oh, also surprise we're alive -Callum/Caspian [🦌]
Yeah, life got busy with band and school BUT we are indeed decently alright now. Might post a bit more over here, hopefully we do, but we are also going through a bit of a blurry, who-the-hell-is-in-front-with-me period like all the time now. We tryna get better at it but its hard yk?
Anyways, stuff has been changing. A bunch of new frequent fronters who will hopefully consciously reveal themselves (aka, actually let us know who they are instead of creeping around in the dark. Who'll ever guess the future though?) stay near front a lot nowadays. So yeah, hopefully we get back to you all on that!
Ah, I have to sign off now don't I? (THATS THE HARD PART!!! 🩷)
-Garrett/Jarrett? (📟🖋) & Vollie (🌺🩷) & prolly others
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jfc why are anti endos like that god
-Callum/Caspian [🦌]
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if you ever wonder why I don't interact with the traumagenic community as a traumagenic system this is why
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Therian Study Alert
The Jackal in the City: An Empirical Phenomenological Study of Embodied Experience Among Therians and Otherkin
The result of FurScience's interviews and focus groups with therians at Anthrocon since 2016 is finally out. Tens, possibly hundreds of therians were interviewed one-on-one in close to hour-long sessions, their responses recorded, transcribed, and later analyzed anonymously. The study was published in The Humanistic Psychologist and is 20 pages long, detailing the experiences of therians and otherkin, along with associated analyses and a suggested re-terming of what we call "mental shifts," at least in the context of psychology.
While most therians will already be familiar with the what this study will reveal, I'd consider this the closest thing to a "therapist's guide" to therianthropy/otherkin that currently exists. It's accessible for $20 through the APA website linked above. For those who would not like to pay for it, I will summarize below:
The study analyzes the experiences of many therians and otherkin and seeks to "destigmatize and depathologize" our experiences. They provide well-structured examples of what we experience, as well as its psychosocial connotations starting from early childhood and into adult life.
They define a therian as "an individual who believes that they are not human—or at least not completely human. Instead, they identify as a species of non-human animal that either currently exists or has existed and is now extinct," and an otherkin as a person identifying "as a nonhuman being that is typically considered mythical or fantasy-based (e.g., fairy, elf, unicorn)."
They apply Sara Ahmed's work on the ideas of orientation, disorientation, and reorientation to alterhumanity. They dive into our preference for natural environments over manmade ones, our disconnect from other humans and our own bodies, species dysphoria (which they describe but do not explicitly name), and reorientation by means of our own personal image, shifting, seeking out community, and "ontological doubling" - "living [a] human life with its human demands, alongside a pervasive feeling of being out of place."
They suggest the "re-terming" of what we call "mental shifts" and "phantom shifts" and the like as embodied shifts instead, seeing as they involve more than just a shift in consciousness and can include physical sensations (such as phantom limbs) and can occur in response to the environment, by one's own volition, or spontaneously. While some may be against outside individuals coining terms for us, these are professional psychologists and this likely has more to do with their own understanding of us. Per the study:
"Therianthropy and otherkinship are often experienced as an attunement and orientation toward, and a belonging with, nonhuman animals and to the natural world. In connection with their environment, therians and otherkin experience profound changes in which they are less likely to be mindful of their humanness; instead they experience heightened sensations (especially those sensations that are sharp for their theriotype/kintype), increased spatial awareness, phantom limbs (feeling limbs and body parts belonging to their theriotype/kintype), and personality changes (e.g., from passivity to aggressiveness or assertiveness, from anxiety to calmness, introversion to extraversion, etc.). These changes were conceptualized as mental shifts by Grivell et al. (2014), but due to how this experience involves not just a shift in thoughts and emotion, but in the body and their relationship to their environment and to others, we here use the term embodied shifts. By conceptualizing shifting as an embodied experience, we reaffirm that affective [for the uninitiated, "affect" in psychology regards one's physical expression of emotions - gestures, postures, vocalizations, etc.] and behavioral changes, alongside altered states of consciousness, are not experiences located within the individual, but take place in the intersubjective field (e.g., as a reaction to changes in the environment, feeling threatened at work, or experiencing comfort in isolated spaces or with groups of accepting people). Although these experiences can be orienting in terms of the therian’s or otherkin’s experiences of self, allowing them to become reoriented to their environment or situation, it can also be disorienting for them and their social interlocutors."
The conclusion to the paper encourages professionals (therapists and such) to understand us through a lens of cultural humility and provides some hope in that "(perhaps ironically) humanistic psychotherapy..." can provide therians and otherkin some sense of wellbeing.
Overall, this is really good for us. If you are in therapy, do consider forwarding this study to your therapist.
