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#kaylor. Taylor followed on 19/8/2015. Vietnamese. 21. Love Taylor Swift, playing guitar, art, cello, baking. Soundcloud:
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
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Yes I did it...
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Let me get this straight*
1) TS and Joe met in early May 2016 at the Met Gala. The only evidence of this is the lyric “your buzz cut, my hair bleached”. Many pictures were taken of all attendees, but even though Joe has a big reputation, and the two of them being together would be a big conversation, not a single picture of them meeting has surfaced, not even from some poor non-celebrity who was star-struck and took 14,000 photos that night and could sell a photo of the two of them meeting to The Daily Mail for thousands of dollars. Meawhile, we have tons of pictures and video of TS with KK and TH. Dancing the night away. Grinding even.
2) So TS was smitten with Joe from the first moment because he is so gorgeous, just look at his face, love at first sight, they loved without reason. But she couldn’t make a move on him because she was still dating CH. But she gets his number and they become friends. 3 weeks later she dumps CH. But instead of acting on her instantaneous “love at first sight” attraction to Joe, she starts dating TH. Meanwhile, her castle crumbled overnight due to K*mye. Hiddleswift have a whirlwind romance in which they meet each other’s families. The GP hate the romance and think it’s fake. After three months, they breakup because she was just drinking.
3) After living for an entire month on her own and deciding she is better off living alone, she decides to act on her attraction to Joe and they start dating. They decide to keep the relationship completely secret, except to their close friends and family. The sex is fabulous. She gives him three orgasms. They go out in disguise and she no one knows about them and she is always shaking and pacing from holding back from him when they go to the kebab shop after the pub.
4) Within the the first 3 months of being together, he stands by her with his broad shoulders while she goes through her worst times. These worst times are apparently even worse than when her castle crumbled overnight in June 2016. We don’t know what it could have been, but it was pretty bad because she almost drowned herself. But she recognized he was a love that is really something. She had a bad feeling. But she stays when he’s lost, it’s hard, she’s scared, he turns away, and the’re wrong and they’re making mistakes. Apparently the guys at the kebab shop started talkin’ and putting them through their paces. A three month relationship is very difficult to maintain (which we already know from all the incredible heartbreak/love songs she has written about 2-3 month relationships.) They have a New Year’s Eve party and she knows that she wants to be together forever more. Because he’s her End Game, she’s doing better than she ever was, and so she spends the next month writing an entire album about her angel boyfriend of three months.
5) Finally, after 7 or 8 months (9 if you ask her dad) they go public with their relationship. The Daily Mail and The Sun interview everyone who has ever known him and we learn that all the girls in school threw themselves at him because he was so handsome and humble and talented and charming, but as far as they knew he’d never had a girlfriend because he was married to his craft. Wow, TS is so lucky!
I wonder when they’ll get married and a have 10 kids.
*forgive the pun
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Ok, I see people confused about the burning trailer and the Kaylor Vogue trailer.
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This is the Kaylor wedding Vogue trailer. It’s all silver, it’s a Airstream trailer, like this one here:
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Ok, the trailer at the beginning of the YNTCD video is GREEN and WHITE. Here from two angles.
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So where is the Kaylor trailer? It’s at the end of the street
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Yes. It’s the one with the yellow chairs. We can see clearly here from two different angles.
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We can see it even better in Instagram photos
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So, that’s it.
She’s saving the Daisy from the fire and moving to Gaylor Park
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
a loosely vetted parade of fun observations brought to you by quarantine
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you have been warned 😂
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i’ve been ruminating on the three tulips for awhile… seemed symbolically interesting enough… so i did some googling and it turns out that among various instances of tulips as patterns in scandinavian art,
it’s a symbol that can be found on a ten cent piece from wartime!
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and i thought oh huh that’s kind of cool. maybe it sort of works as shade on the wedding. that it’s a cheap wedding, etc, that tracks
so i sort of let my train of thought run unabated
and i started googling for “ten cent wedding” —which gets a few hits here and there, maybe it’s a colloquialism that i haven’t heard of before,
and i thought about aspects of this scene that ring cheapness and… well…
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the ring rings a bell.
and wouldn’t you know it, “ten-cent wedding rings” were a thing back in the day! many old newspaper mentions, and period literature, these i thought were particularly evocative,
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and then i ran intooooo….!
