nova-squad · 1 year
What she found at the sent coordinates on Dantooine… was an abandoned auto-farm. Crumbling buildings, abandoned vehicles… and a LAAT resting in the center of the compound.
If you knew what to look for, you could see firing ports and observation sensors along the perimeter.
And as Athene neared the compound, an armored figure came walking out of the troop bay of the LAAT. Blue paint.
Followed by one in purple.
Order 66 had come and gone.
The Jedi were gone.
The Clones were bringers of fear.
And six cloaked men sat sporadically around a cantina, silently eyeing the stormtroopers all watching the Imperial Holonet Broadcast.
- @nova-squad
On a faraway planet, a (former) Jedi sat in the corner of a cantina, hood pulled low, trying to avoid attention.
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nova-squad · 1 year
And surprisingly, it beeped. One singular time. A text message, not a holo-vid.
21:00. Dantooine. Coordinates attached. Be there, General. - R
Meanwhile, the purple-striped clones were running quickly through the streets, dodging civilians and blasterfire alike.
Occasionally, one trooper would stray a little too close and one of the clones would take them out. Either with weapon, or by hand.
“Circ, ETA on extraction?”
Leo asked over their comm, keeping the question helmet-interior online.
Circuit didn’t answer for a moment—likely checking his chrono against the extraction window. Then:
“Forty five seconds, go, go, go!”
And sure enough, seconds later the warbling sound of a Low Altitude Assault Transport sounded as it roared out of the cloud layer and down to the street. It didn’t even land, just dropped low enough for all six men to fire ascension cables at it and then fly off as it pulled up again.
Order 66 had come and gone.
The Jedi were gone.
The Clones were bringers of fear.
And six cloaked men sat sporadically around a cantina, silently eyeing the stormtroopers all watching the Imperial Holonet Broadcast.
- @nova-squad
On a faraway planet, a (former) Jedi sat in the corner of a cantina, hood pulled low, trying to avoid attention.
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nova-squad · 1 year
The cloaked man in the far corner tapped the table twice, then pointed his pinky at the door.
A second one with a particular tall hood two tables away stood up and walked quietly towards the door. When he got there, he pulled a small plasma torch from underneath his cloak and pulled the doors closed before beginning to seal them shut.
One stormtrooper noticed the strange noise and the odd figure at the door, nudged his buddy, and the two walked over to investigate.
“Hey, citizen, what are you doing?”
No response. The plasma torch cut off.
“Citizen, turn around and show me your hands.”
No response.
Four more cloaked men stood up during the exchange, and a fifth slid towards the two next to the door-man.
The stormtrooper raised his weapon… and the entire cantina exploded into motion. In a matter of seconds, the door cloak had taken down one stormtrooper, and his compatriot took out the second.
The other four opened fire on the crowd of stormtroopers with Clone Wars era weapons, and a moment later the other two joined the fray.
It was over in a matter of seconds, a dozen stormtroopers on the ground from 6 men.
One problem? One of the hoods had fallen, revealing a clone helmet. With purple markings.
“Cap, we’ve gotta go!”
The one without his hood nodded sharply, and within seconds they were hurrying out the door.
Order 66 had come and gone.
The Jedi were gone.
The Clones were bringers of fear.
And six cloaked men sat sporadically around a cantina, silently eyeing the stormtroopers all watching the Imperial Holonet Broadcast.
- @nova-squad
On a faraway planet, a (former) Jedi sat in the corner of a cantina, hood pulled low, trying to avoid attention.
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nova-squad · 3 years
Reblog if it is totally, 100% fine to send anonymous comments to your muse pertaining to the events in your RP
Example, if your muse kisses another muse, it is totally fine for you to get on anon and congratulate my muse, or to say that the other muse isn’t right for them. I will answer ic.
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nova-squad · 3 years
CC-2805 looked up from where he was cleaning his blaster and raised an eyebrow when the Jetii spoke.
