nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
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Her eyebrows pinched together. The heat in Lari’s voice scratched Martina’s record of lamentation, giving her pause to process but not to collect her feelings. She shifted in her seat, as if finding more comfortable ground to stand (sit?) on before rotating to face her friend. “I mean, we haven’t planned anything,” she attempted to counter, but it sounded weak to her own ears. Since becoming such close friends, every summer promised that Martina and Lari would visit each other just as faithfully as it promised sun-kissed skin and pool parties. Martina huffed in frustration, running her fingers through her hair ( not too hard, because it’s a wig, baby! ). She recognized how her own words struck the match that lit the flame burning in Lari’s eyes, but she did not flinch. “Yes, I did think about how you feel. I always do,” she insisted, holding back on the steam rising inside. Half of her body weight was comprised of tears that now boiled to match Lari’s energy. “Your departure’s not about me but I just… I wish you were more considerate, because it just feels kind of personal when I hear something about one of my closest friends from someone else. Like you kept it a secret from me for a reason.” Attending Gallagher felt like this, like everyone was privy to a secret that they hadn’t told Martina. She gave a precursory swallow, unable to produce tears right now. There was something so offense about Tommy and Charlie being used as collateral. “Were you going to tell them before me?”
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      𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜  𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠  𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚕𝚢  at  the  younger  woman  .  ideally  ,  visiting  martina  in  the  summer  before  dropping  the  bomb  would’ve  been  the  perfect  time  .  surrounded  by  rest  and  relaxation  .  maybe  at  a  cabana  .  “  it’s  not  like  i  went  around  telling  EVERYONE  ,  ”  she  counters  .  “  i’m  not  the  type  of  person  to  make  a  spectacle  out  of  it  .  ”  and  she’d  like  to  think  that  martina  can  at  the  very  least  understand  that  .  “  you  should  know  that  about  me  .  ”
      unfortunately  ,  that  isn’t  the  case  .  “  i  would’ve  told  you  if  you  asked  .  ”  indifference  lacing  in  her  tone  .  “  i  could’ve  been  more  considerate  ,  you’re  right  .  ”  like  you  kept  it  a  secret  from  me  for  a  reason  .  give  her  a  break  !  she  hadn’t  meant  to  throw  out  tommy  and  charlie  as  collateral  but  it  seems  like  martina  still  can’t  see  the  bigger  picture  .  “  no  .  i’m  not  telling  them  at  all  .  if  they  ask  ,  i’ll  tell  them  .  ”  plain  and  simple  .  “  you  can  blame  me  for  being  inconsiderate  .  but  let’s  face  it  ,  martina  .  we’ve  both  been  caught  up  in  our  own  shit  .  you  couldn’t  even  outright  ask  me  yourself  .  would  you  have  even  asked  if  you  didn't  hear  it  from  someone  else  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
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“So you just…weren’t going to say goodbye?” Martina swallowed, chasing it down with a splash of her drink. “Let’s see, it’s the last night of the school year, and we’re all leaving tomorrow. So, when? When was I going to find out?” Hurt clear in her tone, she left gaps for Lari to fill with her plans, to determine if she were included in them. Never mind the hypocrisy in fostering doubt about returning next year, but Martina didn’t decide yet. It was different. “Apparently I’m the last of your friends to find out, and I’m not just a friend here. We know each other’s families.” Which said, without saying, that Martina thought that she should have been more important than ‘friends here.’ “Think about how I feel.”
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      “  𝚢𝚘𝚞  𝚜𝚊𝚢  𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝  as  if  we  aren’t  going  to  see  each  other  over  the  summer  .  ”  there’s  something  about  what  martina  says  next  that  doesn’t  sit  well  with  lari  .  she  knows  she  isn’t  good  with  goodbyes  .  but  at  the  same  time  ,  she’s  not  saying  goodbye  to  her  friends  .  it’s  symbolic  .  a  promise  that  she’ll  still  be  in  their  lives  despite  not  being  at  gallagher  .  she  thinks  she’s  done  a  pretty  good  job  of  that  before  she  went  to  gallagher  .  and  it’s  a  shame  that  after  years  of  knowing  each  other  ,  martina  doesn’t  understand  that  .  