🤗 a vintage new york newspaper article from none other than an October 18th about a woman wearing a ten-cent wedding ring as a joke!
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fancy that!
sorry folks that’s the gis-
i will leave you with something else fun that i found…
a little googling more on the keyword ten-cent ring led me to learning of a peculiar set of coincidences. it turns out that lucille ball’s wedding ring was famously a ten-cent ring.
which led me to read up on a famous episode of her 70s show, the episode title being “Lucy Meets The Burtons” in which richard burton and elizabeth taylor visit her and in an on-brand twist lucy gets elizabeth taylor’s famous cartier engagement ring stuck on her hand 😂 here’s a pic! look how huge that ring is!
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*and thennn*
icing on the cake for some of you all out there:
the episode goes on to elizabeth taylor needing to display the ring at a party sooo lucy concocts a plan to hide in liz’s dress and sticks her ringed hand through liz’s sleeve!! 😭
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☺️ ~fin~
here’s a link to the episode if you’re interested!
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Wow—the amount of manipulation leading up to her “approval.” When someone says “yes” to sex after a lot of pressure that they should, it does not count as consent. I repeat, that! is! not! consent!!!!!
Kanye telling her he has a controversial line about her and then proceeding to build up how important the line is to him—that he’s worked on it for months, that he’s already worked and reworked it—the way she asks if it’s mean and he says he doesn’t think so and she asks to hear it and he’s about to show her and seems to decide he hasn’t quite guilted her enough into ensuring she’ll feel too bad saying no to him after how much work he’d put into that one line. (Which, seriously? Months? For that ONE LINE? .....🙄) So he then builds it up again, says it’s his wife’s “faaaavorite f*ing line,” subtly implanting subconsciously that she should be as accepting and open as another woman. He goes on, “if YOU felt it was funny and cool (and etc)... again putting pressure on her to approve it and telling her exactly how she’s “supposed” to feel. It’s manipulation to the highest degree.
Further, Taylor literally says, “that build up you gave it, I thought it was going to be something like, ‘that stupid, dumb b*tch,’ but it’s not.” AND HE JUST SAYS NO, LAUGHING. (Minute 4:30)
Taylor clearly tried so hard to affirm him and work with him and do what she could do be accommodating even when it was uncomfortable. Even when he said he made her famous, she said well, I had already sold 7 million, but, YOU had never heard of me, and that’s your truth! Still trying to make him feel okay, even when he’s literally dismissing her real success.
The underlying tones of this conversation aren’t unique to Taylor, unfortunately. This happens all the time to people pleasers who just want to be kind and give people the benefit of the doubt. It happens within families, with best friends, with people who know you best and choose to utilize that beautiful gift for their advantage, even if it’s to your detriment.
Taylor has had to go through so much unnecessary pain from someone else’s selfish and cruel actions. I’m extremely grateful to have been able to watch her go and grow through this, and follow in her footsteps towards recognizing the wrong, processing it deeply, and choosing love, growth, and wisdom even so moving forward.
It’s exactly what I’ve needed during my own recent season of deep betrayal and world-shattering loss. I listen to Reputation and Lover and find so much understanding and find strength from them.
Thank you, Taylor. I’m glad you finally, finally got your justice, long after you stopped even needing it.
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
today is 19 days before the ides of march
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ipso facto
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
For anyone who does not follow Kate, this post is clutch
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
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End game parallels!!
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Favourite Kaylor Moments - 2015 VMA’s - Taylor chasing Karlie!
Reminiscing on the good times!!
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
@9w1ft I cant add to the your post...
You can clearly hear Karlie singing
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Karlie highlighting oat milk lattes in her Instagram “month in a minute” video? 🤔
Savage! I’m cackling. Both of them 😂
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
I CANNOT believe this just happened. This designer mentioned the Kushners and Karlie said oh hell NO and proceeded to get the maddest and most annoyed I’ve ever seen her. I can’t....
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Thinking about how Laverne shot project runway and the yntcd video around the same time.
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
“I’ve been traveling. [Taylor’s] been traveling. No time for boys! (…) We were all playing pool in our ball gowns, and just eating pizza and hanging out—just like you’d do at a teenage afterparty (…) There’s so much to do in New York. I love going to the ballet. Or a bike ride now that it’s warm. There’s a million and a half things to do in New York and that’s why I’m so happy to have her here. 