Good soldiers-
Captain Leo Tasana of the Grand Army of the Republic beamed at his wife, casually tossing his blaster aside—after enduring the safety was on—and easily swept his wife into his arms, lifting her up by the hips and kissing her as he span around slightly, then pulled back. “Happy anniversary, Ath’ika.”
Holding a small box behind her back, Athene grinned and tapped her husband on the shoulder. “Hey, cyare. Happy anniversary.”
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nova-squad · 3 years
*a 501st trooper shuffles into Leo's office* Sir, I wonder if it would be okay for us to talk? I heard a rumor you're in a relationship with someone planetside. You've been great at hiding it, but brothers talk you know. Point is, I got a girl on Coruscant and I love her more than anything. How do you make it work?
Leo blinked up at the trooper from his chair, then after a moment he sat his datapad down and crossed his gauntleted hands over his armored chest. “Take a seat….” Leo paused, examining the man’s armor for identifying markings- ah. “Romeo.”
He twisted his wrist slightly to press a button on his vambrace that automatically closed the door behind Romeo. “First off, don’t believe everything you hear. Second, no I haven’t, people in this galaxy are just oblivious. And I’m aware of that.”
He sighed quietly, then sat up and rested his forearms on the edge of his desk and interlaced his gloved fingers. “Hypothetically speaking of course, it’s extenuating circumstances that save me too much trouble, I’ll say that much. My advice? Keep something. Something you look at before every battle. Remind you of what you’re fighting to get back too. A flimsi-pic. Holo-pic. Hell, call her every chance you get.”
“Or…” He paused, weighing his actions before pulling off his left glove and gauntlet and holding up his hand with fingers spread to reveal his ring. “That.”
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nova-squad · 3 years
“Agreed.” Leo nodded best he could with Athene’s head under his chin, tilting his head slightly to nuzzle her hair.
Circuit grunted as Ameqse entered his line of vision. “Bruised. Couple of cuts. Tired. But she’s fine.” It genuinely felt like swallowing poison even talking to him, but it was necessary. Annoyingly.
Without preamble, Circuit climbed into the back of the speeder and sat down, followed by Leo as the others went to the other speeder.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
Leo snorted as the Zygerrian spoke. “I’m no Jedi.” Then scoffed when he crumpled in a heap.
He walked up to Athene, not caring for their audience, and hugged her. “Obviously. Ask Circ.”
Circuit hummed in response. “Woozy. Bruised. But overall ok. Honestly, it’s adorable.”
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
Circuit snorted.
Leo’s eyes widened at the scene before them, both blasters snapping up and popping off two shots straight into the Zygerrian’s chest. (Is that me setting up for an ‘I’m no Jedi’? Maybe.)
Circuit spotted Ameqse out of the corner of his eye and scoffed, gently squeezing Tova again as he reached the speeder. “You ok, Athene?”
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
“Good. It’s cold,” she commented, her eyes following him as he broke the binders. Tova was too tired to protest as she was picked up, and curled as comfortably as she could against the plastoid of Circ’s chestplate.
As the group walked towards the speeder, rapid lightsaber clashes began to be audible.
“If I only I could feel it through the armor.” Circuit teased softly, returning his knife to its sheath. He couldn’t help but smile when Tova curled up in his arms, squeezing her amicably.
When the Novas clocked onto the lightsaber sounds, the ones with Mirialans who could walk let them go and drew their blasters, quickly making their way towards the speeder.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
Circuit couldn’t help but smile sadly when Tova spoke, walking over to her and kneeling down. “Sorry, cyare. You’ll be home soon.” He muttered quietly, pulling his knife from its sheath and using it to break the binders Tova wore.
As Circuit slipped one arm under Tova’s knees and the other under the small of her back, the rest of Nova started helping Mirialans outside.
Circuit followed just behind them, carrying Tova bridal-style with her head resting on his chest.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
Multiple hours later, ARC-3185, aka Circuit, walked up to the storage container that the entirety of the trafficking crew had been defending, blasters drawn and stepping over bodies.
