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My journey still continues,
Stay curious!
-Noey Travels-
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Writing an article with my cat.
My cat is laying next to me and watches me struggle to try to think of an article topic.
My life has been busy and I was suffering from a writer’s block. I had 4 drafts saved on my laptop but I’m currently writing what will hopefully not be a new draft. I want to start blogging again, doing what I used to love so much. What will this mean for the future of this blog?
Slightly different.
I will…
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First time sign language
First time sign language
My first words in sign were family members and ofcourse how to introduce myself.
I’m no expert in ASL. Believe me this post isnt about me trying to teach you guys to sign yet i think we should talk about it.
I’m going to be honest with you guys: I’ve never met a deaf person before but ive known people that could sign. When I was little my third grade teacher taught me how to sign the alphabet.…
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I want to emigrate to Sweden
I want to emigrate to Sweden
I imagine packing my stuff and move away to Sweden for i dunno how long. I just love Sweden and alot of people think im weird for wanting to.
You might agree with everyone who can not imagine that a person wants to move to another cold country. Wouldnt Spain be a better plan? But people, I dont care about the weather, I dont care that it’s not that much better than my own country. You see, you…
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At the ruins of the old medieval castle they put on parkbenches so you could see the amazing view and rest at the same time. We sat at one of those benches and we were amazed by the beautiful view but we were more amazed that the beautiful scenery was part of our country.
Trains and all other form of public transportation are terrible and annoying. We were standing on the platform early in the morning when we realized our train would be late.. like countless of times the railways disappoint us yet again and we couldnt wait to earn our driverslisence.
I went to Limburg with my friend. It took us about 3 hours to go from the east to the south. During the trip we noticed the change in the landscape. For example how more we went south, how greener it gets and how green beautiful hills started to emerge. Me and my friend got excited whenever we spotted a hill because hills are non existent in the rest of our country. You see our country is flat as it can be and below sea level as well. At least seeing hills made us feel like we were in some foreign country. It made Limburg more special than any other part of our country.
We went to a town called Valkenburg known for its rich history. You can sense the presence of what once was by the medieval castles, caves and bunkers. What struck me the most were with how many restaurants and bars there were. I lost track with how many there were. We ate the famous Limburgse vlaai. One of the area’s favorite food. It’s basically cake that tastes really amazing. You should try it one time if you come across one.
We chose to visit the ruins of a medieval castle and it turned to be worth the 6,50 euros that we spent on the entrance fee. There is no tour just you, exploring the ruins of the castle. In front of everything that you are about to discover there will be a sign that you can read what that part used to be. There is no limit of how long you can explore the castle. It’s all up to you. Me and my friend however stayed there for hours. Taking pictures and wondering if we should really move there. Seriously, I mean it.
After the ruins we went to go out and shop only to realise there weren’t interesting shops altough as a tourist the souvenirs were nice. And if old fashioned is your taste shopping will be more pleasant than we thought it was. It all depends on taste.. we didnt like it tho.
In the end we were tired and again annoyed with the public transportation.
Keep being curious!
Noey Travels
dutch word of the day: trein – train
Limburg ( The Netherlands) At the ruins of the old medieval castle they put on parkbenches so you could see the amazing view and rest at the same time.
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Short trip
I planned alot of things for these last 2 weeks, one of them was Spain the other is in my own country.
I know I’ve hardly ( never i think) talked about my own country. I’m always fascinated by the world beyond these borders, I didnt even write about where i come from. You might like to know where i come from but enough with the mystery.
I’m from the Netherlands, a small country next to Germany…
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I was drawn to the music that came out of the bar. Metallica filled the room and it was then that i knew that it was time to drink a mojito and to rock on.
I woke up yesterday to another rainy day, so my day went pathetic. I promised you an article about the night life in Lloret de mar. Alot of people had mixed feelings about going out in Lloret de mar even though the place was dominated at night…
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Rainy days
Early in the morning there was an icy wind and the front porch was wet, so this time we ate our breakfast inside.
It rained for ages today, I took no pics for something so gloomy. I had plans but it was better to postpone it. Blanes is covered in silence and rain drops. All day I was huddled in a blanket with chips and Netflix, drawing random things while listening to Rammstein. Sigh… Alone with…
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Lloret de Mar
Cheese cakes are delicious. always has been and always will.
I thought that today i would take a day off. Just enjoying the weather at the beach and enjoying the camping. Obviously, if you read the title you know my evening went slightly different. I found myself in Lloret de Mar looking for its night life. It was way more alive then Blanes and the streets were filled with people my age going…
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The barcelona
It was evening when I stood on the docks in Barcelona. Teaching my little step brother how to Breakdance.
I shouldve written this article earlier, Guess i shall write 2 of them today. The reason for this was that I was so tired. I’ve walked endlessly through Barcelona If i spent a few extra hours there I’ll still wouldnt be able to see it all. Barcelona was beautiful and it still is. Let me show…
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Second day España
Mojitos and cookies are a weird mix.
I’m totally sober, trust me. Right now there is a soccer match going on. Not only just a soccer match, it’s Barcelona contra Real Madrid. I noticed around here that this isnt just some ordinairy soccer match. As I speak every single person here is inside watching the game and occassionally cheers when I assume those cheers were meant for Barca whenever they…
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On the road
I woke up in the middle of the night, it turns out we were just in Luxembourg. I have never been to Luxembourg before. I got so excited that i sat up straight and took as many pics as I could. Too bad that Luxembourg was covered up in the dark. It was a long endless drive but I arrived safe and sound in Spain.
It felt like ages when i was back home with my luggage already inside the car. I…
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The day before I leave.
The day before I leave.
Put on the salsa music and dance the salsa! Bailar is importante for a happy feeling. The feeling that i have. I’m preparing myself for a very spanish holiday and I cant stop dancing and practicing my spanish.
Right now I’m tired! I woke up early just to get things done before we’re going on the road. I took little time to prepare and im half regretting it. I put bloody less time into anything…
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You never feel it quite as deep as you do when it hits home. I am so angry, so furious right now. The most beautiful thing about Stockholm is how peaceful it is, not just the nature that surrounds it but the mentality of the people living there. We won’t allow you to put fear in us, we won’t allow you to take away our good faith in humanity. We will continue to open our doors to those who need shelter the most. The Swedish soil belongs to those who love and nourish it, no matter colour, religion or background. That’s not something you or your extremist opposites sitting in the parliament can ever change. Sweden will remain peaceful as we work towards further unity. I have so much love for my city, for my country, for my home that remains home no matter where I go. - d
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