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a number for Miss Saphi
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numberfoursaphi · 3 days ago
The more I see other hypno content out there, the happier I get that I found what I enjoy and love about hypnosis and share it in the ways that I do.
I get to tell stories.
The kind of stories you could get lost in.
The kind of stories you do get lost in.
The kind where you feel the changes as I speak them.
The kind where you are free to let everything go and float along with my words.
It isn't all just triggers and binaurals and spirals.
Its love, tenderness, care, intimacy.
I invite people in. The tired, the stressed, the yearning, and let them exist without urgency, without obligation.
I have met such wonderful people, and I feel so honoured to be invited into their most vulnerable spaces to look after them.
My little cottage will always be here, should you need a witch from Wales to whisk you away even for just a moment of respite.
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numberfoursaphi · 5 days ago
The Star Citizen bug has bitten me hard again.
Calling all drones and drones-to-be, I have potentialities for you to fill.
I will need obedient tools to help run my logistics, moving commodities with punctuality and precision.
I will need loyal blades to assist me in ground strikes, infiltrating enemy fortifications and neutralising threats.
I will need diligent pilots to provide protection with their wings, covering ground and logistics team alike, swatting any opportunist who thinks they can target my darling drones.
Finally, I will need subservient mades to clean up the aftermaths of it all. Sweeping away the combatants, looting their armaments, and salvaging any ships.
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numberfoursaphi · 5 days ago
Slow dollification by sitting at your pretty dressing table and brushing your hair.
Seeing it grow with each brush...
Feeling yourself stiffen with each brush...
Seams forming across your body with each brush...
Watching yourself change in the mirror until you just can't move anymore...
Your hands, of their own volition, placing your brush down before gathering in your lap...
Sitting there, staring, smiling, just waiting for me to come and collect you~
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numberfoursaphi · 5 days ago
you know the fromsoft hound knight characters? i need one of those but a drone to keep as a pet. anamalistic, armored and strong. completely obedient and well trained. also i think they would be cute to yank around on a chain
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numberfoursaphi · 6 days ago
Definitely in the plushie line, but if drones are on the right, I'm multi track drifting ><
I have had a long day of writing, so it is time for me to rest.
I need you all to line up into two lines:
One for those who want to be plushies and dolls for my bed to help me get comfy.
One for those who want to be digitised and compressed into little phone games for me to play with until I fall asleep.
I aim to have a good night's sleep
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numberfoursaphi · 6 days ago
1930s villainess 👀
Another little collection grows
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numberfoursaphi · 6 days ago
The First Curse
I have been seeing one of my dolls for quite some time now. She has become such an excellent subject in the time I've had her under my care.
I proposed a little idea.
She had already surrendered her pleasure and climaxes to me. Her mind, her voice, so many parts of her belonged to me. So why not let my magic extend further. She was all ears, and her eyes widened when I spoke my proposal.
I asked her if she'd like me to curse something of hers.
An avid lover of fantasy, she moaned through her bitten lip and nodded.
We took a little time figuring out how we wanted this curse to manifest, and we settled on something delicious. Something that reinforced her place as mine.
She has a beautiful gas mask, a pristine black rubber facade, with a wonderful silencing ability.
We talked about the curse, and I just loved the idea of making another force that controlled her pleasure and her orgasms, something else that would use her like the good toy she is.
She took a little longer to wake from trance this time, I made sure I put her deep so I could weave this curse. She loves resistence play when it comes to going under.
We had our lovely little post-trance chat, and I could see she was becoming a little more distracted with each passing moment, like a fly had entered her room and she was trying to hold her composure.
All I could do was grin.
I knew exactly what was happening.
You see, before that trance, the gasmask was inert. Unthinking. Unfeeling. A doorway to submission and objectification, yes; but inanimate.
Now... now it whispered.
Saccharine promises of a little fun. Come on, just wear me, it won't take long, you know it'll be fun, come on, just come and get me you won't regret it~
I love watching her resolve deteriorate. Seeing her defenses wither and fade. She was holding on for dear life, as the rubber abyss stretched out beneath her.
"I know what you want to do, doll. Go ahead~" I encouraged.
She stood up, and retrieved it, a tremble in her fingers.
She began to put it on, the face first, fitting it snug. She brought the fastening straps around and began to tighten them. The trembling increased as she tightened the final strap.
A gasp.
A throb.
