nothing-but-void-here · 5 months
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So is the void hostile?
"Only one tribe, and the monster on the 'outside' of the void. Even then, the one tribe may have a quest for you. The rest depends on are YOU hostile."
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Journey: When the trip is more important than the destination. Where are we going? What lies ahead of me?
You go into the void, and meet each of the tribes. Your actions decide the story. The goal is either to leave again, or make a way you can survive in the void. Whether that is to become half void through an experiment, go outside the void border and deal with a monster, or some other option that I may have ideas for later, or just leaving again, it's all up to you. You may not even meet everyone.
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Are you lonely?
There is plenty of people here in the void, anonymous. The true question is: Are you lonely? Would you want to enter the void portal and begin the journey? Or are you content just having a chat? We don't mind, either way. We are also content having a chat.
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Hello nothingness.
Hello, anonymous.
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A mysterious portal appears suddenly, making very little noise.
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Are you brave enough to enter, or will you cower away like the rest?
(I'm going to try to revive this blog, here's a reboot of it! This is a story blog that's fueled by asks, which usually hasn't ended well for me but I'm gonna try again! I'd appreciate promos! I've rewritten more parts of the story but this will still have side quests and different paths, so yeah, hype!)
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We allow all screams
You ever just want to to scream into the void?
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“I mean, it’s not like the void ever did something to me, why would I scream at them. And as far as I know the void screams back at you.”
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Anti anxiety.
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Void Demon
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Species Info: Void Demon
A being that has no real shale and chooses a shape to rest as. The entire Black Glitch Tribe was born from full-power Void Demons. Void Demons reach their most powerful state after killing 10000 living beings. A full powered Void Demon is an unstoppable force with unfathomable power. There has only been 1 full power Void Demon within the previous 2000 years, and legends say it got the motive to gain the power out of grief. A void demon is usually all black with glowing white eyes and teeth it can "turn off" at will, but it can change it's color from black to any color by absorbing a fallen void crystal. Nobody knows where the current full power Void Demon is hiding or what it's plan is, but it has caused fear to strike into many. Void Demons can possess living things in the light world and use them as a vessel for killing so the light doesn't hurt them(note: Light cannot hurt a full powered void demon). Most recent sightings of Void Demons trying to gain power have been on planets that are not earth or on spaceships and have been given a nickname of an "Imposter" among the other living beings. Void Demons tend to work alone but can and have been seen working together and even befriending non-Void Demons and killing their friends' enemies.
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A mysterious portal appears suddenly, making very little noise.
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Are you brave enough to enter, or will you cower away like the rest?
(I'm going to try to revive this blog, here's a reboot of it! This is a story blog that's fueled by asks, which usually hasn't ended well for me but I'm gonna try again! I'd appreciate promos! I've rewritten more parts of the story but this will still have side quests and different paths, so yeah, hype!)
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@stormy1z1-family-blog We Void beings have accepted your kind offering of food. Please throw the Pizza into your nearest Black Hole or Void Portal and we will pay you in crystals.
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