oscxrps · 9 years
✉, “Oh, put some mistletoe on my butt and kiss it.”
Harry looks up from the book he’s reading, confusion drawing his eyebrows together. “Excuse me?” He inquires, a smile fighting at his previously pursed lips. Skye was just as unpredictable as she was talkative, and despite them accidentally finding themselves underneath mistletoe only a few hours earlier ( Harry insisted that if he was going to kiss her, it wasn’t going to be because of a stupid holiday tradition ), her statement —- or request, rather —- made him chuckle. “You really need to work on your pickup lines, Skye. I’m just not that kind of guy.”
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mvckingbird-blog · 9 years
☁ ϟ
☁: Our muses go sledding. 
“It’s a SHIELD tradition, ‘bout time you got in on it.” Bobbi is explaining to Skye as they’re the last to arrive, there’s already three other cars along the snowy terrain. Bobbi was more than excited to be bringing Skye here, she’d been coming here since her very first field assignment.
“We come here every Christmas, or at least those of us who aren’t going home or don’t have one...” Bobbi begins as she shoves her gloved hands into the jacket she’s sporting, she’s watching her fellow agent shaking in her boots and admires the way Skye’s cheeks turn red with the chill. 
“Guys!” She calls as they can see their team now, Hunter and Mack are carrying the cases of beer and Fitz is making a fire in a pit right in the middle of four logs that take the shape of an awkward diamond. Bobbi is waving and Jemma practically bounces as she seems them arrive. 
“We’re going to get drunk and spend Christmas the only way we know how to.” Bobbi smiles warmly as they reach their team, “But first, we’re going to take your butt up to the top of that hill and sled down, per tradition!” Bobbi is already running to the bright red sled that she then proceeds to drag up the hill, her calls are loud as she gestures to Skye, “Come on! You’re going to love it! Let’s go!” She’s yelling now as she makes her way up the snowy hill.
“You ready?” Bobbi asks Skye in a freezing giggle, she’s fixing the knitted beanie on her head and her own cheeks have become redder than Rudolph’s nose. Once Skye gives her an uneasy nod, Bobbi feels Skye’s arms around her waist and she’s so excited for what’s to come.
“3........2...........1!” She cries out as she launches them down the bright white and smooth snow hill, screaming and laughing along the way down.
ϟ: Our muses bake Christmas cookies together.
“I know I make kicking ass and biochemistry look easy but.......Fuck this is hard!” Bobbi is laughing as she talks, though there’s a drunken hiccup that escapes her. She’s rereading the recipe for the sixth time and the trashcan is full of the first five tries they gave it, each time they were either mushy or burned, they were salty or just plain disgusting.
“Jemma please!” She hears Skye calling now and Bobbi is suddenly calling two. Instantly the two are regretting how they told Jemma that baking was easy, Jemma was talking about how they couldn’t bake like her and they accepted the challenge not knowing what defeat they were in for.
“Jemmmmmmaaaaaaaa!” Bobbi yells really loud now as she pours herself more wine, Skye left a minute ago and suddenly she’s dragging the scientist down who then commands that the two women sit down and learn how to make proper english Tea Cookies.
“Remind me never to doubt your mad baking skills..” Bobbi muses as she’s leaning back to back with Skye, they’ve finish two whole batches of Jemma’s cookies when the guys come in looking like they’ve been completely betrayed.
“You snooze, you lose.” Skye offers as Bobbi gives her a silly nod and takes the last cookie into her mouth, they really did lose.
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[text]: Just fought a 50 year old lady over a pair of gloves for my dad. He better be grateful, because she almost clawed my eyes out.
“Oh my god. These gloves better be the most amazing gloves out there” Kate grumbled as she stormed through yet another store. It was getting closer to Christmas and she still hasn’t found the one thing that was at the top of her father’s list. It seemed almost every store was out or never got these type of gloves. And there was no way she was going to get knock-offs or substitutes. He would know. Grumbling, she was about to give up when she finally saw the black, leather pair. “Thank god. It’s over” She groaned in relief, making a move to grab the gloves and get out of dodge... Only she was yanked back a bit by a tiny, old lady. “Um... Excuse me” She yanked the gloves only for this fifty-something woman to yank back harder. “Okay lady. You are asking for it” Kate glared before the old woman lunged at her, trying to go for the throat. Several things got knocked over as she held on tight to the gloves while trying to fend off the woman, not caring about the panic stares everyone was giving them. Fifteen minutes later, a tousled and disheveled Kate stumbled out of the store, sprinting until she was far away from the old lady and her nails. At least she got the gloves. “Dear lord she almost made me blind” She gasped for air before pulling out her phone. Skye would love to hear about this story, so ridiculous that she will question Kate’s sanity. 
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He was supposed to be here. This was the closest bar to the suspected location of SHIELD’s hq. She had multiple witnesses say that they’d seen him here, and around this same time too. Maybe this was the one day he decided not to show up. After finding out Coulson was alive, Natasha had wanted to have a proper talk with him. However, they had both become busy with their own work and the time just never came around. Now, when Natasha had more time on her hands then she needed, Coulson seemed to turn into a ghost.
She walked up to the bar, taking a seat on the stool. She’d give him an hour before parting ways here and making more use of her time elsewhere. While it was more empty on the other side of the bar, Natasha sat right next to a young woman. Sitting completely alone was just depressing and some entertaining small talk with a stranger always opened up opportunity. “I hope you don’t mind,” she said to the woman just in case someone had already been sitting next to her. She would hate to have snagged the seat of her company.
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kinneeys-blog · 9 years
Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon.
When she’s extremely furious but there isn’t anyone around she would be willing to take it out on, Laura instead takes it out on herself and her surroundings, either with claws out or just her bare knuckles. As you can see here. (Serious trigger warning for self harm / blood in the link.)
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