notamewsed · 5 days
Don't Blame Me
Pairing: Enver Gortash x Tav (Original Female Character)
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Word Count: 10,821 (Ongoing)
Description: Gortash always had a knack for seizing the upper hand. This time, he earned himself the Hero of Baldur’s Gate. For Aurea, her nuptials for the life of a stolen companion was an easy bargain to make, but one that didn’t come without acridity.
Tags: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Power Imbalance
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Aurea was thrown to her knees at the head of the vacant audience hall, made to kneel before him.
Perched on the throne, Gortash looked down upon her for a moment before descending to address her.
“Think you’re clever, do you? That you can parade around my city, mocking the terms of our bargain? Making a fool of me?” He drew his index finger across her jawline, then firmly pressed his thumb into her chin, holding her mandible in place.
“Sabotaging my Iron Throne, I could almost look past. But the ruthless destruction of my Steel Watch does not come without consequence.” He admonished, examining her.
She wrenched her head from his grasp, lip curling in disgust.
He scoffed and let a beat pass before he swiftly seized her by the neck, his gauntlet digging into her soft skin.
“Were I any less benevolent, you’d be rotting in that tavern you’ve been calling home.” He growled, almost relishing in the thought as she gasped for breath in his grasp.
“Lucky for you, I am not the tyrant you so wish me to be.” He callously discarded her, and she fell to her hands and knees, puffing and wheezing.
“I am a leader of reason and mercy. And to prove that to you, I extend a tantalizing offer - one you’d be a fool to refuse.” He circled the room, outstretching his arms in a self-satisfied manner.
Her eyes clung to the gaudy red carpet, while waves of anger coursed through her.
The clanking of metal armor shattered the stillness of the room. When Aurea looked up, Lae’zel’s body hung lifelessly in the arms of a Flaming Fist, subdued by some form of sleeping spell.
Though his face was masked under a helmet, the Fist’s eyes were black, brimming with evil fantasies as he held her own greatsword to her throat. The work of the Black Hand, no doubt. There was a colorful shimmer upon her neck, the blade glinting the light from the painted window.
Aurea lurched forward with a keening cry. Gortash looked down on her pitiful display with a moue of exasperation.
“Now, now, you have a chance to save her.” He baited.
“The life of your treasured Gith…for your hand.” His brow arched and a grin crept out from the corners of his lips.
The next few seconds stretched on, as if time itself was holding its breath.
She had prepared herself to be tortured for her actions, executed even, but a marriage proposal hadn’t crossed her mind. It felt like a ruse.
“What?” was the only word Aurea was able to conjure up, shaking her head in desperation.
“Tsk. Don’t act so surprised. Beyond all that impudence, you are useful to me yet.” He admitted with a sigh. “The soon-to-be Hero of Baldur’s Gate. And with you at my side, my reign over the city will be indisputable.”
She took a breath.
“I agree, and you will return her to our camp, unharmed?”
“She won’t even remember a thing.” He assured, wearing a Cheshire smile.
“And the rest of my companions will remain safe as well?”
“So long as they don’t interfere with the well-being of Baldur’s Gate - any more than they’ve already done.”
She wasn’t even sure why she bothered to ask. She didn’t believe a word uttered by his deceitful tongue, but it didn’t matter. Her choices were scarce.
“Fine.” She whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear it.
“Fine?” He tittered. “I’d expect my future bride to be a little more enthusiastic about our impending courtship. Is that the best you can manage?” He taunted with a patronizing tone that one might reserve for an unmannered child.
For a fleeting moment, the temptation to retort with a cutting remark surged within her. Yet, recognizing the gravity of the situation, she conceded.
“I…would be honored by such an agreement, your lordship.” She ground out through clenched teeth. Her gaze bore into him with an unrelenting heat.
He loomed over her once again.
“Good. Now, while I would love nothing more than a little less paperwork, I’m afraid it is necessary, given your track record.”
Punctuating his sentence, two circular portals opened, unleashing unholy, purple flames that erupted from the stone. Two devils burst forth. One with skin the color of ash, silver hair cascading down his back like a stream of silk, and pupils ablaze in orange against the profound blackness of his iris.
The other’s body was bathed in a lustrous amethyst tone, horns straight and sleek, like daggers. Tousled black hair framed her face, gently resting against her chest. The mere presence of them seemed to shroud the room in an oppressive cloak of darkness.
A contract unrolled before her with a snap of their fingers. The infernal script blazed upon the page.
“Now, this contract states that in exchange for sparing your companion's life, you will promise yourself in marriage to me.” He interlocked his fingers, pacing the width of the room.
“You are expressly forbidden from discussing the details of this pact with anyone but me. Failure to uphold your end of this agreement or any attempt by you or your compatriots to harm me will result in the forfeiture of your soul to the Hells.”
She nodded in solemn acceptance.
He moved to clasp her hand, delicately extending her pointer finger, and with an imperceptible motion, pricked it with a needle. Startled by the sting, she instinctively recoiled, attempting to withdraw her hand. Yet, before she could free herself, he tugged her closer, drawing her into an unsettling proximity.
He then gently directed her bleeding appendage to the blank spot on the parchment before releasing his hold.
Drawing a heavy sigh, she anointed her blood upon the scroll, the material radiating a subtle glow in recognition of her sanguine sacrifice.
When she finished, the contract refurled in a billow of smoke, vanishing instantly. The devils shared a smile, a wicked satisfaction overcoming their otherwise cool demeanor. The flames from their portals surged once more, swallowing their forms whole.
It was just Aurea and Gortash then - the Fist and Lae’zel having disappeared into the depths of the castle.
He plucked the netherstone from his gauntlet, approaching her as she extended cupped hands. The intensity of his gaze sent a shiver up her spine.
He nested the stone into her palms with meticulous care, as if he was afraid it might cease to exist the moment it left his grasp.
“Now, my betrothed, finish your little adventures and return to me once the brain has been handled.” He strode out of the audience hall without so much as a parting glance.
And then she was alone, with the gravity of her decision settling on her conscience. Author's Note: This is just Chapter 1! Check out more below :)
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notamewsed · 5 days
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327 notes · View notes
notamewsed · 6 days
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amazing twitter feed pull
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notamewsed · 8 months
We need a name for the rapid descent from "haha, this Gortash guy is a handsome young man huh???" to the "I need this man carnally" that happens like three hours later.
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notamewsed · 8 months
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notamewsed · 9 months
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Only a depressed person could make that.
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