Natasha spoke as Clint got a good grip on her to lift her up. They really shouldn’t have gotten such a large tree. “Drop me and you’re dead,” she added, holding the star carefully in hand. Clint lifted her up just high enough for her to place the star on the top of the tree. When he brought her down, she took a step back and looked over the finished tree. “Three hours, ten cups of coffee, and two trees later...We did it.”
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[text]: Just fought a 50 year old lady over a pair of gloves for Gwen. She better be grateful, because that lady almost clawed my eyes out.
[text]: I agree, she better be.[text]: those must have been some nice gloves if you had to fight for them.[text]: btw doing anything at the apartment for Christmas?
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[text]: The Christmas tree is on fire.
[text]: How[text]: At Clint’s apartment?
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THE ULTIMATE HOLIDAY THEMED ASK MEME {part of: ❄ twenty-five days of elle} 
▲: One of our muses tries to catch snowflakes on their tongue. ☾: Your muse asks for help decorating a gingerbread house. ♪: One of our muses inviting the other for a Christmas duet. ♦: Our muses wrap presents together. ☃: Our muses build a snowman together. ✈: Our muses travel somewhere for the holidays. ✎: My muse’s Christmas card to yours. ✘: My muse runs into your muse while trying to buy them a Christmas present.  ✆: My muse calls your muse while drunk on eggnog.  ツ: Our muses go caroling.  ✿: My muse gives your muse a Christmas present. ø: Our muses cuddle by the fireplace with hot cocoa.  ✌: Our muses argue over which Christmas movie to watch.  ♡: Our muses kiss under a mistletoe.  ♛: Our muses kiss at midnight on New Year’s.  ➸: Our muses decorate their house together. ♘: Our muses put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. ✰: My muse invites your muse to dance to Christmas songs. ☼: Our muses volunteer to help out for the holidays. ∞: Our muses go tree shopping. ❖: Our muses go ice skating together. ☁: Our muses go sledding.  ✉: Your muse hits mine with a snowball in order to start a snowball fight.  ϟ: Our muses bake Christmas cookies together. ↺: Our muses doing something holiday-themed with their kid(s).
“Look! It’s snowing!” “Do we really have to leave cookies for Santa?” “Santa’s not real! There, I said it!” “Where do we hang the stockings if we don’t have a fireplace?” “You really don’t have to get me anything this year.” “Do we really have to go to your parents’ house for Christmas?” “Let’s just sit in our pajamas and watch Christmas movies all day.” “You’re gonna become huge if you keep eating all of Santa’s cookies.” “Oh, put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it.” “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had.” “This is the worst Christmas ever.” “Is that mistletoe?” “You look cold. Here, take my scarf.” “I’m just not a fan of the holidays.” “You’ve had the Christmas radio on non-stop for five hours.”
[text]: I just accidentally told our son/daughter that Santa isn’t real. [text]: The Christmas tree is on fire. [text]: So cold. Need cuddles. [text]: Christmas is a time to be honest, so this is it — I’m in love with you. [text]: I may or may not have eaten the entire gingerbread house we made two days ago. [text]: I just saw two people dressed as Santa fist fighting in a mall. Christmas is ruined! [text]: I’m may or may not be wearing mistletoe underwear. Wanna find out for sure? [text]: I made an oopsie and let’s just say we have over 500 candy canes in our apartment right now.  [text]: I can’t believe I have to spend Christmas Eve in a hospital.  [text]: So what if I made out with a guy dressed as Santa Claus?! I was drunk! [text]: I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, but Merry Christmas. [text]: Just fought a 50 year old lady over a pair of gloves for my dad. He better be grateful, because she almost clawed my eyes out.  [text]: If I see one more picture on Instagram of a snowman with Frozen lyrics underneath, I’m gonna explode up in this bitch. 
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He was supposed to be here. This was the closest bar to the suspected location of SHIELD’s hq. She had multiple witnesses say that they’d seen him here, and around this same time too. Maybe this was the one day he decided not to show up. After finding out Coulson was alive, Natasha had wanted to have a proper talk with him. However, they had both become busy with their own work and the time just never came around. Now, when Natasha had more time on her hands then she needed, Coulson seemed to turn into a ghost.
She walked up to the bar, taking a seat on the stool. She’d give him an hour before parting ways here and making more use of her time elsewhere. While it was more empty on the other side of the bar, Natasha sat right next to a young woman. Sitting completely alone was just depressing and some entertaining small talk with a stranger always opened up opportunity. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said to the woman just in case someone had already been sitting next to her. She would hate to have snagged the seat of her company.
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“You’re not broken, Clint,” Natasha said softly. Sometimes it just took the right person to make things like that work. She kept that to herself though. Speaking about relationships made her feel like a hypocrite. So, she opted to change the subject. “Let’s get out of here. I’ve still got to show you that bar I was talking about.”
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“I’m just so horrible when it comes to things like that, Bobbi and I may be divorced, but stuff still lingers.” Clint sighed, “Pretty sure that was what broke me when it comes to trying to have relationships.” Then he went quiet and started to eat some more while it was still hot, not liking the taste when it was cold which is why Clint often threw leftovers out rather than eat them again. “Nothing’s been the same.” 
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“Right, right.” Natasha nodded her head. “Well, that’s certainly a good place to start.” She took a few bites of her food, thinking if there was any advice she could give to him. While Clint could tend to be a screw up with his romantic relationships, at least he tried. She had to hand it to him, considering that she rarely made it that far. “Well, you can’t change what happened now. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about it. She’ll come around and you’ll just have to do better the next time.”
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“It’s the fact that I wasn’t there, I didn’t go to her when I found out and the only excuse I have is that I was on a mission which was true. I dunno what else to say to her other than sorry I was an idiot?” 
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