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Oh, how I wish I could do this
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sometimes it baffles me that there are some people that are just, content with being human???
like for the longest time i thought everyone wanted to be an animal and i guess im having a hard time reconciling that
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thinking back to that first dream when i first realized that I might be a dragon, still kind of questioning what I am.
I think it was the first week when I had that dream that I was exploring my old high school/ elementary school. But for some reason it was abandoned, badly flooded, rusty (????) and falling apart. I think I came with some friends or random people, and we came across I think the gym, or a janitor closet, which was now a big, deep, swampy pond that had a metal walk way and railing. There was something in the water, a creature. I'm 80% sure it was some sort of deep sea dragon. It was big, and green, although that may have been from algae or moss.
Everyone got out of the room and we never went back through the room, but I think the others had discussed how ugly it was and how horrifying it looked. I had agreed, but kept to myself how badly I wanted to be that creature, to be mossy, ugly, all of that.
We left, but I returned later alone and found the pond again. I begged the dragon to make me like itself. I got in the water and I was slowly turning into the creature.
I still looked humanish. But I now had claws, scales covered in algae, and my hair became all messy and gross, my skin was turning green. Then I heard my mom calling and looking for me. I got out of the water and woke up.
Wild thing for me to dream out of nowhere when I start to question what I am. I do not think I ever dreamed of any sort of creature like that, it felt like it was some sort of wake up call.
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Being dragonkin is avidly reading Wings of Fire even though dark and gritty stories of war and bloodshed aren’t really your thing because there aren't really other series available that truly center dragons. Seriously, I wish we had even a quarter of the quantity or variety of media humans have.
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Okay I'll stop talking in caps now, but here you have my tail guide for any and all people who just want a tail!
Cruel fur farms treat their animals badly, and it's best to avoid them. Here are some tips on how to spot cruel farms from the ethically sourced ones! (Most tips from here!)
Disclaimer: I would only be wary of items if they show more than 2 of these signs. Just do research before you buy!
Signs that indicate a cruel source:
- Sold/Sourced from Asia (Asia has bad animal cruelty laws, here's a list per country on how good their animal rights are)
- From Wish, AliExpress, Amazon, Temu or EBay (Even the 'faux fur' ones can be real and cruel)
- If they use stock photos
- Asian lobster clams (This does not always indicate cruelty)
- If they look thin, small, and generally unhealthy
- Any usage of 'mink farms' in desc.
- If they are bleached or colored
- If the price is low (Under 20-25)
- No info about source (Always ask the seller if you're not sure)
Signs that indicate ethical source:
- Scraps that were being thrown away otherwise (Should be in item description or FAQ)
- Lived long and happy lives (Item description or FAQ)
- Thick, healthy tails
- Population control/Legal hunters (With a permit)
Now I'll show a few Etsy shops I've confirmed to be Ethically sourced!
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^ Cute animal tails with charms
Prices: €28,48 - €68,35
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^ Coyote & Possum tails, would check each item separately to be sure :3
Prices: €11,49 - €38,30
Disclaimer! These do not come with clips, you have to add them yourselves
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^ Fox tails :D
Price: €43,28
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^ Fox tails of all colors
Prices: €25,42 - €55,07
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^ Fox tails
Prices: €23,94
Etsy shops that sell faux fur tails!
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^ Variety faux fur tails with squeakers in them! Foxes/Canines, wild cats & nub tails!
Prices: €22,78 - €235,36 (Most are around €30-€40)
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^ Faux fur cosplay tails & ears (Mainly the bigger ones like cheetah, snow leopard, etc.)
Prices: €25,63 - €102,52 (Most are around <40 and are often tail + ears combo)
If you know any other ethical/faux fur Etsy shops, please link them and I'll add them here! :D
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word of advice dont go onto tiktok for youre otherkin advice, i tryed to inform a person somone what falls under the otherkin umbrella and got matched with
“but vampires, fairys and dragons arnt apart of that cuz they still are human”
brother what do you meann??
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I need a longer tongue and snout
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Dragon needs to make noises
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Alterhuman meet up where we all wear these:
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From PantheraComics on Etsy!
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i went on to your blog thinking that "oh the blog is bright yellow it must be that" but NO ITS JUST THIS POST HOW DID YOU INJECT YELLOW INTO THE POST
So I ended up getting those gardening claw things I saw floating around a little while back, glued them to a glove and they are SO affirming!! I’m going to edit them a bit, probably dremel them down so it’s easier to bend my fingers, and sharpen them a lot, but it’s a good start and damn does it feel right
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These look cool as hell but unrelated to op when i scrolled past this post my entire phone screen had this yellow filter/ tone on it but when i past the post it went back to normal what
So I ended up getting those gardening claw things I saw floating around a little while back, glued them to a glove and they are SO affirming!! I’m going to edit them a bit, probably dremel them down so it’s easier to bend my fingers, and sharpen them a lot, but it’s a good start and damn does it feel right
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i think the weirdest thing (shift? is that the correct term??) is that i always forget my neck is short. and i do not have my long neck. Like wdym im not hunching my neck down to look at something eye level to you?
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I honestly believe that there are many more therians/otherkins in my life than I'm aware of. An overwhelming amount of nonhumans are closeted irl just so they are treated with respect by their human peers. Already knowing that, I've always wondered if anyone I know is also hiding that sort of thing. I would love to hear more ways I can hint towards being a therian/otherkin in public! (Ik the thelta delta symbol exists but I still get paranoid about using it djdksj)
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we are so tired
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not-of-this-existence · 2 months
Nonhuman Shop Update- Wing Jackets
Okay friends, this has been a long time in the making but I FINALLY have the supplies to make jacket examples. I have one vest and one jacket to work with, and I'll be making examples of both flat/painted wings and 3d/sewn wings, plus the additional painting and patches these would recieve. That being said, I need some help deciding on the initial designs! Please reblog for sample size, and feel free to tag, reblog with, or reply specific species suggestions! If I pick up any ideas from a specific blog you will be tagged in the example post. Suggesting a species will not necessarily mean your suggestion will get made, I just need example stock to take commissions with.
If you vote please reblog!
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not-of-this-existence · 2 months
DND campaign with a group of therians would be amazing and absolute goals
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