It’s good to have a friend.”
- Karlie Kloss, in this 2014 Us interview I’m currently dying rereading.
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
so taylor wrote clean about being clean but then ten days later wrote style? so she wasn’t over him then even though clean is about being over someone? what do you think the purpose of style was like it definitely made her fans think she hooked up with harry
Style is an effective summation of the album’s principal themes — it completes the puzzle in retrospect (x). It does not reflect a contemporary desire (nor, as I have argued, does it represent a discrete reality. Instead it reimagines a repeated pattern of behaviour.)
Its title undoubtedly was a provocation intended — with its early publicity — to promote the popular narrative that 1989 is about Harry. But the song itself, I think, had no hidden agenda. It responded to a genuine emotion and was inspired in its immediate context (it was written following Taylor’s return from London in February 2014) by a threefold coincidence: Dianna, London, (In)Style. This I first discussed here (with links) but to recapitulate:
In January 2014, InStyle UK published an interview with Dianna to accompany a photoshoot (entitled The New Trends. This is possibly significant given that Taylor has talked about her initial approach to Style in terms of trends in fashion.) It would still have been on newsstands during her trip to London to write Clean.
The interview had been given in the city in October 2013, during or immediately after Taylor’s (fourth and final) reconciliation with Dianna (x). Importantly, this last iteration of their relationship (probably) concluded in the aftermath of Taylor’s own visit to London in November; subsequently, she was persuaded by Karlie to move to New York. It is interesting in this context that when Taylor returned to London in January 2014 for the first time since her break-up with Dianna, she not only wrote Clean, but commemorated the event by cutting her hair to resemble Karlie’s. Arguably, this recognised London symbolically as the place she broke from her past (with Dianna) and discovered her end game with Karlie.
In May 2017, Dianna posted a picture from the same photoshoot to Instagram with the caption ‘Rebel without a clue,’ a play on the film title ‘Rebel without a Cause,’ one of the few movies in which James Dean appeared.
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no-its-jet-lag · 5 years ago
Make an analysis of Lover and it’s MV. I would especially love to hear your thoughts about the bridge. It’s so heartbreakingly beautiful. 😭🤧
Ok ok. Let’s settle in because I’m going to talk about a lot of stuff in this post.
It’s starts out with the girl sitting on the living room floor of a modest, sort of suburban house on Christmas morning, alone, looking at her new snow globe. Inside the snowglobe is a large house. Taylor said this was inspired by the snow globe mentioned in YAIL, about “her friends” falling in love. Of course I believe YAIL is about when she and KK fell in love. The snow globe metaphor doesn’t really make sense being about anyone else. But it fits kaylor perfectly (VSFS13, and also the glass closet.)
Home is an important theme is this album, especially in this song but I’d also argue that it is what Cornelia St is about. And it’s referenced in INTHAF. Home is a place, but it’s also a feeling. Feels like home. And I think that her person is what feels like home to her. And since they have a secret love, home is the only place they can truly be themselves. Wherever that home is at any given moment.
So having this video for this song, which is the title track of the album and TS has said is her favorite song she’s written, take place in their imaginary home (and a future home with a family) I think is very important.
As we enter the house our first visual is a long zoom into a long hallway full of doors covered in Christmas lights.
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I almost immediately thought of the 1989 tour visuals for IKP:
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I just reblogged a couple of posts about this tour visual which I think is extremely interesting. To summarize, it represents the surreal nature of the closet. IKP was written in Jan 2014 and I believe it is about how she would approach her new relationship with KK, and the tour visuals would have been created after kissgate. When you watch it, please note the Magritte imagery and the panther wearing a Magritte bowler hat, and that there are no panthers anywhere in this song (KK’s fashion nickname is the panther, and Magritte’s main theme in his art is playing with perceptions and the bowler symbolizes hiding in plain sight.)
Another thing I noticed in this tour visual is the hallway turns upside down toward the end: 
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This reminds me of the orange room in the Lover video, which is also a very surreal place.
Ok, so now that we’ve established a link to IKP and that is set in Jan 2014, let’s move into the rest of the video.
