nsfw-soren · 8 years
Okay, now that Mark was getting ready to leave for the moment, Soren could allow himself to get his hyperventilating out of the way. He nodded to the other male and made his way to the bedroom. “By your leave then, and do try not to keep me waiting too long.”
When he made it to the room, he couldn’t prevent his heartrate and and breathing from intensifying any more. After a brief moment, it was over and done with, and he laid on the bed. He started to disrobe, but changed his mind, not wanting to feel…exposed - more figuratively than literally - until his companion for the night returned.
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren took a lengthy, deep breath to kewp his thoughts, pulse, and the blood rushing to his face under control. While he'd occasionally overheard some precious companions talking about that, he had always blown it off, no pun intended.
But now...
"F-Fine," he stated, noting the stammer and not wanting it to happen again. In a rare boldness, he crossed his arms before adding, "so long as I get to return the favor."
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren helped in putting the pieces and board away as well, although he slowed upon hearing the other tactician’s statements. He stood up and dusted off his robed before eyeing the other. “I’m not against ‘just going for it’...but what did you have in mind?” Given how he was already stepping outside of his comfort zone - willingly, at that - he wasn’t exactly about to agree to something he knew nothing about.
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
“Mm, you were a good opponent,” he stated upon watching the counterattack and extending his hand for a shake, a rare gesture of respect for an equal. “Understandably so.” He wasn’t sure where to go with things from here, he assumed Mark would be taking the lead, but first would be to pick up the pieces from their game.
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
“Lord moves to the bush, equips Killing Edge and uses his last vulnerary, now full health,” he replied, removing his archer from the board. “Perhaps this could be envy,” he started, “but I’m not sure I could even speak so...openly. The fact that I’m even discussing this with anyone is rather shocking, at least for me...”
He noted how Mark’s Lord was a bit faster based on the stat sheet they had, while Soren’s own was slightly stronger and more durable. “In comparison though, I...think I preferred being inside an anus than a vagina.” By Ashera’s name did those words just leave his lips? Granted, he did have experience with both sides, from their previous night together. He noted that Lyn mentioned when they tried doing that before, and it got him wondering. “What about you?”
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
"Archer attacks pegasus knight, finishing her off." Soren sighed a bit, tryng to hide how flustered he was getting. He was glad that Mark's hearing wasn't as good as that of the laguz that he was used to dealing with, since his heartrate was increasing to an uncomfortable level.
"You...don't have any reserves, talking about this," he commented, making mental notes about this, "then again... I shouldn't be too surprised, I suppose. And I would be right to assume I was the first male to take you..?"
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
"Of course." Both of them only had a handful of units left, but even so... "Archer attacks pegasus knight with iron bow. Hit for 19 damage." His thoughts wouldn't stop roaming, and he couldn't help it, despite usually able to put any distractions out of his mind.
"How exactly...did it feel?" He asked, unsure of how to word it properly and not being accustomed to such lewd discussions, let alone speaking such casually.
(1/2)The tacticians were playing a round of Elibian Tactics (which played almost identically to Tellius' version), and Soren had pulled ahead. Just far enough ahead that his thoughts could be elsewhere without him losing his lead. "Mark..." he began,
rolling his dice. “I’ve been thinking about…that night. You know what I mean. You mentioned how good it was. I want to experience it for myself. I’ve already discussed it with Lyn, and she agreed, for you and me. What say you?” (nsfw-soren)
Soren was giving Mark a good challenge, one that not many people could these days, and he was enjoying the game thoroughly. But then suddenly out of the blue he started talking about the night the two of them had shared with Lyn. It was unexpected, but Mark rolled with it.
“So that’s why Lyn mysteriously left us alone in the middle of the day.” He said with a chuckle before mulling over Soren’s proposition. “I have to say this is a bit of a surprise, but sure I’d be up for doing it again. Can we finish our game first though?” 
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Sexual Sunday! Send my muse ♒ and a nsfw/sexual question and they have to answer it - whether they want to or not.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren found himself giving off a soft moan as he was stroked. So gentle and deliberate were her touches. When she broke off the kiss, the apprentice decided to take the initiative and go after her neck, sucking and even nibbling the skin.
At the same time, he figure it was a good time, and allowed one of his fingers to go inside her. “You don’t need to worry about that...” he answered, voice muffled by his master’s neck.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren found himself groaning slightly at the loss of touch when the other tactician disengaged. He shook his head and slowly started to regain his thoughts as he got up and got dressed.
"Mark..." he started slowly before they left the room. "Why did you do this again? Have me join you, I mean. There are plenty of others that would be more than happy to join - Sain, for instance. Why me?"
Soren wasn’t sure what had gotten into him - perhaps it was the multiple rounds last night, or maybe his thought process was still slowed for the sake of bodily pleasure. Or maybe he was somehow drunk from all of these sensations.
Whatever the case may be, he just wanted more right now. He craned his neck and returned Mark’s kiss before rolling over to face him, free hand running down the man’s thighs for a moment before starting to rub the other’s length.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren wasn't sure what had gotten into him - perhaps it was the multiple rounds last night, or maybe his thought process was still slowed for the sake of bodily pleasure. Or maybe he was somehow drunk from all of these sensations.
Whatever the case may be, he just wanted more right now. He craned his neck and returned Mark's kiss before rolling over to face him, free hand running down the man's thighs for a moment before starting to rub the other's length.