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*eg: getting diagnosed, helping another plural who's looking for advice from plurals with the same origin as them
also sorry, not applicable and nuance have been merged for this one.
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sometimes I think it's wild that what everyone else sees as a regular high schooler is actually three teenagers, a child, a ghost, and some wack ass god thing trying to masquerade as one (1) Normal Human Person and most of the time failing
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me when i’m trying to do guard but another alter keeps getting near front bc he likes one specific part of the choreo 😭
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me when i’m trying to do guard but another alter keeps getting near front bc he likes one specific part of the choreo 😭
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System roles do not have to be your entire identity. You do not have to conform to the stereotypes of them, and you do not have to hold your role alone or without help. You do not need to keep them forever, either. They may be what you were placed into the system to help with, and they may be something you are good at--but it does not have to be you forever.
I am a persecutor, and that does not mean I should be treated differently or harmed. Being a persecutor does not mean that everyone should be scared of you by default either.
Protectors should not be expected to be strong and emotionless walls to put in front of everything all the time. They do not need to be tools.
Comforters might need a break to unload their own stress and need comfort in turn. They do not need to give all of themselves to everyone else and never expect help back.
Littles may not be littles forever, and should not be devalued just because they are children. They are just as real and alive as any other system member and should be taken into account.
Trauma/memory holders might need help to cope with the things they hold, and sometimes when the time is right it means sharing that burden. Maybe there is no right time, but they deserve support whether they can share those memories or not.
Gatekeepers may need a break from controlling switches or access to front, and should be allowed one if needed. Gatekeeping can be a lot of work.
Hosts do not need to do everything for the body or system all the time. Sometimes, being the host of a system can be hard, and support and breaks are deserved.
Systems often put a lot of weight on roles, and it can impact the way that those who have them can feel about their role. It is okay to fit into your role, but it is also okay to not fit, or to end up not fitting your role over time. Some headmates can feel like a failure if they do not uphold their role, some can feel like they have no other choice even if they wanted to not perform it. But a role is a description, it is not an essence of who you are and will forever be. This may be non-traditional but we use roles exclusively as self descriptors so that we do not get wrapped up in what we "should be". If the label no longer fits, or if you need help more than you might have in the past, that is okay.
Be kind to yourselves, and be kind to your other headmates.
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-void⚫️ & Ranboo/Ender [👑]
I feel as if there's like multiple people within my head but I'm the only one controlling the body so I know I'm probably not a system, but I'm genuinely lost on what it could be because they have such strong presences
i mean like, 99% sure some systems dont switch at all so yk. the possibility’s still there!
not an expert on those kinds of systems tho, ‘specially considering how fronting for us works lolol
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me when i see my source’s name anywhere (its a word in the english language that everybody knows):
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We all suck LMFAO
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i have a question! so i’m a system and it feels. Weird? I feel like everyday there’s a fragment and then the fragment merges ans idk what to do!!! like i used to have an alter named sci but idk if they merged or just doesnt front a lot? doesnt help that im frontbound and cant access the headspace :/ rn our main communication is the chat area on simply plural and twinote (btw: HUGE recommend twinote. Its so fun) so Do you have any advice for learning more about and meeting my alters?
tbh i’d say we as a system have no like,,, solid advice because we’re in the exact same situation 😭😭😭 polyfrag moment for us ig!
but tbh if its too much stress getting every single alter you find down on paper, just, try not to worry about it! get the regulars down, anybody who frequently goes by. that’s what we do tbh! especially considering a bunch of various alters that visit front wont stay for long and wont be coming back for at least a hot second
thats my two cents on it! good luck anon :]
(and sorry for not responding for a while, busy life and bad memory moment)
-Ranboo/Ender [👑], void⚫️
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me when i spend my entire therapy session infodumping about my ocs 😭
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Introject culture is reading a system post and going “yeah yeah mhm yeah” and then looking at the signoff and see someone from your source’s name and getting so much ‘psychic damage’ as they say.
— Denise! [🩷🩷]
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can we have some advice, we are trying to avoif anti endos yet we find so fucking much we cant esxape it
i mean like, muting tags is a thing and the block button does exist! i’d also recommend checking up on @/plural-blocklist for any anti endos that cross tag / are repeat offenders in the harassment category. and if any end up on your page (specifically on non-syscourse posts), prolly just block em or something. i mean, if you’re in the mood for a fight kick their ass verbally but yk. for your mental wellbeing
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I feel as if there's like multiple people within my head but I'm the only one controlling the body so I know I'm probably not a system, but I'm genuinely lost on what it could be because they have such strong presences
i mean like, 99% sure some systems dont switch at all so yk. the possibility’s still there!
not an expert on those kinds of systems tho, ‘specially considering how fronting for us works lolol
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