nudeemogirlfriend · 1 year
True love consumes.
True love is like being hit by a wave in an angry ocean.
It’s addictive.
It keeps you up at night, and makes you want to sleep all day.
It is worth fighting for and dying for.
It is a sacrifice, and compromise, and sometimes it is fruitful.
It is never easy, and I prefer it that way… because things that are complicated are important.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
I looked my family in the eye and told them “leave me to die, or I’ll make you sorry you didn’t”
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
These red lights getting in the way of us
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
Had a dream that I was chillen with lance heart and he gave me a bunch of tattoos and posted me on his story and I got a bunch of followers from it. And I brought kitty with me! Obviously now in real life she is called Lucy heart and is a woman... but yeah.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
The very root started with him and everything else branched off from that
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
People who live underwater only come up for a quick breath of air
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
Wow everything was awesome until I saw stuff that hurt my soul and shattered my entire existence and ruined my heart and broke me. What the hell. I’m gonna die probably.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
We all end up somewhere. Usually not a good place I bet.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
When I see people like bern watts post “thanks for treating me like a queen” all I can think is that he’s cheating on her and she’s complacent. Maybe I’m just jaded. I don’t trust men but ESPECIALLY a man who looks like they have good intentions.
“No one really knows the ones they love. If you could hear everything they thought I bet you’d wish that they’d just shut up.”
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
“What if I should discover that the poorest of the beggars and the most impudent of offenders are all within me; and that I stand in need of the alms of my own kindness, that I, myself, am the enemy who must be loved -- what then?“
- C.G. Jung
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
I make a great ghost. I haunt everyone that used to know me.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
I wish I was stupid. I need a labotomy
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
We give and give until everything we have is gone and then we turn into dirt.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
We’re just small insignificant social creatures. A step up from wild animals. We have a consciousness, but we won’t ever understand anything that doesn’t have to do with our own silly little lives. That’s so sad.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
Sleep is nice I could do it always forever I like existing without having to fucking think.
At this point I’m just rambling hoping that I’ll stumble across some sort of answer for this empty fucking feeling.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
NOTHING is worth experiencing alone. There has to be something bigger than all of this.
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nudeemogirlfriend · 2 years
The world has so many tastes and smells and feelings and colors that are so vivid but sometimes it just feels so grey to me. What is the point of anything enjoyable if I’m lonely. Nobody I’ve ever dated has ever understood me and I feel so small. Like I’m standing in a room staring at four white walls and every emotion I express is meaningless and stupid. Nothing has any real meaning and sometimes that feels so exhilarating and sometimes it feels empty and gross. The world is useless without someone to share passion with. Nobody hears me and all of a sudden everything I’ve ever felt is dull. Vapid feelings are vapid. The world is a dumb. All the colors mixed together makes grey. One day you’re here and one day you’re not and it doesn’t even fucking matter. I wish to find something exponential or otherworldly that will give me answers. What is fulfillment and why do I only get it in small doses? Am I supposed to find my own meaning or is someone supposed to show it to me? I guess Companionship is so important that without it I am nothing. All of the relationships I have are just cycles of small amounts of happiness here and there but when it’s all said and done I’m being hit by a wave and I’m fucking drowning.
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