noirangel626 · 2 years
Based on Otp prompt generator:
A-Spen getting up in the middle of the night to make a snack and accidentally waking up Willa because they didn’t stop the microwave’s obnoxious beeping in time.
Tonight was a weird night, normally A-Spen didn’t get dreams or nightmares but tonight was the one night when they had to get a terrible nightmare of when they were being chased by Willa and her pack but instead of not being found, both A-Li and A-Lan were caught and killed. A-Spen themself wasn’t caught but losing the ones they had to protect and care for is worst than being found. They get out of bed to look for their glasses that allows them to research different subjects, only stopping when they almost trip over her sleeping guest, “Willa is sleeping over, I forgot.” A-Spen thought and smiled, “She’s less of a terrifying wolf and more like a puppy when she’s asleep, it’s cute.”
They snapped out of thought and grabbed the glasses from the dresser, “Nightmare remedies.” They whisper and millions of searches appear from comfort to food to sleeping again, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep again, but I am slightly hungry so I’ll try food.” They make their way downstairs and looks through the cupboards, eventually deciding on a packet of noodles, “Empty the packet, pour boiling water, cover and put in the microwave for 3 minutes. Seem easy enough.” They follow through with the instructions, accidentally burning themselves with the water in the process but soon the noodles were cooking, “Now to wait.”
They decided to put on their glasses again and search random results like aliens and laugh at the untrue facts, “We don’t have 3 eyes or green skin.” They thought and looks more into different representations of aliens, eventually finding the article about their arrival with A-Li and A-Lan, “I’m glad this was the planet we landed on.”
Soon, a loud beeping came from the microwave and interrupted their searching, “What’s happening? Is an alarm going off?” They look around in panic before remembering the microwave and quickly opens the door, “I hope I didn’t wake-“ They were interrupted by the kitchen door opening revealing Willa, “What’s with all the beeping?” “I was making food, I had a nightmare and the internet says food helps.” “You could’ve woken me up, what was the nightmare about?” A-spen puts the bowl down, “Remember when you and your pack were looking for me, A-Li and A-Lan?” Willa nods and comes closer, “Instead of us all being safe, you managed to catch A-Li and A-Lan…you killed them.” Tears started to fall from A-Spen’s eyes and Willa came over and hugged them, “I wouldn’t have killed them, if yous had taken or harmed the moonstone then maybe but we wouldn’t have then. I just would’ve tried to scare you into revealing your plans.” She holds them tighter, “Let’s get your food and we can watch something together, does that sound good?” A-Spen nods and they went to lie on the sofa. The night ended with credits rolling, cuddles, sleep, and an empty bowl.
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noirangel626 · 2 years
Aliens’ first snow day
Based on Otp prompt generator:
Willa and A-Spen walking through town, holding hands while it snows.
Months have passed since the aliens’ arrival and things were normal in Seabrook. New and exciting types of monsters have started showing up and making their homes. However, despite being here for months, there was something that the aliens had yet to experience. Snow. They all know of the concept of snow and every part of its creation through the water cycle but they haven’t felt it or seen it.
It first started on the early morning of a random Saturday. Some people were starting to wake up ready to start the day and go to work, some people were even just going to sleep. But, on this early morning, the first snowflakes of the winter start to fall. Normally, the wintertime is a cold and miserable time for werewolves due to having no insulation. This year, however, the werewolves weren’t in their cold den, at least not at night. Due to their expansive technology, the aliens have managed to develop tardis-like advancements like being able to hide a large space in a small room. So, the werewolf pack was camping in A-Lan, A-Li, and A-Spen’s house until it starts to get warm enough for them to stay in their den at night.
It was still snowing at mid-day, at which the aliens started to wake up. After they all finish getting ready, each of them looked out of their windows. “What is that falling?” A-Li says to herself curiously before leaving her room and knocking on A-Lan’s door, “I think the clouds are falling apart.” He says once he opens the door, “I mean, what else could it be? Is A-Spen up? Maybe they have an idea?” They both nod and knock on their door, “A-Spen something’s wrong!” Their door quickly opened and A-Spen appeared looking panicked, “What’s wrong? Is Mothership damaged? Is Z-patrol here to take us away again?” They ask, thinking of when they first came to Seabrook for “the cheer competition”, “A-Lan thinks the clouds are falling apart, there’s white stuff falling from the sky.”
