noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          “Oh, not long at all. It will be much shorter than what I predicted since I have some of my arm to work with.” Taking a seat as Izuru goaded him too, Szayel took hold of his ruined arm and looked it over in more detail. He wouldn’t have to regenerate any large bone, so that would help him heal faster, but there was charred ligaments and missing fingers. A couple hours would do, then he should be just fine.
          Holding the severed arm in place against his shoulder, the ex-Octava began to heal the pieces back together, watching Izuru shuffle around the barrack. “Alcohol to drink or to disinfect my arm?”If it was to drink, then he would happily say yes. For some reason or another being a Shinigami made booze so much more enjoyable. He really didn’t drink it at all as an Espada. If it was disinfecting alcohol, Szayel could still drink it, but he didn’t need it either way. His body was immune to most everything.
“Both.” He replied, though he had an inkling that Szayel was not going to need the latter. He’s already more or less re-attached his arm without doing any of the sort. He brought out a few bottles of sake, if Szayel wished to drink something. To take the edge off, or whatever. It didn’t look like the ex-octava was in pain, but then perhaps he was just really good at keeping a pokerface.
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Izuru drew up a chair next to Szayel and watched him. He was very intrigued by his odd healing skills and was willing to learn all about it. Szayel’s ribs were still visible and he pointed at the other’s chest. “Will it heal by itself?”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          A questioning gaze was given to the Lieutenant as he pulled away from the healing, but Szayel didn’t say anything about it, instead lowering his arm and pulling the kosode around him. He waited patiently, watching as Izuru retrieved his missing arm and brought it back. The limb looked like absolute hell, but the ex-Espada had worked with much worse before. “Can we go to your barrack? I would like to heal myself there…~” 
          Izuru’s barrack would be private enough, and it would allow people to see them traveling together, which would help their stance as being in a relationship. No need to worry about the Fourth Division then. Better yet, the Lieutenant could make tea and other accommodations while Szayel healed, not that he would be pampered, but ah well. 
“Of course.” izuru was quite curious what Szayel could accomplish with a ligament so torn up, but if he knew anything, it was that Szayel had his methods and was quite skilled a scientist.
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“How long will it take you?” He asked as he led the other away from the battered training grounds. He’d have to have someone else clean that up later. Once they arrived at his barracks -luckily unstopped by anyone and Szayel’s wounds likely not found out- he sat Szayel down on a chair. taking his kosode to put it in the wash. “What do you need..?” He didn’t exactly have an operating table or anything like that, and neither were there any tools left here from when he’d been in the Fourth. “I have alcohol..” He offered hesitantly. That, he owned plenty of, though he was unsure what the ex-espada needed for his methods. His personal healing techniques proved completely different from those of the shinigami.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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           With his one hand he held closed the black fabric draped around him, grin forming upon his features at the kindness and concern, though it was hardly necessary. “…Hah… I almost forgot that your kind is not used to horrendous wounds…”Well, those in the Twelfth Division would find walking around without and arm quite normal, but they were outliers in the Seireitei. Seems his doll-like body would have to remain a mystery to everyone but Izuru, such a pity.
          He stepped forward at the command, but only to give the blonde a light kiss. “You need not worry…~”Szayel pushed aside the fabric a little, showing off his wound that was already beginning to heal on its own, blood spill slowing down tremendously.“Also, I have long mastered a similar technique to your Shinigami kaido. If that was your plan, then conserve your energy.”Gold hues trailed over the other’s slightly burned arms. Perfect, he could show Izuru with that.“Stay still.” Blue light glowed around his gloved hand as he trailed it over the other’s thin arm, burns gradually fading away.
“I am used to as horrendous wounds as hollows can give.” He replied coolly. Having worked in the Fourth, he’d seen enough, though not every shinigami had seen conflict big enough to know charred limbs and exposed guts. Not everyone had the stomach for it, and while Izuru did not enjoy seeing these things, at least it did not immediately drive him to hurl.