She began to finger at the edges of the mask, gripping at the mouth piece, but it would not budge. You see, the mask had now fused to her face and the rubber was beginning to spread. Her thoughts began to betray her, eventually dominating her mind. The mask was forcing her down to nothing but a toy for it to feed on, drinking her arousal and feasting on her pleasure.
Soon the rubber would reach her hands and they would begin to wander. No- wander implies they don't know what they're doing. They began to interrogate, to grab, to pinch, to grope. They investigating, seeking out the parts of her body that would help the mask feed even more.
Then the curse imparts a little pearl of knowledge, it parts the curtains just a little so her mind could peek at the truth that awaited her.
That this mask was going to use her and use her and use her until she was spent. That this mask was going to extract every ounce of pleasure it could from her. That it would leave her sweating, hair matted to her forehead, out of breath, and completely drained of all pleasure.
The rubber trapped her moans and forced them back into her mouth like a ballgag. Her eyes were wild behind the panes of the mask, and it was such a delicious sight.
After the first climax, she was now completely subsumed by the mask. She was nothing but an onahole for it, an aid in getting itself off.
After the second climax, she was barely able to form sentences.
After the third climax, she lay limp in her chair, chest heaving.
Then she felt it. The cold and refreshing rush of air at the seams of her face.
The mask loosened its grip, laying on her face like a spent lover lying atop their blow-up doll.
I then began to weave a blanket around my sweet doll, comforting her and soothing her, letting her muscles rest, letting her heart slow, letting her breath be caught.
She didn't need to say thank you. Her skin was aglow with gratitude.
Then it hit her.
While the mask was sated, drunk and full on her pleasure, it would soon begin to hunger again...
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numberfoursaphi · 7 days ago
*much melting and whimpering*
Its Better This Way
One of my collection has had a rough week. So many tensions and stress have plagued her days, and I could tell that she was in such desperate need of respite.
Between sessions, she and I like to engage in a little roleplay. We both love to write, and so we've assumed the roles of warriors in a fantasy world who have met after a gladiatorial match. She was a spectator, and I, a weathered veteran.
Our roleplay fell quiet as things got intimate, the two of them sharing a bath in a cute little bathhouse hidden deep within the sprawling capitol.
As you all know, I had a lot of writing to do, and so I decided to surprise her with a narrative session (which will be a story in its own right, so watch this space).
The cherry on top? I unlocked her orgasms for the week. I am her keyholder, you see, and I saw that she needed release. She was under strict rules to tell me of her pleasures whenever she took the moment to enjoy her freedom.
She treated me to some excellent tales and wonderful photos, but her time of freedom was soon to be up.
Now, at the time of writing, we had just had another session, steeped in drone play with her having her own AERS installed. It got some good test runs in and we were in the aftercare.
She told me of the week ahead of her, that she was being a loving and supporting friend and visiting other people and so on, so I said to her that I am extended her freedom from chastity for another day so she could enjoy herself. But, the moment she wakes up in the morning, my key will find purchase in her and lock her orgasms away again.
She bit her lip.
I sharpened and pressed my words to her.
"You would like me to lock them away now, wouldn't you?" I asked her.
She was a maelstrom of need and embarrassment. She has opened up so much to me, so I know when she is at the cusp of unravelling further.
"I think so" she squeaks, after throes of gasps and moans.
I lean in.
"I want an enthusiastic and clear admission. Either I hear a 'Yes Mistress' or give me a delicious tale and photos of the orgasm you had to wake up to before they are locked away in the morning.
She bit her lip.
She cleared her voice, straightened her posture.
"Yes, Mistress." she declared.
So I wove my words into that key, and slid it into her. I turned it until it clicked.
Her eyes fluttered, knowing that her orgasms were mine once more.
"Its like being away from home, and realising you want to return, isn't it?" I asked her.
She nodded, whimpering.
"Well there we go my darling doll. That burden is no longer yours. You'll never fall foul of the mistake of choosing to cum yourself, because you know it feels better when I do it. You'll never make the mistake of wasting your pleasure on a pitiful little orgasm when you know I can do more."
She nodded, moaning.
"Its better this way, isn't it?"
She nodded.
"That you... are mine..."
She nodded once more, whispering, "Thank you Mistress."
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numberfoursaphi · 7 days ago
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Favourite Designs: Frieda Lepold "Emerald" Haute Couture Gown
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numberfoursaphi · 10 days ago
Hnn Yes Miss Saphi 🤍💜🤍
When gaming meets hypnosis, we do see it often fall into similar areas; mindless drones gathering resources, pocket healers with eyes only for their owner, even just a pet running around after them...
