43 posts
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noyeir · 2 months ago
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this is porn. to me.
bonus: okay you guys get it
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noyeir · 4 months ago
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loves to bully + loves to be bullied: a series
(x from twitter/sportmodepetey, x from @ticklefighthockey, x from @justinelark, x from twitter/pghchick07)
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noyeir · 6 months ago
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Nothing is bad that can't get worse.
But I hope he makes a good recovery 💕
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noyeir · 6 months ago
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Just Jonas sharing about Wout's family on his Instagram, very cute.
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noyeir · 7 months ago
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Let's talk about Wout's son asking where Jonas is.
That was so cute.
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noyeir · 8 months ago
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I'm BEGGING someone to write a story about this photo.
Where Jonas, not being a sprinter, says that he learnt to sprint well from Wout and that's why he won.
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noyeir · 10 months ago
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Taurus season has started, springtime is here and Yuki Fest Round 3 has wrapped up with so many amazing works celebrating our favorite little guy.
This was the first round of Yuki Fest to feature web weaves and digital zines. We also had the most varied fic pairings of any round and even two new AO3 tags created!
Thank you so much to all the artists, editors, and writers who took the time to contribute to this fest! We love and appreciate all of you for your time and effort and making this round something special for Yuki's birthday
Please take the time to leave all our amazing contributors a like, reblog, kudos and comment 🩷
Yuki Stamp by @pitayyaaa
Momiji Dragon by @cobraonthecob
Splatoon Yuki by @lewisfencer
Web Weave by @yebulgi
Yuki Zine by @theworld--isyours
Web Weave by @lil-shiro
Steak and other strange situations (Lance/Yuki) by @lil-shiro
Meu namorado e o namorado dele & MI2GH (Yuki/Pierre) by Chantez
Inches Apart, Even Closer At Heart (Yuki/ Andre Lotterer) by @valmontheights
Hero Worship (Yuki/Fernando) by @tinytauris
 r/datingadvice posted by - jasonstathamfan22 (Josh Kruse/Yuki) by @yukierres
take my hand (like there's a way out) (Yuki/Pierre) by @bun-nuit
terrace house (on fire) by @yuki-tsunodas
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noyeir · 10 months ago
BKK para IBZ
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✦ 𝒱.egaspete
⌕ pedido de capa pessoal entregue a @chantez on Spirit Fanfic
⌕ em caso de inspiração, dê os créditos
⌕ Leia aqui: ⛱️
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noyeir · 11 months ago
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Pixie e Piff
11/04/24; Pedido de capa.
Bang Chan e Lee Felix, StrayKids.
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noyeir · 1 year ago
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noyeir · 1 year ago
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Suzuka has come and gone and what better way to spend this week without F1 than by catching up with the amazing fanworks for Yuki Fest Round 2!!!
Round 2 of Yuki Fest was to celebrate our favourite guy’s home race and our excellent writers came through with 10 amazing new fics for all Yuki enthusiasts! On behalf of the mods, we want to thank everyone for their hard work and to the discord community for being so kind and supportive 🩷
Before we share this round’s amazing fics, here are some fast facts:
In 2 months our ten writers wrote over 40k words combined!! 🎆
There were 5 different pairings represented in the round with Yukierre once again leading the pack. 🫂
You can find ALL TEN AMAZING FICS in the yuki fest round two collection ✨✨HERE ✨✨ on AO3, or keep reading below to see each of them individually!
Be sure to leave comments and kudos for all our writers and appreciate their hard work! 👏👏 That concludes Yuki Fest for 2023 but if you still want to hang out with fellow Yuki lovers, come join our discord! Just message me or @tinytauris! See you all next time! 😘😘
wait for me in the future by @seiran20 [E]
Pierre meets 19 years old Yuki.
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adagio for second movement by @valmontheights [E]
It’s unfair, really – nobody should look that attractive while sweating through heavy stage makeup, bathed under garish stage lights and garnished with an ill-fitting turban that makes up the Solor ensemble. But this is Pierre Gasly, after all. What was the term Alex liked to use? Right, rise above the material.
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now his hand is on your shoulder by @lydia-petze [T]
Yuki needs a bit of love after Singapore 2023.
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(more than) just a neon weekend by @fenesacha [E]
Twenty-four hours ago, Yuki did not have a paddock pass for the Tokyo E-Prix, and he certainly wasn't expecting to meet Lando and Sacha there. Now, there's one hand creeping its way high up his thigh, and another playing with the hair at his nape.
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new perspectives, new beginnings by @your-littlesecret [T]
Yuki never really meant it. He would go and say owning a restaurant, being a chef was his dream, but it was a joke. It would be the dream if he wasn’t already in his actual dream job, driving in Formula One with only the best of the best – and, I mean, he has been driving against Lewis Hamilton, for fucks sake! And then some random day in the middle of summer break, he got called to a suspiciously looking meeting with the team and got told, in simple words, that he would be without a seat for next year.
