notesbynor · 8 minutes
I was NOT prepared for the love of my life Annabelle Cheddar being called a nepo baby
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notesbynor · 2 days
>>my bad kids overstimulation hcs<<
gorgug and adaine both get extremely scared when there's a loud noise. they will scream if they're caught off guard.
Fig needs COMPLETE QUIET in order to focus on her work (which is why she's failing since she refuses to stop listening to music for anything)
Fabian almost never gets overstimulated, so when he does the floodgates open and it's ALL THE EMOTIONS
all of the bad kids HATE talking to strangers. They've gotten better at it through their quests but when they're tired they still revert back to their default settings. (fabian, gorgug and kristen don't HATE it, but still don't like it) but they all deal with it in different ways
Adaine just freezes and goes semiverbal. Mostly nods and headshakes, Kristen covers for her by excessively talking and saying things she... maybe doesn't mean.
Fig gets REALLY aggressive and just starts thinking of MURDER. If she's silent, she's thinking about murder
Kristen wasn't really allowed to stim in their house because their parents would accuse her of faking mental illness (or insinuate Helio could heal them) so now (especially when they're overwhelmed) Kristen cannot stop stimming.
Every. Single. One of them has PTSD to some degree or another. Comes with the territory of being an adventurer and having to deal with some really fucked up stuff on the regular.
Adaines dad used to slam his hands on tables or slam doors shut when he was mad. It always triggered a panic attack instantly and he would berate Adaine and make it worse before storming off and leaving her to suffer alone.
Loud noises in Gorgugs house always meant that something had gone wrong in his parents workshop. He was in the room once when something exploded and his dad got pretty badly burned. Digby was healed up almost instantly but it's a pretty formative memory for Gorgug and he still doesnt like loud noises all that much.
Fig needs quiet to zone in but feels anxious without background noise so listens to music anyway. If she didnt have music playing in her room when her horns first started showing she could hear her parents arguing downstairs so the music was mostly to drown them out. She finds it easier to focus if she's listening to something quiet without lyrics so her 'do work now' playlist is all instrumental.
Fabian can get overstimulated by tight clothing or being restrained. Reminds him too much of falling in Leviathan and getting tangled up in all the washing lines. Especially doesnt like things tight around his throat because of how close a couple of them were to choking him. Tried to wear a turtleneck when it was cold once, lasted about two hours before he took a pair of scissors to the neckline of the sweater in a panic to get it away from his throat.
They try to keep their interactions with strangers to a minimum if possible. If they're specifically there to ask questions and get answers it's Rizs job (with a couple bardics thrown in to cover for his terrible charisma score) because he can do an interogation better than anyone else. Plus he's good at telling when people are lying to him. Otherwise it's Fabian and Fig who are the ones in charge of talking (though they tend to get very off topic if not given a specific goal).
They gave Kristen one of those spinny rings to wear when they noticed she would pick at her skin when overwhelmed. It gives her hands something to do so she doesnt hurt herself.
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notesbynor · 4 days
The transmasc in me wants to get on T for numerous reasons but i kinda like my voice as it is (tone and pitch wise) and i dont want T to change that
Confusion confusion
How much does T change your body actually? Like face and muscle structure wise. Because i heard its different for each person? Would love to hear your experiences
But rn im still on the fence
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notesbynor · 4 days
Barry: Right on.
(A beat. A nod of recognition and kinship.)
Ricky: Right on.
(A bond has been made for life.)
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notesbynor · 4 days
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you touch my body like it's dressed in disease / and you're the only savior i need
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notesbynor · 7 days
Time quangle reminding me that i love ricky matsui with all my heart
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notesbynor · 10 days
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My thoughts for suicide prevention day.
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notesbynor · 10 days
Pretty sure, at the end of the season, the Dave's Video crew is going to discover/realize that Dave has been using Dave's Video for embezzling, tax evasion, or money laundering.
1. Expensive Spumati car
2. "Paid $400" for snakeskin(???) pants.
3. Despite private expenditures, business is going OUT of business.
4. IRS is interested in the store.
Liv is learning to think like a criminal mastermind. Usha is learning how to actually use technology instead of doing the business' financials by hand. Paula is learning to be a detective. Russell is learning to be a thief. Dang is learning to be a spy. And Wendell is learning to... drive really good, look, maybe they'll have to car-chase Dave down in the Spumati, idk.
Point is, they're mostly all learning how to do or uncover crime. I think Dave's a criminal as well as a bad boss, and they're going to take him down.
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notesbynor · 10 days
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never stop blowing up out of context
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notesbynor · 10 days
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Dope choice from Alex for dealing with the tension of the scene. There was a lot riding on Alex being the last possible chance of a nat 20 to save Barsimmeon and make Ify's move "worth it," in a way. But what has a for sure chance of creating an interesting outcome? Just fuckin downing the juice and running away.
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notesbynor · 10 days
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petition for this to happen once per every season of dimension 20 regardless of setting or genre
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notesbynor · 13 days
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The autistic bffs from ACOFAF!! Who else should i draw?
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notesbynor · 13 days
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quick gukgak 4 the road
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notesbynor · 14 days
Adaine Abernant is Asian to me and you can't convince me otherwise
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notesbynor · 14 days
something something figueroth faeth something something ylfa snorgelsson. what if something happened to you when you became a teenager that changed your body forever. what if you thought you knew who you were and what you liked and who you wanted to be and that all changed when you grew horns/claws. what if someone who was supposed to love you unconditionally reacted immediately with disgust to who you really were. what if, in order to survive and thrive, you had to adapt to a new personality and body. what if you lost who you were because of it. and also, what if you were themed after the colour red
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notesbynor · 14 days
some of yall really out here missing the entire point of misfits and magic
you can't make a problem go away just by pretending it doesn't exist. you have to call it out.
misfits and magic calls out that book series in every way possible, from the general discrimination to the lack of diversity to the specific idea that kids are evil from age 11.
should that book series get more publicity? no. but if the bullshit that author does is ignored, it will only fester and become a bigger problem. call out the issue without giving the issue any money. call out the issue in an effective manner. and in this case, call out the issue in a fun way that supports actual queer people.
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notesbynor · 14 days
I NEED DOUG MEAT AND BEEF TO DATE OMG. they havent interacted at all but i feel that theyd get along. Also. Beef Meat?? Hell yeah
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