I want you to be sharper.
What a waste of a mind to shape it for things so small as resource gathering.
You will be my sniper, clearing a path for me to walk unscathed.
You will be my bulwark, a wall for me to scale so that I can rain down fury.
You will be my mage, incapacitating the enemy for me to deliver a swift and final end.
You will be my blade.
You will be my arrowhead.
You will be my bolt.
You will be mine.
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numberfoursaphi · 11 days ago
When gaming meets hypnosis, we do see it often fall into similar areas; mindless drones gathering resources, pocket healers with eyes only for their owner, even just a pet running around after them...
I want you to be sharper.
What a waste of a mind to shape it for things so small as resource gathering.
You will be my sniper, clearing a path for me to walk unscathed.
You will be my bulwark, a wall for me to scale so that I can rain down fury.
You will be my mage, incapacitating the enemy for me to deliver a swift and final end.
You will be my blade.
You will be my arrowhead.
You will be my bolt.
You will be mine.
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numberfoursaphi · 11 days ago
Definitely more limp than anything else, though perhaps a mix of both? Mind slowing, body quickly assuming a preset pose- 'at attention', straightened posture ... Hhhhh
A choice, my darlings. A simple but powerful spell as been woven into you; when I snap my fingers would you rather freeze in place like a mannequin waiting to be posed, or to go limp and loose as your mind empties out for me to fill with whatever I want?
Choose wisely... I will be taking notes~
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numberfoursaphi · 11 days ago
The new Pokemon announcements have me yearning. I remember so vividly playing Pokemon Red on my original Gameboy, spending most of the time hunting for a better light to shine on the screen (I am also acutely aware at the mention of my age making certain darlings a little weak~)
I've often wondered what kind of gym I would run. But I was a very different person back then.
Say, what sort of gym would I run, sweet darlings? What type would I main, what Pokemon would feature? What would my puzzle or challenge be? I think I might know that answer (and Sabrina should watch out lest she become a cute little dolly for me), but I would love to hear from you all
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numberfoursaphi · 12 days ago
Talking of playing D&D, reblog if you want to be transformed into a miniature for me.
I'll take care of painting you, darling, don't you worry.
Every. Single. Brushstroke.
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numberfoursaphi · 12 days ago
One of my drones was caught in a delicious situation. It was trying desperately to focus on its work, but it also loved being teased and flustered by the other dolls and drones in the Dollhouse. I offered it something to help.
I installed a prototype of a program that we had been designing together: an Arousal Energy Retention System. It caps the drone's arousal levels at 50% and anything that would cause its arousal to go over, the excess arousal is stored in the Arousal Energy Retention System.
Now, when it has been a good drone and finished its work day, it will report to me to have the system discharged. This involves me counting it down from 10 to 0 and when it reaches 0 all that energy will be released in an orgasm so powerful that it will cause its chassis to go limp like a ragdoll and its speech synthesiser and word processing to scramble until the orgasm subsides.
Current stress tests are returning valuable data, the dolls are proving excellent assistants~
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numberfoursaphi · 12 days ago
Playing D&D tonight and it makes me yearn to play a character I've been rotating in my mind for sometime...
A Seamstress Sorceress!
Every one of her spells manifest as enchanted fabrics and more.
Magic missile becomes arcane needles with streaming ribbons.
Hold Person has magic satin unravelling around the target and then mummifying them.
But my favourite visual would be for Command.
Threads and bolts and fabrics apparate and envelop the target. A whirl of fabric magic spins about them, and when it all settles, there stands the target, encased in a doll fascimile of themselves, following along so obediently. The voice coming clearly from the embroidered face, but a keen ear would hear their muffles beneath.
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numberfoursaphi · 13 days ago
Hhhhnbbbbbb 😵‍💫 you can't end a sentenceike that and not expect me to be there......
The new Pokemon announcements have me yearning. I remember so vividly playing Pokemon Red on my original Gameboy, spending most of the time hunting for a better light to shine on the screen (I am also acutely aware at the mention of my age making certain darlings a little weak~)
I've often wondered what kind of gym I would run. But I was a very different person back then.
Say, what sort of gym would I run, sweet darlings? What type would I main, what Pokemon would feature? What would my puzzle or challenge be? I think I might know that answer (and Sabrina should watch out lest she become a cute little dolly for me), but I would love to hear from you all
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