A-Li says then brings them over to the window, “Interesting…I doubt the clouds are falling apart but let’s go touch it!” A-Spen says happily. The trio go to their front door and gasp at the snow on the ground, “It’s definitely not cloud, it’s too solid-looking.” A-Lan sighs in relief yet slight disappointment, touching a cloud would be so cool, “What if we touch it? Is it toxic?” A-Li slowly puts her finger into the snow and immediately recoils, “It’s cold! Like freezing cold! She puts her hand into it again, “It’s not toxic, just cold…and wet.”
“It’s freezing, why do you three have the front door wide open?” Willa says, having just woken up from the warmth of her room turning into freezing cold air so she came to investigate. “Willa! There’s something cold and wet on the ground and we can’t seem to figure it out.” A-Spen lights up when she sees Willa and points to the snow on the ground. “You mean the snow? It normally comes around this time of year.” She goes over to the shoe rack and puts on some shoes and a coat, “Put your shoes on and come out.” A-Spen immediately goes over to put their shoes on while the other 2 do it slower than them yet still putting their shoes on. Once they all have their shoes on, they step into the snow and look around in wonder, “So this is snow?” A-Li picks some up in her hand and throws it at A-Lan, “It’s much different than what we’ve learned about it.” She laughs and dodges the snow that A-Lan throws back at her. The 2 delve into a mini snow fight, not yet a snowball fight since they’re just throwing snow and not shaping it into balls.
While the 2 are distracted, Willa and A-Spen sneak off and start walking past the houses, no set destination in mind, “Snow is pretty fun! I haven’t seen them have so much fun since before our mission. We tried to have fun on the mothership but there wasn’t much to do.” A-Spen smiles at their memories of their home planet, “They’re really special to me.” “I know how you feel, my pack is very special to me too. We’ve managed to create games that keep us entertained for a while and since we’ve been accepted, we’ve created more.” “I’d love to come and try some of your game, they seem fun.” “Yeah! I’ll ask my pack if you can come, A-Li and A-Lan too of course.”
They keep walking but eventually A-Spen started to regret not bringing gloves or a coat as they started to get cold, but not wanting this moment to end they didn’t say anything until Willa noticed, “Are you cold? You should’ve brought a coat but here.” She takes off her coat and wraps it around their shoulders. They put the coat on, “Thanks Willa but my hands are still cold.” Willa smiles and takes A-aspen’s closest hand, “Put the other one in the coat pocket.” A-Spen blushes slightly at Willa holding her hand and the two keep walking. Occasionally they bump into friends like Zed and Addison, “Aww I’m glad you found someone, you’re perfect for each other.” Addison gushed when they bumped into them, and Bree and Bonzo, “So cute! Like us!” “Zarble dooba dag.”
A-Li and A-Lan were very worried when they noticed A-Spen had disappeared but when they noticed Willa gone too, they figured they had gone together so they went back inside to warm up before the werewolves woke up and started to look for Willa. Obviously, once the two returned, they each got a lecture on how worried they were (Mainly Wyatt and Wynter asking for at least a note if Willa is going off somewhere, A-Li and A-Spen lecturing A-Spen on disappearing).
But everything was good in the end.
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Red and black from les mis kinda suits L'Manberg first forming, marcus's love plot can be idk Eret? idk
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Back when lore streams were less planned in the terms of they are now, there were funny unplanned bits and honestly those could be just for entertainment for both the audience and the cast involved but to also remind us that the members of the SMP are friends depsite what their characters may suggest. Like during the first festival, when Tommy and WIlbur were spying on Manberg, their characters were definitely not as close as irl!Tommy and Wilbur are yet when they started mocking (jokingly) Technoblade, at least to me, it was a reminder that no matter what happens in Pogtopia or what is said while Wilbur is clouded by paranoia, these are friends who care for each other.
These new lore streams lack this reminder, which could be why so many on Twitter go after content creators because of something that happened in lore. I'm not saying that these didn't happen even with these funny bits *cough* Eret being called traitor after final control room and being attacked for it *cough*.
I love the planned streams too, they're so good, but I miss the random jokes and stuff during lore. It made it feel less movie-like and more like friends having fun and basically doing Hamilton RP.
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Rubbo my beloved <3
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noirangel626 · 3 years
He didn't mean to kill him - it was was an accident he swears!
He didn't mean to kill George, he didn't see the creeper.
That's what he thought he'd say at trial when faced in front of the entire SMP, isn't that what the trial was for?
He had been coming from Kinoko Kingdom, in secret from the other members - they didn't know he visited, he was only checking on Foolish. The God had been taking a break from the mansion and Ranboo knew that without checking up on him, the God would work himself to the bone but today he wasn't there - just thinking that Foolish had taken Jr on a small trip.