We start off with the two of them hanging pictures in the green room. Green represents newness and hanging pictures is symbolic of settling into a new place. In this case, the home represents their early relationship. Next we have them in the surreal orange room, playing games on the ceiling. I’ve mentioned before we have multiple references to them playing games at the start of their relationship. And here they are literally playing games in this upside down, surreal world of the closet. I would also argue that orange girl from the YNTCD MV represents a closeted lesbian who lives in the gaylor park but who doesn’t participate in any of the activities, because she can’t, and she is eating oranges whole, which adds a surrealism to the scene. And of course we have Taylor in orange in the giant cage in the LWYMMD video. So orange=closet. Closet=surreal.
Next we move into the Red room. But first we glimpse the two of them frolicing up the stairs. They are giddy. You can really see the excitement of a new relationship. This is the sort of mood captured in I Think He Knows.
On the wall is a painting of…a fox hunt.
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HANG AWN, is that a IKP reference? 
They dance in the red room and TS sings happily on her guitar. The love interest is wearing a yellow tie and pants that matches TS’ yellow dress. The red room is the only room where their clothes don’t match the color of the room. So I think the yellow clothes are an important symbol of happiness (sunshine/golden) and this may indicate that even though they are in the red room, this love isn’t red, or at least not all red. It’s golden.
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And then we cut to a…blue sink?
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What the heck? why would you show a sink? Just a sink. A close up and a long shot of. a. sink. It must mean something. HANG AWN is that a reference to ships sinking? Well not this time! Ha, you see what I did there? So we’ve moved into the blue room, which contains the fishbowl. TS agreed this room represents 1989 era and that the fishbowl represents her lover jumping into her fishbowl life without hesitation. So what we’ve seen so far is the implementation of the plan from IKP (glass closeting, Tree was hired, they are BFFs to the public.)
We continue switching from room to room showing various scenes of domestic bliss. There’s a lot of dancing. Remember TS called KK her favorite person to dance with.
But then, a change. Instead of just the two of them, now there is a party. It’s new years and they’ve invited others into their home. The love interest’s yellow tie has turned orange
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and Taylor seems to get jealous as another woman hits on him. His reassuring smile should calm her jealousy but instead it leads to a fight. I believe this represents them hiding their relationship from the public. Again, orange represents the closet. So someone is hitting on her love right in front of her because no one knows they are together. I don’t think this is an actual New Years Party scene that happened. In fact I think the whole New Years party theme from NYD and here is a metaphor for the party that was the 1989 era. Gazelessstares did a wonderful post about this over a year ago. It’s also a metaphor for how they don’t necessarily get to spend time together at big events like New Years eve anymore, but they get the metaphorical new years day (the quiet, private day that represents the future.)
So they have a fight. This seems to be a big one. Does it represent one fight or an ongoing argument they have about how to handle things? Either way, the middle part of the video shows this difficulty. The love interest tries to reason with her in the bedroom, but TS is not having it. She goes off to be by herself. We see her in every room playing music alone, while her love interest is agonizing over things in the Red room. Finally the love interest joins TS in the attic. She is surprised and happy he joined her, they reconcile and reflect on all their happy times (watching the home movies.) Once again, we have joy in the relationship. This episode solidfies their status and the rest of the video continues with happy domestic scenes in their home, while they are still sometimes seen in the upside down orange room playing PR games.
Finally, we pull out from their rainbow home and come out of the snowglobe and see that the modest home from the opening scene shows the future. They now have a child and are continuing their domestic bliss as a family.
So in summary, I believe this video is telling the chronoglical story of their relationship, from early 2014 to sometime recently, with a lovely glimpse at what they hope for in their future. The brilliant thing about this is that it almost fits just fine with the Toe narrative. This is of course because the Toe narative was designed to mimic kaylor. But one thing I always find fascinating about I Know Places is that she wrote it in the middle of the night and recorded it the next day, with an urgency to make sure it got on the album. In Jan 2014. And yet, she was publicly single at the time. And then when she got into a public relationship more than a year later, she did not follow the advice from IKP. Nor did she for her next public relatioship, 2.5 years after writing IKP. It was only when she was ready to take a break from public life that she got herself a public secret relationship (an oxymoron, but it’s what we have.) 
This video makes me so soft.
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