A menace to society
5 posts
hello there, I'm ishi (she/her) and this blog is for fanfics of all kinds. feel free to ask/send me ideas. :)
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nuwanda-forever · 2 years ago
Hello! Ive been trying to find someone that is still active and writing TWD for ever! I read a few of your stories and theyre amazing!!! I wanted to request a Dad! Daryl request if that is okay?
The idea was something like a dramatic reunion with the reader and him after the group finally see each other after Terminus got destroyed. For example lets say that the reader got seperated from Daryl for when the Prison got attacked and ended up alone or with someone else (for example with Carol and Tyresse or anyone else). So when Tyresse walks out the little house with Judith, reader could come out as well and see Daryl again for the first time. I think it would be really adorable and a heartwarming moment for both reader and Daryl + the rest of the group.
I hope this wasnt too long, thank you and have a good night/day!!
Ahh I've been working on something similar to this already!! I would love to post this as soon as possible!
Thank you ❤️
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nuwanda-forever · 2 years ago
Unspoken Words
Carl Grimes / Fem!Reader
Platonic, Adopted!Reader, Somewhat Angst.
Fandom - The Walking Dead
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"Your dad is just going to get more people killed. Cause that's what he does. That's who he is. Your dad's a killer."
"So is yours.. We need to work this out Ron."
A beat skipped by.
"I'm dead Carl."
"My mom is dead. My brother."
"No they're not. We're going to make it."
Ron walked slowly to the door.
"You're dead, Carl. Your sisters are dead. You're all dead."
Before he could move, Carl pounced on him, tackling him to the ground with his body weight. His sheriff's hat fell off his head as he fumbled to defend himself from the iron rod that had found it's way into Ron's hands. He dodged as Ron plunged the rod through a window, and the shattering caught the attention of all the walkers nearby. He needed to do something. Fast.
After a few beats, He had somehow managed to throw Ron to the ground and the gun was a few feet away. The next few seconds were a blur. Ron had the gun on Carl. He was hesitating. Ron doesn't want to do this.
A gun cocked behind him. Ron's face twisted into that a scared boy.
"Put it down. Now."
If Ron thought he could get away with hurting your older brother, he was in for a surprise. You had never liked Ron but nobody really cared about what you thought, except Carl.
"I will put a bullet in your head in the next two seconds if you don't put it down."
Your voice was calm and unwavering. Carol had always said that you had been too comfortable with killing, from a young age. So Rick had always done his best to keep your humanity close. Your humanity was Carl.
Ron bent down to the ground and put the gun on the floor.
"Kick it to him."
Ron kicked it. Carl picked it up.
You didn't put down your gun. Carl saw something in your eyes. He knew what it was, maybe too well.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay."
"Listen, don't do this."
Ron's face was overcome with fear. He started to cry.
Your mouth twitched at the sound of him crying. Was it pity or disgust? Carl couldn't be sure.
"He's insane, Carl. He's dangerous."
"He's not insane. He's just hurting."
"Carl", Ron pleaded.
A soft gasp made Carl aware of Enid's presence.
Enid was the only friend his sister had. She could help. Enid saw the plea in Carl's eyes and she tried to help out.
She put her arm on the girl beside her.
"He's not going to do anything to us. Look at him. He's just scared. Like us."
That's what you were. You were scared. Scared of losing more people close to you. Of losing the family that had taken you so long to find.
If you really wanted him dead, he would have been lying on the ground a minute ago. You didn't want this. But it had to be done.
"Look at me."
You obliged your brother's request. You both didn't need words to talk to each other. You never had. The coldness in your eyes vanished, now replaced with pain.
For a second, Ron looked relieved. And the next, a gun was brought down on the back of his head and he was knocked out.
"Could you help me tie him up, Enid."
It wasn't a request. Despite Carl's disapproving looks, the girls dragged Ron to other room and Carl helped him up onto a chair. Enid started to tie a knot around his hands.
"He's a kid.", He started.
"So? We know as well anybody what 'kids' are capable of. Look at us."
"So you would kill him?"
" What- you think there's still something about him that can be saved?"
There was anger in your voice.
" Yes.", He replied.
You scoffed with disdain.
You kept her head down tying the rope around Ron's legs.
Carl looked at Enid. She looked worried, not about Ron but about the girl they both cared so much for.
"Why can't you trust anyone?"
You were standing up now, facing your brother. In her 12 years of life, you had never screamed like that before. She looked down, ashamed. Before anyone could say a word, you continued.
"He's going to end up hurting someone. And that's going to be on your hands, Carl."
"It's better than his death being on yours."
You looked up at him. Your eyes a mix of emotions he didn't have the time to understand.
"Done."Enid stood up, brushing her hands on her legs.
"I'm going to go see if I can spot Rick or Michonne from upstairs."
You left Enid and Carl with an unconcious Ron downstairs. After a few minutes of talking. Enid convinced Carl to go upstairs to talk to you.
You shot back from the window. Binoculars still in hand, you replied.
He slowly crossed the room and sat down on the bed beside you.
"See anything?"
"They're over there."
You pointed to a house some yards away.
Only silence followed.
He knew Enid told him to try and have a conversation. But this was better. Just the two of you. Together and silent.
This silence was all you both needed.
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Sam and Jesse were dead. Ron had the gun. He pointed it at Rick.
"You- you-..", he stammered.
His fingers threated to pull the trigger at the axe-holding man. Before he could, Michonne put her katana through his body. He fell limp to the group and a shot fired.
A twinge of relief and guilt passed through Carl's mind. He looked to his dad, shaken and staring at the walkers feasting on their friends.
"Carl?", A small voice asked.
His head snapped to look at his sister. Blood spread through your clothes, telling of a wound on your chest. A deep wound.