George had been walking past just as a creeper began to explode behind Ranboo, none of them saw it. George died. Ranboo survived. He thought that they'd blame him for not seeing the creeper earlier.
Turns out that wasn't the crime.
The community house was blown up again. Second time running. Puffy was guilty - he knew that, he was there when it blew up. She never spoke up. She wasn't even there. Was she with Foolish? Nobody would listen to him.
Tubbo, his husband, looked so disappointed. He doesn't know about the enderstate. They'd had an argument about it. A bad one. Ranboo had tried explaining the state but Tubbo didn't believe him. Nobody else on the server had this issue so why would he? The fight hurt. A lot. After, he fled to his house at the Arctic - it's not his home. Tubbo and Michael are his home. They hadn't spoke since then - it's only been a couple days.
Sam was the judge. Dream was less protected. Tommy was more on edge.
"Ranboo, you have been found-"
Please not guilty
Please not guilty
He wanted to apologise to Tubbo
He wanted to go home
"-guilty of blowning up the community house. You are exiled until we see fit."
This isn't how it was meant to go.
He had pulled against the restraints to try and get free before looking at Sam for the last time, "Can I speak to Tubbo? In private?"
The request was refused until Tommy stepped in, "Sam, I'll go with them. I can protect me and Tubbo, plus I want to speak to him before exile."
Request accepted and he was pulled into another room.
Tubbo was crying.
Ranboo was hugged- it hurt - tears hurt.
Apologies were everywhere.
Tommy had asked why he did it - he didn't have any answers.
It was Quackity that had taken him to exile.
He had escaped as soon as Quackity looked at his phone.
He fled to the arctic.
He told Phil and Techno what had happened.
They denied ever seeing him when the SMP came looking.
Ranboo didn't know that Tubbo came later, no armour or weapons, begging to know if they had seen him. Tubbo wanted him safe. He didn't want another Tommy situation. They told him his location. Tubbo never visited in case the SMP followed him but sometimes Michael showed up for a couple hours before Phil took him away. Michael told him about Foolish being around more often, he had caught conversation about Ranboo killing Foolish if Tubbo was hurt but didn't understand.
That was a year ago.
He is returning from exile. Angry. Hurt. The SMP had shown up yesterday and had taken Phil and Techno away from him and now he is coming back for vengeance.
Full maxed out netherite. Every golden apple in the Arctic. Strength potions. Totems. Carl.
He had never been more prepared for a war and thats what he is bringing to them. Don't mess with his family.
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Tumblr media
I know it’s dodgeball and completely unrelated to Ranboo but...
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noirangel626 · 3 years
Fuck this
Fuck Sleepy Boys
I’m not excited for Phil’s stream /j
At least we got 4/4 crumbs
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noirangel626 · 3 years
If they're watching over Phil then they turn to crows then if they're sent to Tubbo then they transform into bees and then if they go to Tommy then it'll be moths! Chat is never one true form but when they're not in any form then they're blue birds (like Twitter) and they can travel dimentions.
In terms of Techno's voices, there's multiple species of the chat and the Youtube species can't change form but instead are invisible.
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noirangel626 · 3 years
So, there's drama based around Tommy's recent video.
I don't believe that I am part of the communities that KSI has offended and to be completely honest, all I know is that he's been transphobic. I'm cis and white, so very privileged in terms of society, but also bisexual and female.
I'm happy Tommy is able to play with people that he looks up to like KSI and Schlatt, tbh I like Schlatt's minecraft content and think some of his jokes are funny, but I've never watched KSI's content. I'm not his target audience and from what I've heard, he's made offensive jokes or smth in the past and made an half-assed apology. I've watched Tommy since June/July 2020 and enjoyed his content so I don't want to just stop watching his content because of this one thing.
Wilbur has a set mindset that Twitter is bad and he shouldn't be on it, which I sorta agree with but looking at Twitter is sorta what Tommy needs right now so he can learn that stans are a sensitive subject at the moment so he can't make jokes that could put them at risk of hate from KSI fans. Yet, if Wilbur is told by Tommy the reaction to his latest video then he'd probably advise Tommy to stay off there until the drama dies down, when, as I mentioned before, what he needs is to learn and develop.
Anyways, this is confusing and I don't know how to feel.
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noirangel626 · 4 years
What The Fuck
A lot is happening in this one hour...
Quackity, Karl and Austin are doing a cooking stream
Tommy is hanging with Tubbo and Jack and Freddie on an alt
Ranboo released new pics with the lightsaber
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noirangel626 · 4 years
Imagine if Foolish somehow is roped into the Michael-Ranboo-Tubbo family dynamic.