      “  like  i  said  ,  probably  over  the  summer  .  ”  downs  the  rest  of  her  drink  .  “  you  can  be  hurt  that  i  didn’t  tell  you  .  that’s  fine  .  but  it’s  kinda  funny  ,  ”  lari  starts  .  “  it’s  our  last  night  at  school  and  you’re  making  my  departure  about  you  ,  ”  she  can’t  help  but  point  out  .  the  alcohol  is  making  her  more  vocal  and  she  has  no  intention  of  stopping  .  “  think  about  how  you  feel  ?  i  did  .  martina  ,  did  you  stop  to  think  about  how  i  feel  ?  or  consider  why  i  chose  not  to  tell  anyone  ?  yes  ,  our  families  know  each  other  .  but  you’re  also  not  the  only  family  friend  i  have  here  .  tommy  and  charlie  don’t  even  know  that  i’m  leaving  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  t.  black
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        “ YOU DON’T THINK I’M SELF-AWARE ? ”   tommy laughs, though he’s a little insulted !   he likes to pride himself on being pretty self-aware, at least in comparison to his brother, which doesn’t mean much.   “ where are you going this summer ? ”   a bunch of pilots in the same room together sounds like a lot of personalities, most which tommy probably wouldn’t like. nothing against lari.   “ yeah ? ”   that makes him smile, the prospect of seeing her again – especially when she tells him only moments later that it won’t be a sure thing after this moment. the smile on his face dims, but he tries to hold his disappointment.   “ ah, well. i’m sorry to hear that, ”   he admits, glancing down at his drink,   “ but i’m sure it’s for the best, so good luck back in paris. it won’t be the same without you. ”   he’s never known a gallagher experience without lari there.
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      “  𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕  𝚊𝚜  𝚘𝚏  right  now  we’re  gonna  aiming  for  lisbon  ,  barcelona  ,  geneva  and  possibly  finish  off  our  trip  in  london  .  ”  she’s  pretty  excited  for  this  trip  .  it  was  unfortunate  that  she  had  to  reschedule  it  last  summer  because  of  the  berlin  internship  .  she  notices  how  tommy’s  smile  doesn’t  quite  reach  his  eyes  when  she  confirms  her  departure  .  this  is  what  she  wanted  to  avoid  .  “  don’t  be  .  it’s  not  your  fault  ,  ”  she  smiles  softly  before  bringing  her  glass  up  to  her  lips  .  “  thanks  tommy  .  i’m  sure  we’ll  still  see  each  other  .  ”  she’s  always  assumed  that  she’ll  have  to  experience  gallagher  without  tommy  for  a  year  .  funny  how  life  works  .  “  maybe  more  so  than  when  we  used  to  as  kids  .  it  beats  the  10  hour  flights  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  t.  black
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        “ SOUNDS LIKE IT’D TASTE LIKE A FLOWER, ”   he notes, although he’s really thinking that it’ll probably taste like fabric softener. unfortunately he’s already reached for the thing, so tommy accepts the drink and has a small sip of it.   “ huh, it’s not bad. ”   not good enough to steal for the rest of the night, which lari should feel lucky, because he offers her the drink back. he’ll stick to whiskey tonight.   “ is that a bad thing ? ”   his lips slide into a small smirk, more amused than anything.   “ pilot buddies, huh ?   that sounds like fun. i’ll be in geneva for an internship, but i plan to do some traveling before. maybe we’ll see each other, ”   he says, though he doubts it.   “ otherwise, will i be seeing you in the fall ? ”   tommy’s already bracing himself for the answer he doesn’t want. 
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      “  𝚒𝚝’𝚜  𝚗𝚘𝚝  .  but  the  drama  is  unsuspecting  .  and  it’s  not  like  you’re  self-aware  about  it  ,  ”  she  playfully  teases  .  “  yeah  ,  we  do  it  every  year  .  get  together  ,  travel  somewhere  .  ”  speaking  about  it  makes  her  realize  how  much  she  misses  them  .  “  oh  congrats  on  your  internship  .  i’m  sure  you’ll  do  VERY  well  in  geneva  .  but  yeah  maybe  we’ll  cross  paths  .  or  at  the  very  least  ,  i  have  a  feeling  i’ll  spend  a  couple  nights  in  geneva  .  ”  brings  the  glass  up  to  her  lips  to  take  a  sip  .  she’s  caught  off  guard  at  his  question  .  and  for  a  moment  ,  lari  contemplates  whether  or  not  to  tell  him  .  in  the  end  ,  she  doesn’t  want  to  lie  to  him  .  she  knows  it’s  an  answer  he  doesn’t  want  to  hear  .  but  they  did  talk  about  this  a  couple  months  back  so  tommy  knows  that  there  was  a  chance  that  she  wouldn’t  be  returning  .  “  i  won’t  be  coming  back  in  the  fall  .  i’ve  renewed  most  of  my  certs  so  i’ll  be  back  in  paris  in  the  fall  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
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As she moved closer and closer to the target, it grew harder to throw off her aim, each question an arrow that she hoped would bait Lari to guide towards the bullseye. Martina sighed not-undramatically, staring at her drink for a moment, wondering what the hell she just ordered. Still looked enticing and she’s never been immune to the effects of pretty things. “Are we friends?” she asked her glass, a second passing before finally leveling her gaze with Lari. “Because friends would tell friends if they’re leaving. Friends don’t hear it from someone else. And I’m just wondering if you were ever gonna tell me.”
