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Hei på deg! I'm Atlas (22, he/him, Norwegian), and this is my blog where I teach about my native language, Norwegian! 🇳🇴 PS: I'm not a professional teacher, I just do this for fun!
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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adj (usually derogatory) tacky, cheesy
(def./plur.) harry
(noun form) harryhet* (f/m)
Noen synes Crocser er kule, mens andre, inkludert meg, synes de er harry ... / Some think Crocs are cool, while others, including me, think they are tacky ...
*I have never actually seen the noun form of this adjective, but I assume it would be this one
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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å trollbinde
verb to enthrall, spellbind
(imp.) trollbind!
(pres.) trollbinder
(past) trollbandt
(pres. perf.) har trollbundet
(pres. part) trollbindende
(past part. sing. masc./fem.) trollbunden, trollbundet
(past part. sing. neut.) trollbundet
(past. part. plur./def.) trollbundne
Hun gav en trollbindende tale. / She gave an enthralling speech.
Heksen trollbandt prinsen før hun forvandlet ham til en frosk. / The witch spellbound the prince before she turned him into a frog.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 25000 likes!
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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frokostblanding (f/m)
noun cereal, breakfast cereal
(sing. indef) ei frokostblanding, en frokostblanding
(sing. def) frokostblandinga, frokostblandingen
(plur. indef.) frokostblandinger
(plur. def.) frokostblandingene
Gutten spiser frokostblanding hver dag. / The boy eats cereal each day.
Du putter vel ikke vann i frokostblandinga di? / I suppose you don't put water in your cereal?
fun fact: in my family, we've accidently made our own word for "frokostblanding", "flex". It happened when my sister and I were kids, and it probably came from "cornflakes". It took many years before I found out that it wasn't an actual word. I still use it to this day!
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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adv. unlikely
Han kommer neppe. / It's unlikely that he's coming.
Det er neppe neper i sekken. / It's unlikely that there are turnips in the sack.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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løv (n)
noun leaves, leaf
(sing. indef) et løv
(sing. def) løvet
(plur. indef.) løv
(plur. def.) løva, løvene
Jeg må ut og rake løv i hagen. / I have to go out and rake leaves in the garden.
Nå som høsten er her, faller løvet fra trærne. / Now that autumn/fall is here, the leaves are falling from the trees.
note: even though "løvet" is the singular definite form, it is often referring to leaves in plural (as you can see in the second example). The word "løvblad" can be used to refer to a single leaf.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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lyktemann (m)
noun will-o'-the-wisp
(sing. indef) en lyktemann
(sing. def) lyktemannen
(plur. indef.) lyktemenn
(plur. def.) lyktemennene
Det sies at gutten ble ført på avveie av en lyktemann. / It's said that the boy was lead astray by a will-o'-the-wisp.
note: the word literally means "lantern man".
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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adj sensitive, tender; delicate, fragile; thin-skinned, touchy
(def./plur.) ømfintlige
(noun form) ømfintlighet (f/m)
Huden vil i etterkant være litt ømfintlig. / The skin will afterwards be a little sensitive.
Sommerfugler har svært ømfintlige vinger. / Butterflies have very delicate wings.
Det er et ømfintlig tema som sikkert er lurt å styre unna. / It's a touchy subject which is probably clever to steer away from.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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å hogge, å hugge
verb to chop, carve; to strike; to bite; to grab
(imp.) hogg!, hugg!
(pres.) hogger, hugger
(past) hogde, hogg, hugde, hugg, hugget
(pres. perf.) har hogd, har hugd, har hugget
(pres. part) hoggende, huggende
(past part. sing.) hogd, hugd, hugget
(past. part. plur./def.) hogde, hugde, huggede, huggete
De hugde ned treet for å få ved til peisen. / They chopped down the tree to get firewood for the fireplace.
Han hugger en stol til meg. / He's carving a chair for me.
Smerten hogg i. / The pain struck (me).
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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virvel (m)
noun vortex; vertebra; the point on the head where the hair parts to all different directions
(sing. indef) en virvel
(sing. def) virvelen
(plur. indef.) virvler
(plur. def) virvlene
Løvene faller fra trærne og snurrer i en virvel før de lander. / The leaves fall from the trees and swirl in a vortex before landing.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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skodde (f/m)
noun fog
(sing. indef) ei skodde, en skodde
(sing. def) skodda, skodden
I lyset fra soloppgangen glødet skodda oransje. / In the light of the sunrise, the fog glowed orange.
note: the word "tåke" is more commonly used for "fog".
