notitsissssss · 2 years
I’n drunk and high
And I wanna find boyfriend/girlfriend soon so they find me wild/crazy/mysterious while I puff my cigarette and then love me while I quit so I don’t die of lung cancer …. What’s wrong with me?
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notitsissssss · 2 years
It’s the craziest thing. I use to come on here to convince myself not to eat. I was struggling so bad with my body it was terrorizing. I fucked with thinspo, meanspo, bonespo..
It’s been a few years now, and the thoughts are still there, always. But I’m so broke now.. I barely ever have food. I had just thought about it before I started writing this.
That I use to come here to convince myself not to eat, but now I’m here to complain because I can’t..
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
drinking red wine straight from the source (jesus’ side wound)
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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i’m tired of feeling like i’m fucking crazy
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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213K notes · View notes
notitsissssss · 3 years
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132K notes · View notes
notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
TRIGGER WARNING: Alcoholism and Bulimia
One thing I’ve learned recently about over drinking and purging is that when you purge you fucking piss yourself because of the alcohol in your system or maybe it’s because I’ve been doing it so long, either way it’s awful and not worth it.
Please choose recovery 🖤✨
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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notitsissssss · 3 years
Every time I try to block you out my heart and mind want you more. I know we can’t be, not how things are now, but how do I get my heart to forget you? You have left a purple stain on my heart 💜
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notitsissssss · 3 years
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This user has a triggering blog
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notitsissssss · 3 years
I don’t know how to feel about you
I want to be angry, I want to hate you
But you’re so lovely when you’re not lost
You got lost and forgot me
You forgot who I was and what we were
Now when you see me there’s nothing
What do I do now? When you’re all I need
I want to hate you
I fucking love you.
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