You fell to the ground, and Michonne and Carl dragged you to safety. Once inside, Carl pulled your body close.
Your eyes were cold, your face unmarked. Your expression resembling that which you had when you had the gun on Ron's head.
Why hadn't he let you pull the trigger? Why?
"Please no. Noo."
A low groan escaped his body. Now on the floor, he hugged you even closer to his chest. Your small body already feeling too lifeless to his touch. He checked your pulse with his one free hand. His hand dropped.
"No no, please talk to me.Talk to me."
Slow, silent sobs shook his body as he leaned above you, unable to look away from your face.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
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nuwanda-forever · 2 years ago
Show the World
Daryl Dixon × Reader ( Platonic). Young Adult/Teenager Reader. Set in Alexandria. TW : Scars, light mention of wounds, implied child abuse. Wholesome.
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"I'm fine Daryl, It's just a scratch."
"No yer not."
He won't take no for an answer and you know that better than anyone. But you can't let him see how damaged you really are.
You try to physically distance yourself from him to discourage him from trying to look at the wound on your body, where a bullet nearly grazed you a couple of days ago.
It doesn't work.
"Let me see."
He positions himself behind you while you sit on the bed. He slowly pulls up a piece of your shirt, not enough to make you uncomfortable.
"Hmm,it don't look infected."
Your hopes rise, Maybe he won't see them.
He pulls up your shirt an inch further.
You feel his hesitation, he stops and let's your shirt go.
You sigh, finally relieved when he doesn't say anything.
He throws a tiny bottle of antiseptic at you. You catch it, while also grabbing the rag on the bed.
"Want me to help?"
"No, I can do it", you say too quickly.
He hums in response.
He stands there cross armed waiting for you to do it.
Damn him.
You try to dress your wound yourself but due it's unfortunate positioning at the back, you find it hard to do without completely taking off your shirt.
You give up, and look at Daryl pleading him to help you out. He uncrosses his arms and comes to you.
It's fine, you tell yourself. What's the worst that could happen.
He starts cleaning your wound while you hold up your shirt.
"They ain't nothing to be ashamed of."
"They just mean you won. That you're stronger. Tougher."
Nobody had ever talked about scars to you that way. Five years ago, your school teacher saw them during gym class. She told you to cover them up.
Your family told you to shut up.
That the next time would be worse if you let anybody else see.
Now this man, who you've known for barely three years is telling you, that you shouldn't be ashamed. Of how weak you were?
Your silence speaks volumes to Daryl, so when he gets up immediately you think you've done something wrong.
He turns his back to you and takes his shirt off.
His scars. That wasn't what you expected. Not from Daryl Dixon.
He sits down opposite to you.
"We're better and stronger than the people who did that to us.
"Yer need to remember that."
You nod, to distract him from the tear forming in your eye.
If Daryl Dixon, one of the best, toughest fighters in Alexandria ,(And your favourite) was like you. Then maybe you were tougher than you thought.
Maybe you didn't have to be afraid of showing the world your scars.
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nuwanda-forever · 2 years ago
Spencer Reid × Reader
Slow burn, angst, occasional fluff and smut. Mainly Angst.
The Outsider
A trailer -
"We need to talk, Aaron."
"Strauss, it's nearly midnight and I need to get back to Jack. Can this wait till morning?"
"No. My office, now."
He sighed in defeat and followed the blond woman back to her office. Strauss closed the door with considerable force and shut the blinds immediately, even though they were the only two people on the entire floor. It told Hotch, that whatever was going to come out of Strauss's mouth wasn't going to be good, atleast for him.
This was a lot more complicated than he could have ever imagined and the fact that he couldn't tell his team and had to lie to them indefinitely, was worse.
An outsider, inside their office,.. One who keeps secrets for a living;
joining his team, his family.
All Hotch knew, was that he couldn't trust her and that he needed to keep her alive.
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nuwanda-forever · 2 years ago
Daryl Dixon × Fem!Reader (Platonic?)
"Why aren't you out with Carl?"
"I don't want to interrupt him and Enid. They won't admit they like each other yet, I'm hoping some alone time might encourage the two of them to act on it."
You heard Daryl chuckle from inside the bathroom. Smiling, you waited for his response.
"There are other kids here, ya know."
"..I'm good"
"It won't hurt to make a friend"
*scoff* " I have friends"
" I.. don't count kid."
"Judith does."
Something falls over behind you. You arch your neck over.
Daryl struggles to get his leather vest on with his sprained arm... His scars.
You knew he had them but this was the first time you'd seen them. Daryl wouldn't like it if you said something.
You help him get his vest on. You look up at him. He's uncomfortable. Probably best you don't acknowledge the scars at all.
"Did she not notice them?"
"I'm going to take Judith out for a walk."
There they are.
Judith slumps in your arms even more as, not wanting to leave you.
"Hey Rick."
"Go on, show it to him"
Judith brings out a little flower crown from your satchel, smiling proudly.
"I'll have you and Daryl know, she made this all by herself"
"Is that so, Judith?"
Rick takes Judith is his arms as they go over to Michonne to show Rick's new everyday accesory.
"Wait, I have something for you too"
Daryl looks at you with a blank face.
You tuck in a pink flower behind his ear, and smirk.
"It brings out your eyes."
You've never seen Daryl blush before, even though he's not very good at hiding it. It suits him.
"I'll see you later, oh and do not. Take it . Off. I promised you and Rick would wear them for dinner."
Daryl keeps looking at her as she walks away, probably on her way to tease Carl some more.
"She's a good one"
Carol. God. She's scary sometimes.
"I know that"
"Good, don't lose her."
"I won't"
He whispers.
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