What a sad day for our world. I have disliked a lot of decisions the new administration has made throughout the last year but this is by far the worst and I cannot stay silent anymore. We are already behind on the action that is desperately needed to turn things around for our environment. Something like the Paris Agreement should have been implemented decades ago. For all but 2 nations in the entire world to finally come to an agreement to put in the work and make a real effort to combat climate change is nothing short of miraculous. The United States deciding to pull out only 7 months into it taking effect will go down in history as a massive mistake. To “make America great again” we are sacrificing the future of our entire planet. We should be leading the fight against climate change, not denying it.
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Whenever I talk about going green to people who don't find it as important one of the main things they say is how they as individuals can't really make a difference. It's a terribly apathetic response. If everyone could turn away from that mindset and all do their part with even just some of these things it would make a world of difference.
The first step is caring about the environment. The more you care the more willing you are to make these adjustments in your life. You should care. We should all care. Our world depends on it.
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Me on Friday after leaving work
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My week has felt very thrown off without a new episode of Big Little Lies. How dare you HBO for giving me something so wonderful and then swiftly taking it away.
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Me thinking for a split second I might actually get a happy Adam/Hannah ending as it was being dangled right in front of me just before having it sAVAGELY RIPPED FROM MY GRASP
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And now this.
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This is pretty amazing. I use my tote bags 90% of the time and the few times I forget them I always hate that I’m stuck using store bags. If they used these that would at least alleviate the guilt I feel after.
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This is definitely a conversation I've had with my husband
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My parent's immediate dismissal of my feminist activism as being silly and unimportant is beyond infuriating. Bob Dylan certainly said it best "Come mothers and fathers throughout the land. And don't criticize what you can't understand. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand, for the times they are a-changin'."
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We all need to support instead of criticizing.
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Someone: *tries to guilt trip me*
Me: the jokes on you!!! i feel guilty 97 percent of the time about Everything I Do!
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Planned Parenthood needs to exist. While I am not a patient anymore, I am one of the many women who have utilized their services during a time where going to a regular OBGYN wasn't really an option. During my college years and the time leading up to finally securing that oh so prestigious job with...wait for it...benefits, I had my yearly check up at Planned Parenthood.
For part of freshman year I did have health insurance through my mother, but that didn't last. During that time though I did get to visit a gynecologist for my first ever pap smear and prescription for birth control. The cost of those birth control pills...$60...per pack! That is $720 a year for a part time working college student, who is only trying to have safe sex with her then boyfriend (now husband). As soon as my prescription was up I booked an appointment at Planned Parenthood.
I always had positive experiences during my visits to Planned Parenthood. Without insurance I was still able to get my annual check up (something I otherwise would have skipped every year, just ask my dentist). But the most important aspect of it for me was the birth control prescription. I went from paying an absurd $60 per month to only paying $25. That's almost a third of the cost. So instead of paying a yearly sum of $720 I was only paying $300. That's huge. That's money I was able to save for the future. Over the course of 4 years I saved over $1,600 going to Planned Parenthood.
If I didn't have the insurance I have today I would probably still be going. Having children is not in our plan right now and won't be for at least another year or even more. My current insurance plan provides me free birth control now, which once again is helping me plan and save for the future. Providing this kind of health care to all women is so important. The threat that this could be taken away is unacceptable and is all based on one thing that is such a small percentage of what is actually done at Planned Parenthood.
I went to Planned Parenthood and I never got an abortion. I never had to get an abortion because I was provided affordable birth control by Planned Parenthood. It's really simple logic people.
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I am fairly confident that trivial fights are amongst Trump's 3 favorite things.
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver March 5, 2017
It didn’t take long after the triviality statement for Trump to go on a twitter spree where he accused Obama of wiretapping him and also slammed Arnold Schwarzenegger for his performance on The Apprentice.
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Certainly not a role model but she has her moments
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When I think about Monday morning...
yo what are you always so stressed about?
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In our office we're getting a tv in our break room soon. While discussing the plan with my boss he says "so you know, we can throw Fox News on throughout the day". I bite my tongue of course but I look at him and think "who are you, Trump?" I'll be damned if I'm stuck having to watch Fox News all day.
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The Daily Show thinks Donald Trump has his relationship with the news backward.
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"I know words, I have the best words." - Donald Trump
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