Uncle Foolish or he even possibly becomes like an older brother to Michael.
Imagine if Foolish is able to stay in the mansion, they [Ranboo or Tubbo] say something like, “Well we have enough room and you helped build it so why not?”
Foolish Jr can get his own room and he and Michael becomes best friends then they somehow meet Michelle.
There’s parallels of Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo to the Dream team through their characters:
Tubbo: I guess George
So, I know this would never happen because they’re mobs/objects but:
Third gen of the Dream Team -
Foolish Jr:George/Tubbo
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noirangel626 · 4 years
Imagine how protective Ranboo might be of Michael if Tubbo dies
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noirangel626 · 4 years
I’ve went from 100k+ points and now I’m at 74k...
Broke arc?
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noirangel626 · 4 years
I’ve went from 100k+ points and now I’m at 74k...
Broke arc?
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noirangel626 · 4 years
Random story
Possible derealisation?
At the Syndicate Meeting Area...
“Remember that Snowchester place we checked out a few weeks ago?”
Ranboo had been confused when he got an emergency call from Phil saying how there was an important meeting and it was imperative that he came but he ran over from Snowchester, leaving a still-sleeping Tubbo in their bed (having decided on a shared bed for their mansion after the constant nightmares the duo had from their pasts - allowing them to comfort the other quicker as well as it was easier for them to snuggle with Michael).
He mistaken the lava that he needed to jump into to reach said base, “I really need to write that down”, again but eventually reached the meeting place, finding him to be the last one to arrive, “I came as soon as I heard. What’s up?”
“Remember that Snowchester place we checked out a few weeks ago?”
It was obvious that Ranboo was shocked, he tried to hide it but he wasn’t very good about it, “What about Snowchester?” He asked, pulling out his communicator under the table - ready to message Tubbo as soon as he could.
“It’s became a...problem. We think it’s forming a government and so we have to take it out. First, we need to find something, anything that Tubbo holds dear enough for him to sacrifice his last life.”
Too frozen to move. Too frozen to even warn his platonic husband about the incoming threats. Not too frozen to acknowledge the hands in front of his face to snap him out of his trance, “Wha-what?”
“We asked if you know anything that could help us against the government?”
“Uhh...I need to go feed my animals.” He says before running out of the meeting and straight towards Snowchester. Unknowingly, the other people who he had been meeting with followed him. Followed him all the way to the secret.
He only noticed them when he turned around, after hearing Michael’s confused snort, in Michael’s bedroom and saw all three of them barricading the doors to the exit, “Oh no...”
“So you do know something about Tubbo and decided to hide it from us?”
Knowing that there was nothing he could do, he held Michael close to him and tried to get as much comfort as he could, “This is Michael B- Beloved, mine and Tubbo’s son. He’s adopted from the nether. Found him at the bottom of a lava lake and nobody was helping him, he followed us home.”
“I didn’t need his life story, the only time you’re allowed in Snowchester is to get your stuff then you’re never to set foot in Snowchester again.”
“I-I understand...” He waited until they left to set Michael down and quickly left the room. He knew that the stress from Techno’s visit and protecting Michael and Tubbo wasn’t good until he was alone but it was taking over. The enderstate had taken Dream’s voice because from what he had heard, Dream was the big bad guy. The source of nightmares. The juxtapositional irony. The guy named Dream giving people nightmares. He knew that the enderstate wasn’t good news but he didn’t know how bad until now. He had shown violence in the enderstate before but never up to death.
Which is why he didn’t expect to come out of the enderstate with Tubbo bloody and bruised but breathing. Immediately, he started panicking and the panic began to build until, instead of the enderstate, he gained purple particles and teleported him and Tubbo to Puffy. He didn’t explain what happened but Puffy took him anyways and began to clean him up. He quickly left to go see Michael and bring him to Puffy so he is safe and looked after. Soon after Michael was safe with Puffy, he didn’t stay like he probably should’ve but he ran. He knew he couldn’t go to Snowchester or Artic Commune so the next best place is the place where he first met the Dream voice.
He vowed never to return to this place but desperate times count for desperate measures and his desperate measure was making sure he never hurt his family again. Signs on the entrance we’re replaced by obsidian. More signs were placed to remind him of what he did. It was inevitable but after half an hour of him trapped in that box, the voice appeared.
“You almost killed him.”
“You showed them Michael”
“You only have me.”
“We can be friends.”
“They messed with your memory book, made you believe that they didn’t hurt you. Didn’t betray you. Dream was your only friend but you turned against him. They want him to be alone.”