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      𝚒𝚝’𝚜  𝚗𝚘𝚝  𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝  lari  wanted  to  keep  this  from  all  her  friends  ,  but  she’d  just  never  been  good  at  saying  goodbye  .  and  she  figures  she’ll  run  into  them  later  on  in  life  .  being  at  gallagher  proves  that  .  “  of  course  we’re  friends  .  ”  takes  another  sip  of  her  drink  .  she  peers  over  from  her  glass  .  and  when  martina  brings  up  her  departure  from  gallagher  ,  she  pauses  for  a  moment  .  “  i  wasn’t  going  to  tell  anyone  ,  ”  she  answers  truthfully  .  telling  margot  felt  necessary  since  she  still  works  for  her  friend’s  family  .  and  as  for  marifer  ?  she’s  leaving  gallagher  too  .  and  adam  ?  it  came  up  and  she  didn’t  want  to  lie  to  him  .  “  my  plan  isn’t  to  leave  and  cut  off  ties  with  all  my  friends  here  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
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Bruna Marquezine as Catarina de Lurton in Deus Salve o Rei, Episode 144
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  t.  black
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        “ FITTING, ”   he smirks at her, because he doesn’t believe that for a second.   “ what’s in it ? ”   the smiling comment makes him roll his eyes, though the last he gives her does unfortunately show his teeth for a moment there. no red on them, at least !   “ brooding, really ? ”   not the first time he’s gotten that, nor will it probably be the last. bad boy fourth year tommy arc when. calling him brooding and then dramatic somehow feels like an oxymoron.   “ yeah, i’m not a fan, ”   he makes a face, holding his hand out to steal her drink.   “ what are your plans for the summer ? ”
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      “  𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝  𝚐𝚒𝚗  ,  créme  de  violette  and  lemon  juice  .  gives  it  that  purple  color  .  ”  she  can’t  help  but  let  out  a  laugh  when  tommy  smiles  .  not  to  roast  him  but  could  it  be  the  first  time  tonight  ?  “  i’m  sure  you  get  it  a  lot  .  no  hate  ,  i  get  it  .  it’s  your  whole  vibe  and  everything  .  ”  she  takes  another  sip  of  her  drink  .  not  the  grenadine  abomination  .  “  nothing’s  really  set  in  stone  yet  ,  ”  she  playfully  rolls  her  eyes  before  handing  him  her  drink  .  “  a  couple  pilot  buddies  and  i  are  meeting  up  to  travel  around  europe  .  what  about  you  ?  anything  interesting  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
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If only she weren’t so nosy. “Just friends?” Martina said normally. “Or just friends?” she said this melodically. The confusion on Lari’s face hurt more than if she were cold. To Martina, being oblivious to causing pain to someone else was worse than intentionally causing pain. “So I’ve heard.” What was she thinking? She so did not want to have this conversation on their last night at Gallagher, but bitterness twisted her words. She couldn’t escape it as she walked to the bar with Lari, ordering whatever’s sweet as can be, shaken, not stirred. Satomi do your thang. “When were you going to tell me?” she pressed, a ditch effort to receive an admission without saying what for.
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      𝚜𝚑𝚎  𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜  𝚊  face  at  the  insinuation  .  “  okay  noooo  .  definitely  not  that  .  just  friends  as  in  we  broke  it  off  and  we’re  on  good  terms  .  ”  as  soon  as  they  reach  the  bar  ,  she  orders  a  jalisco  express  .  for  someone  who’s  always  observant  ,  lari  can  barely  notice  the  shift  in  martina’s  demeanor  .  blame  it  on  the  alcohol  she’s  had  .  but  if  martina  has  something  she  wants  to  talk  about  then  she  better  say  it  .  tipsy  lari  isn’t  going  to  pick  up  on  the  hints  as  easily  .  drunk  lari  sure  as  hell  won’t  .  better  work  fast  ,  martina  .  as  soon  as  her  drink  is  served  ,  lari  grabs  it  and  takes  a  sip  .  “  i  think  you’re  gonna  have  to  be  a  little  more  specific  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  l.  madden
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“It is. It’s a very saintly color, balances out the black.” It does not, Levi is just bullshitting. He lets out a chuckle at her words. “Are you attempting to deflate my ego there, Lari?” Because that’s a very hard mission, especially with an ego that’s as high as his. He’s very confident, thank you very much! “Mm, I didn’t admit anything.” He just implied it, but of course he’s going to use this to play another game of back and forth with her. He also takes a small step, eyes down at her. “Are we friends?” Throws the question back at her. They’re certainly not friends. “Ah, another person leaving.” A lot of those. “Might go out with a bang.”
