noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
You could always put an anti-shedding charm on your quill, you know.  As for the ink dipping, well, I guess I must concede that point as well.  At least for the time being, that is.  You haven't won quite yet.
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So you have heard of my asshole parents.  Lovely.  Pleasure to meet you, Tristan.  And, ah, Lockewood?  I have heard some of the other muggleborns saying something about that name in the past, but no, I'm not personally familiar with the family name.  Should I be?
It could yes, but I’d also say that getting to forgo ink dipping every few minutes and the lack of shedding puts the pen in the lead as far as lack of trouble is concerned. 
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Ah, Blackbourne are you? As I have spent the majority of my years since age eleven in the wizarding world, I can assure you that I have heard the name.Tristan. Tristan Lockewood, but, if my knowledge is correct I can only assume you wouldn’t have heard of my family as our name is only in the muggle sphere of influence. 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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Andrew Garfield
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
I concede the point about carrying around an ink bottle, but as for the amount of ink, wouldn't you say a quill and a pen use the same amount of ink over the same period of time?  I mean, of course it depends on what you're writing and all that, but honestly.
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Ah, yes.  Pleasure to meet and, well, spar with you, Tristan.  I'm Noah.  Blackbourne, but if my hunch is correct, you are probably one of the new muggleborns?  You might not know about my family.
The ink certainly doesn’t, and isn’t necessity the mother of creation? I do believe that’s a muggle saying, the creator of the pen probably didn’t like carrying around a ink bottle as much as i dislike it.
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Well then, quill advocate, it seems there’s no pride to be found here, now, do I get the name of my verbal sparring partner? Or is it polite that I introduce myself first? Either way, Tristan, pleasure to meet you.
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
I mean, if you think about it, a quill is helping the environment.  Isn't one of those three r's "reuse" or something like that?  Pretty sure if you treat your quill right, it can last for longer than one of your silly pens.
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You don't believe me?  Because, honestly, my pride has nothing to do with whether a pen is better than a quill or not.  I hope yours isn't; that sounds quite, ah, troublesome.  
That sounds infinitely more troublesome. Yes, meant to be disposable, as I can recycle them, and they will be melted down and used to make more pens. Or bottles even, what have you. Recycling, the three r’s helping the environment, all that jazz, and all, without having to use a quill. 
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Mmm, I see, not a single, problem with pride in this conversation, I see. 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
That sounds unnecessarily wasteful, to be quite honest.  'Meant to be disposable'?  Yes, I think I'll stick with my distinctly less wasteful quill, thank you very much.
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My what?  Oh no, this has nothing to do with muggle and wizard.  Merely the, ah, as I've said, the wastefulness of your preferred writing utensil over my own.  Pride isn't coming anywhere near this.
I feel as if you’re getting almost competitive on this, I’ll have you know, as pens come in a pack of roughly 24 and they last a few months each, should I not lose them, I’m set for the school year. Aside from that, they’re meant to be disposable. Also, it takes, maybe ten seconds to refill the ink, every few months, instead of every few minutes. 
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Have I somehow offended your wizarding pride with my muggle writing tools? I’ll have you know, I said less fragile than a feather, pens are moderately easy to break, depending on the brand. 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
I see you on the shedding point, but what happens when the ink in your oh-so-special pen runs out?  Wouldn't you have to change it?  Or would you just be wasteful and throw it out instead?
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Oh, yes, that one.  Point is, they called it unsinkable or what-have-you, and it wasn't.  So I wouldn't go around acting like your pens are unbreakable; you'd be tempting fate, in my opinion.  
Plastic is generally stronger than a feather, less worry about damage, and besides, I feel faintly ridiculous writing with a quill when pens are so much easier, no special way to hold it, no nibs to change, no feathers shedding in my bag. 
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The Titanic you mean? It certainly was invulnerable, but it would have lasted quite a bit longer than other ships i it hadn’t run directly into a massive iceberg. 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
Surely pens break as well?  I don't believe pens are made of something completely unbreakable; I mean, isn't that what everyone said about that muggle ship all those years ago?  What was it called again - the Titania?  Something like that.
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I’d just rather not have to worry about bent or broken quills, or spilling ink,  or ink splotches, why not just remove the problems all together? Pens are so much easier, after all. 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
No, actually.  I'll repeat myself; why don't you use quills?  Is dipping it in ink really that much work for you?
