Over 18 (but under 21) // male // bit patchy at replying to messages (but try your luck!) // into various heart-related things. If you’re a minor, please leave this page now! I tag posts to try and make this blog more searchable: the main ones are #audio, #video, #text, #dark cardiophilia, and #etc (for off-topic posts).
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
no-i-mean-uh-yes · 1 hour ago
a file from a month or so ago! my heart no longer makes this noise for whatever reason, and tbh i'm quite sad about that :') this was just after a short run, it used to sound like this every time after i did the lightest of exercises, but these days it's much quieter. i guess my heart just got used to me moving around more haha
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 hours ago
"How am I supposed to judge whether or not it's beating normally? I don't know what it should sound like."
"I... hadn't thought about that."
"Yeah, I figured as much."
"Oh, I know! You could listen to your own heart and compare it to mine."
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 8 days ago
6. Do you prefer to listen to be listened to?
That's a tough one! I enjoy both, so it's hard to say which one I prefer. I especially love when someone comments on what they're hearing when they're listening to my heart, though, so that might give the edge to "being listened to".
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 12 days ago
Something more relaxed here: I tried to capture the sight and sound of my heart at rest. I don’t think my heart rate was as low as it is when I’m properly resting, though, since the feeling of my heart shaking the stethoscope kept me a little excited.
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 13 days ago
I'll ask some questions: #1 and 4
1. What is your earliest heart related memory that made you feel funny/fuzzy/flustered?
I can't remember how old I was (I think I was eight or so), but I remember reading the medicine section of a kids' encyclopedia and being strangely interested in the section which described how a stethoscope worked and what it was used for.
4. What’s your ultimate SFW cardiophilia-related fantasy?
That's a tough one! A favourite fantasy of mine is having my heart examined by a cardiophile doctor. They'd explore how my heart behaves at rest as well as in response to exercise and other stimuli, with the help of ultrasound so that they can see exactly what's going on, and they'd tell me what they're hearing and seeing the whole time. The roles would probably reverse at some point, too...
Thanks for the questions!
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 14 days ago
From what I can see, shaming fat on the basis of health had the following affects:
Fat people whose health would benefit from losing weight will try to lose weight, positively affecting their physical health
Some thin people who don't need to lose weight will be unaffected
Some thin people who don't need to lose weight will try to lose weight, negatively affecting their physical health
Fat people whose health would not benefit from losing weight will try to lose weight, negatively affecting their physical health
Fat people with genuine health issues which aren't related to their weight will be dangerously misdiagnosed with "fatness" as a cause instead of actually being treated for their illnesses
All three of those above groups will feel shit about themselves, negatively affecting their mental healths, often dangerously
In short, if you support fat shaming, even for health reasons: fuck you
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 15 days ago
Send me an ask with a number if you want!
Cardiophiles, reblog with your answers so your followers can get to know you! ♡
There are 30 questions, more below the cut!
1. What is your earliest heart related memory that made you feel funny/fuzzy/flustered?
2. When intimating the sound of a heartbeat, how do you do it? Are you a lub-dub, thump-thump, etc person? Or something else?
3. What’s your favourite auscultation point?
4. What’s your ultimate SFW cardiophilia related fantasy?
5. And what about your ultimate NSFW one? (Feel free to skip this!)
6. Do you prefer to listen to be listened to?
7. Have you ever had an awkward moment at a doctor’s appointment?
8. How about any “oh shit, have they clocked that I’m into this?” moment with strangers, acquaintances, friends or family?
9. What’s your most recent heart related experience that gives you the warm fuzzies (in a wholesome, SFW way?)
10. What about in a NSFW way? (Again, feel free to skip this!)
11. Do you love or loathe the effect that caffeine has on your heart (if you drink it)?
12. Do you own a watch that tracks your heart rate?
13. How about any other equipment (e.g. a steth, blood pressure machine, stemoscope, pulse oximeter, etc)?
14. Do you prefer listening to a fast or slow heart rate?
15. Do you prefer having a slow or fast heart rate?
16. Have you ever done anything to purposely make your heart rate speed up or slow down? If so, what?
17. Have you ever stethed someone or taken their pulse outside of a medical scenario?
18. Has anyone done the above to you outside of a medical scenario?
19. Do you tend to hear “are you nervous?” or similar things from doctors because your heart is always beating so fast when they steth you? Do you have white coat syndrome?
20. Have you ever complimented a medical professional on their steth?
21. Has a medical professional ever expressed curiosity about your knowledge of hearts after you've mentioned something that a typical patient wouldn't know?