Szayel was something else though. His body was already regenerating, and he sighed, somewhat relieved to see it. It definitely saved them a trip to the Fourth, or Izuru having to take care of Szayel. Even odder still, Szayel ended up healing Izuru instead of the other way around. It left Izuru feeling somewhat useless, and half-healed, he pulled his arm away, excusing himself to go look for the missing limb.
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He found it, badly charred and missing two fingers and quite a large bite of the forearm’s muscles and tendons. Even so, he brought it to his boyfriend. Perhaps he could still do something with what little was left. “Where do we go?”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          Damn, reishi just have gotten jammed up in his veins. Seems he had over exerted himself and caused the energy to clot on a technique he was not ready for. Ah well, he would heal easily enough, he just needed to find his arm. “I am fine, Izuru.” Szayel coughed a bit as he waited for the smoke to settle, looking at the area around him when things cleared. His bakudo techniques had faded and the last dummy was still standing, albeit burned.“Though, did you see where my arm went?”
          The origin of the explosion had been up in his shoulder, reishi swelling and detonating as it couldn’t leave through his hand. His arm was missing and some of his ribs were exposed, but in spite of the blood and burned mess, the Arrancar was quite fine. “I hope the reishi fire didn’t annihilate it completely… my limbs don’t regenerate that quickly.” Letting out a sigh, Szayel strode over to the slightly damage wood target and kicked it over.
He’d seen things like this back in the Fourth, some suffering these injuries not so lucky as Szayel. His stomach still turned at the sight and worry settled in his chest, even if he knew it was not entirely necessary. The flames had somewhat burned the backs of his arms and his back, but nothing that a little cooling salve couldn’t help. Szayel’s missing limb and exposed ribs were of more concern to Izuru.
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He took off his kosode, leaving on his shitagi and quickly trotted after Szayel, anyone else wouldn’t still be walking... He wrapped the garment around him. “You cannot walk around looking like this! If someone sees...” They wil not only be shocked, but also insist that Szayel go to the Fourth, where surely they’d find out what he really was. “Come here, I’ll look for your arm in a moment..” First though, he felt the urge to heal Szayel at least a little with kido. He couldn’t just leave him bleeding like this.. “Let me at least stop the bleeding..”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          Reishi flowed through Spirit bodies in different ways, Quincy, Shinigami, and Hollow all had varying routes for the energy to go. Quincy were the most masterful, about to control reishi within their flesh, veins, and outside their body. Full manipulation over spiritual particles. Shinigami held power over reishi in their veins and externally at short range, hence their ability to use kido. Hollows had control over reishi in their flesh and externally at short range, giving them the abilities of hierro and cero. Szayel was trying to use his stance as an Arrancar to achieve Shinigami ability, but there was the issue of reishi in his veins, and that could cause blockage if unused to the flow of power.
          “Bakudō #30 Shitotsu Sansen!” Yellow light traced through the air from his fingertips in the shape of a triangle, three spikes of light emerging from the points before firing off at the fourth target, ripping it off its base and sticking it to the nearest wall. Then he turned to the last one. This technique was a gamble for him, but he might as well try, for Izuru. “Oh lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, he who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō #33 Sōkatsui–” Blue energy circled at his hand, but instead of discharging forward, it recoiled back up his arm, exploding in a wide burst and consuming the area in light. 
Izuru’s pride swelled all the more as Szayel moved from target to target. He’d already achieved so much in such a short amount of time? Though in the back of his mind a worry itched. Whether Szayel was pushing himself too much to impress him. 
He didn’t want to be proven right at all, but when the last incantation began he could feel the shakiness in Szayel’s reiatsu. The tell-tale signs of unsteadiness that usually meant something was going to go awry. But even as he set one foot forward in an attempt to stop his boyfriend from continuing, already the hot light exploded towards them. Izuru threw an arm up over his eyes to protect them and turned his back to the blue flames. They still licked at his uniform and his back. Shit... Szayel had been way closer to that explosion.