Between his hardening length being stroked and his neck being nibbled, he couldn’t not react. He let out a moan and leaned back. Feeling Mark’s dick against his hips, he started to rub up on it as well. “Nng…up for more so soon?” He asked, only being half-smart ass. One arm snaked up Mark’s body to rest on the back of his neck.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Between his hardening length being stroked and his neck being nibbled, he couldn't not react. He let out a moan and leaned back. Feeling Mark's dick against his hips, he started to rub up on it as well. "Nng...up for more so soon?" He asked, only being half-smart ass. One arm snaked up Mark's body to rest on the back of his neck.
When Soren woke, his eyes stayed closed for a while, arms heavy and, for the first time in the longest time ever, mind foggy. For a time, he didn’t want to move or speak or even think. He was quite sore in his rectum region, and it took him a few moments to even start to recall what happened.
Once the memories, the visions, the sesations, started to fill his mind, he stopped trying to move and let himself go limp. That…really happened. He really had intercourse with both Lyndis and Mark at the same time…
Shortly after registering that fact – though in his haze, he couldn’t tell if it was seconds or an hour after that, a warm smell filled his nostrils, and he vaguely remembered Mark mentioning Lyn’s “morning after breakfast”. Perhaps seconds after this, he heard the boy’s words behind him, and he felt his hands roaming his body and stroking his length. Though it took an effort, being both sore and sensitive, he avoided having any bodily reaction, wanting to see how Mark would ‘wake’ him.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
When Soren woke, his eyes stayed closed for a while, arms heavy and, for the first time in the longest time ever, mind foggy. For a time, he didn't want to move or speak or even think. He was quite sore in his rectum region, and it took him a few moments to even start to recall what happened.
Once the memories, the visions, the sesations, started to fill his mind, he stopped trying to move and let himself go limp. That...really happened. He really had intercourse with both Lyndis and Mark at the same time...
Shortly after registering that fact -- though in his haze, he couldn't tell if it was seconds or an hour after that, a warm smell filled his nostrils, and he vaguely remembered Mark mentioning Lyn's "morning after breakfast". Perhaps seconds after this, he heard the boy's words behind him, and he felt his hands roaming his body and stroking his length. Though it took an effort, being both sore and sensitive, he avoided having any bodily reaction, wanting to see how Mark would 'wake' him.
It was morning and Mark slowly started to regain consciousness from the restful sleep he had after his first successful threesome, though since it was much earlier than he was used to waking up he didn’t quite realize it. All he knew was that he was naked and spooning the person next to him and was enjoying their warmth. Soon enough though he started to smell breakfast being made and it made his mind start working better.
Wait, if I’m smelling breakfast, whose in bed with me? He thought to himself. So he opened his eyes to see that it was Soren he had his arms around. The memories from the night before came back to him and he started to grin to himself and get a bit hard, because let’s face it, those were some hot memories.
“Hm, let’s see if I can’t have a little fun waking him up.” Mark said to himself as he trailed his hands down Soren’s body. “Wake up handsome, wake up.” He whispered as he rubbed his dick slightly.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
So Soren, on a scale of 1 to 10, how was your night with Mark and Lyn?
Soren blinked a few times. Was that something that needed to be answered?
“May I answer for him, in the spirit of Munday?” Mun grins to the mage, who sighs. “10 minimum.” Mun adds a wink before leaving.
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
As she first lunged at him, he tried to hold his ground. Back leg standing firm, he still ended up falling back onto the rug. Though he did try to return the grinding, her pace change caught him slightly off guard. He panted lightly between the lip locks, and his cloak was removed from the rest of his garb, though it still worked as a cushion of sorts.
"If that's what you wish..." He responded when she gave him a chance to respond, pulling his shirt over his head. "I can go for quite a while, apparently."
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
He felt his pulse rising steadily, slightly, at the notion of revisiting their...previous endeavors, though perhaps this time, he could be more prepared. He blinked slowly again. After all, he did have quite the respect for this woman. Still...
"If 'half the people in camp' would work, go ahead and...pounce them," came the nonchalant reply. "If you want me..." He leaned in, on his tip toes so that his words could be heard in a whisper to her ear, the ever slightest hint of want in the whisper. "Take me."
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nsfw-soren · 8 years
Soren closed his eyes for a very brief moment. Of course this was what she wanted. Perhaps he should have noticed as soon as she approached, but oh well. When he opened them, his lips curled upward very slightly, and this was the only physical reaction he had. “You want me.”
It was a statement, not a question. He approached her slowly, purposefully slowly, and leaned up, holding her chin between his thumb and forefinger. Looking her in the eye, he whispered, “you could have just said so.”
@mercenary-soren cont’d from here
The mage had just finished making his records and was putting them away when he sensed her presence. He knew it was hers – there were perhaps two others whom he was so familiar with, and they carried themselves differently than she did. “Shanzira,” he greeted with a nod before putting the records on the shelf, then turned to her, arms folded behind his back. “To what do I owe his pleasure?” When her question registered, he answered simply with another. “What can I help you with?”
How fucking oblivious did he have to be? She had tangled her limbs together to keep herself from getting up and her face showed a cross between pain and dizziness. The look resolved itself into lust as her eyes settled on him, scanning up and down his body. “It’s sort of really fucking obvious.”
She’d even included a clue with her diction, lucky him! Now was he bright enough to understand? And if he was, would he agree, or would he just tie her up and let her suffer alone where she couldn’t do anything stupid?
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