numonecrush · 3 months
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Another Tom doodles. Drawing this on my phone w 9% battery left 💔💔
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numonecrush · 3 months
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Some unfinished black and white pieces of young Thomas as Voldy <3
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numonecrush · 3 months
Bit of a spoiler but with this one I'm currently writing, I got inspired with a concept that popped in my head one time of Dark Lord!Tom kneeling in front of his darling while his subordinates watch, terrified of them. The Dark Lord throwing away his high-and-mighty status—showing everyone you're the reason for all their hard work.
Hello, new followers :D Thank you for the 100+ notes on my first Tom x Reader HC post!
I'm currently cooking something up but the theme is slightly more toxic than the last one lol (Dark Lord!Tom being manipulative towards Y/N...) but i'm not too proud of it yet at the moment OTL
I'll post if I do finish it! (Or if I write something completely different LOL).
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numonecrush · 3 months
Hello, new followers :D Thank you for the 100+ notes on my first Tom x Reader HC post!
I'm currently cooking something up but the theme is slightly more toxic than the last one lol (Dark Lord!Tom being manipulative towards Y/N...) but i'm not too proud of it yet at the moment OTL
I'll post if I do finish it! (Or if I write something completely different LOL).
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numonecrush · 3 months
hi im ur biggest fan!!! 🫶 I LOVE UR WRITING
thank u 'definitely-not-oomf' 💪
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numonecrush · 3 months
‘ Dating Headcanons ; KAJI REN
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Pairing: Kaji Ren x GN!Reader
Summary: Just my personal thoughts and headcanons on how Kaji is like as a boyfriend.
Notes: Pure fluff & English is not my native language, apologies.
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KAJI REN, who shares his playlists with you. It doesn’t matter if you like other music genres, he will insist that you two share playlists. Once the two of you share playlists, there are times where you see that one of the songs that you added in the playlist is now suddenly in his favorites. And you subconsciously find yourself listening to the songs that he likes whenever you miss him.
KAJI REN, who shows his love through actions more than words. He is a bit more self conscious when he speaks towards you, since he doesn’t want you to get the wrong idea and take it to heart. Which is why every time that you are together in silence, he always makes up to it with his hand in yours, cuddling, sharing earbuds and even simply kissing. Awkward silences suddenly doesn’t exist in your relationship, only comforting ones.
KAJI REN, who finds himself zoning out to the thought of you. He could be sitting on his seat, blasting music on his earphones and simply stare at the wall or ceiling— his thoughts full of you. He’s always thinking about how you’re doing, if you’re okay and all that. Sometimes, he literally just thinks about your smile. His classmates, namely both his vice captains, always know who’s on his mind whenever they see him stare at the ceiling one day. They say one word about it and they are met with a spine-chilling glare.
KAJI REN, who always notices the little things. The way your eyes light up whenever you hear a topic you’re well-versed about, the way that you stare at him from afar, the way you smile whenever you see him, and simply the way that you love him. These things that you do for him, makes his heart swell about you. It’s always the fact that you also notice the little things about him as well, and the fact that you try your best to give him those things— it makes him fall harder. Of course, he does everything that he can to repay that love back, for his special treasure.
KAJI REN, who’s always glad to have you by his side. The whole world could be against him, but not you. Every time that he shows up at your doorstep, all bloody and silent, you always let him in. The way he shares hushed whispers of thanks to you each time that you patch him up, and each time makes you fall in love with him. He knows that every time that he’s in low, you’ll be there to pull him back up. You’re always and will forever be his number one supporter.
KAJI REN, who grows soft whenever you’re around. Because it’s you. He may not admit that he has grown a soft spot for you, but everyone around the both of you knows. The way that one part of his headphones are tilted, so that you know that he’s listening, the way that his eyes is always turned to you, looking at you as if you hung up the sun and stars. The way that he turns to you, and links your pinkies together. Just so you know that he’s there.
KAJI REN, who is your overprotective lover. Every time he’s with you, he always stands behind you— making sure that your back is safe and sound. He’s got your back, quite literally. Every time that he senses danger, he’s pulling you closer to him. He feels relief if he senses and feels you close to him, since it says that you’re there and safe with him. Wherever you go, you know that you’re gonna be okay, since Kaji could be there, or he could simply be one call away. Since he’ll always reply if it’s you (even if the way he texts is kinda mean).