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      “  𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢  𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎  𝚢𝚘𝚞  can  say  that  for  any  metallic  color  ,  ”  lari  points  out  .  she  can  tell  he’s  bullshitting  but  she’ll  humor  him  .  “  i  wouldn’t  go  as  far  as  to  say  it’s  an  attempt  .  i’m  just  commenting  out  of  observation  ,  ”  she  shrugs  and  takes  a  sip  of  her  drink  .  “  you  might  as  well  have  .  ”  points  it  out  with  another  shrug  .  “  i’d  say  we’re  friendly  enough  .  ”  and  that’s  as  far  as  she’ll  go  .  “  well  with  so  many  people  leaving  ,  it  shouldn’t  come  as  a  HUGE  surprise  .  ”  and  she  can  technically  say  that  she  didn’t  directly  tell  him  that  he’s  leaving  .  “  but  might  as  well  ,  right  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  c.  anderson
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chris  snorts  quietly .  “  it’s  kind  of  funny ,  really …  i’m  just  picturing  sutton  as  leader  of  the  beyhive ,  yelling  at  trolls  on  twitter  or  something .  ”  her  lips  curve  into  a  smirk  .  “  are  you  hard  tonight ,  then ?  ”  
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      “  𝚠𝚑𝚘  𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜  ,  maybe  it’s  her  alter  ego  ,  ”  lari  lets  out  a  light  laugh  .  now  that  would  be  a  sight  to  see  .  maybe  that’s  her  outlet  .  “  i  don’t  wanna  get  too  fucked  up  but  i  just  know  i’ll  regret  it  tomorrow  .  what  about  you  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  t.  black
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        “ I CAN FEEL THE CAVITIES FORMING JUST LOOKING AT IT, ”   he frowns, eyes moving from the red drinks to whatever’s in her hand.    “ what are you drinking ? ”   taking a step back to face her better, tommy snorts at the dare.   “ you want my mouth to be stained red for the rest of the night, is that it ? ”   but he takes one anyway, because it’s too simple of a dare to pass up. taking the smallest of sips, he makes a face.   “ definitely too much grenadine. try it. ”
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      “  𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝  𝚊𝚗  𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗  .  ”  and  no  she  didn’t  order  this  drink  because  she’s  a  pilot  .  “  did  you  wanna  try  ?  ”  offering  the  glass  to  him  .  “  maybe  so  !  it’s  fine  no  one  can  tell  .  are  you  worried  about  smiling  ,  tommy  ?  ”  she  can  feel  those  shots  going  into  effect  now  .  “  you’ve  got  this  whole  brooding  thing  going  on  so  i  don’t  think  anyone  will  notice  the  stains  ,  ”  she  teases  ,  laughing  at  his  expression  .  “  honestly  ,  you  are  so  DRAMATIC  .  ”  takes  the  glass  from  him  and  takes  a  small  sip  .  “  yeah  ,  this  just  leaves  a  weird  taste  in  my  mouth  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  l.  madden
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“Gold’s a saint color,” he says with a slow growing grin, pointing out the gold on the jacket’s lapel and the line on each side of his suit pants. Though it’s clear he’s bullshitting, given his suit is predominantly black — a sinner color. “No?” He tilts his head. “But you came here and talked to me,” he drawls, indicating he’s trouble. “Enjoying myself by getting completely wasted. They’re one and the same. What about you?”