“Sza---” He stopped short of calling his name, just in time remembering that he should remain hidden in plain sight. He bit his tongue and ran towards him instead. “Are you okay?”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          With one target out of the way, Szayel shifted to target the next one, moving to a lower powered Hado so his body could recover from attempting a 30 powered attack. It was a struggle not being a Shinigami and using their techniques. “Hadō #4 Byakurai~” Two fingers were pointed at the second dummy, a sharp bolt of light blue piercing clean through it before he turned to the third. Now he could show off some Bakudo techniques.
          “Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!” Hands parted so an orb of yellow could form.“Bakudō #9 Hōrin~!”From the orb burst a rope of electrical yellow, lashing out towards the wooden body and binding it. Just two more dummies to go. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too fatigued.
It must have taken him no more than a couple of weeks to master what most students at Shin’o mastered in a couple of years. It was beyond saying that Izuru was impressed with Szayel, though somewhere, he’d already expected these abilities of him. No matter if they were not actually easy to learn at all, Izuru had firmly believed that it would not be of much consequence to Szayel. After all, otherwise he would hardly have suggested he come live with him here.
Memorising the incantations must have been childsplay for someone such as Szayel, but even so, using Shinigami techniques as a hollow must put some strain on you and as it seemed, Szayel was not yet done with his demonstration.
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Izuru could feel a smile pull at his lips, and he raised his hand to lightly press the tips of his fingers to them as he watched Szayel show him all that he’d learned. He was feeling proud, he realised. An odd, but satisfying feeling.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          A nod, “More than enough…~” A mention between close friends was plenty, as long as his name was getting around via Izuru. And with confirmation that the other was watching Szayel turned towards the five dummies that were set up. He lifted a hand, palm face towards the first dummy. “Oh lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!“
          Bright red energy, not like that of a cero, formed at his hand. “Hadō #31 Shakkahō~!” He fired the condensed ball of crimson, striking the first target and causing it to burst. Szayel gestured at Izuru to wait, that wasn’t everything yet. 
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Izuru could feel content with that as well. He shall break the news to Renji, Shuuhei, maybe Momo even.. She was at Hirako’s though, so she might think Szayel was cheating being there should she see him.. He didn’t want to have to explain they had an arrangement..
He watched, already impressed as Szayel began his incantation. He had been practicing, obviously, and Izuru was impressed as he blew away the first puppet. He was about to say such when Szayel bid him to wait. So he did, so his praise might grow still.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          “But of course, though not to excess… I understand that you are a secluded and bitter individual, so for you to suddenly be so expressive about one person would be concerning…~” Szayel tries not to chuckle at Izuru’s childish arguments, the funniest being that a one night stand really was how it all started. That’s how many things started with him, false allure and pleasure. So many ended up hooked, like Shinji.“Yes, but I hardly think you care. Now, if you will stop bitching for a few moments, I would like to show you what I have learned~” All of the wood stand-ins were set up.
Bitter..? Maybe. He thinks he has the right to be a bit bitter about his boyfriend sharing another man’s bed. He will keep to his initial opinion that it would have hurt less had Szayel chosen to sleep in a different man’s bed every night.
He hums. “I suppose I could speak of you to close friends, would that satisfy you enough to show me even a hint of affection in public?” He would love it more if it could be in clear eyesight of Hirako at that, but.. He won’t push it.
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He finally nods and even manages a small smile. He hadn’t seen Szayel so pleased in a while. Not in a way experimenting and dissecting used to do.. “Please.. Do show me what you learned.”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          “Yes.” But he would not say what it was, not yet. Spoiling the surprise wouldn’t be fun at all, though Izuru wasn’t exactly and excitable or joyous man. Taking a peek over his shoulder at the commend, he brushed it aside, moving to set up several wood training dummies. “I am positive you have made no mention of me to anyone, so for us to suddenly be dating would be unusual, Izuru.”
