nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
do i wanna make an aradiaaa or a kankriii????
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
one that comes with your own personal barf bag and i left mine at the station
my week is a seismographic rollercoaster ride i call my life what about you
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
what just start fucking wailing dude
@pirate man fucking slam me
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
my week is a seismographic rollercoaster ride i call my life what about you
i will take attention of all forms rn
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
@pirate man fucking slam me
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
i will take attention of all forms rn
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
i havent been appreciated in a few days and this is an outrage honestly
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
do you ever play cards against humanity and there’s that moment where the perfect card for the hand is in your hand and you just go “my time has come” and lay it down with such grace
and then you don’t get the point
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
when people ask you why when you say youre depressed like what the fuck kind of answer do they want from me
why is the sky blue
why are you such an idiot
these are universal questions that one just simply cannot explain and even if it could the answers would simply be cause fuck off thats why
what do you want me to say
oh well gee golly i just saw your face and it sucked all the joy right from my life like some sort of happiness vampire
feeding off the good dreams of all the little children in the world
like some sort of goddamned ted cruz of dopamine
you know that weird awkward feeling you get when you look at ted cruzs face
the uncertainty of what exactly is wrong but the knowledge that holy shit thats just not right??
thats what you fucking do to my brain whenever you ask me why
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
Mentally ill? Nah I’m mentally SICK my brain does cool kick flips while wearing shades and I cry a lot
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
eridan shows up immediately after aradia’s introduced.
eriara is real
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
the worst part about being a fan of andrew jackson jihad is trying to explain to people that youre not talking about a terrorist
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
We already know what happens next
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They didn’t win the game. 
The ending house they should have opened was the red one (the alpha kids’ newly created universe) but instead the house flipped over and became white.
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Sound familiar? Remember what happeneds the last time someone touched a white house? (Insert Obama joke)
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That’s right. When John touched the juju, he became partially “unstuck in canon” so the continuity rules do not apply to him. His arm actually got retconned throughout the whole comic after this happened. This was shown with a distinct blue glow.
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Now, we have to remember something. We actually know that this is not the end. Caliborn told us so in his clay animations a while back!
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Many things that didn’t happen in the [S]Act 7 flash happened during this handcrafted explanation. To recap:
1) Caliborn has the house juju with him.
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2)Caliborn “somehow” gets the Ring of Void, which was in posession of The Condesce. She’s dead now but how did the ring get to him?
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3)Look who appears with a familiar blue glow!
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My most important point is supported by this specific page. The eight kids actually become unstuck in canon and appear before Caliborn after touching/entering the white juju instead of the red ending house to enter the new universe. 
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And then this shit happens.
4)The four Beta kids get sucked into the white juju.
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5)Dirk creates Lord English after a fight that ends with Jake hopesploding in a cotton cloud.
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And that’s the gist of it, right?
Now, we got the four alpha kids alive and well, Lil Cal infused with Lord English Caliborn dudebro realness and the four beta kids trapped inside the white juju.
Flashback. Time shenanigans ensue:
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Vriska and her pirate crew found the treasure chest with the white juju inside, right? My thoughts are that when they found the juju the beta kids were already trapped inside of it. Here’s my supporting evidence:
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When Vriska used the white juju as a weapon to stop Lord English after he had lost the power of the Green Sun thanks to alt Calliope, the symbols of the aspects of the Beta kids started flashing inside of it. I don’t think this is just symbology, I think that quite literally their powers are trapped inside of it.
There are many plot points that are yet to be discussed. However, I think that as it is we have sufficient clues to infer what the rest of the story is instead of having it chewed for us in a fully explained epilogue. It will be welcome, of course, but I think the “spoilers” that Caliborn gave us with his clay animations should be enough to round the story. What I hope will be explained in the epilogue is how Caliborn got the Ring of Void, and how did the kids end up in the new universe after creating Lord English.
Given the narrative of the webcomic and its symbology, I think this is a magnificent way to end the story before the epilogue. The most important item of the [S]Act 7 animation was the white juju in my opinion. And what was the white juju?
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A literal fucking plot hole.
P.S.: Calliope created a black hole and cherubs mate around black holes, don’t know what to take from that.
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
i have reached Act 5
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nohablocoolkid-blog · 8 years
i think a lot of things that guardian swaps miss out on is the chance to really explore some differences in how the kids would be raised:
dave clearly suffers from severe depression due to bros neglect- would that be the same if he were raised by mom who tried hard to coddle her own daughter when she thought she suffered from depression?
rose feigns depression as a comeuppance against her mother, what would she do when dealing w/ bro who is far more emotionally detached than her mom?
would john react differently to not being smothered in fatherly love? despite claiming he hates it, he obviously admired his dad even in the beginning acts (getting really excited at the fact that he was given a suit for his birthday resembling his fathers wardrobe).
would dad try to mimic jade’s apparent interests? would he hang up fucking furries everywhere? would she love cake or dislike it as well? would she thrive under his care or falter??
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