notcrsd · 2 years
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notcrsd · 2 years
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notcrsd · 2 years
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main   blog:   𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚍
heavily   𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍   with   𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚌𝚛𝚣𝚢   ;   open   to   interacting   with   other   joyce   muses   ;   only   to   non-romantic   dynamics   with   joyce   muses   if   plot. 
mutuals only;
this   blog   is   private   which   means   i   will   be   selective   with   those   i   follow.   if   i   do   not   return   your   follow,   do   not   attempt   to   contact   or   interact   with   any   posts.   mutuals   only   means   i   will   only   write   with   those   i   am   also   following.   mutuals   may   send   memes,   respond   to   starter/plotting/ship   calls,   and   generally   hang   out.   if   you   wish   to   break   mutuals,   that’s   your   decision,   and   i   won’t   fault   you   for   it.   if   there   is   a   genuine   issue   that   needs   to   be   brought   my   attention,   please   reach   out   and   let’s   discuss   it.   if   i   wish   to   break   mutuals,   i   will   softblock.   hardblocking   will   be   reserved   for   severe   actions.   do   not   attempt   to   reach   out   through   another   blog.
i’ve   had   a   change   in   activity   since   getting   a   new   job,   so   mainly   expect   to   see   me   online   if   i’m   not   too   busy   or   tired   with   personal   things   wednesdays and thursdays.   i   can’t   promise   the   queue   will   be   loaded   up   and   ready   to    post   other   times,   but   i’ll   certainly   try   my   best.   i   do   not   hold   any   mutuals   to   a   specified   time   limit   on   replies.   i   appreciate   your   patience   when   it   comes   to   my   responses   as   well.
as   mentioned   above,   there   will   be   some   dark   themes.   however,   i   will   not   write   things   like   inappropriate   interactions   with   minors,   abuse/non-con,   discrimination,   incest,   etc.   i   won’t   tag   things   unless   requested   by   mutuals.  
i   am   open   to   all   types   of   ships.   if   you   have   an   idea,   ask   me   about   it.   my   response   will   vary   from   immediate   to   possibly   brainstorming   scenarios.   if   i   hard   pass   on   a   ship,   respect   that.   again,   no   inappropriate   dynamics   such   as   an   adult   with   minors   or   toxic   relationships.   any   extremely   negative   relationships   will   only   be   referred   to   in   headcanon.   enemies   in   a   non-abusive   sense   or   rivals   are   fine.   as   for   romantic   shipping,   you   know   what   i’m   going   to   say:   chemistry.
crossovers,   aus,   original   characters,   and   multiship.   you   may   enter.
no   godmodding,   forcing   ships   or   harassing   for   responses.   you   may   remind   me   of   a   plot   or   thread   we   have   going,   but   please   do   not   attempt   to   guilt   me   into   hurrying.   i   am   a   real   person,   in   the   real   world,   with   other   things   going   on.   as   much   as   i   would   love   to   sit   and   write   all   day   or   gush   over   our   muses   together   until   our   brains   are   slime,   i   won’t   be   online   all   the   time.   if   i   am   online   but   haven’t   responded,   be   patient.   i   follow   the   muse,   and   i   expect   my   partners   to   take   their   time   too.   vague   posts,   negativity   and   all   that   yucky   stuff   can   find   the   door.   i’m   not   here   for   any   ooc   drama.   while   i   don’t   condone   callout   posts   and   related   content,   i   need   to   know   if   i’m   unintentionally   writing   with   someone   abusive.   do   not   steal.   credit to jaynedits and plutocomissions.
i   am   willing   to   interact   with   other   eddies   because   at   one   point   in   time,   i   really   did   enjoy   all   the   silly   aus   we   could   get   up   to   such   as   twins,   or   how-did-we-end-up-in-each-others-universes.   however,   i   have   had   a   few   bad   experiences   that   have   made   me   cautious   with   dups.   i   will   not   follow   first,   but   if   other   eddies   follow   then   i   will   consider   interacting.   basically   if   we   can   stick   to   basic   rp   etiquette,   namely   godmodding,   then   i’m   good.   you   have   your   version   and   i   have   mine.   we’re   individually   unique,   and   we   should   explore   that.   i   don’t   want   to   know   what   i’m   doing   wrong   or   feel   uncomfortable   in   the   choices   i   make.   we   might   go   down   the   same   avenue   as   far   as   mannerisms   and   history,   but   ultimately,   we’ll   make   it   our   own.   i’d   rather   not   knit-pick   who   did   it   best   or   how   similar   a   canon   version   is   to   another.   anyways…   that   got   a   little   ranty,   but   basically,   i   love   the   idea   of   dups.   let’s   have   fun   with   it!
mains & exclusives;
mains,   yes!   exclusives,   the   jury   is   out!   as   of   right   now,   since   this   blog   is   so   new,   i   won’t   practice   exclusives.   i   will   have   main   canon   muses   that   will   take   priority   because   we’ve   known   each   other   a   minute   or   we   have   great   chemistry.   not   sure   what   my   main   limit   is,   but   i’ll   update   when   i   do.  
drew \ twenty-one + \ they them \ discord available upon request by mutuals
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