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you  may  think  you’re  winning  this  heartbreak,  but  you’re  not  gonna  win  it  ‘cause  CHECKMATE.
multimuse  ft.  muses  from  a  variety  of  fandoms.  revamped  jan  2020.  template.
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When I lost my sight people said I was brave, but it is not bravery; I have no choice. I wake up and live my life.
                               Don’t you do the same?
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She’s gripping onto him the whole journey, not letting go or even loosening her grip until they were outside. Of all the things Alexis was scared of, darkness was definitely the most terrifying. She bends over, hands coming to rest on her knees as she lets out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. 
She straightened up when Stiles came to check on her shoulder.  “It’s fine.” She says quietly, though it still stings a little from the force of hitting the doorway. The pain made a little more obvious when she reaches up to touch her shoulder and flinches a little. “It’ll be fine.”
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A pair of hands just grabbed on to his arm and even though he couldn’t see, Stiles looked down. His right hand just reached up to grab her hands from his arms. Holding them, Stiles just pulled her a bit closer. In this quiet house, he could hear her breathing and it didn’t exactly sound good. “Okay, let’s find a way out,” he said, moving with her. Never letting go the entire time. His free hand extended out just making sure he didn’t hit anything. When his finger tips touched  what felt like a door frame, he stepped out. Hearing a bang, Stiles just told her “Not yet..hold on..were almost,” moving further. As soon as they stepped out of the building, Stiles just checked her shoulder. “Is it hurt?” he asked, worried.
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Before you can live a part of you has to die. You have to let go of what could have been, how you should have acted and what you wish you would have said differently. You have to accept that you can’t change the past experiences, opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours. When you finally recognize that truth then you will understand the true meaning of forgiveness of yourself and others. 
                                           From this point you will finally be FREE.
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“I guess.”
But it was true. She’d either still have her mother or just be a mopey teenager who lost her mother and has the crazy coach as a father. Maybe a few things would be easier, but she’d be clueless about the existence of the supernatural, and would that be worth giving up?
“You think about this kinda thing a lot?”
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“Everything would be different.”
She said it casually, but things such as these were things she’d thought about quite a lot. While hers had to do with her powers, she was sure a change such as that would affect things more drastically.
“Every little thing you do effects everything in your life, so a change like that would really mess things up.”
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“Sounds like a great plan. A bunch better than sitting ‘round listening to my dad at least.” She says with a small laugh, though to her most things are better than doing that.
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█ ▓ ┈ ☾ℰ.ℛ
Erica’s lips curled up into her usual smirk. “There’s a bar nearby. I know the owner and he loves me. We can drink there without a worry.”
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       “Okay so we just       We just gotta find candles. That’s easy enough.. Except the part where it’s pitch black and I’m sorta a little scared of the dark.”
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        “Answer: no place. They have to have some somewhere.”
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❝Are you trying to say I’m directionally challenged? I’m hurt Greenberg.❞
He wasn’t wrong though, she had no idea where they were. Even her Mexico guess was a million miles in the wrong direction.
❝Okay, not Mexico. Still, not Beacon Hills. Maybe not even California.❞
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❝And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don’t let the directionally challenged play fearless leader.❞
 Somehow he knew he shouldn’t let her talk him into this little adventure. But being the idiot that he was, he’d agreed. 
❝Nah, Mexico is further south.❞
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“I’m not gonna leave you.” She’s terrified, but not for herself. She wasn’t ready to let Stiles go, and she knew that she wasn’t the only one. Scott, his dad, Lydia. None of them would be ready to lose Stiles. Alexis was gonna fight until there was no way for her to keep going. No matter how much her brain was saying to run.
“Stiles, I’m not gonna let them take you.” But of course there wasn’t a lot she could do. Despite her claims, she wasn’t nearly as strong as the Dread Doctors, and being one of their genetic experiments meant that they knew that as well. They’d known there was a chance of this. All of the other Chimera’s had bleed mercury before the Doctors came and killed them. She didn’t know why she thought that this would be any different. “I can’t leave you.”
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The Dread Doctors would be showing up sooner or later to deal with their failure. His heart was beating fast and his mind was racing, thoughts about his father and everyone else. Staring down at his hand, blood mixing with mercury. He only looked up when Alexis took his hand in his.  “They’ll hurt you,” Stiles said, squeezing her hand, his eyes softened and that frown on his face didn’t disappear. “I don’t want to see you get hurt —- I don’t..I don’t want you to be another failure.”
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stexis + instagram @stilesstilinskxi
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Hiatus Notice.
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I’ve decided to put this blog on an indefinite hiatus, though it will probably last until teen wolf comes back. If you need me you can find me on @didntsaygoodbye, @slcyerisms or @tailborn. My personal is @jakesmaddox & skype/kik are available to mutuals if you request it on any of those blogs.
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      “thank you. i really hope we are.       there’s only so much this town       can take, and its gonna be a lot       less if we’re all hurt or WORSE.”
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     “no problem. of course, alexis.       but i am sure he is going to be       FINE. we all will.”
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“Well you’re right.”
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  “No, I just got a feeling it was.”
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“Too many people are normal nowadays.”
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  “It really is, isn’t it?”
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“oh don’t give me that look, it’s a great idea.”
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it be ofdarkpasts boo
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