The voice repeatedly stating lies after lies with sprinkles of truth to give Ranboo the doubt the voice needed to get into his head. Ranboo had soon realised what the voice was doing and tried to escape but breaking the obsidian with his hand was basically impossible and Ranboo was twisted to the will of the voice.
Tubbo has woken up soon after Ranboo had left, thanks to the health pots he was practically back to normal, “Ranboo?! Ranboo!” He called, remembering what the enderman had done but forgave him after he saw the dullness in Ranboo’s eyes showing that he wasn’t in control. “He left once he brought Michael here, I thought he would’ve returned but he didn’t.” Puffy had informed him while handing him the zombie piglin child.
Tubbo held him close but passed him back to Puffy, “I need to find Ranboo, can you watch him til I get back?” Puffy knew best not to anger Ranboo or Tubbo when it came to their other half or child so she quickly agreed and decided to bring Michael to see Michelle.
First stop was Snowchester, it took a awhile to search the mansion and his old base but there was no sign of Ranboo.
Next stop was the worst stop but he knew he needed the extra hands.
Quickly, he made his way to the Artic Commune but, unlucky for him, it was the one day Phil and Techno were working on a build outside. He tried to sneak to Ranboo’s old house but was quickly caught, “Tubbo we see you there, mate.”
Sighing, he went over to the duo, “I’m looking for Ranboo. He was in his enderwalk state and hurt me, a lot, but he got me somewhere safe before he disappeared. I’ve checked Snowchester and decided to look here because he counted here as his home.”
“If Ranboo’s missing then we should find him.”
“No, he is probably exploring.”
“Techno, I know you’re upset about him keeping a big secret from us but his life could be in danger.”
“This is more than a secret Phil! He betrayed us for a government!”
“We didn’t even know they were forming a government! You just assumed because Tubbo was a former president, he didn’t even want the position. It was basically forced on him. From what I could hear before I found Wilbur that day, it went from Wilbur to Tommy to Tubbo. You look at him like I did Wilbur when he first came here. You think hes like your son and that’s alright but you can’t just not try and save him because he founded a family.”
“...Fine. We search the SMP but once he’s found, he’s not welcome anymore.”
To say it was awkward is an understatement, it seemed like the longest trip to the SMP ever! Eventually they made it and began searching for the enderman.
They talked to a bunch of members who were enjoying their time but none of them had seen Ranboo today.
An hour later...
They met up at the community house and began walking to talk about potential locations but it soon directed into a different topic, “Michael has a middle name, Ranboo chose it. He said it was an ender tradition for their child’s middle names to be related to someone special to them but I’m not sure who Michael’s middle name relates to.”
“What is it?”
“Billium. Michael Billium Beloved.”
Techno immediately looked to Phil who seems sheepish, “I may have told him that your real name is Billium.” “You- ugh I’ve given up on trusting people with my secrets.” Techno groans and notices a black figure near the prison and walks over to it.
Flurries of purple surrounded Techno but he wasn’t teleported but instead the figure came closer, the particles were the only thing stopping Techno from moving. Soon enough, Techno could make out the figure.
The figure was Ranboo.
Ranboo was the one near the prison and, from the looks of it, had made a big hole in the side of the prison.
Unfortunately for them, the enderstate had made Ranboo very aggressive and he began to attack Techno, causing Phil and Tubbo to try and stop him.
Inside, Ranboo screamed. He tried to stop the enderstate from hurting his friends and husband. It ended up with Techno being bruised and Phil with a broken arm and multiple bruises before the enderstate turned to Tubbo. That caused a distress in the control. Showed through the hesitant actions made by Ranboo and his dull eyes flashing like a a robot running out of batteries. One hit. One hit is all it took on Tubbo for Ranboo to take control but seemed to be struggling.
Tubbo seemed to see how Ranboo was acting now and went over to try and encourage Ranboo to take control, “Ranboo come back to us, come on Ranboo.”
“Tubbo get Sam, Sam can help. Please just get Sam.” He begs then begins calling for Sam, which Tubbo tried to stop but it was in vain as Sam came running, “Ranboo wha-? Why are you shouting?” Sam asks panicked. “Get Tubbo away, get them all away. Lock me up Sam. It’s gonna hurt things.”
Does Sam lock up Ranboo or do they work things out?
Find out never because I’m sleep deprived and worked on this during Puffy’s stream. None of this is canon and I believe I got the Billium name from an image on Tumblr but can’t remember the @.
Hope you enjoyed and sorry for this being long, those in the tag. I’m on mobile and can’t add a continue reading.
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noirangel626 · 4 years
On Twitter between Tubbo and Ranboo
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