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“Are you saying I should start speaking of you?” He asks, quirking a brow. “I’m a private person, it wouldn’t even be so strange for me not to mention being in a relationship. I could still be in one.” He continues defiantly. “I shouldn’t have to talk you into my life. I could have had a one night stand with you one day and then fallen for you...” He pauses. “But I wonder how odd it would look to declare you my boyfriend. Wouldn’t Hirako-taichou be disappointed..” He said that in a tone of voice that implied he was not at all concerned with how Hirako-taichou would feel.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
@noomokokoro   「 XXX 」
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          “Let us go to the Division’s training field. It will be much easier to show you there…~” He takes Izuru’s hand to lead him along, but thinks better of that gesture being used in public and lets the blonde go before strolling off.
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“Sure.. Does this have anything to do with you passing as a shinigami?” He smiles lightly as he is guided out, though when Szayel lets go of his hand soon as they come out into public, he frowns a bit. “You can hold my hand, you know..” He says almost petulantly, though he makes no move to grab for Szayel’s hand again. “Shinigamis do date sometimes..”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
"Izuru~! There is something I must show you...~" Szayel has finally gotten the hang of Kido, at least the low level spells.
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“Really? What is it, Szayel?” Nowadays, since acknowledging the importance of knowing his partner’s true name, he’s been using it more often. He hopes it is something exciting..
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          He knew that was going to work perfectly. As soon as Izuru spoke up Komo put the shorter back on his feet, taking a step back so there was a bit of room before bowing. “I will apologize later, Kira-kun~!”Standing back up he gave the Lieutenant a wave before stepping by him, peeking over his shoulder a little. “But now that you are not frozen anymore, come join me for lunch if you want. It’s on me…~”
          Komo’s gesture of picking the smaller up had been rude to an extent, but he did so with only a good purpose in mind. Izuru was now fully attentive and had attention on the fifth seat, just like the taller blonde wanted. A devious, but sweet-hearted plan. “Find me at the takoyaki vendor in the first district of east Rukon~”One more wave before he jogged off, trying not to laugh at the look on the other’s face. The poor guy was so easily shaken, so awkward, being around Komo who was such a social bunny had to be awful.
At least he was immediately obeyed, but the colour did not leave his cheeks as the Fifth seat spoke to him. He made it sound as though this was his plan all along, and Izuru was baffled. He stroked the creases out of his uniform and scowled, so easily that expression befell him. Truly this enormous man treated him like a shy child and then bid him to follow him.
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He had half a mind to turn and go back home, or maybe indeed find Shuuhei and share a bottle of sake. He scowled after the other for another moment. He wanted him to come to the Rukon? What was wrong with food in the Seireitei? Still, he had nothing else to do, and frankly this stranger had managed to make Izuru curious. He reminded him a bit of Renji, though the Redhead only teased him and was physically comfortable with him because they were friends.
He found himself trekking after the blond, the general direction of the East Rukongai was easy, though finding the exact stand the other had spoken about was something else, and for a while he wandered, feeling aimless and a little lost, and frankly very silly to have indulged his curiosity. Mizuoji must have been joking. Or maybe he’d meant to pull a prank on him. In that case, he had succeeded.. Izuru felt foolish and would have gone back had he not spotted the platinum blonde hair sticking out. He was actually relieved to see him, and made his way over to the stand in question.
“Is there something special about this takoyaki..?”
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          “…Mmmm…” There was no need to apologize for forgetting his name, he was only a fifth seat after all. Not many would remember a rank lower than third seat, fourth seat at best, and Komo was hard to annoy anyway. His honor wasn’t hurt by asking his name. “If it helps, Kira-kun… you can call me Bunny.” Folding his arms within his sleeves, sea blue eyes looked down at the other male, taking in the unpleasant silence. Was Izuru all right?
          He waited a few moments more before stepping forward and scooping up the small male.“Let’s have lunch.” Maybe the other was hungry! If not, then Komo would buy the other a snack anyways. Takoyaki actually sounded really good right now anyways, and maybe a couple skewers of fried squid. If Momo returned while they were still gone, he’d send a Hell Butterfly to let her know the other Lieutenant visited.
