not-a-vvitch · 1 year
Do you have any ships?
Katie McGrath and aviator
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Katie McGrath and Hugo
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Katie McGrath and her big hands
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Katie McGrath and her arm definition
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Katie McGrath and her jawline
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Katie McGrath and her books
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Katie McGrath and her geeky glasses
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Katie McGrath and her hair
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Katie McGrath and her boobs
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Katie McGrath and her love for dogs
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There are many more, but I feel like I already over do this… and I’m not sure if these count?
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not-a-vvitch · 1 year
It’s Melissa cackling in the background for me. 😂
Katie screaming, Chyler swearing, and Melissa laughing in the background 🤣🤣🤣
This never gets old.
I miss this three. 🥹
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not-a-vvitch · 2 years
heye every one.
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not-a-vvitch · 2 years
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mutuals do this
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not-a-vvitch · 2 years
Listen, okay this is fucking adorable.
A beaver in a rehab facility decided to build a dam by the doorway
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not-a-vvitch · 2 years
Oooh facts.
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*glares at the cw*
this is about supergirl specifically
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
Via thepiggypotatoes
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
The last gif makes me feel….thiiiiiingssss…
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LENA LUTHOR in Supergirl (6x16)
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
God damn she looks soooo good
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
once a girl reported me to an administrator at school bc i was breaking dresscode and she didnt like me. so i pushed her down the stairs. i just kept walking and i dont think she saw me and i never got caught. i know she got very seriously injured and they had to call an ambulance and she transferred schools bc she knew SOMEONE pushed her and she didnt feel safe. ive never regretted it. its been years since i graduated and im on mood stabilizers now, but sometimes when someone is testing my patience i calm myself down by thinking about how good it felt to snap once and how i cant do that again bc i would go to prison probably
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
Daddy AF, but that’s terribly fitting Kevlar...
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
Tf is going on with the wardrobe department?! I’m pretty sure my great grandmother’s couch was in the same pattern as that dress
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
All of it. It’s. All. Gay.
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not-a-vvitch · 3 years
Well fuck if wasn’t gay before...
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Dame Archer kicks McDougal’s Scots ass there in the rain at the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire - August 11, 2018 - Photo by Douglas Herring
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