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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adj artifical
(def./plur.) kunstige
(noun form) kunstighet (f/m)
Kommer kunstig intelligens til å ta over verden? / Will artificial intelligence take over the world?
Brusen inneholder kunstige søtingsstoffer. / The soda contains artificial sweeteners.
Note: "kunst" means "art".
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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å overbevise
verb to convince
(imp.) overbevis!
(pres.) overbeviser
(past) overbeviste
(pres. perf.) har overbevist
(pres. part) overbevisende
(past part. sing.) overbevist
(past. part. plur./def.) overbeviste
Jeg er overbevist om at fjell egentlig er troll. / I'm convinced that mountains are actually trolls.
Du kan ikke overbevise meg om noe annet. / You can't convince me otherwise.
Note: this word literally means "to overprove", as "å bevise" means "to prove".
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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bål (n)
noun campfire
(sing. indef) et bål
(sing. def) bålet
(plur. indef.) bål
(plur. def) båla, bålene
Vi satt rundt bålet og grillet pølser. / We sat around the campfire and grilled sausages.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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adj filthy, disgusting; immoral, suspect
(neut.) uhumskt
(def./plur.) uhumske
(noun form) uhumskhet (f/m)
Vi havnet i en uhumsk gate hvor rotter sprang mellom beina våre. / We ended up in a filthy alley where rats ran between our legs.
Hun pønsker på noe uhumskt. / She's plotting something suspect.
Note: This isn't a common word in Norwegian.
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
norwegian word of the day
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vaffelhjerte (n)
noun waffle heart
(sing. indef) et vaffelhjerte
(sing. def) vaffelhjertet
(plur. indef.) vaffelhjerter
(plur. def) vaffelhjerta, vaffelhjertene
Jeg vil ha et vaffelhjerte med rømme og jorbærsyltetøy. / I want a waffle heart with sour cream and strawberry jam.
note: this word consists of the words vaffel "waffle" and hjerte "heart".
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norwegiatlas · 1 year ago
Disney Classics' Titles in Norwegian 🇳🇴
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Here's a list of the Norwegian titles of the 62 Disney classics (including the upcoming Wish)! The movies that have the same title in Norwegian as in English are not included here.
✨1 Snehvit og de syv dvergene / Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
snø (m) - snow (sne is riksmål) hvit - white syv - seven dverg (m) - dwarf
✨7 Donald møter nye venner / The Three Caballeros (lit. "Donald meets new friends)
å møte - to meet ny - new venn (m) - friend
✨8 Spill for meg! / Make Mine Music (lit. "Play for me!")
å spille - to play for - for meg - me
✨9 Gøy og gammen / Fun and Fancy Free (lit. Fun and joy)
gøy - fun gammen (n) - joy
✨11 Ichabod og Paddas eventyr / The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (lit. The adventure(s) of Ichabod and the Toad)
padde (f/m) - toad eventyr (n) - adventure; fairy tale
✨12 Askepott / Cinderella
aske (f/m) - ash pott - (doesn't really have a meaning)
✨13 Alice i Eventyrland / Alice in Wonderland (lit. Alice in Fairy Tale Land)
i - in eventyr (n) - fairy tale; adventure land (n) - land
✨15 Lady og Landstrykeren / The Lady and the Tramp
lady (m) - Lady; stylish and elegant woman landstryker (m) - tramp
✨16 Tornerose / Sleeping Beauty (lit. Thornrose)
torn (m) - thorn rose (f/m) - rose
✨17 101 dalmatinere - En sjarmør i pels / One Hundred and One Dalmatians (lit. 101 dalmatians - a furry charmer)
dalmatiner (m) - Dalmatian sjamør (m) - charmer i - in pels (m) - fur