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Well, it’s pretty simple you write with it, press the end to paper and write, all the fun of a quill none of the work. Does that sufficiently answer your questions?
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
How the fuck do you work a pen?  And why don't you use quills?
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I hate to break this to you, but I don’t actually use quills, you can borrow a pen if you want?
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
Noah rolled his eyes, snagging the bottle back from Dom and spinning the top off.  "I don't," he insisted, pointing at the other male with the bottle before taking another gulp.  He held the alcohol in his mouth for a moment, mulling over the other man's suggestion before shaking his head and swallowing.  "Mm, you'd think so.  But they still insist that muggles and muggleborns aren't worth the air they breathe, so..." Noah trailed off with a shrug, taking another sip.  "Yeah, it can be pretty tiring.  Especially when I have to explain protection spells for the fiftieth time in a row.  But they're entertaining."
He nodded at his friend's comment, taking a moment to stretch his arms and roll his shoulders to get the kinks out of them before taking another sip of the firewhiskey.  "Yeah, yeah, yeah," he sighed, taking the other male's advice to loosen up a little.  He watched as Dom reached across and flipped through the textbook, only raising an eyebrow at the ridiculous picture.  "I'm pretty sure they have nothing that looks like that - at least not here," Noah scoffed, leaning in to take a closer look at the picture in their textbook.  Tapping the diagram, he laughed, pointing specifically at the shoulder pads.  "Especially not those heinous things," he laughed, before leaning back against the bed with a sigh.  
Raising an eyebrow, Noah smirked when Dom suggested pretending to send lewd photographs.  "Or we could - what d'ya call it - sext?  Send lewd messages to each other and read them out loud?"  He placed a hand over his heart and threw his head back dramatically, reciting in a purposefully over-the-top breathy voice, "Oh Dom!  I need your arms around me now!"  Of course, the dramatics didn't last long, and soon he had dissolved into loud peals of laughter, shooting his friend a look as he drank from the bottle again.  "Or if we want to go really simple, all we need is a pole; like a stripper pole or whatever it's called?  Then you can show off those muscles like you've always wanted to," he teased, grinning.
Public Speaking and Firewhiskey || Dominik & Noah
"Sure, you don’t." Dom looked over to Noah giving him an expression that more said ‘like fuck you don’t’. True the other man didn’t literally get an anatomical stiffy, but merlin he sure made a point of befriending every damn one in the place. "They ask you questions? That does sound tiring. You know you can cut the act now, right? I’m sure dear ol’ mummy and daddy have gotten the hint." Dom spun the cap off the bottle and took a lighter sip this time. "Unless you find some odd sense of enjoyment in being the all knowing pureblood in a sea of dim witted muggleborns." 
Dom then passed the bottle back, nodding his head in response to Noah’s suggestion. “See there we go. We officially have a plan B. Don’t ever say I didn’t contribute anything to this damn project.” He added, the words sounding a little strange as they came out of his mouth. Usually Dom was the giant stress pot as far as school was concerned, always putting everything he had into his homework or a project, but none of that seemed to apply for Muggle Appreciation. He just felt as if he just couldn’t be bothered to learn shit he’d never use in real life.
"You are thinking about this way too hard, mate." Dom chuckled as he watched Noah continue to stress over everything imaginable, merlin was this what he was normally like? Stealing the bottle, Dom took a large swig before sitting himself up to see the piles of notes. He might not have given a rat’s ass about this project, but he might as well help Noah out a little. "Why don’t we scale things down a bit, yeah? Quit thinking big stuff, narrow it down to something simpler and smaller. Oh I know!" Sitting up Dom leaned over the piles of parchment and grabbed his textbook. "Any of your little muggleborn pals have one of those mobiles they’d be willing to lend you?" Sitting back down Dom flipped through the book until he found the right page. On it was a simple cartoon of a woman with large 80’s style shoulder pads speaking through a mobile phone, the antenna end faced her mouth as if it were a speaker. "You could just scrounge yourself up a couple of mobile phones, and we’ll do a little demo in class about how to place a call or send lewd photographs or something." 
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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noahblackbourne-blog · 10 years
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