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       “  𝚒𝚜  𝚒𝚝  𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑  ?  ”  she  asks  skeptically  and  gives  his  outfit  a  once-over  .  “  i  just  thought  you  had  a  god  complex  ,  ”  she  lightly  teases  ,  taking  a  small  step  towards  him  .  “  oh  ,  ”  brows  raised  .  “  well  i’m  glad  you  admit  that  you’re  trouble  ,  ”  she  smirks  .  “  but  i  can’t  just  come  talk  to  a  friend  ?  we’re  friends  ,  aren’t  we  ?  ”  they  most  certainly  are  not  .  “  fair  enough  ,  i’m  likely  gonna  get  wasted  .  last  night  at  gallagher  and  all  ,  y’know  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
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“Adam?” Her brows lifted, distracted from her major uncomfy feelings. “Was he your date? Is he wearing his new shoes?” Teehee. Martina followed the downturn of Lari’s brows, something inside churning with unease. “You know.” She almost went the whole night without crying, and she was afraid that she’d start if she said it aloud. “You know, like, after this year’s over. Summer plans…fall plans…winter plans….” She needed a drink. “You need a drink? I need a drink.”
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      “  𝚘𝚑  𝚐𝚘𝚍  𝚗𝚘  ,  ”  she  makes  a  face  .  “  i  mean  ,  don’t  get  me  wrong  ,  we  dated  for  a  year  but  no  we’re  just  friends  ,  ”  lari  laughs  .  “  new  shoes  ?  i  can’t  say  i’ve  noticed  .  ”  tilts  her  head  to  the  side  at  what  martina  is  saying  .  “  they’re  kinda  up  in  the  air  right  now  .  ”  kinda  .  and  she  literally  has  no  idea  what  martina  is  talking  about  .  “  but  sure  ,  let’s  get  a  drink  .  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  t.  black
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       “ DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT ARE IN THOSE ? ”    tommy asks as he comes up from behind, pointing out the cocktails offered up in martini glasses on the table.   “ those look… far too red to be drinkable. i feel like they’d stain my teeth. ”   you know, for all the smiling he does.      @nuvcns​​
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       𝚜𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜  𝚑𝚎𝚛  drink  up  to  her  lips  just  as  tommy  comes  up  from  behind  .  taking  a  sip  ,  she  looks  over  to  what  drink  he’s  pointing  to  .  “  oh  .  ”  nose  scrunches  up  .  “  looks  like  someone  went  a  little  HEAVY  with  the  grenadine  .  unless  it’s  koolaid  ,  ”  she  muses  with  a  light  laugh  and  turns  to  face  tommy  .  “  i  dare  you  to  try  one  .  ”  it’s  not  like  he’s  got  much  to  lose  with  all  the  smiling  he  does  !
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  m.  washington
Martina was conversing with her posse before she excused herself to get a golden macaron. She’s wondering if it was, like, real gold when Lari approached. “You found me,” Martina said with a weak smile. Of course she’s over the moon to see her friend, but it was tainted. “How’s your night? Anything you wanna share?”
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      𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗  𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗  𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚢  ,  lari  still  notices  the  shift  in  martina’s  demeanor  .  she  likes  to  think  they  know  each  other  pretty  well  .  the  bright  and  bubbly  energy  her  friend  normally  radiates  is  dimmed  .  “  it’s  going  well  .  i  escaped  adam  before  he  tries  to  get  me  to  do  more  shots  with  him  .  ”  furrows  her  brows  at  her  next  question  .  “  what  do  you  mean  ?  ”
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  c.  anderson
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chris  is  silent  for  a  moment  before  she  looks  over  to  lari ,  about  to  admit  something .  “  okay ,  but  —  getting  beyonce  to  come  is  pretty  fucking  cool … like ,  i  would  stay  here  for  beyonce .  ”
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      𝚜𝚑𝚎  𝚐𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜  𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛  to  chris  at  the  same  time  .  “  it’s  pretty  fucking  cool  .  i  feel  like  it’s  also  president  sutton’s  way  of  celebrating  her  retirement  .  ”  and  not  to  mention  ,  it’s  a  nice  way  for  lari  to  end  her  time  at  gallagher  .
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nuvcns · 3 years
𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎  :  //  l.  madden
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“Me, looking for trouble? Never,” he says, feigning innocence and clicking his tongue, a slow grin curving up his lips. It’s clear he’s bullshitting. “That makes two of us, then. You look beautiful, Lari.”
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      “  𝚘𝚑  𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝  𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕  me  you’re  dressed  as  a  SAINT  .  now  that  would  be  very  ironic  .  ”  the  corner  of  her  lip  turning  up  to  a  small  smirk  .  “  see  but  i  never  go  looking  for  trouble  ,  ”  shoots  him  an  innocent  look  .  “  but  thank  you  .  ”  hands  move  to  smooth  the  nonexistent  wrinkles  on  her  dress  .  “  is  the  plan  to  enjoy  yourself  tonight  or  get  completely  wasted  ?  ”
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