22. Have you ever told anyone in real life about your interest in hearts?
23. What’s your favourite heart related lyric in a song, or favourite song that gives off cardiophile vibes?
24. Has anyone ever caught you listening to heart audios, stething yourself, etc? If so, how did you explain yourself?
25. Do you have a nickname for your heart?
26. Have you ever had an ECG/echo/stress test, etc?
27. What’s the ultimate comment that someone can make about your heart to fluster you?
28. Do you struggle to say the words “heart”, “heartbeat”, etc aloud?
29. What’s your favourite pulse point on yourself? How about on others?
30. Has anyone ever commented on your heartbeat or pulse being visible?
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 25 days ago
Quick reminder, minors DNI
Just blocked one for commenting on a post. I'm hardline and zero tolerance on this. My content is for adults. I'm not picking through my likes and reblogs but if you're underage commenting on my stuff or reaching out to me, that shit don't fly and you're getting blocked on every platform.
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 26 days ago
There's just something about the way hearts move, that is rarely simulated well in animations, and makes real ones so mesmerizing and arousing to watch. It's hard to precisely describe... Just how the muscle contracts and expands, over and over again, why does it turn me on so much ugh
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 28 days ago
As a follow-up to my last wall sit video, I decided to record my heartbeat and measure my blood pressure while I did a wall sit for as long as I could. My legs got pretty shaky by the end, and the wall sit really made my heart start slamming! The lighting isn’t great, but my heartbeat is visible at apex throughout the video.
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 1 month ago
This is my visible heartbeat after doing some static exercise. My heart had slowed down somewhat by the time I started recording, but as you can see, it was still pounding! The excitement of seeing my apex thrusting out like this (and feeling it under my fingers!) meant that my heart rate stayed elevated the whole time.
How does my heart sound and look?
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 1 month ago
Static exercise really makes my heart pound! I recorded my heartbeat and took my blood pressure while doing a wall sit to see just how hard my heart was working. I don’t think it was a very accurate test, though: the excitement of recording made my heart pound even more, and the feeling of my thrumming heart only got me more excited in turn…
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 months ago
a request to my fellow heart-lovers!
some of us don’t like the dark stuff. some of us don’t wanna see it without warning.
big big love to those of you who already tag such content, but please! if you do not tag your dark content with whatever specific things it contains, please consider doing so!
it will make the experience so much better for those of us who use tag filters if more posts have tags to actually filter them out. <3
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 months ago
ur future nurse is using chapgpt to glide thru school u better take care of urself
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 months ago
sometimes i like to just lay down and steth myself for completely non-sexual reasons. i just like to check how my little sweetie is doing, to give it some attention because i think it deserves it. it's always nice to hear it doing its job, calm, steady and thumpy. i close my eyes and imagine how it may look as it beats. i'm sure it's very pretty, with every part of its intricate little structure working hard to keep me going. i can feel it beating under my palm as i hold the diaphragm against my chest, like it's welcoming my touch. it's silly, but i like to think it's aware of my presence.
a lot of times when i do this i end up dozing off. guess i just can't help it when my little heart sounds so soft and soothing 🩷
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 months ago
Hey babe—
Last time I listened to your heart I thought I heard some abnormalities.
I am a bit worried about you, how often does your heart beat out of rhythm?
I am concerned, I would like to give you a nice thorough exam and listen to each beat or missed beat for that matter. I promise to take my time at each auscultation point. I will focus on hearing your heart contract and see if I can even hear your chambers fill. I will take notes on the speed and strength of your most precious organ.
I may have forgot to mention, that my concern about your heart was more-or-less a concern for myself. I noticed that the sound of your heart beating irregularly made me feral with desire. Each time I heard a struggle in your heart’s rhythm it sent a kick boom straight into my own heart. Hearing your heart work hard to keep up, only made mine pound with pleasure.
I need to see how controlling your heart affects me physically, emotionally. I need to see what I can do to you to get that heart of yours to break its natural metronomic sound.
I want to try it all. A puff of marijuana, pop a couple of adderral, maybe a bump of coke, a punch to the chest, a dagger’s point jousted ever so slightly into your apex, a needle artfully pierced into your pericardium, honestly my depraved mind can come up with endless ways to test your hearts capabilities. But question is, can you handle it? Or rather do you suppose your heart can handle a freak like me?
I decided to wear something that might help the process along…
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no-i-mean-uh-yes · 2 months ago
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