He blinks owlishly at the other. Once again craning his neck. Bunny..? Goodness, for a first encounter and hardly a friendly relationship overstepping the bounds of acquaintances, that was kind of... Intimate. “Bunny...San?” He tried it, but it sounded so foreign and relatively.. Cutesy. He’d met this man properly for about five minutes and already he had managed to irritate Izuru -through none other’s fault than Izuru’s own foul mood- and baffle him into stinted silence.
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He didn’t get very long to gather his bearings, for he was rudely removed from where he thought he might have found them, being lifted off the floor like a child. “P-put me down!” He felt his face flush with embarrassed righteousness. He was a full-grown man, damnit, and this officer’s superior! 
Though his stomach did growl at the mention of food, and he had thought to take Hinamori out, he cannot fathom the nerve of this man,
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          He never addressed any of the Lieutenants as fukutaichou, ever. All seemed quite fine being called -kun or -chan depending, but all of a sudden Izuru seemed so bitter about it. Was the other blonde in a low mood? Poor man. “Hinamori-chan went to see Hitsugaya-sama. I am not sure when she will be back.” Apparently she had gotten hold of a watermelon and wanted to share it with the young Captain.
          “Ah, pardon.” The taller slightly bowed down in greeting, still taller than the Lieutenant in spite of the gesture.“Fifth Seat of Captain Hirako’s Fifth Division, Komo Mizuōji.” Was that a proper enough greeting for the other? Komo didn’t want Izuru any more bitter with him.
‘Hinamori-chan’... It seemed the other was liberal with his titles all around. At least it wasn’t a slight towards him personally. But then there was also ‘Hitsugaya-sama’.. Odd. Izuru decided not to linger on it too much. 
That Momo had gone to see Hitsugaya-taichou didn’t surprise him in the slightest, every time he went to visit her he risked hearing she was spending her free time with her childhood friend. It was a shame though, because he indeed felt a little out of sorts, and speaking to Momo about things tended to help. Perhaps Shuuhei was free.. But then with Shuuhei it often led to drinking..
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Shaken from his thoughts, he bowed lightly in turn as the tall fifth seat introduced himself. “Mizuoji-san.. Apologies for forgetting.” And then he fell silent. He didn’t know what else to say. He could accurately feel his limbs, heavy they felt.. The conversation, or lack thereof, had made things awkward, at least on his part.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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          It wasn’t uncommon to see the blonde Lieutenant, the other often coming around to see Hinamori-chan, but the small woman wasn’t in the Fifth, at least not currently. So as he spotted Izuru’s head poke into the Division, Komo went to greet him instead. “Evening, Kira-kun…~ Looking for someone?”
He’s seen this man around. He is.. Immensely tall and somewhat intimidating in that respect. But Izuru still finds himself slightly annoyed when the man addresses him so casually. He is still a lieutenant after all, even if his visit is not for business. “That is Kira-fukutaichou, if you please..” He replies, and rightens himself in an attempt not to seem so small. It is a lost effort...
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“Hinamori-fukutaichou, though I fear I have missed her.” He looks at the bespectacled blond then, agitated with having to look up at him. What rank was he again? Izuru tried to remember all seated officers, at least the higher seated ones, but sometimes he failed to. “I don’t think we’ve properly met..” A somewhat poor invitation to introduce himself.
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
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name :: Kira Izuru nickname :: Not applicabe zodiac :: Aries gender :: male favourite colour :: Greys, pale blues. average hours of sleep :: Sporadically many, sporadically few last thing googled :: Not Applicable height :: 5″8
MUN ::
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name :: Blue/Will nickname :: Blue  zodiac :: sagittarius gender :: female favourite colour :: Blue average hours of sleep :: 5-12 last thing googled :: Something about my university height :: 5″7
tagged by: @nonviiolent
tagging: Anyone who wants to!
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noomokokoro-blog · 7 years
Doesn't even bother getting Izuru out of bed, Szayel just joins him.
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It is appreciated, and Izuru shows him the courtesy of acknowledging him, rolling over to wrap silently around him. Skinny arms surrounding a skinny waist. He’s been very tired of late. He just wants to sleep a lot. But it is nice to have company for his doleful moods.
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