KAJI REN, who struggles with words. The way he speaks is quite brash, but you know him better enough to know that he means well. Essentially, you become his translator when it comes to situations like these. He scolds someone harshly for not taking care of their things, you translate it to them as that he’s just worried about them and doesn’t want them losing their things. He shouts at his classmates for being reckless? You translate to them that he does not want to see them severely hurt.
KAJI REN, who’s also grown a soft spot for your pets (if you have any). Whenever he stops by, your pets are simply drawn to him. You find him playing with them and cuddling with them as he scrolls through his phone. Sometimes, he even stops by with treats and food for them, the way he makes time for them as well since he knows that you deeply care for them makes you swoon.
KAJI REN, who loves you so much, you don’t even know how much he does. Because every time that you whisper I love you to him before you go to sleep, he whispers an ‘I love you so much more’ once he knows that you’ve dozed off.
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numonecrush · 3 months
Obsession Prompts
because I didn't find any when I was originally looking so...here:
"Do you know how long I've watched you? You're perfect."
"It doesn't matter what you think. You're mine. You always have been."
"Did you not like the gifts? I bought them off of your wish list."
"If they touch you, I'll kill them. It's that simple."
"Don't act like this means nothing to you! You're the same as me!"
"You need someone to take care of you."
"You really think they're going to keep me from you?"
"...what have you done?" "What I needed to. Now come. I'm taking you home."
"Try all you want, princess. You're not leaving."
"We belong together. Don't you see that? Don't you know how perfect we are?"
"Now you want mercy? After running from me? It's too late."
"I saved you. Don't you think you should be grateful?" "Grateful? For this?" "Everything I'm doing is to keep you safe!"
"Step away from the window. Come back to sleep. Don't make me have to come get you."
"It's not your fault, it's theirs. They're the ones trying to keep us apart. You see that, right?"
"We're meant to be. You'll see."
"Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you."
"Let me in! Trust me, sweetheart, it'll be easier if you do. Don't run from me. You won't like what happens when I catch you."
"This was the last time, okay? I got you. I'm here. I'm not leaving anymore."
"Nothing can keep us apart. I'll burn the world down if they try."
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numonecrush · 3 months
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Hi. The name's ONE (they/them) :)
I write yandere characters x reader headcanons/drabbles.
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I'm currently fixating on Tom Riddle and the Slytherin boys, but I might write for other characters too.
I like characterizing the yanderes I write as total softies lol, which could be OOC for them.
I won't be writing NSFW.
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numonecrush · 3 months
wait i need to make an intro post don't i
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numonecrush · 3 months
CONCEPT: Tom Riddle comforting you.
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"If they dare touch a hair on your head, I'll fight to the last breath." — Hand in Glove (The Smiths)
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TOM RIDDLE holding you so, so close—his arms wrapped around you as he hums. If you weren't feeling so terrible, you would notice his slender hands moving in a seemingly calculated manner as he strokes your hair. But as you continue to sob into his chest, you can't help but lose interest in your surroundings. In his arms, you feel wanted—a stark contrast from the usual treatment you get from others.
TOM RIDDLE frowning, his stern gaze focused distantly on the empty hallway. He hates seeing you cry, that is for certain, but he can't pinpoint exactly why. Why, in Merlin's green Earth, has he taken a liking to you?
TOM RIDDLE shaking his head to rid himself of his thoughts. When you briefly look up at him with your tear-stained eyes (perhaps concerned about how heavily he's breathing), his heart cannot help but flutter. Right then and there, he realizes: he has to protect you.
TOM RIDDLE holding you closer, his chin resting on the top of your head. As he grits his teeth, he thinks of all the curses he could potentially use against your tormentor.
TOM RIDDLE smirking, reminding himself of just how powerful he is—how much better he is (and, by extension, you are, too) than everyone else. He's eager to defend what is his; he is not afraid to get his hands dirty just to keep you pristine.
After all, who would suspect the perfect Slytherin prefect of doing such heinous things?
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numonecrush · 3 months
𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑏𝑦 𝑚𝑒 🥛🎀
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