✨18 Sverdet i stenen / The Sword in the Stone
sverd (n) - sword i - in sten, stein (m) - stone, rock
✨19 Jungelboken / The Jungle Book
jungel (m) - jungle bok (f/m) - book
✨20 Aristokattene / The Aristocats
aristokrat (m) - aristocrat katt (m) - cat
✨22 Filmen om Ole Brumm / The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (lit. The movie about Winnie the Pooh)
film (m) - movie, film om - about å brumme - to growl, snarl
✨23 Bernard og Bianca / The Rescuers (lit. Bernard and Bianca)
✨24 To gode venner - Todd og Copper / The Fox and the Hound (lit. Two good friends - Todd and Copper)
to - two god - good venn (m) - friend
✨25 Taran og den sorte gryte / The Black Cauldron (lit. Taran and the black cauldron)
sort, svart - black gryte (f/m) - cauldron
✨26 Mesterdetektiven Basil Mus / The Great Mouse Detective (lit. The master detective Basil Mouse)
mester- - master detektiv (m) - detective mus (f/m) - mouse
✨27 Oliver og gjengen / Oliver & Company (lit. Oliver and the gang)
gjeng (m) - gang
✨28 Den lille havfruen / The Little Mermaid
liten - little, small havfrue (f/m) - mermaid
✨29 Bernard og Bianca i Australia / The Rescuers Down Under (lit. Bernard and Bianca in Australia)
i - in
✨30 Skjønnheten og udyret / The Beauty and the Beast
skjønnhet (f/m) - beauty udyr (n) - beast
✨32 Løvenes konge / The Lion King (lit. The king of the lions)
løve (f/m) - lion konge (m) - king
✨34 Ringeren i Notre Dame / The Hunchback of Notre Dame
ringer (m) - bell ringer
✨40 Keiserens nye rike - Et kongerike for en lama / The Emperor's New Groove (lit. The emperors new empire - A kingdom for a llama)
keiser (m) - emperor rike (n) - empire ny - new kongerike (n) - kingdom for - for lama (m) - llama
✨41 Atlantis: En forsvunnet verden / Atlantis: The Lost Empire (lit. Atlantis: A lost world)
forsvunnet - lost, missing verden (m) - world
✨43 Sjørøverplaneten / Treasure Planet (lit. The Pirate Planet)
sjørøver, pirat (m) - pirate planet (m) - planet
✨44 Min bror bjørnen / Brother Bear (lit. My brother the bear)
min, mitt, mi - my bror (m) - brother bjørn (m) - bear
✨45 Q-gjengen / Home on the Range (lit. The cow* gang)
ku (f/m) cow gjeng (m) - gang
*the letter Q is pronounced in Norwegian the same way as the word "ku" (cow)
✨46 Lille kylling / Chicken Little (lit. Little chicken)
liten - little, small kylling (m) - chicken
✨47 Familien Robinson / Meet the Robinsons (lit. The Robinsons family)
familie (m) - family
✨49 Prinsessen og frosken / The Princess and the Frog
prinsesse (f/m) - princess frosk (m) - frog
✨50 To på rømmen / Tangled (lit. Two on the run)
to - two på rømmen - on the run på - on, at å rømme - to escape
✨51 Ole Brumm - Nye eventyr i Hundremeterskogen / Winnie the Pooh (lit. Winnie the Pooh - New adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood)
å brumme - to growl, snarl ny - new eventyr (n) - adventure; fairy tale i - in hundre - hundred meter (m) - meter, metre skog (m) - forest
✨52 Rive-Rolf / Wreck-it Ralph (lit. Tear-Down Rolf)
å rive - to tear down, demolish
✨53 Frost / Frozen (lit. Frost)
frost (m) - frost
✨55 Zootropolis - Dyreriket / Zootopia (lit. Zootropolis - The animal kingdom)
dyrerike (n) - animal kingdom
✨56 Vaiana / Moana
✨57 Rive-Rolf krasjer internett / Ralph Breaks the Internet (lit. Tear-Down Rolf crashes internet)
å rive - to tear down, demolish å krasje - to crash internett (n) - internet
✨58 Frost 2 / Frozen 2 (lit. Frost 2)
frost (m) - frost
✨59 Raya og den siste dragen / Raya and the Last Dragon
sist - last drage (m) - dragon
✨61 En annerledes verden / Strange World (lit. A different world)
annerledes - different verden (m) - world
✨62 Ønske / Wish
ønske (n) - wish
If you find any mistakes, please let me know!
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