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Alfa, eu não gosto do seu cheiro by @noyeir [T]
Você leitor com certeza já viu histórias com o famoso clichê envolvendo alfas, betas e ômegas, em que os dois personagens principais se conheceram pela primeira vez e amaram o cheiro um do outro. No entanto, eu quero que vocês esqueciam tudo isso, afinal de contas, aqui se trata da vida real. Então acompanhem o meu relato de puro azar, em que eu, Yuki Tsunoda, um ômega e piloto de Fórmula 1, mesmo com sete bilhões de pessoas na Terra à minha disposição, fui me apaixonar justamente por Pierre Gasly, também piloto profissional, alfa, e o mais importante: dono de um cheiro de salmão que eu tanto detestava.
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An onigiri with no filling by @lil-shiro [G]
Alex didn’t know what to expect they told him he would be mentoring F1’s latest rookie. What he didn’t expect was the boy to avoid him at all costs.
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waterfalls and lightblue waves by @merlesrandomstuff [G]
Yuki and Linea have been a couple for four years now and in the process of planning a surprise for Linea at their anniversary, Yuki felt that he was ready to take their relationship a step further and propose to her at the same place where they became a couple. Will Linea say yes? And how much is Josh going to thirdwheel his friends?
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you find the string to strike within me by @lawsonodas [M]
There's no mistaking those large hands, scarred and beaten from his work in the stables. Pierre, Yuki thinks is his name. He's not important enough for Yuki to ever have spoken to him before, but here, in this extravagant masquerade ball, the social conventions that bind them elsewhere are no more. "Mademoiselle," he murmurs, taking Yuki's hand in his own and bringing it up to his pink lips, eyes glistening, lips barely touching as his eyes remain on Yuki the whole time. "May I tempt you to a dance?"
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summer lovers by @tinytauris [E]
He's glowing golden from the sun, would be a shame if no one else got to touch.
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noyeir · 1 year ago
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Sentimentos que Sufocam | leia aqui
pedido feito por chantez
Blackpink ; Lalisa & Jennie
"As pessoas não entendiam que os sentimentos sufocam, e se isso já acontecia quanto ao amor, mais ainda ocorreria em relação ao ódio"
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noyeir · 2 years ago
oii, pode fazer gifs do Jungkook para o spirit?
Mas só Gif dele? Ou dele com outras fotos no meio em formato de Gif?
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noyeir · 2 years ago
E.A. Deverell - FREE worksheets (characters, world building, narrator, etc.) and paid courses;
Hiveword - Helps to research any topic to write about (has other resources, too);
BetaBooks - Share your draft with your beta reader (can be more than one), and see where they stopped reading, their comments, etc.;
Charlotte Dillon - Research links;
Writing realistic injuries - The title is pretty self-explanatory: while writing about an injury, take a look at this useful website;
One Stop for Writers - You guys... this website has literally everything we need: a) Description thesaurus collection, b) Character builder, c) Story maps, d) Scene maps & timelines, e) World building surveys, f) Worksheets, f) Tutorials, and much more! Although it has a paid plan ($90/year | $50/6 months | $9/month), you can still get a 2-week FREE trial;
One Stop for Writers Roadmap - It has many tips for you, divided into three different topics: a) How to plan a story, b) How to write a story, c) How to revise a story. The best thing about this? It's FREE!
Story Structure Database - The Story Structure Database is an archive of books and movies, recording all their major plot points;
National Centre for Writing - FREE worksheets and writing courses. Has also paid courses;
Penguin Random House - Has some writing contests and great opportunities;
Crime Reads - Get inspired before writing a crime scene;
The Creative Academy for Writers - "Writers helping writers along every step of the path to publication." It's FREE and has ZOOM writing rooms;
Reedsy - "A trusted place to learn how to successfully publish your book" It has many tips, and tools (generators), contests, prompts lists, etc. FREE;
QueryTracker - Find agents for your books (personally, I've never used this before, but I thought I should feature it here);
Pacemaker - Track your goals (example: Write 50K words - then, everytime you write, you track the number of the words, and it will make a graphic for you with your progress). It's FREE but has a paid plan;
Save the Cat! - The blog of the most known storytelling method. You can find posts, sheets, a software (student discount - 70%), and other things;
I hope this is helpful for you!
(Also, check my gumroad store if you want to!)
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noyeir · 2 years ago
"i was thinking whether to wave to him or not"
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noyeir · 2 years ago
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noyeir · 2 years ago
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Como Yuki iria adivinhar que postar uma simples foto dele e de Pierre usando terno em um barco faria com que os seus conhecidos pensassem que eles estavam noivos? Porém, o pior de tudo não era o crush que Yuki tinha por Pierre, e sim o fato de que os dois nem sequer namoravam até então.
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