Leo was hot on his heels, both DC-17s in hand with the remaining three Novas trailing behind them.
Circuit stood in front of the door, crouching ever so slightly and yet remaining loose. He was… used to be absolutely furious when fighting. Leo lined up behind him, holstering one blaster and resting a hand on Circuit’s shoulder.
Dust and Shredder set up on either side of the two, each gripping a door handle.
Doc placed his DC-15A against the lock, and then blew it off.
The Twins instantly threw open the doors, allowing Leo and Circuit to flow inside, sidestepping more Mirialans who were laying on the ground and heading towards the sound of voices.
The pair rounded a corner, and were met with the sight of a Zabrak kneeling over an unconscious Tova, only for him to look up when the two neared.
The Zabrak drew a blaster, and time slowed down.
The Zabrak fired. So did Circuit.
Circuit knew how to aim.
The blaster flew out of the Zabrak’s hand, and he snarled, then charged at Circuit.
Circuit growled, lowering his shoulder and driving it into the Zabrak’s stomach before standing up and completely flipping him over onto the ground. Then without hesitation, put a blaster bolt straight through his head.
Then he turned to look at Tova, and raised his eyebrows under his helmet when she blinked blearily up at him.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at. “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door. “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
// Circuit says: MURDER!
Tova, you take care of Flare when Leo and Athene are offplanet right? Have you and your husband considered having kids?
Tova put her hand behind her head, shifting slightly.
“I wouldn’t say we’ve considered it. But you know how parents and in-laws can be sometimes. Besides, we’re pretty busy already with Flare, with how often ‘Thene and Leo are offplanet,” she laughed half-heartedly.
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nova-squad · 3 years
“Because you’re the only thing keeping his sorry ass safe you should stay out here. And trust me, it really hurt to say that. If it were up to me I’d just shoot him and be done with it.” Circuit prompted as he drew both blasters.
// Is that just an excuse to make a separate piece of writing of the Novas kicking ass? Yes.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at.  “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door.  “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
“Yeah, you do.” Circuit shot at Ameqse before lifting his forearm and projecting a holographic map of the surrounding area.
“Listen up!” Leo barked, mainly to Nova. He wasn’t exactly used to working with non-clones. “We have an estimated 20-30 biological hostiles on-target. No idea how many VIPs aside from VIP Trill. But we will get everyone out. Dead or alive. Shredder, give us a POS estimate.”
The Weapons Specialist of the team nodded, turning on his heel and flicking down the macrobinoculars on his helmet and activating their thermals before starting to scan the area. For every heat signature he spotted, he pressed a button and they appeared as a small red dot on Circuit’s map. A good ten minutes of marking later had them all marked, and Shredder said so. “That’s all, Boss.”
Leo pointed at the large blue dot on the map. “This is where our VIPs are being held. Shredder counted ten. Couldn’t tell where VIP Trill was. We’ll split into two teams. Kill Team and Point Team. Kill’s objective is to remove the threat from the port. Point’s job is to reach our VIPs and asses their condition. Questions?”
“ROE?” Dust asked.
“Confirm identity.” Leo responded. “Anyone else?”
None spoke.
“Good. Let’s move.”
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at.  “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door.  “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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nova-squad · 3 years
Circuit deserves to punch Ameqse. As a treat.
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nova-squad · 3 years
“You wouldn’t dare torture me like that.” Circuit shot back as he climbed out.
“Alright, you stay back and take care of him.” The pronoun dripped off his tongue like poison. Then he glanced to his right as a second speeder pulled up and the rest of Nova climbed out.
Is Tova home yet?
“Now that I think about it, it’s odd she hasn’t returned yet.”
Shifting Flare to one arm, Athene turned on her comm and dialed the mechanic shop Tova worked at.  “R4? Is Tova working late tonight?” After a series of confused beeps, she shut off her comm and opened the nursery door.  “Did Tova mention she was heading somewhere different today?”
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