notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
Does this include gender fluid duders?
trans people are so amazing because they do what makes them happy and don’t give a darn what people have to say about it. trans people are cool + strong as heck and that’s a fact!!!!!
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
you DON’T wanna see what’s underneath.
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
Game of thrones 8 03 feels
First off, deaths
2:Edd Tollett
3: My child, Lyanna Mormont
5:Theon Greyjoy
6:Jorah Mormont
9: The night king
10: Bunch of Dothraki, unsullied, and Northern people
Okay so let’s discuss what these deaths made me feel.
Eddison Tollett, I will admit, I cried, a lot. I cried because in the previous ep Jon, Sam, and Edd were all talking about how they’re the last of the nights watch and now they’re one more down.
Lyanna Mormont, I cried a fuck ton, this is the only death where I had to pause the episode and leave the room for a little while to calm down before I finished.
Beric, so Beric isn’t in my top twenty fav, but Arya is. I didn’t cry, but I felt sad hearing that his only purpose was to bring Arya back, but if you go further into this, that means the lord of light intended on Arya killing the night king and saving Bran, meaning that at least one god is rooting for them.
Theon Greyjoy, he’s a character I love to love and hate to hate, hes done some bad things, but in the end he made up for it and defended Bran as long as he could, losing his life in the process. 10/10 good character redemption.
Jorah Mormont, idc abt him tbh, he’s just not one of my people, if anything I dislike him a bit. However, seeing Emilia Clarke’s haunting acting of Dany crying over him along with Drogon putting his wing around them was enough to make me emotional.
Melisandre, I mean she’s a cool gal, I like her moxy, but I feel like she’s one of the few characters to die with their purpose fulfilled and to greet death with open arms.
Viserion, Viserion’s death didn’t give us time to mourn him, it was a quick flash and then moving on, but I feel like that left me more emotional than anything. Dany brought dragons back, and in a flash, one was taken away again.
The Night King, okay so as previously discussed, Arya motherfuckin Stark is my favourite girlie ever, so my heart dropped seeing her being held up like that, and I was so scared she was gonna die but then my pride came through when she stabbed him.
The Dothraki, Unsullied, and Northern folk, these deaths weren’t major characters, but they were casualties of war, so I didn’t get too emotional.
Okay now that we’ve discussed deaths, let’s get into my theories
The night king isn’t dead, he’s been around for centuries, he not ded
Arya and Gendry will end up together, already canon but still
Dany might kill Jon now that he’s an established heir
Dany might become a white walker, no real evidence but I have a feeling
So, overall, this ep has been a very emotionally aggressive episode, and I loved every second of this nightmare
Side note
So, recently I got an ask in my inbox telling me to stop using a bunch of tags because I’m “an attention whore” which first of all fuck you we don’t slut shame in this home. So I kinda wanted to explain that it’s okay if they were confused by all the tags I use, so I want to say that I use the tags because they’re in my recent tags list, because that’s what my blogs about and if someone sees one post of mine and they like it because it has Game Of Thrones but they also like Markiplier, then I want them to know that I have content with Markiplier in it. I’m sorry if my use of tags annoys you but I won’t defend myself, because yeah I do like attention, it makes me feel nice, but also there’s a reason. Plus it doesn’t make much sense for me to defend myself against someone who’s bitching at a fifteen year old on Tumblr 😊
Anyways, love you guys, Yeet
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
Stop wishing they’d change for you when you can’t change for yourself
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
He always told me I was as radiant as the sun, well, he should've anticipated how I'd burn him
Excerp from random junk in my notes folder.
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
Never apologize for greatness
Sometimes I forget that the things I post are viewed by actual people and I’m so sorry
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
Bold of you to assume he’s not already slutty
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Change my mind.
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
if you’re white and you act like race issues are just “unnecessary drama” or “discourse” then sorry to tell you but you’re just…. racist
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
everyone who reblogs this will get gordon ramsay in their inbox 
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 5 years
I don’t reblog dumb shit
some person: *reblogs my post*
me: :D
person’s blog description: “I reblog dumb shit”
me: D:
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
Ryan-“paint me like one of your French girls”
Brendan, wielding a can of aerosol cheese whiz, “get rekt”
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
Lol imagine getting fucked to girls/girls/boys and your significant other moans beebos name and ur just like “same”
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
help i genuinely accidentally started writing a queer eye/destiel au – like i was just headcanoning shit, because i had to drive like five hours yesterday and when i got home i wanted to just get it down because it was fun, and so just started writing down tan + cas’ wardrobe, and antoni + burgers, but somehow with bobby and jonathan it’s escalated to like actual dialogue and story format and i did not mean to do this
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
I  need me sum titties
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
I feel slightly aroused...
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I feel slightly threatened…
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notablogakhaleesi ¡ 6 years
Smoke choked the devotees
And the war rages on
Gentle caress turned to striking hands
And the nights foreboding
And the people predict ash and blood
But still, they hope and pray to whatever god will listen
When children cry
True love dies out
And when there's no one calling your name in the shadowed dusk
This is where she who has been wronged will take her stance
Not bleeding, but hurt
Not dying, but not living
She existed only in a physical state, devoid of emotion that wrought men to their knees
She lay suspended in this dull world, trapped in her own uncertainty
But no more
No more would she weep for the dead, only for the living
And no more would she dry her tears
She would cry, and she would scream her song
A melody of war and sorrow
And she would find fleeting solace in the embrace of her leader
And he would tell her his dream for a new world
And plant a faux kiss on her head
And she'd follow him into battle
When he'd hung lifeless, she'd collapse
And when they bound her arms, she wouldn't fight
And when they doused her in fuel, she'd spit it from her mouth
But still, she wouldn't mourn her life
And when they threw a match to her feet, and the flame consumed her soul as he'd consumed her devotion to none other than him, she would accept deaths embrace
Because what was there left to fight for but love
Smoke choked the devotees
And the war rages on
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